Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,329 Member
    That looks delicious! Wow, I think that's the first time I've said that! LOL!

    We had McDonalds while we were out today so will do something light for dinner. We are having lunch with the Church family tomorrow! Woohoo, I'm well enough now to be able to go. There's a little bit of residual congestion, but I am feeling better. I'll rest the remaining part of today so I will feel up to par tomorrow - I really do not want to miss another service!

    Love y'all. Have a blessed and safe Memorial Day.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    So glad you're better and have the chance to be back in church. Praying the same for others who have been sick.

    I'm not feeling well...restless nights, the pain, fatigue, poor food choices while the pain was the worst...high sodium...all has my heart complaining. I'm praying for in infusion of strength to make a U-Turn today.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,329 Member
    Oh my, Bren! I need to get you in the noodle shed and remind you to eat like you are supposed to! There are people (me) in this world who need you in their life, so please do what you are supposed to do with your eating and resting! (Said with a heart full of love). You are daily in my prayers.

    I didn't get to go yesterday after all. I started coughing again in the morning and had the fatigue. I just didn't want to pass anything on to others and especially since at least two people in our little family have lung issues. Coughing a bit this morning and ears are clogged by head drainage is much better! If I'm not markedly better tomorrow I'll call my NP and see what she thinks.

    Love y'all. Missing you Marilyn and Missy! Hope you are alright. Praying for you.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    I need the noodling! I know so well, it comes from a loving, caring heart! The sodium levels have been spiking my BP...and many nights, I just had a can of soup and a cup of yogurt, and lately cheese toast...with my soup. It's quick and easy (necessary) but not very healthy. Egg beaters and toast would be lighter in sodium and that's quick too. Last night I had the rest of my wings (in AF, no salt added) and a tomato/cracker "salad" with 5 saltines....then went nutso and had the last of the cheesecake filling dessert stuff.w4uzamg9mxn8.jpg
    The pie filling had no sugar added but the rest was full of it...

    I know I can do better than that...and I want to! God help me be willing to do the right thing...regularly!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,329 Member
    Amen! It looks good, but that's the problem, it makes us want to eat it! I need to do better too, so we will work on this together. I'll think about you when I am tempted and you think about me - and we will both think about the noodle shed! The wings looked yummy but the salad too red! heehee! We had thighs and mashed potatoes with gravy. I did just a couple of forks full of the gravy though, and two of the thighs. I did do my green powder and liquid vitamins and minerals chock full of veggies and fruits, so I didn't feel bad having none on my plate. ;)

    Love y'all. You are always in my prayers.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Always nice to come here and read how you ladies are doing. Sorry to hear that we all seem to be struggling somewhat re food intake. I pray that we will take time to listen to our Lord for His advise and then follow it.

    Today was my weigh in day. Am up 0.6 of a pound (236.6) Don't like that as it is going the wrong direction so need to spend some more time with the Lord as to what I am doing.

    This last while has been somewhat stressed. About 6 weeks ago we started having trouble with our maill dog (Toby) He has a few issues that need to be tended to and it is starting to add up. Then there is our sweet Bella (she is a Pom). One week ago she woke up on Sunday with only being able to walk on 3 legs. We could move the leg around and she showed now sign of being in pain. But on Tuesday we took her to the Vet to have it looked at. Cost was $193 for the office visit and then 2 days later at lunch time she was walking across the room and gave a small yelp and down she went. She could not stand up on all four - her back legs did not seem to want to work. Hubby immediately took her to the vet - he checked her out and said her spine went out and she had no feeling in either back legs. She could have surgery for $1000 but he did not quarantee it would work. He suggested putting her down. So that is what has happened. We get to pick up her ashes tomorrow - cost of that is $371.00 So you can see we have had some expenses this last while and it only seems to be getting worse.

    It will be 2 weeks on Thursday since I have my surgery for the fisquala. Glad it is over - but honestly I dont think it took. In another week I go back for the removal of the stitches and they will at that time be able to tell me more.. Praying that it is working but I can't feel it so that is a concern.

