Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    Good morning, my beautiful lovelies, I hope you are having a good day.

    I went to town with Wade this morning and we stopped at Bo Jangles. I had a steak biscuit and some Pepsi (a few sips). I will eat more lightly throughout the day and hopefully not do too much damage!

    My breathing is difficult today, just having to take a lot of deep breaths and yawning (although I did have 8-9 hours of sleep, 2 wake-ups for the restroom). I hope your sleep was good, Bren!

    Y'all have a great day. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    I'm up again at 1:30 AM....will do a search for a dentist for some time soon. Some nights I am up every hour to go to the restroom...some, maybe every 2 hours.

    Yesterday was another day with nothing marked off my To Do list. I have good intentions most days but my body is noncompliant with my wishes and grand plans. I slept in until 8 yesterday, and napped 2-3 times thru the day.

    I'm doing 2 meals a day most days, generally cobble together whatever strikes my fancy and takes little energy...and now I need to consider the teeth issue and avoiding cold things as best I can and thinking soft things would be best?

    Kim, I hear you! I do hope I go at home when my time is up...I'd need a "wellness check" from the manager to uhmm...find me in a timely manner. There are weeks that I may see two people all week. I just truly don't want to be in the hospital again...if it can be avoided.
    However...not my will but God's will be done. He is aware of us all and the workings of our bodies, hearts and spirits and has us in His care. I fully trust Him!

    Hope we all feel better in the days ahead...take good care of yourselves.....check in when you can.cw07thwhv81f.png

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    OK: I scheduled an appointment for Monday with a new dentist. One down...three to go...0lg4xafj19e8.png
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    Oh my! I like going to my dentist, so I can't say I look like that when I go! I've been blessed the last 20 years with two good dentists, one in Hickory and this one in Beaufort. You'll do great!

    We went out to pick up a prescription that the pharmacy so generously filled a little early for me and stopped at the thrift store. We don't usually find anything, but today I found a lighthouse picture (50% off) and Wade found a tool holder stand. They had just set it out so he snapped it up!

    Hope y'all have a great weekend and a good time of worship tomorrow! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    Thanks for your "vote of confidence" and prayers I know you'll pray for this big baby. LOL... The one I chose had one glowing 5 star review from another big baby so that made me feel better! I am praying that I can just get the extractions done Monday...and not have to do the week of antibiotics and then go back for care....we'll see.

    I'm taking the Advil Duel action tablets today. It's a blend of ibuprofen and Tylenol. I discovered that Wal-Mart has the equate brand for much less than the Advil one I'd bought twice already.

    Oh that's nifty! That you guys found a buy at the thrift store! Hooya!

    Since I got so little rest last night, I napped for a good 2.5 hours. I made myself a cup of broth and had some mashed taters I boiled with some brown gravy and that was lunch. I may do soup and cheese toast for dinner.
    Have a good evening at your spot....and a lovely day tomorrow!
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 64 Member
    I'm really hoping for rain soon! Makes it harder as a gardener!
    My green beans and okra are doing great. I'm already eating from my garden. Just picked some fresh okra, beans, and cherry tomatoes.
    Going to my daughters for some Father's Day Ribs on grill and lots of sides! She always has the best food! Her hubby can cook too!
    Hope ya'll enjoy the weekend
    hugs and prayersoow469gndbdx.png
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    Hi, Missy! I hope you had a very good day Father's Day at your daughter's! My hubby does most of our cooking, that way he gets what he wants the way he wants it. More times than not, if I make something, that isn't what he feels like eating or I made just a little bit differently than he likes it! Sigh. Hey, that's fine with me, I'm not picky - most of the time I eat leftovers partially cold. I give them one minute in the microwave and eat them how they come out! A Church friend had made some applesauce, a very spice rich version, and I had some on my biscuit this morning - delectable!

