Shape Shifters Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 306 Member
    edited January 25
    During a meeting today, one of my colleagues used a prompt to enter ‘one word for 2024’ in a Mentimeter poll and then it formed a “wordle” picture of all the words, with the words appearing larger and more prominently if multiple people entered the same ones. It was a good ice breaker to gauge the mood of our participants in preparation for a heavy topic we were covering.

    Many people selected “love” and “kindness” but we also saw “stress” and other words that concerned me a bit. Teachers and mental health clinicians are feeling really over worked and undervalued these days; but, according to our research findings, they are also hopeful about the future. We’ll just keep trying to support them so they can continue to support the students, staff and families! I’m reminded of the famous quote by the Chinese philosopher Lao-Tze:

    "Watch your thoughts; they become words.
    Watch your words; they become actions.
    Watch your actions; they become habits.
    Watch your habits; they become character.
    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

    -- Lao-Tze

    I’ve never read Lao-Tze’s book, Tao-Te-Ching so I think I’ll add it to my reading list for the future.

    @PatriceFitnessPal - I recall a past post of yours that spoke to your profession. I believe you are a consultant now, is that right? Can you remind me or share a little bit more about what you do?

    I am currently in school and taking a Program Evaluation course. I'm curious if what you do in related to Program Evaluation.
  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 306 Member
    Hello Shape Shifters! Here’s my weekly weigh-in report —

    Name: Patrice
    Weigh-in day: Thursday
    PW: 143.9
    CW: 143.0

    SW: 168
    Ltd: 25 pounds

    This was a good week on the nutrition side of the weight-loss equation. I stayed within my calorie target range and my macro-nutrition percentages felt good this week (48% carbs, 29% fat, 23% protein). I’d like to increase my protein while reducing carbs and fat but I’m making progress. Sometimes I struggle to get at least 20% protein into my diet so I’m improving!

    I’ve had a cough this week that interrupted my sleep a bit. I was also busy with some work projects, and weather conditions disrupted my workout routine. Soccer and rowing were cancelled a couple of days due to snow-covered fields and delayed opening of school buildings, which prevented me from exercising those days. I’m looking forward to a rowing trip to Florida this weekend to reset my routine and enjoy time on the water. I hope everyone is doing well and feeling good about the week - enjoy!

    Hi it's me again :)
    I understand these challenges so much! Hitting the protein goal and having workouts disrupted by work and weather. I hope you enjoy sunny Florida!
  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 306 Member

    Say it with me,
    "I am transforming my body and mind through exercise."
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,304 Member
    Let me know what you come up with @Cyncia85 - I'm interested to hear😊
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 414 Member
    I saw the question about word of the day earlier today and I've been pondering what it should be since.

    I think I have landed on patience. Patience with myself as I continue to grow as a person. Patience as I work towards my fitness/health goals. Patience with my family. I have 2 year old twins with some delays (speech and walking, no diagnosis yet other than delayed) and I have to remind myself regularly to be patient with their slow but steady progress. And of course patience with caring for 2 toddlers in general.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,304 Member
    edited January 26
    Zaxa2021 wrote: »
    I saw the question about word of the day earlier today and I've been pondering what it should be since.

    I think I have landed on patience. Patience with myself as I continue to grow as a person. Patience as I work towards my fitness/health goals. Patience with my family. I have 2 year old twins with some delays (speech and walking, no diagnosis yet other than delayed) and I have to remind myself regularly to be patient with their slow but steady progress. And of course patience with caring for 2 toddlers in general.

    It sounds very thought out and is suited for you 💕💕💕
    Remember to put a post-it note maybe on your mirror or in the kitchen somewhere that you are reminded every day😊
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 271 Member
    After reading what you wrote about finding a "word of the year". The word that popped in my head, without even thinking about it, was "empowered ". I believe that words fits me this year.

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,304 Member
    edited January 26
    To go along with your word for the year have you created a vision board for 2024? It's a fun project - lots of ideas on Pinterest - I bought a vision bulletin board from Amazon and my daughter-in-law had Vision Board books that you can cut out words along with pics those are on Amazon.
    I've attached mine and have it on my workspace desk to look at every day
    It's something fun to do and helps to chase away the Winter
    Let me know if you're going to create one for 2024😊
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 351 Member
    Please excuse my weigh in for this week as I’m out of town.
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 925 Member
    Hi all,I like the idea of a word for the year but maybe once a month to add a subtitle word also.Im thinking about my word but at the moment it is FRUSTRATION.
    I was excited to learn from my fellow head Garmin badge earner @frankwbrown that some new Dance badges were been added.As I have been to my Dance class 5 times this week I have been unable to record the activity to receive the badge.
    I've looked at various discussions on line to change the cardio to dance which I've done but still no badges.
    Do you know how to display this page on the Garmin app @frankwbrown or can anyone else help ?9cdrdxs5m0vn.png
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,351 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Tue 1/23: 11,906
    Wed 1/24: 16,908
    Thu 1/25: 15,678
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,351 Member
    January week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday, January 26
    PW: 242.0
    CW: 243.8 ( gained 1.8 lbs; 0.74%)
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    Wed. 25- 5654
    Thursday 26- 6787
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,808 Member
    Previous weight-182.6
    Current weight-185

    Ugh. I didn't work out, we had a cold snap and it was -40 out, so I hibernate, lol
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 925 Member
    Sat weigh in
    PW 139.9
    CW 139.9

    Scales stuck this morning.
    My steps
    1/24 17,555
    1/25 20,588
    1/26 9,158
    Did you miss my post @frankwbrown ? 🙂
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 271 Member
    I worked out this week but I had an unhealthy snack yesterday. I'm disappointed in myself for it. :( I know the weight gain isn't that much. But it's still a gain. I'm here to lose not gain. Just just seems like I can't get out of the 200's!

    weigh in: Saturday
    PW: 205
    CW: 205.7
This discussion has been closed.