    Well it is time for me to once again be in praying mode - thanks for all your prayers as they are much appreciated.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    Oh, Marilyn...I am so sorry this has happened. Yes, their care is costly....I'm sorry for the pain and heartache the loss brings. Praying for you as the upcoming procedure takes place and you find out if this one will work or not, once stitches are removed.

    I just got a call from my nephew....he wants so much for me to be at my brother's memorial Friday. He said his Mom has a wheelchair if needed and I can get a place to "park" where I'm not moving around a lot and in pain. He will pick me up at Noon. They will be doing a fish fry for the meal....that's a big deal as my brother loved such things. The fishing...and fish fries...While I still don't "want to"...I will go.
    I have a couple of days to prepare for the journey...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,329 Member
    Bren, I'm so glad that they are thinking of how they can make this as easy on you as possible. I think they will watch out for you while you are there, and having the wheelchair will make things much easier. Don't forget to take something along to keep your blood sugar okay! And don't stress, enjoy the time. The Lord may be giving you an opportunity to share His light with others! Jesus knows everything, and He has a purpose for this too! Rest in that.

    Marilyn, it is so good to hear from you again. I am so sorry for the loss of your doggy! I know how that can cause grief in our lives. I am praying that the Lord will comfort your hearts. I'm also praying that your (AV) fistula will work! I believe you said that this is the last one that they will be able to do. Jesus knows. My greater prayer is that you won't ever need it, and all the hard work you are doing to help your kidney numbers come back up will work! Praying your male doggy will be alright as well. The .6 up may just be that your body has become used to what you are doing and you might need to change something up - switch lunch meals and dinner meals around; walk at a different time of the day. Something like that to give your body a little jolt and wake it up!

    I went to our local PA and likely have pneumonia again. He heard congestion in my lower right lung where the pneumonia was last time. He said that the scar tissue from the previous pneumonia makes it more likely to get it again. I'm on two weeks of antibiotics. Lord willing this will finally beat this thing! I would appreciate adding your prayers to mine and my Church families. Love you ladies!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    Oh no, Kim! Well...you know what you're dealing with...and I too, pray this will be taken care of promptly.
    I'm glad you finally went to the PA for help!

    Thank you. I know this is not all about me but I did not want to be a burden...my ex SIL and nephew have both assured me I am NOT one and yes...they will take good care of me.
    Nathan asked if I could come up with things/memories for the service, as he had little to draw from, as his Mom divorced Donald in about 1998 and he was just a young boy...and they didn't have a close relationship....it was his wife, who in just the past 7 years or so, helped them mend some fences.
    Many memories I have....yet pickings are slim to share.
    I did do up a page and sent to Sarai, to share with the church where the service will be held. Hopefully some friends can fill in some gaps.
    One such friend did a lovely goodbye, to his FB page...and it felt so strange to see Donald referred to as "Old Timer"...it was such a sweet note. Nathan said there is a notice at the courthouse square about Donald's memorial service.

    I am praying I can stay alert for the timeframe of all this on Friday. God knows the need and my proclivity for sleeping Noon-4 PM....(expanding my vocabulary)

    We had more rain this morning but now it's hot/dry and fully sunny out there. It's beautiful! They finished our pool on Friday, refilled it and in my opinion....it's Ugly! They repainted and used a grey instead pf blue paint and it makes it look dirty! I'd still get in it if I was able but I think that's another memory "relegated" to my past! I haven't been in it for about 5 years and getting out was a real scary/painful proposition.

    I got a new set of dumbbells today. They are just 2 pounds each but in my weakness...the feel like 5 pound. I have a set in here...and now a set at my recliner, to use with TV time. I do have a set of 3 pound ones for down the road and a 5 pound kettlebell to play with.

    I discovered a leak under my bathroom sink this morning. Made me pull out my 2 little junk tubs, clean and sort...and I have a note ready to drop in the office tomorrow. Some tasks are forced on us...are they not?

    I finally got a salad together today for lunch and the toast was garlic toast to which I added some shredded pepper jack cheese. It was so good! I did use my stool for assistance while "working" and it helped a lot.8dba1m2eusnj.jpg

    Take good care of yourselves...and may you find many joy sparkers in each new day. Love and prayers for us all.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,329 Member
    Oh boy, that salad looks like one you would immensely enjoy! I loved your use of proclivity - woohoo!