    Miss Bren, you'll do fine! I'll be praying for you! Take it easy, and rest! Love you

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    Thanks Kim...I did get a round of antibiotics, some special medicinal mouthwash and the Tylenol 4 for pain. However, today is the first day I haven't had to use the Anbesol so far. I did have an issue with being weak and wobbly and my BP was 202/93...yikes! That didn't feel good! I hadn't driven more than to the dumpster since March and my vision is blurry. Now that I know where to go, I'll get there more safely next week. Speaking of...I still have a half tank of gas from my fill up in August of last year!

    He did cover the need for several stages of cleaning and mentioned refilling the teeth...which is way beyond my financial scope, so I will go back Monday for 2 extractions. It's super costly these days! I estimated high and was almost on the money. It's over my estimation...but it needs to be done. I was told to take my BP meds in advance that day.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    They often have cards at the check out window for those who need financial help. That might be something to look into. I was having pain on the left side, and there is nothing there but implants and caps! It was my gums around the implant and one of the caps - and it's gone now - praise the Lord! Sometimes if something gets stuck in between my teeth, the gum will get sore. I try to use my little flossers when that happens, but I'm not always aware of it. Praying all goes well with you. Oh my on the BP - no more salt! No more stress - go to your happy place! LOL!

    I've lost a couple of pounds - well, yesterday I had, I didn't weigh today. I've been doing a tiny bit of walking and one set with my 3 lb weights of bicept and tricept exercises. When I can easily reach 20 I'll add an extra set. When I can easily do three sets I'll go up in weight. I do the flys without weight right now. I tried to do some touching my toes to strenghten my lower back and my hamstring, but that hurt too badly so I cut that one out. I may do them without the weights and try not to reach the floor (which I can do with my finger tips, but even that is too much now.)

    Well, enough of that. Praying for y'all. Much love.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    They didn't there, that I could see. I couldn't SEE...and that was part of the major stress....sun in my face,
    finding a new place I'd not been to, having to back track twice with crazy traffic in spots...I do think I'll skip the coffee on Monday tho, take my BP meds around 7:00 before the appt. at 9:00.
    The top ones aren't troubling me at the moment but boy howdy that bottom one is squealing for the second day in a row.

    Some of my dentist fears are a result of a couple of horrid experiences...one at 21 where the guy had alcohol on his breath, took no x-rays, nada, did a lot of twisting, very painful...then I ended up with dry socket and no pain relief...a nightmare.
    Second was the bad root canal, he put the cap on a tooth that should have just been pulled, ended up with a massive infection, had to change dentists, as he took ill and passed away, and spent hundreds more, getting that taken care of...and pulled! And they all want you to do extensive things that cost as much as my car. At 71...that doesn't appeal to me in the least....
    Oh, BTW...my happy place is home with my door closed! LOL....but thanks for the idea.

    They have the awesome picture window views, similar to my last dentist except the feed hadn't been put out and there was a squirrel, 2 jays and 2-3 dove in search of it. Love them...I'd go sit in his chair with my morning coffee for the view...but it would cost a lot I'm sure...

    Kudos to you, Sister! I need to do the in house laps...tho mine are very short in my apartment. 30 steps to the kitchen, 30 from the door to the mail box so a round trip is 1 lap and about 60 steps. Better than nada but I am often hunched over in pain in 5 minutes or less...just need to rest...and do it again.

    I have the weights, 2 and 3 pound ones, at my recliner and here by my desk. I do some sitting moves...5 moves, 15 times each...aim for 3 times a day.

    I played in the fridge yesterday. I sorted 4 baskets and the veggie bin. I have 2 baskets and the door compartments to do to finish....will eventually get to the freezer compartment and my chest freezer. I fear I have become a food hoarder....oops.

