Mardi without the Gras - March Accountability Thread



  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member

    @Kitri2020 : Nice running goals.

    @mightybunky : Definitely to feel Stronger and sexier. It's amazing how even a couple pounds makes us feel sexier. I think that what takes the fun out of eating out is that the restaurants seem to think we should only eat carbs and grease and they never give a balanced meal an option on the menu. The menu options should be (IMO) protein + Green Veggies + Fruit. where as they offer: Protein + Carb + Carb+Sugar.

    @scienceofteaching Bass and Cello - nice! I hope you enjoyed the extra time with family. Its great they came to see you play. I used to play Clarinet (but was not good at it, admittedly) I enjoyed the camaraderie of being in concert and marching band during high school. My 2 children were also in band all 4 years of high school. I can mess around with the piano (had a year or so of lessons). and I enjoy the flute, (had a year of lessons there also). Cool that you keep your skills fresh.

    The scale - I had to forego the scale for the past 9 months as I started getting too much anxiety in my head and every weigh in was an over eat day...which daily isn't a good trajectory. That lead into a $h!tty attitude, guilt, shame, sadness that was projected on my family. I just wasn't happy. So I started to search online and came across an instagram lady that was 'speaking to me'. That was the beginning of me trying to take babysteps towards a healthy mind.

    There was a point in our lives when we didn't measure, count or think of food. we ate when hungry, stopped when full. Even if that was just half way thru a piece of cake. And we played and did things and didn't over exercise. Why did that all work, because we didn't put food on a pedestal. We never thought of "this is my last last meal". or "I am never having xyz again".

    So today, I did weigh in, as an impromptu weigh in and I'm okay with it. I'm still going to eat what my rational brain said to eat when I made my plan this morning. I'm becoming more normal around food - small baby steps.

    And, I purposefully have been upgrading my clothing so that I buy new items to make me feel special.
    Today I decided to wear my daughters jeans. I think she decently thin & she looks so cute in I put them on and they fit me! So I must indeed be at an okay weight as well. I also feel really strong this morning. I did my Chest workout and have increased weights by 5-7# on most sets. And I took front/back/side photos to give to my online coach.

    My goal would be to drop a couple pounds so that when I look in the mirror I think I'm a smidge more defined. But, overall, I'm getting to the point that I don't mind how I look in the mirror half naked most days. And i'm enjoying my outfits more as well.
  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    @SherryRueter - that's so true about eating when hungry. I think part of my problem though is I got into my head that I couldn't be hungry, that I had to eat immediately I felt my stomach rumble. Which does not lead to healthy choices. So part of getting back on track for me, as well as logging to understand what I'm eating, is accepting that it's ok to feel hungry for a little while before a meal, and not to feel completely stuffed when I finish. Ideally, but these are goals for many months away, I'd like to have a standard set of meals that I know will keep me on target if I pick from them and then not stress about going off plan occasionally, as long as the scale doesn't start to tick up again.

    Sounds like you are in a pretty good place physically but need to work out psychologically what works to keep you there or a bit lower without stressing you out too much. And if you're happy looking at your body that's so important, I hadn't been looking for a while and definitely not happy when I do now :s

    @Kitri2020 - you are more of a runner than I ever was. Do you enjoy it? I know it's the one thing that reliably shifts and stabilises my weight, so I always come back to it for that reason, but I wish there was something else that worked as well.

  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Good morning, Ladies.
    It’s Monday, so I guess my diet starts today?

    I’m kidding, but February turned out to be beast. I didn’t have time or energy for exercise, didn’t stay on track with diet enough to lose anything, BUT I comfortably maintained, so that is a win. I had a couple of things I had to dress up for last month and was happy that things are fitting better. I had a formal event this weekend and felt good in my dress.
    I don’t think March will be as busy as Feb was. My goal is to lose at least 5lbs by May. My daughter is graduating mid month and then two weeks later we are going on a big tropical vacation, so I really want to feel good in photos that we will look back at for years to come.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    I love this idea @mightybunky
    a standard set of meals that I know will keep me on target if I pick from them

    for a while we have had "Burger Monday"
    Taco Tuesday (Which turned into Mexican Tuesday)
    and Pizza Sunday.

    All of those I normally have a salad, just the meat topping changes. That way I don't have carbs from bread.

  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    That's so cool, do you play in an orchestra? I always find it hard planning around doing stuff in the evening, taking food with you is such a good idea. I was out for dinner on Saturday night and I managed it by checking the menu online first so I could plan what to eat there and for the rest of the day to keep on target. Does kind of take the fun out of it though...

    I mostly play school musicals/concerts at my school and a few other schools. I also fill in for a symphony when they need more bassists. They're way out of my league musically, so that is a great challenge for me and pushes me to improve.
    I do the same with prepping from the menu ahead so that I can estimate what I should eat for the rest of the day to stay on target. Or at least, most of the time I do. Sometimes I just call it a cheat day and don't log or worry about it. But I try not to do that too often!
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    We had amazing spring-like weather today, so I had to get outside. Had a really busy day at work and then tutoring afterward, so I didn't have much daylight left. But it felt so amazing to run outside instead of on my treadmill. And I got to wear SHORTS! Even if it was a short run, it felt great.
    And then I found my mom and cousin walking at the same park, so I guess they had the same idea that I did with the beautiful weather.
  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member

    I do the same with prepping from the menu ahead so that I can estimate what I should eat for the rest of the day to stay on target. Or at least, most of the time I do. Sometimes I just call it a cheat day and don't log or worry about it. But I try not to do that too often!

