Daily Chats and Encouragements

Restfinder Posts: 2,922 Member
Sorry about missing the other chat thread being in Announcements. I've closed that thread and started this new one. I will be starting a challenge next week, so get ready!


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,610 Member
    @restfinder = thanks for the addition of being a leader - hope I can be of help as the group continues to grow
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,922 Member
    I found that having more than one leader is really helpful.

    Down another pound to 238.4. Praise the Lord!

    I'm still having trouble with swelling in my left foot. Taking two different diuretics is supposed to keep that from happening, and up until two weeks ago my feet rarely swelled, so not sure why it's happening. Last night, after I took off my flip flop, the lines it made were still quite visible even two hours later and the foot was slightly red. Just odd. I'm wearing my croc thongs today just in case my new Skecher flip flops are causing some kind of problem. Not sure what in them could be causing the problem. The bands are cloth and so is the toe brace, so it doesn't seem likely.

    Y'all have an awesome day. I'm going to get to my Bible Study now, probably do some more transposing of sermon notes.

    God bless.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 991 Member
    I'm noticing in the tracker many foods don't have the potassium listed. Since that's vital for me to watch, I did try an edit today on my lunch...I'll play with it some more...as it "let me" but then didn't show up, hence the need for more playing.
    I went to Market Street at lunch and got more baby cucumbers to do up my salad tonight. I got lunch at McDonald's and was given the wrong drink...a coke....that I can't drink. What I really wanted was the ICE and I was really unhappy since I didn't get my tea or the "lots of ice" I asked for....oh well. I went back at 1:00 for that tea!

    I saw that up there Marilyn! I use Charles Stanley's devotionals and Life Principles Bible. I ran myself out of time this morning since I didn't rest well last night and stayed down until 6:15. It was back to work today. I'm taking a vacation day the 21st and will be aiming to get some laundry done at last. I was in so much pain for over 2 weeks and am down to wearing elbow length shirts in this 98 degree heat but I'm OK as long as I am indoors. I love my off days but am discouraged a lot of late in the little I accomplish. Praying that I get back up to snuff soon. I've been so weak and fatigued that much of my time off is spent napping and doing the bare essentials in housekeeping, appointments and the like.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 991 Member
    Oh yay...I found the one that I had "corrected"...and switched it out. That's good to know we can do that. I saw the thing about reporting incorrect values on Android but I don't have this set up on my phone yet.
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 767 Member
    Good day everyone, I am still getting used to this site but liking things, found this quote a blog today and I love it. "We aren't being asked to build the Great Pyramids, we are trying to better ourselves by taking steps towards a newer healthier version of ourselves."
  • LindsayMaria78
    LindsayMaria78 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, everyone! I’m not new to MFP, but it’s been awhile and I know I can’t do it on my own. I’m so glad to have found a group of fellow believers to take this journey with!

    I’m a 42 year young (not old) lady, married, but with h no children. The Lord has much for me and my husband to do, and I want to be physically ready for any assignment He gives us. I also want to be an encouragement to my husband, as he is diabetic and has much weight to lose, himself. I have around 150 pounds to lose, so I’ll be here for a little bit. Lol
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 991 Member
    Hello Lindsay! So glad to see so many showing up to join us in this journey. I'm loving the site, am glad I can still learn new things considering my brain wasn't used much all last year during the shut down! LOL We just reopened the office to the public April 1st. I am so very blessed to have stayed well and mostly stayed out of trouble. I have an awesome job at a Self Storage facility...been here for 22.5 years and tho I long for retirement...I do enjoy my job and the money I make doing it.
    Be blessed all...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,610 Member
    June 17 2021
    Greetings team mates - just read all the current messages - so good hearing from all of you. We all have things in common (1) our love of our Lord Jesus Christ and (2) we need to lose weight.

    So how do you put these to things together? Have you ever done a search of Scripture to see what it says re what to eat and if we let ourselves get 'overweight' whether this is in disobedient to our Lord? Would love to hear your thoughts on that.