    Have a blessed day at your spots...prayers for us all ...May God comfort, heal, strengthen, provide and hold us ever closer. Love you.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    I think I need an emotional support cat to take to any and all appointments. Must be extra cuddly and not run away at every opportunity. This one looks like he would do well.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    He's a beauty! The only stuffed cat I had was one that came out of one of those machines that have the scoop on it and you have to try and nab something in a short time - I got a cat! huff! I got rid of several of my stuffed animals. I have three dogs, one a mini Drooper Dog (the big one went to my niece) and two that look like Shepherds but I think one is a Rotweiler! LOL! I also have a moose, one stuffed and two wooden! Oh, and I have a ceramic Max that Shel made for me! Have you ever heard from Shel again, Bren? Now I have a bunch of lighthouses, pirates, and sailors, oh and shells! I haven't spent much on any of it because they came from thrift stores or Roses! Most of the shells Mom and I got on the beach.

    The room I usually go into for cleaning has a window and a birdfeeder outside, but I've never seen any birds going to it! Our dentist in Hickory had a window that looked over buildings! Not as restful! Wade went to a dentist one time to have a tooth pulled and he put his foot on Wade's chest to get leverage to pull it. I needed a tooth pulled at that time too and we found a new dentist with gentle in the description! LOL! I had two failed root canals because my roots were so messed up they couldn't get all the infection out - from now on it's just "pull it"! Yours sound like a nightmare!

    Doing alright, taking things slowly. I think that one walk a day right now would be sufficient for you and then the weights-work you are doing sounds awesome. Anything is better than nothing! That's my motto!

    Love y'all. Have a blessed day!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    He is totally gorgeous! I'd love him a lot!

    Shells: I remember the one that took a hike after it was brought in the house! I remember the ones my brother and I found at the beach in Galveston when we were kids...ick!

    I remember too, the mention of some of your stuffed animals and your passing the love on. I got lots in my years at Goodwill shopping and it was my version of "rescue the animals"...as I'd share them with my Mama, who loved them too. When she passed away, I brought home a 33 gallon trash bag full of them and passed them down thru the laundry room.
    I gave away a basket full of beanie Babies once, kept two of them.. I did keep my pig, that I'd done up a championship wrestler's belt for and she went to my overnights at Mom's, for watching wrestling. We'd toss her back and forth. I kept 5 bears too. the rest...went out as gifts to neighbors.

    No, I never heard from Shel. I've thought of her over the years and her bold move, and wondered if she got her hubby to the US or settled there.

    I told you of the gift of all that tea and water from my nephew...well, I have enjoyed it SO much that I got a 6 pack of the Zero sugar sweetened and oh my...I have a new guilty pleasure! It's right costly tho...so I am wondering... if I saved a couple bottles, made up my own tea to fill them, if it would taste as "special"? Reckon?g19l1lpj9cud.png

    Oh those were nightmares...my last dentist was great...I gave up a tooth there (cracked) and didn't even need any pain reliever after. His view was awesome! There was a guy putting out feed for the dove while I was being tended too and there were hundreds that came....oh wow...that was so lovely!

    I so agree...I will strive to do "something" each day...and work towards being up and alert for more of my day time hours. I've slept well the past 4 nights and that's been such a blessing.
    In my work in the kitchen yesterday, I used my stool and that helped a lot. The baskets I use in the fridge are great...
    I put like minded things in them and have 6...For Proteins, yogurts/Jell-O cups, cheeses, Bread items, Leftovers/use soon, and Veggie/fruits....plus extra veggies in the drawer...With all the stuff I have in there, I still wish I'd got some chicken salad yesterday! LOL...I thought I'd make some but it hasn't been done yet. I need an intervention! LOL...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    We use canned chicken for our chicken casserole and chicken salad. I want to make a tuna macaroni salad, something cold to eat on days when it's just too hot to eat something hot.
    Do you have any Truvia or Stevia. Making your own tea and adding that to it would save on the additives and still give you 0 calories! Try a green tea, they are supposed to be healthy for you. My peppermint tea is made from green tea - so yummy. I think I'll make some since I got quite nauseous this morning. Praise the Lord it hasn't returned and I didn't get sick, but it felt like it was close! Ick too! Our coffee maker has a hot water option on it, so it makes making tea quick and easy.