    I remember you sharing about Donald's numerous dogs and the trouble they caused! Despite that he really cared for them!

    Not feeling better yet, but I've only had three antibiotics so far. I have a calm and will wait on the Lord's timing.

    Love y'all. Praying all goes well with your time at the memorial!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    Thank you Kim...I am praying all goes well and I can be stress free with a quiet, calm spirit....With the 2 hour drive time...round trip, it will just be about 4 hours to be out of my element! I'll do my prep list up and pack my purse!...I found long pants to fit. Hooya!

    I was so glad Nathan found provisions quickly for Donald's little dog. He was to be fostered, fixed and get all his shots before going to his new home. He always loved the littles.

    I thought you might! LOL...appreciate my use of a "fancy" word. I know a few...just don't have call to use them much.

    I'm praying the antibiotics kick in soon and you start to feel better. You've been sick for much too long! Be gentle and loving with yourself!

    I have managed to keep my table cleared off for two days now. Whew! It's a goal to make it a habit. I had to have maintenance in on Tuesday...the dishwasher light malfunctioned and blinked for over 24 hours. He had to cut my power briefly to reset it. Now I have the leak under the bathroom sink to call him for on Monday. I'll put a bowl down there in the meantime. I am not able to get down and clean up any messiness so plan to put a mat under there to cover it up. The wood had swollen a bit and one door won't close well...that's how it got my attention! I suppose water running onto the floor would have been next? Oh well....considering I've been in this apartment 23 years (5 in the first one)...my maintenance calls are averaging 3-4 a year....with the bathroom flooding filtered in.

    I need to get trash collected...not sure I can wrestle it out tonight but will in the morning. Nothing else has been accomplished today. Waaah! Oh...I did do 4 rounds so far of a 5X10 move set...with weights for some of them. That counts I suppose?sly1ue90oc9f.png
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,329 Member
    Bren, even a little bit is better than nothing, and as you get stronger you can add more! I am going to try and get back to walking on Monday, I should be well enough by then. I am doing better though. I'm not having as much trouble catching my breath and my cough and head congestion is almost gone as well. My head feels like it usually does from just allergies! Praise the Lord! Praying you will be strong and have a good time, even though it is a memorial for your brother. Remember the good stuff!

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    Thank you! I need prayer for today and beyond! I had a really rough, restless night, woke up at 8:00 feeling horrid...hacking, coughing to the point of throwing up almost...ick!....and panicking....called my nephew to beg off and he was so disappointed....
    I called him back in an hour after perking up a bit and apologized for the confusion and back peddling. It means so much to them...that I be there and I needed to remember...God has me in His hands...and I can do this day with Him going before me to prepare the way. I am praying the heavy rain holds off until Nathan is safely home this afternoon. Driving in the rain scares me so I am glad I'm not doing that today!

    I missed my coffee this morning but didn't feel like making it after my hacking about had eased up...I hope they have iced tea or something at the lunch. I have my meds and other goods packed in my purse...will get dressed and ready to roll out shortly.
    The bit I did yesterday...did feel good and I can do that with little effort....until I can do more. There's a lot that can be done while sitting.
    That's a good goal. I plan to do my walking inside my apartment for now as I lose stability quickly and I don't want to be outside and seeking the stairwell again as it was so hard to get up from there! It's like trying to get out of the pool and I feel an extra 80 pounds have been heaped on me.

    Have a good day at your spots, all....blessings to all as we move into this new day. It's going to slip into June shortly!lozumhc0keqt.png

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    OH! I am praising God! I just opened my door, waiting for Nathan and it's sunny and absolutely beautiful! The 70% chance of rain has dropped to 35%. He is SO good and merciful!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    Wow! No rain at all yesterday! That was an awesome gift from God.

    The service was very special and I am thankful I did get to go...Nathan and Sarai went way beyond the call, in taking care of everything. I was blessed and treated like a Queen but let me tell you....after 10 hours of sitting....(8 AM-5 PM) I was in trouble last night.
    I got home at 6:00, both legs gave out, coming out of the SUV and I almost fell....I didn't take my insulin or AM meds and it was almost 4:00 before we ate....so...I'm paying the piper today with a high FBS: 264, weigh is up (inflammation) and I will spend the weekend in recovery and be thankful I can.

