Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,965 Member
    @Veta2018 Speaking of healthy snacks, I ran across the below threads on snacks:
    Here are some threads on snacks...
    Protein snacks: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10884227/whats-your-go-to-protein-snack
    Healthy snacks: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10882745/healthy-snacks

    @txcritter69 Congrats on the new Chromebook! Oh that's good you can make it a multi-functional room. Sorry about the allergies. I think this may be a cold as the allergy medication I usually take (Zyrtec) isn't helping. :(

    @vrafer Congrats on the loss! Sorry about the flu, I hope you feel better soon.

    @TeresaW2024 Thank you! Yes, unfortunately, I still do. Oh gosh, what a way to start the day! I'm glad you were there to catch Joe. Poor guy! I'm glad the pastor will hopefully work out.

    @morenin I hope you feel better soon.

    @19shmoo69 I've heard that new Godzilla movie was fabulous. I hear it is up for an Oscar. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    @Katmary71 LOL not likely, unfortunately! I am starting to think this is more than allergies, as my husband was just sick and my allergy meds are not working. We took Daisy to the vet's yesterday for a checkup and she got her nails trim and did horribly. We heard her trying to bite someone lol. Enjoy decorating the boxes, that sounds fun!

    @micaroo4 I love this! I can't wait to hear what you decide to do.

    @bethanie0825 I hope it doesn't take too long to get covered for the Saxenda. My doctor wanted to put me on it but my insurance wouldn't cover it. Max is gorgeous! He has such an intense look on his face. :) Awww, Riley was a handsome fella, I'm sorry about his loss.

    @megnolia82 I hope you had a blast!

    Hi all. I'm thinking this is a cold not allergies. :( We'll see. I've got some errands to run today. I don't feel like doing anything. I'm making chili today for dinner: it's been cold here lately and it sounds yummy. Enjoy your day!

    No Zero Days: Got healthy groceries, had a protein-packed breakfast

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,369 Member
    Happy Snow/Rainy Sunday!

    Already shoveled the driveway of slush before it freezes over so I got a mini workout in. Need to finish my last assignment but brain doesn’t want to wake up today. Hopefully with copious amount of coffee that will fix that! Meal planning with what I have in freezer for week/month. Should save some $$ that way.

    Have a great day everyone!

    ~ Missy
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,627 Member
    Hi team I forgot to post reminders last night:

    Sunday weigh-ins for today: @badnoodle @DebJB30 @laurelfit57 @sleepygirl79 @txcritter69 @littlebabekitty @JadeGypsyxo @vegan4lyfe2012 Good luck everyone!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 596 Member
    edited January 7
    trooworld Posts:
    Hi all. Here are the results of the survey. Thank you to everyone who filled it out!
    Oh, I like the idea someone had on a question of the day/week. Either icebreaker or health and fitness. That would be interesting.
    @trooworld - Thanks for the snack idea's. It's time I get my dog in for a nail trim too. Lol...And I'm making chilli today.
    @bethanie0825 - Welcome! Those are some handsome dogs. Sorry to hear that Riley is no longer with you. I had a German shepherd that got lymphoma cancer when he was only six. He was the best. I really miss him.
    @Sleepygirl79, @badnoodle, and @morenin - nice job shedding some weight this week.
    Congratulations to @vrafer, @badnoodle , and @tammymccrady6278 for making the winners board.
    @19shmoo69 - Great candy story...hehehe.

    Last night, my mom came over and watched movies with me while my husband was at work.(Stillwater, and Taylor Swift Miss Americana). Then, I got my workout in today while my husband slept. I don't always workout on the weekends when my husband's home, unless I wake up earlier than he does. Now, I'm going to spend the rest of the day reading and put off anything else that might need done till tomorrow.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 488 Member

    Username: laurelfit57
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 151.4
    CW: 150.4

  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 91 Member
    I am going to be traveling 1/10-12, so my participation may be a bit spotty those days. I will try to at least log my meals!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,627 Member
    @micaroo4 Oh I love you playing guitar at the senior center, I think that's a great choice! I haven't heard of that song before (looked it up on YouTube) but I'm sure you'll master the song. You're inspiring me to do something similar.

    @bethanie0825 I hope you'll be able to take Saxenda again soon, last summer sounds awful. Your dogs are beautiful, I'm sorry to hear about you losing Riley.

    @megnolia82 Welcome back, the cruise sounds wonderful! Yes you'll get it off fast, good to see you back I hadn't realized you'd left for it and was wondering what happened to you. What a sweet compliment for the group, honestly joining it and having deeper talks really helped me realize others were going through similar stuff and it's helped me come out of my shell quite a bit first here and then in my daily life. So glad you're part of this awesome team!

    @865jessica Good luck with your goals for today!

    @trooworld Oh no I was hoping you weren't getting sick, shoot! Hahaha Daisy don't bite people! I hope you're feeling better soon and Daisy is enjoying her manicure and pedicure. Enjoy your chili and get some rest.

    @gemwolf110 Happy Sunday! That's a great idea I hope you come up with some good recipes. I made one @trooworld recommended then one @Teresa2024 had made and am eating some delicious food right now!

    @badnoodle Wow that's definitely a win even without the meals out but huge high 5, great job! Hm what about ordering swimsuits in separate pieces? I've done that with Land's End a couple times with tankini pieces. You're ready to start the week off prepared great job! Oh there's no way we could respond on mobile to everything, I used to accidentally backspace and lose everything in the days I'd try to scroll up and down to respond.

    @vrafer @badnoodle @tammymccradt6278 Team winners for the last week, you all did so amazing!

    @19shmoo69 Funny situation with the kids!

    @Veta2018 Great job getting the workout in then spending the rest of the day reading, sounds like a perfect day!

    @morenin Safe travels, hope it's a fun trip!

    Hi team! I worked out then had the Valentine's for Seniors box-making/decorating event, we had a great turnout. Tomorrow's delivering the boxes, work, and my first day of PT. I need to get to Costco soon but not tomorrow, preferably on a non-rainy day so my legs and feet are doing better. Have a great Monday friends.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,627 Member

    @DebJB30 @txcritter69 @littlebabekitty @JadeGypsyxo

    @AmbersWay @Jactop

    Question about questions! Would you like us all to take turns posting questions or would you prefer them from @trooworld @19shmoo69 and I?
This discussion has been closed.