Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 764 Member
    Having a blessed day at my spot on the map. It's sunny, hot and lovely. I had some sun and air time already....taking locks off this morning and will do it again this afternoon. I have 2 on the PM list already.

    I remembered my tea bags today and that makes me happy...I bring ice from home, do my tea in my "reserved" McDonald's cups for a special touch. LOL

    I had a Stouffer's lasagna for lunch and it seems the cheese layer is missing. That's OK I suppose but I like the cottage cheese blend that should be in the middle. This was meat sauce and lasagna noodles. Oh well...It was OK anyway and I had meant to have some cucumber salad as well and forgot it so deleted that.

    I have the crock pot going at home with pork, a potato and carrots in it....with some frozen onion blend, garlic and an onion soup mix packet for good measure and a lot of sodium. Should be tasty. I used my liner today so won't make a mess like the last time, a couple weeks back.

    Prayers for us all in this new day....God knows our names and needs. Be blessed....
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,484 Member
    June 19 2021

    All is going well with me - though a bit of computer trouble - could not access the email or log on to this website on my hubbies computer but could on mine - and wanted to use his so I could use the printer. Got the email straightened out now to find out why I can't log on to myfitness pal on his. Strange. Wanted to print up my food journal and his computer is connected to the printer - so now not sure what I will do - it said to try again in one hour - hopefully it will connect then.

    It is cooler here today (21 C or 70 F) but will be a lot higher by Monday so though it is a bit too cool I am not sure if I am really ready for a lot of heat.

    Praying for all of you - may you all feel the Lord around you

    -Marilyn <3
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 764 Member
    I set out a bag of goodies and my baby Keurig and pods for neighbors this morning, in the process of paring down and clearing out....to create a bit more space in my teeny kitchen. I's only used the Keurig maybe twice a year for the past 4 years and perhaps someone else will enjoy it.
    I do wish I had the strength and energy of 10 years ago, as my chores and projects are much tougher to get done. If I spent even 30 minutes a day decluttering and releasing....it would help a lot! I'll consider that.
    Sunday is my half day at work and I go in at Noon. I did next to nothing other than calls and one rental yesterday, had two on Friday...as we are in our slump period. I'll clear my desk today, do some cleaning and start my sale prep for July.
    I'm taking tomorrow as a vacation day and will pray for the strength and will to drag this laundry around there and get it done.

    Wishing you all a blessed and restful day. Prayers for us all...
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 686 Member
    bren5535 wrote: »
    I do wish I had the strength and energy of 10 years ago, as my chores and projects are much tougher to get done. If I spent even 30 minutes a day decluttering and releasing....it would help a lot! I'll consider that.
    I think in most ways I have more energy now then I had 10 years ago, but I wish I had a bit more. I'm so much more active most days now and it is so much easier to get my chores done. I too need to spend at least 30 minutes a day on decluttering and releasing. Like you it would help me so much.

    Today is Sunday, I have a few chores to get done and then I plan to go for a walk in the river valley with a friend.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,484 Member
    June 20 2021
    Hope you are all having a great Sunday - and that all the Fathers represented by all the daughters here have a good day - I miss my dad a lot - he passed away 33 years ago at age 75 - so many days I think of him wishing he could she our children and grandchildren - he never met my 2 younger children but am sure he would be so proud of them.

    Just finished going to 'church online' - was a great service and the music was so uplifting. Another couple of weeks and I think we will be ready to go back to being actually in the church building - so looking forward to that

    Day 15 of logging on to MFP - soon it be my 1st month completed here - looking forward to seeing what the scale will tell me on that day.

    Have been a bit off on my food for a couple of days, therefore the scale has been doing ups and downs - and that I don't really enjoy - I know that over a period of 7 days the weight can go up and down but in the last week I have not made any progress so this final week of the month I am sticking to my food plan

    Today is our 'day of rest' - didn't get all the laundry done yesterday and though I would like to get the rest done today I am going to wait till tomorrow - I am one of those that works on getting all my household chores done from Monday to Saturday - and as I am retired there is enough time to do so - so the laundry will wait till tomorrow morning.

    My breakfast has been eaten (231 calories worth) lunch is prepped and waiting (485 calories) but am going to hold off for about 1 hour to let my hubby have a short nap - then we will eat together. As for supper (485 calorie) I have it all prepped - the protein I cooked last night which just means I need to heat it up in the micro, the vegetables have been prepped and will be grilled - so that lets me to have a relaxing afternoon.

