Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 101 Member
    Finally saw my primary car doctor concerning my left shoulder and neck. She suggested a cervical pillow, an x-ray of my neck and prescribed steroids for inflammation. The steroids have helped significantly and I ordered and received my cervical pillow. I used it last night and had one of my best nights of sleep. I got the x-ray done and it came back normal. She suggested seeing a chiropractor but I'm going to continue with physical therapy. I've heard some scary stories concerning chiropractors and when it comes to my neck I don't want to risk it.

    During a Zombie apocalypse I would have my husband, brother and kids. My husband is clever and has a great mind for fixing problems no matter what they are. My brother has been in the army almost 20 years and has many survival skills. Then of course I have to have my kids (all three) because I can't be with out them.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @txcritter69 Yay for spring weather! What kinds of herbs are you going to plant? I am planting grape tomatoes and maybe I'll use my Aerogarden to plant some herbs. Oh wow, that chicken looks good! I made something similar on the stovetop last week that was good. Good luck with the house cleaning and have fun with dear Diesel!

    @askewcr Way to go! You should be very proud of yourself. High five!!!

    @laurelfit57 It is now! Thanks. I hope you enjoyed the outside time. I'm glad you got some good sleep.

    @morenin Oh good. I'm glad to hear that. I hope the storm passes quickly.

    @TeresaW2024 Thanks, I did meet the new one and she's very nice and thorough. She reminds me of the old dentist. That's good you have reliable dentist people! Yeah, me too lol...I would trip for sure and fall and we'd all be dead. :D I'm sorry about your wrist. That sounds painful. I hope the wrist support helps. That does sound like a frustrating day. re: your lack of losing, you are probably building up muscle + you are going through a lot. I think you need to give it time and stay the course. I use those Swedish dishcloths, they are great! They last a lot longer than smelly sponges. LOL I know what you mean, I'm the same way!

    @Veta2018 Nice weather! That's great you got so many steps in. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Do you have asthma?

    @Katmary71 Ah okay. I'm glad you were better yesterday. My hand is better, thanks. Back to normal! LOL I am loving these zombie apocalypse answers!!!

    @AustinRuadhain I agree about bringing the pets! Although mine would definitely get us killed because they bark at people lol.

    @19shmoo69 Makes total sense. And I didn't even see anything to think you were picking on someone. Very thoughtful answer.

    @865jessica I'm glad the cervical pillow helped.

    Hi all. I have a busy day today with lots of stuff I need to get done. I cleaned the car already, so I can check that off the list. I am going for a new pair of shoes at lunchtime because I have a coupon. I had a gain this week which bums me out but it's probably from that little Italy day that I enjoyed so much. :(

    No Zero Days: Ate the meals I planned.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 233 Member
    @askewcr Congrats on your loss

    @laurelfit57 Listing to your body is a good thing. I hope you enjoyed your day outside with the pups. Great job on tracking. I am slacking on that. plan to fix that.

    @TeresaW2024 You are right about getting things done. Yesterday I moved all the stuff out of the living room and vac and mopped. rearranged a few things to give it a different look. Not sure what today holds. I am sorry about your wrist. I hope you take it easy and give it time to heal. I am with you on the weight lost. I lost 5 lbs last yr only to gain them back over the winter. We can only keep pushing forward. As long as the scale works it way down in the long run it is progress. We did not gain it overnight, we will not lose it overnight. Just regroup, are you losing inches, if you are toning it will not show on the scale. 80% percent is diet. Take a look at what you are eating and go from there. I am sorry about what you are going through with Joe. That is hard and very stressful. Praying for you daily.

    @Veta2018 Your day outdoors sounded productive and I am sorry you are now not feeling well. I hope you get better real soon.

    @AustinRuadhain what about pets I love my diesel to death but he would attract them with his barking so he would not last long.

    @trooworld I planted Basil, Cilantro, Parsely, Rosemary, Thyme, and Sage. Going to plant either grape or cherry tomatoes. whatever I can find in the garden section of the stores.

    @morenin Thanks for picking me. I found this site on youtube called "Mandy in the Making" and she is pretty down to earth about making and trying recipes. I have been learning a lot with her. Also found a website Eatingwell 101 which is where the chicken recipe came from.

    @Katmary71 The garden was so hard to keep up during the summer heat with restrictions on water. I was charged more for using over a certain amount. I want to take the RV out this yr and I have no one I can rely on to care for it when gone. Thanks for thinking of my hubby for your team. I wish I could have been there to see y'all trying to get the goat out of the greenhouse. Your day with the 2 charity members sound like it went well and its ok to have the samples at a bakery. Sometimes we need to just enjoy life.

    Here is the recipe for the chicken.