    I'm out for lunch today and no online menu so might find myself doing this. Decent deficit from last couple of days though and I worked out this morning so hopefully won't put me too much off track 🤞🏻

    Hoping to fit back into my running shorts by the time we get some spring weather here in the UK!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    so that I can estimate what I should eat for the rest of the day to stay on target. Or at least, most of the time I do. Sometimes I just call it a cheat day and don't log or worry about it. But I try not to do that too often!

    Another way to do this that I read about a while back:
    Start at the meal you ate out, and call that the FIRST meal of the day. Then keep logging the next 24 hours as if that's your day. ... Kind of a running total.
    Use a "Paycheck" method and set a 5 or 7 day calorie budget - You get your Calories "paid to you" every Friday, and then track your "calorie spending" making sure you don't over spend!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    edited March 5
    @scienceofteaching - yay on sorts and a run outside. YES - its so therapeutic for the soul
    @MightyBunky - How was lunch? When does spring come in the UK?

    Being in Memphis TN. Spring is already here. Wore shorts over the weekend - could yesterday, but opted for capri leggings, we were in the lower 70's and sunshine.

    Today I did a real weigh in and was at 107.6 - Isn't it amazing what pizza sunday can do?

    Early 53 and 5 days ;) 5'-1" (ish)
    SW (01.2024) - 109# (ish)
    Highest Wt. - 175. (July 1999)
    Jan 31 Weigh in: 107.0
    March GW - 106.0
    Final GW - 104 lbs

    Mar 4th - 108.4 *impromptu weigh in. Did not restrict or diet leading up to this.
    March 5th - 107.6 *Ate when hungry yesterday ✅

    March Goals:
    1) Workout with BODi Dig Deeper - Collection 3
    2) Get in PiYo/Yoga once each week (7, 14, 21, 28)
    March 1st ✅
    3) Hit 100 oz water daily ✅
    4) Hit my protein goal 85% of the time. (26 of 31 days)
    Hit: Mar: 1,2,3,4
    5) Hit Food tracking 90% of the time (28 of 31 days)
    Hit Mar: 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 71 Member
    @Kitri2020 - you are more of a runner than I ever was. Do you enjoy it? I know it's the one thing that reliably shifts and stabilises my weight, so I always come back to it for that reason, but I wish there was something else that worked as well.

    I definitely like running, but i also fund myself putting it off (like this week). I used to weight-lift the majority of my workouts and do little running or swimming but now ive gotten rid of my gym membership so ive been trying to making running my main exercise again.

    I would weight lift still but i wasnt making it out to the gym enough to make it worth the cost when i could just take a run around the neighborhood. I average 1-2hrs at the gym plus driving versus 2-3miles around the neighborhood just takes 30minutes.

    I have done a couple yoga videos too. I like those. Havnt figure out if i should do it before or after running yet.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    Kitri2020 wrote: »
    I would weight lift still but i wasnt making it out to the gym enough to make it worth the cost

    If you have a couple weights (light/med) a great Youtube channel is Caroline Girvan. Amazing workouts with weights. Huge following on Facebook, and now has her own app. But seriously, the Youtube content is the bomb.

  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 71 Member
    If you have a couple weights (light/med) a great Youtube channel is Caroline Girvan. Amazing workouts with weights. Huge following on Facebook, and now has her own app. But seriously, the Youtube content is the bomb.

    Thanks! I did briefly look at some of her videos when you and a couple other members mentioned her. I struggle with finding a place to start so what video series of her would you recommend??
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    @kitri2020 I'll give you a couple options.

    1) If you do not have any weights at home, this is a good option. Its all bodyweight (as far as I am aware).
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 71 Member
    @SherryRueter thank you! Ill check then out
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    @SherryRueter thanks for the recommendations! I've heard of Caroline girvan as well, but like @Kitri2020 , I didn't know where to start.
    Usually when I do weights, I just kind of make up a routine based on what I remember from gym class in high school haha
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    March starts my husband's coaching season, so he runs practices in a park near our school for 2 hours mon-thurs. I like to come with him so that we can drive together in the morning. Then, while he's at practice I run or walk for 30-45 minutes, then do grading/planning for work until he's done. Or sometimes I take the car and run our errands.
    Today, I decided to challenge myself to do a 5k. I've been doing 1-2 miles of run/walk intervals on the treadmill over the past two months, but haven't run a 5k since last March according to my watch.... I still had to do intervals of walking and running, but my pace was 10 minutes shorter than last year at this time. My running intervals are longer and my walking intervals are shorter than last year.

    I'm proud of myself for gaining strength and stamina! Hoping to keep it up and keep breaking my personal records as I get stronger!
    Tomorrow it goes back to rain and chilly weather, so I'm really trying to soak up the sun right now!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    IF you have weights at home, I recommend starting with her EPIC program.
    Then she has Epic I, II and III as well as Endgame (going off of memory).
    She has amazing programs.
  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    @MightyBunky - How was lunch? When does spring come in the UK?
    Hmmm mostly liquid... Was quite good on menu choices but complicated and not worth logging in the circs, have logged the champagne though. Will see how it all shows up on scales next few days.

    Spring officially starts in a couple of weeks, but shorts outdoors here would be brave before May!

  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    I have a few weights. Just dumbells, nothing fancy. I have a few different weight sets of them. Will those work for the epic program?