Airport VIP Lounge Chat



  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,988 Member
    edited March 27
    Welcome to all new Airport Friends and Welcome Back to all returning fliers.

    Insight Timer Quote: I make myself rich by making my wants few.—Henry David Thoreau
    I AM: I choose to be kind to myself.
    Action for Happiness: Appreciate nature around you, wherever you are.
    Happy National Theater Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.—Tommy Lasorda
    Day 27/31 2 miles a day in March.
    Day 86 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.03 miles yesterday.
    Off again today so getting my 2 miles a day in this morning and Active Recovery walk before heading out of town shopping then will get mobility and my evening walk later.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,710 Member
    edited March 27
    Today was spent at drs. offices. Had my vascular test, then went for blood tests for dermatologist, then picked up a prescription. It made a long day and even though I didn't do anything, I am tired.

    Today's inspiration:
    To raise new questions, new possibilities,
    to regard old problems from a new angle,
    requires creative imagination.
    - Albert Einstein
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,189 Member
    @LaetitiaLouise, HAPPY to have you with us!! Sparks closed August 17, 2021. I am so happy that we relocated over to MFP!! It was not an easy choice between the sites we looked at, but we absolutely wanted it to be international. You'll notice a few big changes, but once you adjust they make sense. To let somone know you've mentioned them if you a @ before name it'll tag them. YOu can put Pictures and GIFs in here!coc4wmh92nv0.gif

    Ask us any questions and once you get onto your team, continue to ask! Its an easier way to learn.
    @Sableness LOLOL Aww POOR Eve!! LOLOL! Oscar and Izzy are fast sleep, I am okay with that!! I hope you are okay after the skin peel? I live in Maine, on the coast and yes we lost electricity as did most others. Hehehehe learned an eon if you reather your power comes on ASAP live near the police/fire station. We are on the same line as they are. I am dealing with a cold now.
    @walkintofit so happy to see you again. I had wondered about you!! I am so sorry you've been through so much. Huge, okay MAJOR changes there!!
    @Tabatha_Cain TY TY for coming with us from Sparks to MFP and also being a leader with Fit Force, of course, you know ,,we love the competition with you all on Positively Strong 4 Life! I hope you can get the memberships!
    @Laetitiallouise were you on the 5% If so, what was your screen name? of course, some of us may know you any ways if you weren't.
    @christianaderw , WELCOME to the 5% Challenge!! We are delighted you saw about our group. The support is tremendous!! GREAT to all of you who were able to also remember to sign up under the
    🎫🎟 Still Need a Team? Sign Up Only Here 🎫🎟 New Members are Welcome!! Whichever team you end up on no doubt will be thrilled to have you with them!
    @Patti241, HI Patti! We hope you enjoyed the day. MORE RAIN coming for us huh? I know you're down the coast quite a bit (LOL and states! but STILL!! ENOUGH RAIN!! Here in Maine we've had more rain this month than any other March on records!
    @Macrat12, WOOHOO CHEERING you on the with exercise! WTG!
    @Kurtize, it's great to get that done!! Hopefully you'll not have to go back soon to the Drs!!

  • Sableness
    Sableness Posts: 1,209 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 So true; our last home was near a major highway, and our power always came back on ASAP. Here, not so much, but we have solar panels and a backup battery to run essentials like the coffee pot!
    @walkintofit Love the card you received. Someone gave me a boxed set of cards with that one in it. I still have the pretty box. HUGS
    @Tabatha_Cain Hope you meet that quota without stress!

    We had a good rain this afternoon, and it’s still dripping. I hope it keeps up. I love the sound of gentle rain at bedtime. For dinner we had salmon, big salads, with mulberries from our backyard tree for yummy dessert. This was day 5, and my poor skin went into overdrive on peel and shed mode. I can’t imagine people having this done on their face. Mine was between my bra line and neck; never again unless urgently medically necessary. I’ve been slathering aloe on it. The lotion I was supposed to use didn’t agree with me.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,871 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you all are having a good morning. Today is Thursday and it is so weird that the week is going by so quickly. At least that is how I feel. Today is going to be busy. I have an early physical this morning and then my therapy at lunch time. I have to be to work at 8:15 so I am hoping my doctor is on time today. That is something I would love to have happen. I just need her to be on time. I am still working on the memberships, but I know I will get there by the end of the year. I want to get premier performer and I need to bust butt to do that.

    @christianaderw - The teams are really motivating. I wish you luck. Have you picked your team yet?
    @Kurtize - I feel you. I feel so darn tired some days. Hopefully that bloodwork comes back as you expect it to.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Thank you. We love the competition as well. On break though it is nice to be one big team. I miss that part of the breaks. I too hope I get caught up on the memberships.
    @Sableness - Thank you. I hope I do to. I am so sorry. I never understood those skin peels. Unless the dermatologist recommended them due to skin cancer risks. Good luck on your healing. Glad you had a gentle rain. Ours was a bit agressive.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,696 Member
    Diane: Yeah we had a lot of rain here yesterday.
  • chansen_2000
    chansen_2000 Posts: 260 Member
    Hi All,