    Today I slept in and it was needed, the last few days were busy around the house. Today will be a bit slower paced. It is leftover for dinner tonight so no cooking. The sun is out and I am going to take advantage of it and spend some time with Diesel outside. I am so loving our weather. I am also going to start looking for somewhere to go the first week of March. It is camping time.

    "Today, I Choose To Be HAPPY"😃
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 95 Member
    Would I be able to switch my weigh in day from Sunday to Thursday? Now that I have date nights on Friday, worrying about my salt for Sunday weigh ins is stressful. I already have a weight for yesterday.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    @19shmoo69 - your post did make sense. I enjoyed the summary of all the questions! Thank you!

    Zombies- I was going in a crazy direction with this like "I'd like Ironman to be one of my people". but I mean... really- why would you want to go through something like that without your loved ones? And pets. I'm with @micaroo4 that I'm not going to be a prepper and try to survive something that awful.

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    I asked my #2 son the zombie question. His answer was Superman, Wolverine and Poison Ivy. Superman because he's Superman. Wolverine because he cannot get sick. He's literally immune to everything. Poison Ivy because she can grow food.
    I said people you know. He then looks at me like I'm supposed to know that he knows them. Ugh! Teens.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Hope you’re able to get in more exercise today, I was surprised to see red! Five floors is great as it pushups and great food record!
    @19shmoo69 Definitely the people you pick in different situations would change. I’d honestly spent the morning chatting the the farm manager and had thought we’d have a awesome farm but we’d need protection too! Your wife sounds awesome I’m glad she’s in your corner as is your pastor and his wife. I didn’t think you were picking on anyone no worries. I’m glad to see you back throwing out your fun questions btw! I’m with your son when you read or watch certain characters they ARE real after awhile!

    @865jessica That’s GREAT news on your pillow helping so much! I had forgotten about using a pillow between my knees for sleeping and when I started doing it again I was sleeping through the night. A friend sent me a neck pillow when it was acting up and it’s helped so much too. I hope the steroids help a lot. I like your doctor, she did something to help you now (steroids), something that will make a long-term improvement (pillow), and a just-in-case x-ray.

    @trooworld That’s good news on the new dentist I hope you grow to like her. Now I have Swedish Dishcloths on my wish list from you and @TeresaW2024 ! can’t stand smelly sponges! I hope you find some great shoes! Hey that little Italy day was worth it you’ll get back down.

    @txcritter69 That’s understandable on the garden, if I was your neighbor I’d be happy to water for you! LOL the greenhouse and animals (pigs and goats) were funny because they kept running up to the door staring at us! Do you have room to gather rain over winter and spring? That may be a way around water restrictions. We had real strict ones when I was little and had to have a bucket in the tiny shower. Thanks! Enjoy the outdoor time!

    @morenin sure I’ll let @jugar know.

    @Cornanda Funny on the zombie answers, if your family, friends, and pets were gone it would be pretty awful.

    Hi team! Been on the go today, I’m headed to my neighbor’s for dinner so I’m checking in now. Made it to Costco, the holistic place, my brother’s to check on the chickens, and spread compost in the yard, plus did my workout when I first got up. I have to go back out in a minute and water too as it’s been nice enough to need watering. I keep being hesitant to say it but I’m getting improvement in my feet. They were a little better after surgery then went back to being bad, the last couple days I’ve been able to feel my toes underneath (the cramping is loosening but still can’t move toes independently). It’s a great sign though so all this time doing treatments is helping. Have a great night and awesome Saturday!

    No Zero Days
    -Good workout
    -Healthy food
    - great day overall
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    Still need: @Jactop @bethanie0825 @buniphuphu

    Tomorrow Reminder for: @865jessica @Digger61 @gemwolf110 @tammymccrady6278 @vrafer
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,247 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 130.0
    CW: 129.6
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 101 Member
    Weigh in Day- Saturday
    PW- 244.8
    CW - 243.2
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,413 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 215.2
    Today’s Weight: 215.6
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    edited February 24
    morenin wrote: »
    Username: morenin

    Weigh in day: Thursday

    SW: 255
    PW: 225
    CW: 219.9

    @morenin Right now your weigh in for this last Sunday is 225 which is the start of the last week on the spreadsheet (it's Sunday-Saturday), today is Saturday so I'm not logging this weigh in unless you're not planning to weigh in this upcoming Thursday, you weigh in on Thursdays now so are you just posting it for yourself? I'm not understanding why you posted it (but it's an incredible weigh in wow!!!!). If your weigh in day now is Thursday can you please give it to me on Thursdays starting this upcoming one? You haven't been moved to Thursday yet but I'm guessing it will happen today as I put in the request last night, The only other thing I can do with the weigh in is put it for last Sunday but as it's Saturday already I'd suggest waiting until this upcoming Thursday on your weigh in day. Hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Freakin awesome drop!
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 95 Member
    @Katmary71 Okay, so I record next Thursday then, right?
This discussion has been closed.