    Today is day 12 of logging on to MFP - loving that I am getting a good streak going here. And one feature I am really liking here is the food tracker. Love that I have been able to put the meals into either breakfast lunch or dinner and that I can go and click on calories per meal and put in how many calories I will eat per meal.

    I looked at the 'premium - $57 for a year or you can do it monthly. 1st month is a free trial - so I am doing the free trial and if I find it helpful will keep it for the year. So far I like it as there are no ads which is nice and just the ability to change up the meals re calories a bit more is a nice feature - but still just looking

    So have any of you posted a Scripture verse yet? Would love to hear what your are studying in your devotions. How about prayer requests, anyone up for that?

    Hubby is on his way home from getting a few fresh fruits - am going through more of that then every now that I am 100% on my program and I am really enjoying them. Lunch is all prepped and ready - so glad that I am keeping the meals as basic as possible with 2 - 3 options for lunch and for dinner = makes it a lot easier with planning and my family (hubby and our youngest daughter) are happy with the meals.

    Till next time

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,922 Member
    Marilyn, I haven't really done a study on eating in the Word. I know that we aren't bound by the Jewish laws of eating and that when Peter saw the sheet come down out of heaven, many of the things that the Jews called unclean, Jesus called clean. Gluttony is a sin, therefore if you sit around and stuff your face all day - yeah, you need to ask Jesus to forgive you and help you to fix what's wrong. I have a couple of genetic problems that put weight on my body, one of them only liposuction can cure - no diet or exercise will take off the fat this disease puts on - but, I do have weight that I put there. For some reason my body fights me when I try to lose weight. When I've done everything right (dieted and exercised regularly) I still didn't lose the weight that someone without my make up would have lost. I've baffled doctors and nutritionists because I should have been losing hand over fist but the weight wasn't coming off. I'm not making excuses, there are pounds that could come off and I'm fighting for those now.
    Jms 4:17  Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin.
    It's as simple as that. You have to be walking in a manner pleasing to the Lord, even in our health.

    You asked about our studying. I'm transposing sermon notes onto a word processor on my computer so it's different every day. I love doing word studies and digging deeper into what the words mean in the passages, and many times I find they are far deeper than my initial understanding - like diligence. It doesn't just mean sticking to it, but rather there is a haste to the word. Do it quickly and don't give up! It is so very important in this day and age to know the Word and measure whatever we hear or read by the Word. So many preachers have compromised the truth to keep their pews filled and are ear-ticklers as well as followers of what the newest thing is. Measure everything against the Word of God and trust that what He said He meant, we don't need men to tell us what the words actually mean. If there isn't a disclaimer in the Word, then we shouldn't believe it when someone tells us there is. (IE: Rom 6:23  "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." A lot of people add a disclaimer after the word death - unless you are saved. It seems that many preach that saved people are exempt from the judgment sin brings - but that isn't what the Word says.) I appreciate the biblical proofs when we bring something to the team to contemplate.

    Lindsay, welcome! My husband and I weren't able to have children. There was no obvious problem. For the first five or so years of our marriage I really struggled with this, then my Pastor's wife asked me a question that got my attention and helped me see the situation more clearly. She asked me how much we would be willing to spend to have a child before we trusted God. Yeah, it hit me that if God wanted us to have children there wasn't anything wrong with either of us that could get in His way. He simply had something different for us. I wasn't less of a woman, I just had a different path to walk than those who would be mothers. There are joys and sorrows in both conditions, and in both we have to be walking in obedience to the Lord.

    Went a little off plan with my dinner tonight. I whipped up something quick and starchy! I didn't track either. Feeling very tired today and so far it's taken three different times on the computer to get myself here today. My husband teaches guitar to some kids in the Church and they were over today. I like to sit with the one who isn't doing the lesson so that meant a shortened time on it this afternoon. Then hubby needed a nap before going to work (home office) so that cut the second computer session short. I usually get a couple of hours on the computer (where I do my Bible study too) in the morning. I do better if I schedule time to meet with Jesus, I'm less likely to forget that way.