    Have a wonderful day, my friend. Listen to your body and let the stuff that doesn't matter as much as you go until you feel better. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member

    I'm glad the nausea passed...I hate that nastiness! It's been a minute since I had to deal with it and I'm thankful!

    Back in my younger days....I'd make the tuna pasta salad and loved it. The last pasta salad I made was for the Church dinner, years back, when David had come to visit....I left the tuna out of it as they had other things w/protein. I could and have....eaten it for days and not grow tired of it!

    I have the canned chicken and tuna on hand in the 5 Oz. cans. very handy for many things...like those yummy quesadillas I did recently. I saw a recipe for tuna melts using the tortillas too...same concept. Hooya! I do love simple and quick.

    I have Stevia on hand and had the same idea. I have decaf family size bags in there and use one in my little coffee pot to make tea....I don't do it often. It was my Sunday treat for work for years....I am enjoying the convenience of the bottles of premade but it's not a necessity.
    Bottled water...yep...I consider that so, as I never know when our water might be off for hours for troubles....and I ran the dishwasher dry once, not knowing the water was turned off. I get whiny if I don't have my Yeti like water bottle filled and at the ready!

    I got my ink thingy changed on my calculator....I've had the new cartridges for 3 weeks...had to google how to change it. Super easy....I like easy....

    I've been awake for almost 2 hours...will go back down shortly. I hope you are resting well and have a lovely day ahead. I am doing as you suggested...and making sure I am on my "Project List"....Love and prayers....
    Missing Marilyn....prayers for her and our Missy for the time ahead.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    Woohoo! You don't need my suggestions, you had it figured out already! So glad. I don't do much tea at all and have about 8 boxes of my peppermint tea to go. When I got it I did finish off one box, but then kind of got uninterested! It's good for my tummy though.

    I'm glad the nausea went away too. I have no idea what brought it on. I usually don't get nauseous unless I have a migraine, and I didn't even have a headache yesterday! So happy with my new med for migraines! If it's good, it's from God!

    Right now I am not eating hot stuff, it just doesn't sound good when I'm struggling with being overly hot (in my face only). It isn't like a hot flash, I feel find as long as air is blowing on me, and the rest of my body actually feels chilly, but my face is still warm! I used to never sweat, but now my face sometimes sweats with rivulets running down my cheeks! ICK! I carry a fan with me to church. I'm usually hot when I first get there and use it to cool down. The A/C does the work after that. We got these fans when we went to the Homecoming at our Pastor's home church when he was a boy. It was a very good day and a great sermon, but the fan followed me home and is coming in handy!

    Missing Missy and Marilyn too. Y'all are in my prayers! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    LOL....we can still benefit from the wisdom, instruction and guidance from others, my friend! While I have enjoyed this special "gift"....I will "do my own" when it's gone. Speaking of....I could fill my ice trays too but my bagged ice is harder to let go! I love the convenience and the bounty in a bag. I need to sort/clean my freezer compartment to make room for my trays again anyway.

    I'm eating hot stuff still, since I keep my apartment at 73 and it's right cozy in here. I enjoy soup any time. I am still doing two meals a day mostly, and will have three maybe once a week? Tho I did do breakfast for dinner a couple nights ago and like that a lot.

    My days of hot flashes have passed but I still feel mean on occasion when overheated! LOL...The fan is a good idea for personal comfort. And what a nice memory it invokes!

    I would come unglued to have a dentist's knee in my chest to pull a tooth! What an awful experience. That's as bad as my drinking one who riddled my mouth! I did take my Tylenol 4 twice yesterday and there's no pain now. With the swelling, it was a bit rocky for 3 days. I'm hoping he is in and out quickly and painlessly, come Monday!

    I didn't get back to sleep until about 5 AM so was down too long....and got nothing done yesterday. I will aim higher for the weekend. Our time is flying by...and I do love my weekends...

    Enjoy yours....Love and prayers for us all.