    Have a great day everyone

    -Marilyn <3
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 764 Member
    Noooooo! I gave away my mini Keurig yesterday....and this morning, my coffee pot quit! I had an extra, 4 cup one, in the closet, cleaned it up... and the basket was missing! 5:30 AM and no coffee? I'll dart off to HEB at 8:00 when they open to get one.

    I do have laundry in. Two loads are a start. One of our 4 machines is out of service so I'm always glad to be the only one needing them at the moment. They took down the mask required notice....for now.

    FBS was 327 this morning. Ack! Gotta watch myself more closely.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,298 Member
    Super tired today! I woke with a headache and was able to knock it out without having to take my migraine meds, but I still have that after migraine feeling. My doctor said that if I'm not sensitive to light or noise or having an aura I was probably having tension headaches and no migraines. The pain is also steady in one temple, the migraine pulses, so I guess I get three different types of headaches now, sinus, migraine, and tension!

    Going to get my hair done this week, phew. I keep pushing it off of my face and there is far more gray than I am happy with. When she did the color she added some gray so that would hide the natural gray, as well as the blond I like (which I grew up being) and some brunette which is the color my hair has become, which I do not like on me, but because that would be the color of my roots it would blend them in. So far it's working, just need to get rid of some of the gray and get these bangs out of my face! LOL!

    Eating well today. The scale has stopped moving, but then I haven't tracked in a few days and had that treat on Friday. We will stick to plan this week and see if we can get it to move again! Still swelling in the left foot though, not sure why. Oh, reminds me, I need to put on my compression garments.

    Have a wonderful day, y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,484 Member
    June 21 2021

    Hope you are all having a great Monday. For us the weather is hot - and going to get hotter. So today will be a day for the air to be put on

    Eat off plan last night (something with flour) and this morning my insulin (pricking my finger) was up to 7.9 when is is usually 5.8 in the morning - so I know that what I ate was not good - the flour was not good and the actual item was not healthy - so won't do that again.

    As it is the start of the week, I am going to start a streak of following my food plan - today will be day 1 of food plan and is day 16 of logging onto mfp - so am going to see how long I can keep both of those numbers getting higher - only numbers that I really like to go up lol

    Just listened to a great 30 minute sermon by John McArthur on How to recognize our sin - he really nails it. Hubby and I are working our way through Deuteronomy - just about to the end - lots in that book to understand.

    Look forward to reading all the messages when I return

    -Marilyn <3
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Such a beautiful day for a walk, today. Last week in the 100s, today it is 69! I would love to get my husband outside to work on the yard a little bit, but he just has no desire to move today. He will wait till it is 100 again.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 764 Member
    Coffee pot thing....I ordered delivery from HEB including the little 5 cup pot that was...On Sale!...and also out of stock. I was to get delivery between 11-12....at 1:00, I'm still waiting, checked on line and it said delivery was made at 11:00. They just set the bags down in front of my door, in the heat! If they knocked, I never heard them, but I had my door open...I can't hear, so suppose I'd better put that on extra instructions next time. Ack...and no pot!

    However, I remembered....I had a little electric percolator I'd bought at Goodwill, when I first moved here, still in the box and new....over 20 years ago! I had only used it to heat water for tea and broth....so got it down and I have coffee today. yay!

    I will get another pot from Wal-Mart but it's not a rush thing now that I can at least have some coffee. I was a hair whiny yesterday.
    I was so very thankful to get the laundry done...round one at least, yesterday and it was harder on me than normal since I'm still in recovery mode and weak. I will do up a chart to keep up with my goals and mark things off as they are done. I also want to start doing a weekly meal plan rather than randomly grabbing things. I have way too many frozen, high sodium meals in my freezer...well, maybe 11?

    Love the starting of our Challenge page...thanks Kim. It's great to see you all there! Prayers for us all on our journey.
    Have a blessed day. I'll be off to do my cardio test thing in a bit and praying it's done quickly and I am home again in no time.
  • WThyme
    WThyme Posts: 78 Member
    bren5535 wrote: »
    Coffee pot thing....I ordered delivery from HEB including the little 5 cup pot that was...On Sale!...and also out of stock. I was to get delivery between 11-12....at 1:00, I'm still waiting, checked on line and it said delivery was made at 11:00. They just set the bags down in front of my door, in the heat! If they knocked, I never heard them, but I had my door open...I can't hear, so suppose I'd better put that on extra instructions next time. Ack...and no pot!