    I hope y'all have a wonderful and restful evening. God bless
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,043 Member
    LindsayMaria - What a wonderful ambition! God is going to work through your life in the foster care program. When I was a teen there was a family in our church that took in teen boys. There were some amazing results in their lives.

    I am also one of the ones with no children. I did "inherit" 2 step-daughters that are 6 and 7 years younger than I am. They were in their late-twenties when I married their Dad 30 years ago. They have been wonderful to me, and have given us an incredible grandson.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 991 Member
    Is there a way to increase the font to read posts? I'm visually impaired and this teeny font is a strain. I need about a 14 font.
    Am feeling better, a bit stronger it seems and am hoping for continued progress so I can tackle laundry and cleaning on my off days.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,922 Member
    Lindsay, that is so great. I've run across a lot of women who want children so badly and will spend a fortune to make it happen. Having a heart for foster children or children who need to be adopted is beautiful. I too wanted to adopt, but we were never in a financial position to do that. Three of my four cousins were adopted, and my sister has three adopted children, brothers and sisters from a foreign country (I can't remember which since I don't have a relationship with my family and only get snippets of information on them). When I was growing up I knew a family who had a foster baby. After three years they wanted to adopt him, but at that very time the mom wanted him back and gave her back to her - broke the families heart, but they were glad that she had turned her life around and was able to raise him. For a short time, over the holidays one year, my family shared our home with a teen that was in a half-way house, or some kind of home, too many years ago to remember, but that was such a great experience. I hope that you are able to have your dreams come true.

    Bren, I looked but didn't see any way to make the print larger. They should get rid of the strike through and put in font size! LOL!

    My new blender came today. It has more power than my Nutribullett does so should grind up my smoothies better and crush that ice better too. I thought ice in a smoothie was just for coldness, but it does at texture and thickens it - whoduthunkit? It's supposed to also chop stuff, so hopefully it will do that with nuts and things like that in recipes.

    Oooo, I tried a recipe for fruit muffins. Super simple, oatmeal, fruit, protein powder, baking powder, vanilla, and stevia. Really good and healthy! It's a THM recipe, so I can't share it here, copyrighted!

    Stayed the same weight-wise. I didn't stay on plan yesterday (not sweets but a starchy dinner), although I just tracked my food, and I am in on all my numbers and still able to have a fried chicken breast and half a cup of French fries for dinner! Wow!

    Talk to y'all later. God bless, Kim
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 991 Member
    Yum! I have tater tots planned for dinner with my grilled chicken burger. With tracking as is, I am a bit over on fat, 450 (or so) over on sodium but hey...2436 mg sure beats my normal 5500 mg! Yay...only 89 on carbs and low end for calories....and potassium looks great with less than my 2000mg. I'm liking it!

    Kim, when I am typing my post, the font is just about right but when I post it, it's the teeny, tiny font. Oh well....can't have everything I want, right?
    I forgot to bring tea bags with me so am having a Sprite Zero. I don't have them as often as I used to and I did get kinda hooked on them when I was using that nasty Rybelsus and having severe nausea issues. I came off that on Thanksgiving day, last year and still have a lot left...a couple months supply. That's sad, as someone somewhere could probably use it....

    I had one rental, went out for my sun and air time to take some locks off and will do it again before I lock up the cart at 4:30.
    I am SO looking forward to my off days M-W, and have great hopes of laundry being done. My Inner Maid has been on extended leave since about April, 2017. and I need her services badly. I won't admit how many times I've bought new undies, socks, wash cloths, shirts, pants and sheets.....when I wasn't able or willing to drag my carcass around to the laundry room. There is hope for me....still.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,610 Member
    June 18 2021
    Great to come to the group to read many messages - love it.

