Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Happy day before Ressurection Sunday! I hope that y'all will have a great day of worship tomorrow. I hope that you will be able to find a service to watch or even attend tomorrow, Bren! I hate thinking of you not having that special worship time. Love you all, very much!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    edited March 30
    With my instability and pain, I can't hike about like I used to. There will be services broadcast I am sure. Hope your day is blessed from start to finish!

    Looked the news feed and was sickened by that lunatic in the white house declaring Easter Sunday as Transgender day of visibility....he's a disgusting puppet...pandering to the devil for votes....how do we pray for such a person? He says to them "you are loved, you are heard, you are understood"....God have mercy....our world is imploding. OK....stepping down now.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    I'm standing below your soap box and shouting, "Amen"! I was just disgusted, but not surprised. I think a lot of people were disgusted.

    We did have an awesome day yesterday. Three different folks had special songs - I was so blessed by each of them - even my own! Our pastor's wife and her granddaughter sang "The Old Rugged Cross" while the granddaughter played the guitar. Beautiful! The other lady, a friend I've had forever, sang one of her songs, "For Me" and I sang "By Just One Man". That one's based on Rom 5. Oh, and several of us sang "Today is the Day" by David Meece (https://youtube.com/watch?v=YCOit1OTKuE) - what a rousing way to begin the service!

    I'm going to work on getting my calories down to 1000-1200 a day, and getting 1500-2000 steps a day. With the Lord's help I will have success.

    Love y'all.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Cheering you on, Kim...I need to do the same. I may get 600 steps on a good day and am crippled up with pain and the numbness has me almost falling...often. Same needs to happen on the calorie limits. I've bobbled back and forth, up and down...mostly up.

    Thank you! I don't want to offend with my attitude! I too am not surprised by his foolishness....he said himself "we are after the souls of America"....sounds like something the enemy would say...and is doing. We know the horrid things that are going on are no surprise to God either!

    Awesome blessing report! That's wonderful....I watched much of The Bible and then The Life of Jesus, yesterday. I had mostly a down day due to the pain. I'm so thankful I can at least rest, as it eases up when I am laying down but cranks up hard the minute I try to get up. Oh well....

    Have a good evening my friend...Love and prayers for us all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    I'm so glad that you were able to find something to watch and to celebrate with! I'm so sorry that the pain is getting to you. I've had quite a bit of pain on the right side with my hip and SI joint - the pain shows up mostly in my leg and SI joint and I just have to take it easy. You know your body, you do what you need to do to stay on your feet! Make sure to take that cane or walker with you. If you go down it will be a very bad thing!

    Well, today was a bust, although I did get my steps in. We went into town and I got a message my med was ready, but we'd have to wait about two hours to pick it up. That meant lunch out - McDonalds. I had the fish sandwich, some fries and a couple sips of Coke. I'll do my smoothie for dinner and hopefully I won't be super far off the mark. Breakfast was too much too. I started out good, but then Wade made me a biscuit and a piece of bacon! Yummers, but calories I don't need. I hate to say "no" when he asks because he makes more so I can have some. I'm at 2322 steps for today so far, so I've walked farther than I planned - yippee! Hopefully that will burn off a calorie or two! LOL! We went to my favorite thrift store where I've found my lighthouses and pirates, but nothing that I wanted was there today. Prices were a little bit high today. I saw a plant stand that I could use for my succulents, but it was 6 bucks, kind of rusty, but it had two holders on the one stand. I was expecting it to be around the $3 and maybe even $5 mark, but no more than that. Oh well, they are happy sitting on the deck!

    Love y'all bunches.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member

    Am doing well. Today is my weighin day - down again todau/ Finally at 231.8 giving me all of March without a gain so am thinking I will have to give it a try for April - would love to hae 2 months down no gain

    Headache ( neck feels a bit stiff) but that is from the tension I am caring around - need to relax those musles/nerves = but seems to be difficult when concerned about so many things.

    Have a great day ladies - praying that the pain you are all having is not unbearable and that you can work around it - pushing through if possible - and then be able to praise the Lord for all the help He is giving you.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Woohoo, Marilyn! I'm so happy for your success. You can do it in April too!

    Oh, Bren, I forgot to tell you, I had four veggies for our Resurrection meal. They were casseroles: green bean, sweet potato and corn casseroles and then broccoli salad! Oh my, the corn casserole was sooooo good, as were all the others! I thought about you right away while filling my plate - Bren would be so proud of me! LOL!

    Doing well today. I am back on track after my off day yesterday in town, but today I will walk and I will eat right!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Yes! I agree with that, Marilyn. Jesus is deserving of our praise!

    I'm praising the Lord that the bad storms predicted for us didn't come about. We did get rain and one thunder clap, but overall, just a rainy day. I think we got one good gust of wind too. God is good! It's a gorgeous sunny day today.

    I hope that y'all have a very good day today. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Hello all...
    I've been down for a couple of days again. This time with lows that made me really sick, very unstable, blurry vision etc. I woke up a few minutes ago at 78. It's my doing....too much insulin for the carbs I'm eating. I'm glad I still had some orange juice and FF yogurt in there. Room temp orange juice is nasty tho...but it still works. I have one bottle left as I am having one now. I had put the last two bottles in the fridge before I went down for my nap. I'll put more on my shopping list.

    Yes, Kim! Glad you got some veggies in. It all sounds good. I'm still having so much trouble "cooking" and doing healthier stuff. I did cook the Italian sausage yesterday, with an onion, mushrooms and a steamer bag of peas and carrots. That was dinner...and breakfast with some brown gravy added. Lunch was a salad with tuna...and a yogurt when my sugar dipped. It dipped lower as I slept so I got up in trouble.