    I know tax season has kept me quite busy the last couple of weeks, so I guess I've missed a lot.
    I don't see anything about the start of the new challenge, I had it on my calendar for April 6th, is that correct?
    If I've missed it, I"m sorry.
    Please let me know if I'm still able to participate.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,988 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.—Robert Breault
    I AM: I am patient with myself and accept positive change takes time.
    Action for Happiness: Notice when you’re tired and take a break as soon as possible.
    Happy National Something on a Stick Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.—Novak Djokovic
    Day 28/31 2 miles a day in March.
    Day 87 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.69 miles yesterday.
    Off again today so getting my 2 miles in now then gym workout after breakfast then home for shower and mobility this afternoon and 60 min walk after dinner/before church.
    TEXASTITCHER Posts: 7,513 Member
    I just sent out invitations to the Spring 2024 Rain Dancer Team. Please check for it and accept promptly. Practice week starts on Saturday
  • LaetitiaLouise
    LaetitiaLouise Posts: 44 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I was ChicChantal on Sparkpeople, frillier name on here. My actual name is one dull syllable so I wanted something better. Call me LL for short.
  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 8,302 Member
    @chansen_2000 - You've not missed it. Invitations to the Spring teams began going out this morning and I've seen at least half the teams have posted their invitations have been sent. I've not seen that announcement yet for your team, but it should definitely be sometime today or tomorrow. Please watch your Community Groups for your invitation. Practice Week begins on Saturday and the official Challenge begins on April 6th.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,710 Member
    Happy Thankful Thursday, nice day but very, very windy. Don hates the wind. Oh well. Not much new here. Just being lazy, good to get out of system before challenge starts. Hugs all have a great rest of the day.

    today's daily inspiration:
    As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand
    that it is the common, everyday blessings of our common everyday lives
    for which we should be particularly grateful.
    They are the things that fill our lives with comfort and our hearts with gladness --
    just the pure air to breathe and the strength to breath it;
    just warmth and shelter and home folks; just plain food that gives us strength;
    the bright sunshine on a cold day; and a cool breeze when the day is warm.
    - Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,651 Member
    @katiejane77777, @Katynben52, @QQRacha, @Ronnie_happy2ranch, @RuthieMJones, @shyjoy, @y2kotic4u1 Looking forward to your arrival on the PS4L Airlines! Please accept your invitation ASAP!
  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 8,302 Member
    @Keepwalkingyoudingdong and @tracydegraaf1 - your invitations to join Mission Slimpossible for the Spring Challenge have been sent. Please accept as soon as possible since Practice Week begins tomorrow. See the post above this one for how to find your invitation, or follow this link to go directly to the Spring Mission Slimpossible team. We're excited to have you join us!
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,696 Member
    Good morning everyone. Still early so I have not got much going on.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,988 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.—Oscar Wilde
    I AM: I am thankful for the friends and family who enrich my life every day.
    Action for Happiness: Choose a different route today and see what you notice.
    Happy National Piano Day!!!
    Happy National Vietnam War Veterans Day!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.—Christian D. Larson
    Day 29/31 2 miles a day in March.
    Day 88 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.48 miles yesterday.
    Off again today so getting in my 2 miles now then after breakfast off to the gym for Biceps/Triceps + Murph Prep WOD then home for a shower and start laundry. I’ll get my mobility and 60 min walk after dinner/before church at 7PM. Will also drink my reds and greens before church and dry scoop my magnesium after church.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,710 Member
    Happy and blessed Good Friday.

    Today's Inspirational quote: "To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try." — Rosa Parks
  • HealthyBarb1
    HealthyBarb1 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Hi All!! I just wanted to post a note on our group team thread about our change from 8 weeks to 10 weeks challenge time. I personally loved this longer length of time and that we had shorter interim challenge time & could stay in our own teams between challenges. On Shape Shifters we let everyone know posting was optional during interim time & left up our same posting spaces. AND @gouldsgranite added a new 2 week thread for posting exercise & LTGL. It all went very smoothly & felt great to continue to chat with & support our teammates & friends. Thought it was important to let Lynn @Kaliswalker & Ceri @Ceriously & leader team know my positive experience so far with this change. I loved more time to get to know teammates & to lose weight & more variety of LTGL too. I loved staying with same team & friends in interim challenge. We had a couple of health issues/surgery happenings too & were able to continue support of these teammates. One thing I loved about Sparkpeople that felt like happened with 10 weeks + staying on same team in interim was a sense of continuity & friendship & connection between teammates. I love 💜 this. So thankful for this change & hope we keep it going forward.
    Just my 'thoughts'....
    Smiles Barbie 🎉😊
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,189 Member
    HI All!! I went missing!! I have covid today is the first time since Tues I've hopped back on. It may take a few days for me to be back fully. Well, that's the goal! TY TY TY for understanding. Its been so nasty to me!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,871 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Easter. Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Today is also Sunday. So today we will be with the in laws and we will be in person at church. It has been a while since we were in person at church. I am really hoping since I only have 4 more checks that are garnished that I will be able to get back to in person soon. We are working Door dash to offset some of the garnishment and we are doing really well with that. Today after church we will be with the in laws. We are spending time with the family. I sometimes wish I could spend time with my Mom. I miss spending time with her on the holidays. However my step dad is not a people person and he just smokes pot while company is over. I normally would not have an issue with it because it does not bother me, but my husband does not like being around it. Which is fine. I get that. He works in the medical field and has to be careful with that stuff so he doesn't lose his job, but I do miss hanging with my mother on Easter and Thanksgiving and stuff like that. I really do miss it. I will adjust though.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I have been wondering where you disappeared to. I am glad you are doing ok. Stinks that you ended up with Covid, but glad you are slowly recovering. We do understand being MIA when you are sick.

    @HealthyBarb1 - I too loved the longer challenge. I love the challenges and really never want them to end. I have learned to switch between the interim and the actual challenge quickly because that is just what I am used to but I would love just one continual challenge. Although that is really not much of a challenge. I really feel that my group helps me stay accountable and that checking in on a daily basis all the time really helps me achieve my goals.

    Well I hope you all have a wonder Sunday or Easter again if you celebrate.