    However, I remembered....I had a little electric percolator I'd bought at Goodwill, when I first moved here, still in the box and new....over 20 years ago! I had only used it to heat water for tea and broth....so got it down and I have coffee today. yay!

    I will get another pot from Wal-Mart but it's not a rush thing now that I can at least have some coffee. I was a hair whiny yesterday.

    I'm sorry to laugh about your coffee issues, but it could be a skit from a slap stick comedy. (I'm pretty certain you weren't laughing yesterday!) It's the kind of thing that you watch on tv and say to yourself, "That would never happen in real life." Except that it has!
    A friend of my son is in the "movie" business and we have laughed many times at dramas played out in real life at our house that should totally have been filmed for a reality tv show! B)
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 764 Member
    Glad to entertain! I laugh at my own antics quite often! LOL
    I DID go to Wal-Mart, got another little pot, hiked about the store and counted that as my walking for the day, after my appointment, which went well and wasn't quite as painful as the last one, a couple years ago.

    I got my pot set up, made tea for the day and had a great surprise...a message from the endo office saying my Dr. had some samples for me and I raced right over to collect them. I've been out of my Levemir 12 days now while CVS plays around tho my Dr. had e-maild a scrip 4 times already. He said today, he could call in a scrip for the Tresiba to the Wal-Mart pharmacy. That's what he gave me today and it works like the Levemir. Whew....I am relived...blessed and very happy.

    I got my tracking done and will lay down for a nap and some reading. Enjoy your day all!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,484 Member
    June 22 2021

    I got a chuckle also reading about the coffee pot - think things like this happen more then we really know

    Today I have had to put the air conditioner on before lunch - and it looks like it will be one for some time as it is only getting hotter - I am one of those people that like warm weather - not to hot not to cold - so when it get up in the 90' F or higher or in the winter when it gets down to - 20 F - well just now what I really like - but I love where I live so I have learned to get used to it - and really enjoy it when it hits the warmth that I love

    Listened to a good sermon from John McArthur this morning - How to think and act in evil days (Luke 13) It is one of his 'short' sermons as it was only 30 minutes - don't have a link but I am sure you can find it on YouTube if you were interested or if you went to his website.

    My Scripture for today is

    How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.
    With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!
    I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

    -Marilyn <3
  • grallen904
    grallen904 Posts: 104 Member
    Hello, I think this is my first post on this thread. Today was a good day. God blessed us with a beautiful day. I got in quite a bit of moving today and have been downing the water. I drink lemon water. I hoping for another pound down this week.
  • ufindjewels
    ufindjewels Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    Today was a good day. Stayed within my calorie goal, walked Punken this morning 3 miles and did a yoga class. Thanking God for His goodness, kindness and patience.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 764 Member
    edited June 2021
    Good morning all!
    I am thankful for the blessings of yesterday...and am playing catch up today with my home chores so I leave things tidy when I go back to work tomorrow.
    Today's list is: Collect trash, clean kitchen, vacuum and put away laundry I did on Monday. With all of yesterday's running, I was ready for a rest day today....but will still do at least those things...and will feel better for it.

    I started the Tresiba last night. I do 60 units AM and 75 PM, then my Novolog before meals. I am still a needle weenie after years of insulin use. I'll call Wal-Mart to see if my Levemir scrip is in process and hope I have no trouble since CVS has done the home delivery for 3 years now but are stalled at the moment. I was very thankful for the Tresiba samples my Dr. had for me yesterday. Hope to get all this sorted very soon. I'd thought he was going to do a scrip for that but it shows Levemir in my portal thing.

    I need to tighten up on my tracking. I have been careless the past week and that part is totally on me. I'll do that today. I got carried away with the frozen meals. Once my stash is gone...I need to prop/cook simple things with way less sodium and carbs. I am sure I remember how.