    And....They packed me up 2 baggies with fish and fries, a whole box of bottled water and tea, a big bottle of Heinze catsup and 2 bottles of tartar sauce....and the picture of my brother in a frame that was used. Hooya!

    They will spread his ashes at Lambshead Ranch and the places he liked to fish. I was offered some but declined. They are precious and I am so thankful for them, and Sarai's Dad...who helped with the labor and with me...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,329 Member
    Oh Bren, I'm sorry that you are paying the piper today, but praise the Lord they took good care of you during the day! Praying you will recover quickly. As a good friend told me - REST! REST! REST! Love you and am so happy you ended up having a good day!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    Thank you love! I have that down...and am so thankful for the blessing of good rest. God is so good to us!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    I am feeling much better today after recovery/rest all day yesterday...Fbs is 121, BP 149/79 61...and weight at 233.8. I still have some puffiness and will work on that today.

    I need to get trash out and do some chores today, to restore order and calm. I have my list ready, now to get started on it! I am enjoying the bottled waters and teas I was given....I need to find a spot for them tho and clear my table again...that's a goal...to clear it of clutter and keep it that way.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,329 Member
    What a great picture of your brother! And yum on the liquids, those should help in keeping you hydrated!

    I saw on one of my favorite YouTube channels - The Blessing Boys - that they are moving to Texas. They didn't say where, but they are in NC now. They go around on the weekends and do yard work and lawn care, for free, to houses that have been tagged by the city or just look very overgrown. It's a dad, his three sons and occasionally his brother. I fast forward through some of the scenes because they are just going back and forth with the mower. I hope they keep doing their YouTube channel from Texas!

    I found another YouTube channel I like, it's a British one again, but it's called MONEY FOR NOTHING. There are two ladies who go down to the dump and watch what people have in their boots (trunks) and if they see something they think they can do over, they will ask to take it and then return later after it's been sold and give the people the profits! They send two items to specialists and then the hostess does one of them. It's interesting. The other two I really like are REPAIR SHOP and BIDDING ROOM, oh and ANTIQUES ROAD TRIP, they also have a channel on Roku. I've become an antique, so I like to see all the stuff that comes in from my own era - which is called Retro now and sells really well - and then the stuff from earlier as well. Repair Shop has great stories that go with the items they are going to repair and they have a barn full of different specialists who work on them. Fun stuff!

    Well, I'll let y'all go after that worthless bit of information! heehee. Love you!

    Oh, I'm doing a bit better today! Praise the Lord. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights. I love Him!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 782 Member
    edited June 3
    I am SO glad you are feeling better! We will praise God together!
    Hey...I am a Relic....still a useful, "old thing"....LOL... Those shows sound interesting. I love that...The Blessing Boys! I've watched some clips of different ones who do that type of thing and it's wonderful. While we were in lock down for the year of 2020, I got used to watching movies on youtube at the office and enjoyed that. Also, the "walking in the woods" type things, bird watching etc.

    Oh, I am SO enjoying the water and teas! I feel totally spoiled. I do buy bottled water but not the tea but that has made me feel plumb "Up Town"...LOL...
    I am feeling better today and am so thankful. I needed the whole weekend for recovery but did manage to get the trash to the dumpster yesterday...and have dealt with the dishes today....and straightened my runner rugs again. I need to tape them down in more spots for stability and that's on my list to do...

    I have an order coming from HEB at 1-2...with salad goods and good intentions! The sodium overload has had my heart tapping out a distress signal for the past 3 days! The inflammation is really bad and I need to get that down and watch myself this week...to restore order to mind and body.

    I did a new thing for lunch. I found this on a Senior group I'm in on FB. Fast/easy/delicious! Using canned chicken breast, sautéed onion, shredded cheese and Low carb, whole grain tortillas that I love. I did 2...using the 6 inch tortillas...and used only half the chicken mixture so with the next ones, I'll do more onion and add some diced chilis and have some Picante with it. Yum!bjvt8v7vf0hv.jpg