    @bren5535 = you mentioned font size - I don't see it but I did read a message from someone who increased her font size - so will see what I can find out - I am sure it can be done just need to do some research - a good place to ask though is on the technical support thread - I have had good results from questions I have asked them.

    Am enjoying great summer weather - it is 25C (75 F) right not which is just right but is going higher for the day - tomorrow will be a bit cooler than it will be 30C+ for a few days - that is too hot for me

    Am enjoying the food tracker here - have been able to make up a few dinner menus and saved them giving them different names for easy access to the food tracker. Also I was able to edit the Calories per meal so have assigned a given amount for each meal and then have made up meals to get to the given amount of calories = all works out to 1200 calories total. Love this feature on MFP Also that you can print out your food diary - there is a place with each day where you can add notes so it could include a short journal of the day. Great feature.

    And then there is the weight tracker - I love the graph it gives me - I weigh daily and used to make my own graph now I don't need to - it is made for me - so over a period of 30 days I can print it up to give me an idea on how I did for the month on a daily basis.

    I have the best coach - Jesus Christ - and He daily encourages me to eat as per my food journal and when I think of going off plan He reminds me that my body is a holy temple and that I need to take care of it - and not to commit my food for the day and not follow through as the Word tells us that making a vow and not doing it is a sin. So I am careful what I decide to eat as it can reflex in my walk with the Lord. I am so grateful that my husband has a strong faith and loves the Lord so much - we have a great devotion time every morning - (we rise early for someone who is retired) and between praying and devotion/studying the work it usually comes to be about 2 hours on the lower side. We have been doing this now for years - when he was working we did devotions like this every 2nd day when he was off from work - and during that time we had to be really creative in how to keep the kids busy/entertained while we did this - they always were with us when we did the praying but when we got deep into scripture most time we could convince them to take some quiet time with reading on their own. Such great memories.

    Have a great day - look forward to reading more messages when I come check again later

    -Marilyn <3
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 991 Member
    Hello Missy! I am so glad you found us here! I am loving the site and the ease of the tracker, now that I figured out what I was up to. I'm so glad we have this optin...to stay in touch and carry on in our journey! Love you, Sister!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,922 Member
    Oh, Missy, I can't believe that you are still having so much trouble with your jaw. Have you talked again with dentist to see if there is anything he can tell you? This has gone on a long time and with bronchitis now, you really need some help! Will pray!

    Having quite a bit of stomach pain this morning. I'm hoping it isn't the Willow Bark giving me trouble because it's the only thing that helps the pain in my hands. I think it might be the IBS-C though and not much I can do about that. I would appreciate your prayers.

    Getting a bit of laundry done today and watered the flowers earlier this morning. Not much else planned for the day. It's quite hot outside. When I went to do the flowers around 9 AM it was already in the 80's. Well, I say flowers. We have one hanging pot that has flowers on it, the morning glories that I put at the base of our lamp post are growing but have given just one or two flowers and they fell off the second day after blooming. They are in a pot so not sure if that is the culprit. There are also some Japanese Beetle holes and I saw one in the pot earlier, so that may be stressing it. Poor plant! We have several in pots on the porch too but none of them have bloomed. We have a couple of pots of parsley but don't use it in anything, so they just keep growing. Our pastor's wife wanted Mom to feel at home and knew she had a green thumb so we planted several different things, parsley being one of them.

    Well, I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. Much love
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 767 Member
    Good day all, today is going to be a great day. I am rested and ready to face the world.

    Missy praying that you get better soon.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 991 Member
    Having a blessed day at my spot on the map. It's sunny, hot and lovely. I had some sun and air time already....taking locks off this morning and will do it again this afternoon. I have 2 on the PM list already.

    I remembered my tea bags today and that makes me happy...I bring ice from home, do my tea in my "reserved" McDonald's cups for a special touch. LOL

    I had a Stouffer's lasagna for lunch and it seems the cheese layer is missing. That's OK I suppose but I like the cottage cheese blend that should be in the middle. This was meat sauce and lasagna noodles. Oh well...It was OK anyway and I had meant to have some cucumber salad as well and forgot it so deleted that.