    Have a blessed day all. So very glad you're all here!
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 686 Member
    So happy for your that you got your coffee issue fixed. I love my coffee in the morning and am very crabby when I don't get it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,298 Member
    edited June 2021
    I found a really good coffee protein drink and have been drinking that in the morning rather than coffee. I just can't get into coffee unless it's more like a latte! The protein drink is Owyn if anyone needs one. I also use KOS protein powder in my smoothies, it's an organic plant based protein powder since dairy is a problem for me (lactose and caseinate).

    My Bren (a friend on SP for 14 years) is good medicine and such a blessing! I will remind you though of the potassium in coffee, so just be aware of how much you are drinking! 116mg in one cup of high test coffee! That really doesn't sound like a whole lot to me since we should be getting over 4700mg a day.

    My scale was messing with my head this morning. According to it I lost five pounds since yesterday! Sigh! Maybe tomorrow it will be felling better and give me a correct number!

    OOO, the Zulily ads on the bottom of my page give me an itchy finger to head over there. I ordered a tunic the other day, my arms are growing out of the ones that I have, so hopefully it will fit right. It's so cute, geometric and colorful. I also ordered a pair of compression leggings from Amazon, hopefully they will have enough compression so I won't have to wear my compression wraps every day. I've tried the leg sleeves and the leg socks, but they just hurt so bad after a few hours, at the top especially and then around the ankle. Just not worth the hassle. I recently bought a pair with a zipper, but the zipper gouges into my leg and is very uncomfortable at the top! Oh well, after 15 years of going through this you'd think I'd figure out they just don't work! LOL! I need to put doing my lymphedema massage every day on my goal's sheet!

    Y'all have a very productive and awesome day. God bless

    Oh, I wanted to mention too that I appreciated the verse today by Marilyn, so true and one of my favorites!

    A verse that speaks to my heart as well is: Ps 51:10  Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. 
    11  Do not cast me away from Thy presence, And do not take Thy Holy Spirit from me. 
    12  Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation, And sustain me with a willing spirit. 

    I want to be walking in all His will!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,484 Member
    June 23 2021
    Another hot day where I live - it is 9:45 am and it is 77F (26C) and they tell us that it should get to a high of 88F. Friday it is getting even hotter- 95F then comes 4 days of unbelievable heat - Saturday will get to102F, Sunday will get to 106F and Monday and Tuesday high should be 108F - far to hot in my world so the good old central air will be running for all day on those days trying to keep the house cooled somewhat. But soon it will be over and the cooler fall weather will be upon us and then the cold of winter - so am going to enjoy what we have today.

    Am tired this morning - and though I slept well I know it is because of the sugar and especially flour that I have been putting into my body over the last few days - I really need to lean more on my Lord and Savior for the strength I need to get through the first 7 days of not having any sugar and flour - then how I am feeling will ease up. But right now I am tired, having strong cravings for food that has flour and sugar in it - and this is not good as I don't like how I am feeling - no energy, to many aches and pains, digestion doing a number on me - list goes on and on - and just making the change of eliminating all sugar and all flour and life gets so much better for me. So am having to spend a lot more time each day in prayer, studying the Word of God, taking the time to sit and listen and then act on what the Lord is telling me to do - and I am hearing Him tell me to eliminate sugar and flour - so I need to be in obedience and do so.

    Psalm 119:65-66
    Teach me good judgement and knowledge, for I believe in your commands.

    Psalm 119:73
    Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments.

    -Marilyn <3
  • grallen904
    grallen904 Posts: 104 Member
    Hello all,
    Today was grocery shopping day so got that done this morning. I need to pack some stuff to the camper today and start the fridge. God has blessed us with a beautiful blue sky. It’s a bit warm at 86 degrees but not too humid.

    Restfinder, what are the calories in the coffee protein drink? I drink a protein shake I get at Wal-Mart and it’s 190 calories. I’m looking for one that has fewer calories. Regarding the scale, how long have you had it? Mine wasn’t registering correctly so I bought a new one. I tested the new one by putting weights on it to make sure it was right and it was. I hope you find something you like on Zulily. I like the verses you posted.

    Hi Marilyn, it’s a tad warm here too at 86 degrees. Did you stop with the sugar and flour cold turkey or did you wean yourself off of it? If you stopped out right, that may be why you are craving it.

    Bren, tracking food is very helpful. Mostly what I eat during the week is the same but my weekend eating is different so it’s interesting to see the calorie intake difference. Defiantly cooking your food will help you control the sodium and carbs.