    Marilyn, you're doing good! Congrats on the positive report!
    Missy...hope all is well at your spot....enjoy your days and take good care of you!

    We have 85 here today but it's 71 in here and I am chilled and would welcome some heat at the moment.
    Have a good evening all...be blessed best where most needed. Love and prayers for us all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Do you have a Meals on Wheels in your area, Bren? That may be something to look into!

    Oh, I love my front door - heehee. When it's cold I open that door, which gets the morning sun, and I lean against it - ah, so warm! I'm so glad that we have the fireplace, we can turn that on anytime things get chilly. I also have used my Doctor Heaters (little electric heaters) pretty much every day. I'm getting more used to the 60s, but under 65 I'm chilled.

    Our sunny day yesterday got clouded over, although there was no rain. It's a bit sunny and cloudy today and about 54 right now. It was 49 when I got on the computer an hour ago, so it's warming up nicely to 60 today! I'm ready for the pollen to disappear and the 70's to come out so I can get some natural vitamin D!

    Love y'all. Bren, please be careful sweetie-greens!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Good meme, Marilyn. Never give up! No matter what happens in our life, Jesus will not leave us or forsake us and He has a good purpose for whatever He allows, so lean on Him and keep moving forward! The same is true in our journey to healthier living - keep moving forward.

    Doing alright today. Had my first strong headache this morning but by God's grace the Tylenol and new med took it down in very quick order. I am getting mild twinges, but nothing that is very noticeable. So grateful to the Lord. This is the kind that made me nauseous before.

    Hope y'all have a very blessed and joyous weekend. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    edited April 7
    Hello Ladies!
    Congrats Missy on the GB reveal! Sweet...and will be fun for all of you.

    Kim, I am so thankful that I only have about one or two headaches a year. I am blessed. So glad you had what you needed to deal with this issue!

    I've been doing some decluttering in whatever area I happen to be in...currently I'm here at my desk, in the bedroom. I have one small box for keeper items to be put away properly...soon, a basket and bags for give away things, got my drawers sorted so I can find things and found I have 2 full packs of checks ...hooya!
    I have my timer in here, so I am triggered to get up and move about every 30 minutes. Am still loving my mug warmers. I think I mentioned getting the second one for my devotional area?
    I got my laundry pick up scheduled for Wednesday. One bag this time. I've been having two and they are heavy!
    I got trash out...that's become a bigger chore of late and more struggle but must be done! Finally got my sticker for 2024 on my windshield...I've had it for almost 2 months...things, even little things just take more effort now. There was a young man going thru the dumpster when I got back there and he helped me get my trash out of the trunk and dump it. I prayed for him and wished I'd had something to give him. There are so many in need...in every city.

    Wishing you all abundant blessings today...Marilyn...hope all is well at your spot on the map...You are doing so well in your program....5lptpudn2wcj.png
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Bren, how nice of that guy to help you. Wow, you did get a lot done. I need to get my dishes done and kitchen cleaned up a bit. I also need to put the timer on my phone for one hour and get up and move, take a lap around the house!

    Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Hope you ladies are doing well - I get nervous when you don't get on! :/

    I'm doing well and getting ready to eat some chicken casserole for lunch! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    edited April 10
    Good morning Ladies...
    Here we are at mid-week again. I still ask myself "what day is this" about 3 times a week and yesterday I surprised myself by being a week ahead.
    The bug man comes on the 18th...so I scheduled laundry pick up for the 17th...which I was thinking was today. I looked at the calendar and all...and it wasn't until noon yesterday that I realized I was off by a week.
    I considered calling to arrange for today...the 10th....but decided to leave it as it was. I have enough things to use to carry me over. It also eased the stress of clearing things up and gives me a few more days to complete my home chores.

    Your chicken casserole sounds good, Kim. I bought a rotisserie chicken and got 4 meals from it. Last night was the last of it, dropped in my pot with some veggies and chicken bullion for my Ramen bowl. It was really good. I haven't done a casserole in a long time. I am still looking for my 3 cans of tuna I bought back in February and have lost in my pantry. I can see the chicken breast up there but the tuna is hiding. I know it's not in my 3 drawer bin as I sorted and cleaned it last week. Hooya!
    I've been thinking of tuna or chicken salad with my veggies...I have broccoli, celery, baby carrots and mini sweet peppers to use.

    I'm ready for some coffee and will go check mail. I only do that about twice a week now unless I'm expecting something (bills)....or taking out trash and will check on my way back in.

    Today's Stats: 236.2 136 132/77 60.....

    Wishing you all a blessed and lovely day at your spots. Love you!

    This here....is what I really want! LOL...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Oh my, I'm with you. Wade and I went into a little local grocery and found that their t-bones and sirloin steaks were on sale! We didn't get anything that day though, but will keep them in mind for later shopping. Connie has been making her own cream soups - we need to talk her into giving us the recipe! It will have less sodium in it. I think it would be good with a white gravy as well. I guess you could do a cream soup with low fat milk, corn starch and chicken broth! Hmmm?! We use bouillion when I don't have chicken broth. I like the taste of regular chicken in the casserole though. The canned has a different flavor. I don't mind it in my chicken chili, too many other flavors to really get that off flavor.

    Another beautiful day here and should be going up into the low 70's. It's warmer outside right now than in my house! Oh, my new azalea is blooming. Such a cute little plant right now. And one of my plants from last year has started blooming again - it has little white and lilac colored flowers! I keep hoping that my hummingbird plant will come back, but so far it looks pretty dead!

    We have several pampas grass bushes in the corner of our yard. Wade was working on them yesterday, pruning them back and racking out the dead fronds. It will come back pretty quickly. He filled up the back of the truck with the stuff he cut off! Those came with the house!

    Have a wonderful day. Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member