Shape Shifters Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member

    Jan 13= 10983
    Jan 14= 3410
    Jan 15= 2544
    Jan 16=

    Did I miss you signing up for the Step Challenge @abowersgirl ??

    i thought i sent u a mssg but Icould be wrong

    I can add you if you'd like, but I need to know your first name for the chart, your favorite place to walk this time of year and what you want your daily step goal to be. Then, I'll need you to go back and other than the 3 days listed above, make me a list of your steps from Dec 31st to Feb 3rd, which are the tracking days for January and I'll get it filled in. Let me know ASAP. Thanks! If either of us missed it (me and @pupowl), I'm sorry.

    Stephanie, my favorite place to walk is on an indoor treadmill at my school gym (only until it gets less cold, and I want my daily step counter to be 5,000.

    Oh wow, thank you so much

    Dec 31- 4329
    Jan 1- 8735
    Jan 2- 6730
    Jan 3- 8376
    Jan 4- 7892
    Jan 5 - 3025
    Jan 6- 1352
    Jan 7- 2000
    Jan 8- 2568
    Jan 9- 2771
    Jan 10- 12719
    Jan 11- 11560
    Jan 12- 10630
    Jan 13-15 (done)
    Jan 16- 8820
    Jan 17- 6671
    Jan 18 - 6350
    Jan 19- 6857

    @pupowl got you added (THANKS!) and good luck @abowersgirl for the rest of the month...also, each month requires new registration...doesn't carry over which gives you the chance to adjust your daily step goal if you choose. PLEASE report in every 2-3 days...keeps the stat keeping for the Captains to a minimal each day. Thanks!

    Absolutely. Thank you so much for including me. Sorry for the confusion.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,715 Member
    @jessicakrall8 Don't worry about it, look after yourself first! <3
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @nancyinmo I actually think the slow crawl is good- easier to hold onto. Besides, losing over a pound in a week is still significant, more so at a lower weight. I was looking back over my weight loss over the past year and I’ve had several points where I essentially only lost a pound or two over a month.

    I’m still not back to my weight before my race, but I’m getting closer so that’s encouraging. Hopefully if I post a gain Friday it will be small.

    I’ve been skiing every morning since I’ve been back and finally got on the treadmill yesterday. It felt good! Now I’m thinking about Chicago in October!


    1/20. 7267
    1/21 10,111
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,304 Member
    Happy Monday!
    We are more than halfway through January- how are you doing with your goals? Achieving them? Fell to the wayside? It's a cold, snowy couple of weeks in WI - I've had to reset several times including when our frig went and had to wait for a new one
    How do you bounce back from things not going right?
    Would love to hear thoughts/ideas - I've restarted yesterday and moving on....
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 365 Member
    Monday weigh in day
    PW: 138.5
    CW: 138

    Jan 18= 11,737
    Jan 19= 10,544
    Jan 20= 5670
    Jan 21= 5139

    Good Morning, the weather here is starting to warm up to "normal" winter temps. So that's a relief! I've been having a hard time with drinking my water last week, I didn't meet my goal at all. I'm going to try again this week, maybe add some Mio or Lemon to flavor it, and see if that helps. Have a good Monday everyone!
  • nancyinmo
    nancyinmo Posts: 154 Member
    @SavageMrsMoose you’re right. Thanks for the reminder!!
    Keep on going—I’m so inspired by you!!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,155 Member
    PW: 306.4
    CW: 306.0
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,337 Member
    Thank you for joining the Shape Shifters leadership team @LaurieWrobo! I noticed your motivational posts earlier today and thought 🤔: I wonder if Laurie would consider stepping into that role in response to @JessicaKrall8’s request to the team? I appreciate the team leaders and everyone who is supportive and active in the group! In response to your questions—

    How are you doing with your goals?

    I don’t usually make New Year’s commitments but I did set a number of goals in early January, based in eight areas of personal growth: (1) health/ physical, (2) emotional wellbeing, (3) learning/ intellectual, (4) social/ relationships, (5) life purpose/ spiritual (6) career/ vocational, (7) financial, and (8) environmental. Since, I’m working on a number of improvements, I set the start date for some of the changes later in the year — but I guess did make New Year’s commitments for 2024!

    I’ve been doing reasonably well. I started a book club last week so I went to the library last Thursday and it’s been nice to read more! The book group will be social and intellectual so everything doesn’t fit neatly into the different categories but I think it will help me create more life balance.

    How do you bounce back from things not going right?

    When things don’t go as planned, I just try to reset, starting with the next day or just the next decision. Breathing deeply a few times can some times help me concentrate and transition to a new start. Other times, I think about how I can break the goal (or task) down into smaller, more manageable chunks. So, instead of reviewing my whole website for updates, I might settle on one section, etc.

    I’ll look forward to hearing other reports, feedback, and ideas!

    P.S. @JenHul - I’m glad it’s warming up for you. We’re also expecting warmer weather in the coming days. Best wishes for increasing your water intake. I’m also trying my water with lemon today to soothe a cough. My husband told me to try adding his garlic and honey concoction along with the lemon, which I did 🤢. I like garlic, and I like honey, but I’ve decided to stick with just lemon and honey, without the garlic! 👍🏼

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,304 Member

    It is my pleasure to welcome @lauriewrobo to our Shape Shifters Team Leadership as our newest Motivator! Please join me, @pupowl and @Cyncia85 in welcoming Laurie to her new position and I know she's going to make a positive addition in this role.

    Welcome Laurie and thanks for volunteering! Looking forward to new ideas and discussions!


    Thank you for the warm welcome - I appreciate it 😊
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,304 Member
    edited January 23
    Thanks @PatriceFitnessPal - I appreciate the welcome and your answers 🥰
    Those are the areas of the Wheel of Life that I have been given in my Real Appeal program!
    Today was a day - I had an upset tummy all day from my dental appt so way overate on carbs to keep nausea at bay - tonite I'm feeling better so drinking alot of non- sugar iced green tea - tomorrow will be a better day
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,353 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Sun 1/21: 6,650
    Mon 1/22: 12,124
This discussion has been closed.