    I have the crock pot going at home with pork, a potato and carrots in it....with some frozen onion blend, garlic and an onion soup mix packet for good measure and a lot of sodium. Should be tasty. I used my liner today so won't make a mess like the last time, a couple weeks back.

    Prayers for us all in this new day....God knows our names and needs. Be blessed....
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,610 Member
    June 19 2021

    All is going well with me - though a bit of computer trouble - could not access the email or log on to this website on my hubbies computer but could on mine - and wanted to use his so I could use the printer. Got the email straightened out now to find out why I can't log on to myfitness pal on his. Strange. Wanted to print up my food journal and his computer is connected to the printer - so now not sure what I will do - it said to try again in one hour - hopefully it will connect then.

    It is cooler here today (21 C or 70 F) but will be a lot higher by Monday so though it is a bit too cool I am not sure if I am really ready for a lot of heat.

    Praying for all of you - may you all feel the Lord around you

    -Marilyn <3
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 991 Member
    I set out a bag of goodies and my baby Keurig and pods for neighbors this morning, in the process of paring down and clearing out....to create a bit more space in my teeny kitchen. I's only used the Keurig maybe twice a year for the past 4 years and perhaps someone else will enjoy it.
    I do wish I had the strength and energy of 10 years ago, as my chores and projects are much tougher to get done. If I spent even 30 minutes a day decluttering and releasing....it would help a lot! I'll consider that.
    Sunday is my half day at work and I go in at Noon. I did next to nothing other than calls and one rental yesterday, had two on Friday...as we are in our slump period. I'll clear my desk today, do some cleaning and start my sale prep for July.
    I'm taking tomorrow as a vacation day and will pray for the strength and will to drag this laundry around there and get it done.

    Wishing you all a blessed and restful day. Prayers for us all...
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 767 Member
    bren5535 wrote: »
    I do wish I had the strength and energy of 10 years ago, as my chores and projects are much tougher to get done. If I spent even 30 minutes a day decluttering and releasing....it would help a lot! I'll consider that.
    I think in most ways I have more energy now then I had 10 years ago, but I wish I had a bit more. I'm so much more active most days now and it is so much easier to get my chores done. I too need to spend at least 30 minutes a day on decluttering and releasing. Like you it would help me so much.

    Today is Sunday, I have a few chores to get done and then I plan to go for a walk in the river valley with a friend.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,610 Member
    June 20 2021
    Hope you are all having a great Sunday - and that all the Fathers represented by all the daughters here have a good day - I miss my dad a lot - he passed away 33 years ago at age 75 - so many days I think of him wishing he could she our children and grandchildren - he never met my 2 younger children but am sure he would be so proud of them.

    Just finished going to 'church online' - was a great service and the music was so uplifting. Another couple of weeks and I think we will be ready to go back to being actually in the church building - so looking forward to that

    Day 15 of logging on to MFP - soon it be my 1st month completed here - looking forward to seeing what the scale will tell me on that day.

    Have been a bit off on my food for a couple of days, therefore the scale has been doing ups and downs - and that I don't really enjoy - I know that over a period of 7 days the weight can go up and down but in the last week I have not made any progress so this final week of the month I am sticking to my food plan

    Today is our 'day of rest' - didn't get all the laundry done yesterday and though I would like to get the rest done today I am going to wait till tomorrow - I am one of those that works on getting all my household chores done from Monday to Saturday - and as I am retired there is enough time to do so - so the laundry will wait till tomorrow morning.

    My breakfast has been eaten (231 calories worth) lunch is prepped and waiting (485 calories) but am going to hold off for about 1 hour to let my hubby have a short nap - then we will eat together. As for supper (485 calorie) I have it all prepped - the protein I cooked last night which just means I need to heat it up in the micro, the vegetables have been prepped and will be grilled - so that lets me to have a relaxing afternoon.

