WaistAways Team Chat - APRIL 2024



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    @lauren_989 Today is one of those days when you can't get too worried about overeating. Tomorrow, though -- that's a different kettle of fish! I'm so glad you're feeling better, and that will surely get your mojo back in gear. Looking forward to it!

    Wonderful new people! Don't forget that one of the fun things for us long-timers is having new people arrive and shower everyone with energy and enthusiasm! Getting into a new groove is contagious :smiley: Dive right in!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    edited April 1
    Big kudos to @StayFITTer and @Gidgitgoescrzy for a whole month in the green! Inspiring!!

    Happy Easter to all.. hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    Ready for Monday? Let's go! Weigh-ins due:


    And here are people in the "first Sunday trap" :grimace:
    When you first signed up, you chose Sunday as your weigh-in day. Now you discover that the very first weigh-in day of the month is Sunday. And that it counts as your Week 1 weigh-in! Yikes!

    So what do you do?

    There are 2 choices:
    1. Do nothing! I just repeat your starting weight as your Week 1. Then it all works out by the end of the month, and you never have this problem again.
    2. You revise your starting weight if you know how much you weighed last Sunday (March 24th). A guess is ok! Then you confirm your Sunday the 31st of March weight and that is your Week 1. And you never have this problem again!

    I know it is confusing, so don't worry if you just keep your starting weight as your Week 1. Just let me know if you'd like to revise either one. Thanks!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    @adrimango "false" loss or not, it is always good to have a bit of a whoosh sometimes. You are smart to work on reducing inflammation - I wish for you that you can be doing wild things when you reach my age! It is a lot of fun :smiley:

    I'm going to keep trying to do this morning exercise daily. Anyone is welcome to join in when you're needing to set up your day with some useful thinking. Today's fun (or at least stuff!):

    What's my mood right now? calm, but slightly worried. about what I have no idea!
    Today, I need to address - my new workout. I always find the first week or two hard to get used to a new workout routine. I must remember that it is good! I am waking up new pathways.
    I do not want to - waste time.
    I absolutely will - get to responding to a request to review some docs and make recommendations.
    I refuse to - eat anything made of flour today.
    My one piece of advice for myself is - get outside today no matter what!
    My one tip for others is - use pauses. They are a great way to think before acting, to walk away from doing something unproductive or useless, or to just take a break in a super busy day. Little pauses. Check in with yourself.

    Enjoy the rest of your day!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    What's my mood right now? Slightly on edge as I get back into work after three days off.
    Today, I need to address - balancing a lot of priorities at home so my week starts off on a successful foot.
    I do not want to - stress unnecessarily.
    I absolutely will - track my food today.
    I refuse to - skip moving my body today.
    My one piece of advice for myself is - enjoy the sunshine while it's available to you.
    My one tip for others is - focus on facts.
  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 98 Member

    Can I rejoin step challenge, please?
    If I set it as 10,000 to start.
    Today will be 0 steps as my fitbit is charging at the moment :blush:

    Thank you so much :heart:
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 253 Member
    Hey WaistAways! I am Jolene and I live in Colorado with my husband and two dogs. I am a working professional in charge of a small wood flooring company. I have been part of this group since last summer and am down about 20lbs from my all time high of 193ish. However, I have been in a four pound plateau since October (that was six months ago?!?) weighing in anywhere from 170.4 - 174.

    My goal is similar to that of @lauren_989 - consistency. For me, I need more consistency in my workouts. When I am on it, I do three spin classes and four CrossFit classes each week. One of each on Fridays so that I can have Sunday off. Lately, I have been lucky to get in one workout/week.

    My April goals are:
    1. At least four workouts per week
    2. Drop weight into the next decade (160s)
    3. Curb my drinking to no more than one day/week (except for a weekend trip we have to Portland)
    4. Hit my step goal of 6,000 steps every day
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    You bet, I've got you down for 10,000 steps!
    First day of April challenge was actually Mar 31 so if you have any steps for yesterday, I'll take those
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 253 Member
    @ashleycarole86 - Thursday, March 28 - 6,071 steps
    Friday, March 29 - 7,187 steps, 1 hour of CrossFit
    Saturday, March 30 - 5,010 steps
    Sunday, March 31 - 4,954 steps
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    One more from me :smiley:

    Last month I posted that I bought a bluetooth bathroom scale which will show different measurements as well. I am not sure how accurate it is, but it just might keep me motivated from now on.
    result for today is shocking! 57% Body Fat?? :neutral:

    @jugar 2 questions, please :smile:
    1 Can I please change my weigh in date to Sunday from next week? It is easier for me to weigh in on that day. Sundays are mostly my days out with family so if I have a treat I'll still have a week to redeem myself.
    2 Can I please put the bathroom scales photo as my weigh in result. It will really keep me motivated, I hope nobody minds. I would do it as a spoiler and cover it up but I am not sure how to do it? Can someone help, pretty please? :heart:

    It is so good to see you! I'm sorry March was so hard, but it sounds good that you have the high school job to help keep things going.

    Yes, you can certainly weigh in on Sundays. And a photo of the scale is great! That is some fancy scale - I don't know how it figures all those things out, but watching how things change could be very helpful. As you change what you eat and drink (or don't eat and don't drink!) you can see how all those numbers change too. Don't be too discouraged by things like that 57% though -- it is hard to know how accurate it is, as you say. Stopping alcohol will certainly make a difference though. I have stopped altogether since the last week of December, and it sure feels good. You won't regret it!

    How to do a spoiler: Highlight the thing(s) you want to hide under the spoiler, then go to the ¶ symbol at the top of your comment window - choose spoiler and you'll be in business!

    Keep well!
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 550 Member
    Happy April!
    I’m in NC for the next 7.5 days so, no weigh in but I will check in periodically. It’s like summer in New England here…78-84 degrees F. It’ll supposedly be cooler by Wednesday, so that’ll be lovely.
    Mom and I talked about letting go of some of the larger pieces of furniture in the next few months, just in case she’ll need to think about moving into a different area of the facility with less room (e.g. memory care or assisted living). She was all for giving up the really deep seated recliner (made for her deceased OH’s much taller frame) and putting her smaller chair in its place…until this evening, when she obstinately shot down the idea. Sigh. I’ll do my more formal intro soon. G’night❣️
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    eavdic188 wrote: »
    I wanted to post my weigh in since Mondays are my weigh in days

    PW 205
    CW 204

    I’m trying intermittent fasting again
    Also goal for this week is to move my body every day even if it is for just a few mins

    So far so good
    You're off to a great start, Emma! Keep going like that and you'll be stepping into Onederland before too long :smiley: Let us know how the IF is going. It is tricky to find just the right balance of fasting, so don't worry if it isn't great right away.
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