WaistAways Team Chat - APRIL 2024



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    Good to hear from you all! I love it when there is a flurry of posts. Rock those intentions and renewals of energy!

    Any good April Fool's Day / poisson d'avril pranks happen to any of you today? (I love the way it is called April Fish day here in Québec) I'll still never forget the really killer one my taller half and our daughter cooked up one year...

    Today was pretty good after posting my guidelines this morning. I did indeed address the new workout, and it went well. I practiced all the stuff for the concert coming up at the end of the month, raked out a couple of garden areas (the lungwort is peeking out and looking good!), avoided flour and kept food reasonable. Now it is time for evening exercise bike + some episode of something exciting :smiley:
  • girlhitchhiker
    girlhitchhiker Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, I'm a 61 years old, female.

    I've lost 20 lbs to date and have another 90 lbs to go.
    I started this weight loss journey a few days before joining mfp and this group.

    I'm learning to do all things in moderation and improve my eating habits.

    The last few days have been stressful for me, but, not so much that it will hinder my progress with weight loss.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    @girlhitchhiker - so glad you're here! I hope it can help with those times when turning away from the use of food to deal with stress is difficult. I found through my 60s that being involved in this kind of group helped to see that thinking about better ways to nourish and support our bodies makes it possible to see how our needs change. You're off to a great start with 20 pounds gone - keep on building that new body!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
  • girlhitchhiker
    girlhitchhiker Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you! @jugar
  • tlcjen12
    tlcjen12 Posts: 14 Member
    edited April 2
    hi everyone,

    my name is jen.
    i started using myfitness to help with my eating habits.
    i have tried ww in the past and did have success with it but wanted to try something new.
    i do enjoy using the app it helps me keep myself on track.
    i do feel like i have a hit a plateau. i cant keep going from 178-180 the past 2 months. i dont know what i am doing wrong

    cw-180 -this was my sundays weight i couldnt figure out what platform to use lol there are so many different ones.
  • tlcjen12
    tlcjen12 Posts: 14 Member
    @strong_fit_ells what scale are you using?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    tlcjen12 wrote: »
    my name is jen.
    i started using myfitness to help with my eating habits.
    i have tried ww in the past and did have success with it but wanted to try something new.
    i do enjoy using the app it helps me keep myself on track.
    i do feel like i have a hit a plateau. i cant keep going from 178-180 the past 2 months. i dont know what i am doing wrong

    cw-180 -this was my sundays weight i couldnt figure out what platform to use lol there are so many different ones.
    Welcome @tlcjen12 - I hope the app gets easier to use as you go along. With this team, mostly you have to come here only, so bookmark it and it will appear in your "Quicklinks" at the top of the page once you are in the Community area.

    Plateaus! They are our friend and our enemy. We need them! When you have been losing steadily for a bit, you need to take a couple of weeks at the same level so your body gets used to the new setpoints. Then you won't be having raging hunger or cravings, tiredness, and general cranky moods. But then, of course, it gets a bit too comfy and we have to make some changes to get things moving again.

    This is where being your own experiment comes in! If you are stuck for 2 months, it is obvious that you are not going too crazy (or you would be gaining), but you need to change some things. Cut down on simple carbs (flour, sugar, snack foods), up the veggies, lower fat and/or sodium if they tend to be a bit high, up your daily movement. These do not have to be huge changes to work! I would much rather see you losing a half pound a week than 5 one week, 2 the next, then a huge rebound. I have seen that happen to people way too often. Pick some numbers. How many grams of fibre, sugar, protein, etc. Give it a try and see how it works. Adjust as needed!

    You'll hear on this team about "one perfect day". It's a great way to get started after a slump. Plan out your food and exercise for the day on a plan you think will be good for you. Then follow the plan to the letter for one day. Chances are you will feel great and it is easier to keep going. Feelings of pleasure and pride are going to be a lot more inspiring than deprivation and fear.

    OK! I'm going on too long as usual. Have a great day!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    Today -

    What's my mood right now? fizzy as usual.
    Today, I need to address - mornings! I need to improve my morning routine. I sit and read, do 1 crossword puzzle, then it takes a while to really get going.
    I do not want to - sit too much.
    I absolutely will - make 4 proposed morning routines today, and try them out one at a time over the next 4 days. Then choose or make more until I hit upon 1 I like and feels sustainable.
    I refuse to - skip Pilates.
    My one piece of advice for myself is - get thoroughly out of breath! Go for the max a few times.
    My one tip for others is - eat your vegetables.
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 697 Member
    Just wanted to let people know there are 8 slots open if you wanted to do the an April Accountability Step Challenge. Right now it’s just me and Ashley.

  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 697 Member
    I am experimenting with a 30 Day Exercise, Stick to it Goal 25 Active Minutes a day Challenge


    15 Day Self Reporting Challenge Working Out Daily.


    After these end, (unless someone is interested now) Would like to do 15 day sprints on Water Tracking and/or Journaling. Thoughts?

    These things are intended to support our fitness efforts and the community we’re building on MFP.

    Accountability is Key.

  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 207 Member
    @StayFITTer I joined the challenges Might take me a minute to figure out how to add my activity for the daily workout, but I will get it. :smiley:
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 250 Member
    @StayFITTer - I joined the challenge, too, but I am struggling to remember my password to my Garmin to get them to sync. So... I will connect as soon as I can.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 250 Member
    @lauren_989 - It is so hard and frustrating to be part of something like this for as long as you have and not feel like you're making progress! I've been within the same four pound range for six months. I just can't seem to break into the next decade, and I've considered giving up, too. But, @jugar said something earlier today that has stuck with me about plateaus. A long plateau just means something needs to change. So maybe that's all you need is a change of some sort. Instead of giving up, what's something that you can change right now? And, what is something we can do to help you with that change?

    I would hate to see you give up! I like you too much. You're a great addition to this group and I know you can reach your goals! Let us help you figure out how.
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 697 Member
    edited April 2
    @MaddawgMadsen @Gidgitgoescrzy I’m super thrilled to have you all aboard! I’m excited to experiment with the challenges. Let me know if you need anything.

    Still plenty of spots left on the different challenges.

    @lauren_989 don’t give up, sis. Keep the faith. Let’s make it a better week together and do better on the next play. There’s plenty of month left to finish strong.

    Have you considered our April Habit Tracker? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-decIdxiSplF6JaSEWMmgtqnTlh00oPvwKPTsv7nyPg/edit

    Instead of doing 5 goals, focus on 2? Diet and Water until you feel more like yourself?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    @StayFITTer I think this is a great initiative for anyone who wants to join in. Thanks for getting it rolling! Anything that helps us develop consistency and accountability is fantastic. We're here because we are not always good at being accountable to ourselves. When someone else is checking up on it too, it can help! For now, I'm happy with the habit tracker and the 75 day challenge that is running for the whole F2F gang. When that is over, I'll give the stridekick stuff a try!

    @lauren_989 Adjustment time is upon you! There might be one thing you can eliminate that will help get the green weigh-ins flowing (no flour and very few grains works for me), or you can cut back the daily calories a bit (not drastic!), or up the strength-building so that you burn more calories - pick your tool and give it chance to make a difference! Start with one perfect day. You know you can do that, and build from there. The work has to be done, but it does not have to be beyond reach. You've got the strength, I know you do :smiley:

    I worked on those morning routine versions, did my Pilates, had a great work session with Jasper (he was SO good today 🏇🏼 and generally had a beautiful sunny day. Now we are expecting 25 cm of snow starting tomorrow afternoon :grimace: It's my fault. I put away my snowshoes yesterday. :wink: I knew that would work.
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