    Have a great day everyone

    -Marilyn <3
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 991 Member
    Noooooo! I gave away my mini Keurig yesterday....and this morning, my coffee pot quit! I had an extra, 4 cup one, in the closet, cleaned it up... and the basket was missing! 5:30 AM and no coffee? I'll dart off to HEB at 8:00 when they open to get one.

    I do have laundry in. Two loads are a start. One of our 4 machines is out of service so I'm always glad to be the only one needing them at the moment. They took down the mask required notice....for now.

    FBS was 327 this morning. Ack! Gotta watch myself more closely.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,922 Member
    Super tired today! I woke with a headache and was able to knock it out without having to take my migraine meds, but I still have that after migraine feeling. My doctor said that if I'm not sensitive to light or noise or having an aura I was probably having tension headaches and no migraines. The pain is also steady in one temple, the migraine pulses, so I guess I get three different types of headaches now, sinus, migraine, and tension!

    Going to get my hair done this week, phew. I keep pushing it off of my face and there is far more gray than I am happy with. When she did the color she added some gray so that would hide the natural gray, as well as the blond I like (which I grew up being) and some brunette which is the color my hair has become, which I do not like on me, but because that would be the color of my roots it would blend them in. So far it's working, just need to get rid of some of the gray and get these bangs out of my face! LOL!

    Eating well today. The scale has stopped moving, but then I haven't tracked in a few days and had that treat on Friday. We will stick to plan this week and see if we can get it to move again! Still swelling in the left foot though, not sure why. Oh, reminds me, I need to put on my compression garments.

    Have a wonderful day, y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,610 Member
    June 21 2021

    Hope you are all having a great Monday. For us the weather is hot - and going to get hotter. So today will be a day for the air to be put on

    Eat off plan last night (something with flour) and this morning my insulin (pricking my finger) was up to 7.9 when is is usually 5.8 in the morning - so I know that what I ate was not good - the flour was not good and the actual item was not healthy - so won't do that again.

    As it is the start of the week, I am going to start a streak of following my food plan - today will be day 1 of food plan and is day 16 of logging onto mfp - so am going to see how long I can keep both of those numbers getting higher - only numbers that I really like to go up lol

    Just listened to a great 30 minute sermon by John McArthur on How to recognize our sin - he really nails it. Hubby and I are working our way through Deuteronomy - just about to the end - lots in that book to understand.

    Look forward to reading all the messages when I return

    -Marilyn <3
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,043 Member
    Such a beautiful day for a walk, today. Last week in the 100s, today it is 69! I would love to get my husband outside to work on the yard a little bit, but he just has no desire to move today. He will wait till it is 100 again.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 991 Member
    Coffee pot thing....I ordered delivery from HEB including the little 5 cup pot that was...On Sale!...and also out of stock. I was to get delivery between 11-12....at 1:00, I'm still waiting, checked on line and it said delivery was made at 11:00. They just set the bags down in front of my door, in the heat! If they knocked, I never heard them, but I had my door open...I can't hear, so suppose I'd better put that on extra instructions next time. Ack...and no pot!

    However, I remembered....I had a little electric percolator I'd bought at Goodwill, when I first moved here, still in the box and new....over 20 years ago! I had only used it to heat water for tea and broth....so got it down and I have coffee today. yay!

    I will get another pot from Wal-Mart but it's not a rush thing now that I can at least have some coffee. I was a hair whiny yesterday.
    I was so very thankful to get the laundry done...round one at least, yesterday and it was harder on me than normal since I'm still in recovery mode and weak. I will do up a chart to keep up with my goals and mark things off as they are done. I also want to start doing a weekly meal plan rather than randomly grabbing things. I have way too many frozen, high sodium meals in my freezer...well, maybe 11?

    Love the starting of our Challenge page...thanks Kim. It's great to see you all there! Prayers for us all on our journey.
    Have a blessed day. I'll be off to do my cardio test thing in a bit and praying it's done quickly and I am home again in no time.