Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Hello Ladies....
    I've been out of commission for several days....have been up today since 2 AM so will be ready for a nap once my Wal-Mart order comes. It will be 2 years next month that I've had the sleep disorder issue, after being bedridden a full week with both feet out at the same time. I get plenty of rest, as I've said...just not at night...so I am much less productive in the hours I am up....not a lot I can do without being a noisy neighbor from midnight to 5 AM....

    I got trash to the dumpster at last this morning...2 weeks worth. Whew....me no likey! I was really wobbly and weak. I do wear my alert button thing in case I get in trouble...

    I finally got a message back from my brother! He said he'd been getting FB error messages when he tried to contact me. I now have his address, got a letter off to him and can go see him if the urge strikes to do a "road trip"...it would BE one for me...as I have a severe aversion to driving since my fall last June and the over 2 months of dizziness. I haven't been to Albany in 10.5 years now. Nor really had a desire to...

    Kim, I'm glad the new meds are helping. I'm sorry to hear you're having so many headaches....I'd be crying all the time!
    Marilyn...that's a good report and getting up 10 11 in February is a great goal. Prayers for you in your plan...

    Missy....are you any near recovery? My heart and prayers go out to you all who have been so sick for so long. We are having a lot of flu cases pop up in my area and I pray I avoid it all....in staying isolated, it should be easier done. I have the allergy things, diabetes things , pain and numbness....weak and wobbly days but overall...I am good to go. I am blessed to have all the time I do, to take care of me and my stuff....

    I like my mug warmer so much that I ordered a second one, for my study area. I ordered a step stool too...so I can work in my cabinets. It's been much too long since I did that. I'm giving myself two "priority" tasks daily, and pray for God's strength for each one. When I do a long list, I easily overwhelm myself and feel like nothing gets accomplished...because it doesn't! I'm thinking if I can do 2 top tasks daily, with God's help...perhaps I will be energized to do more? I'm willing to try it!

    Today will be :Trash out (done) and kitchen cleaned...headed that way now.

    Have a blessed day all...be gentle and loving with yourselves...I'll do the same at my spot.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Thinking of all of you - praying that any health issues will be taken care of - and especially that all of us will eat appropriately in order to improve our health

    Yesterday was the first day of the month for my new goals.
    I ate appropriately
    I drank 60 oz of water
    1 walked on treadmill for 5 minutes / 0.083 miles / 162 calories burned
    Read the part of the Bible for February 1 with my husband

    So all is well in that area. This morning I got weighed on my scale - down 2 pounds since Tuesday but not officially recognizing it till next Tuesday so maybe I can get it to 3 - 4 pounds

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Woohoo, Marilyn! Keep on going, you're doing great!

    Bren, I'm so sorry you are struggling right now. I go back and forth with my sleep. One night I sleep the whole night through and the next night I am having trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. It's an age thing. Several of us older folks in the Church have the same issue!

    Well, I can't remember if I posted this but my cholesterol numbers were all high, except the one that should be, my HDL, it was on the low range of normal. I keep trying to lower it naturally but it just doesn't work. I need to stop being crazy and trying the same thing over and over when it isn't working! I sent a note to my NP but didn't hear back. So far the new med for my headaches isn't affecting me except for occasional mild nausea which comes and goes pretty quickly. I'm so grateful to the Lord that I've had just one headache this week! It's definitely the Lord because this med isn't supposed to work this fast!

    Have a blessed day with the Lord tomorrow! Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    All is well with me.
    Didn't get in a walk yesterday as I was just to tired but will today

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Feeling off today, very tired this morning. I took some migraine medicine this morning and between that and the new med it's making me very sleepy! Ugh! I think I'm going to have to call my NP's office, I sent a message on Thursday but haven't heard back. Maybe they will get back to me today! I'll wait until tomorrow to call. It's not critical, but I do have some questions.

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Morning ladies.
    All is well here - though my daughter is showing signs that she might have picked something up.

    Am feeling the cold today so think I will be staying inside today as I need to go out Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

    Have a great day everyone
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Bren, I'm hanging in there. Thank you for asking. I believe my white cells are still elevated, because my lymph nodes are still swollen. I am planning myself a very healthy eating plan. I have to get healthy for my grandbaby on the way. I'm so very tired of being sick all the time.
    hugs and prayers
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Missy, you are in my prayers! I hope that you get things sorted out soon! Drink lots and get lots of rest! I can't remember if I congratulated you on your grandbaby, but if not CONGRATULATIONS - woohoo!

    I'm handling my new medicine well so far. I think it's already working too. I had one bad headache, but it was gone in minutes after I took the migraine meds, and I've had twinges but nothing that lasted long. Praise the Lord.

    Wade is healing well after his hernia repairs. He saw the doctor yesterday and after another two weeks of taking it easy he should be good to start getting back into a regular routine.

    Have an awesome day y'all. Jesus loves you more than you can imagine!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Got weighed today at TOPS. Lost 1 pounds so a now at 237.8 = am on track so now need to work on 1 - 2 more pounds off for next week.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    I am so happy! I got a letter from my son and it was the most uplifting one yet...and I am so thankful for God's mercy and care for him in his location. He was transferred about 6-7 months ago to another facility, in Brent, AL, where there is less gang violence and ugliness....available in all prisons. I've been blessed to be able to send him some money monthly and clothing packages and commissary items once a quarter. God blessed me....or I'd not be able to.
    He is attending church regularly, gives God the glory for his life and for God's care. He's still waiting for a hearing test and hearing aids...and has a hernia that needs repair. Because of his hearing loss (like his Mama), he can't take part in classes he had hoped to take, or job skills training. Praying he gets help very soon!
    I got up, did some chores, at midnight....but get a nap later. I got a new thing yesterday...haven't had them before but think I'll like them...grilled mackerel...I got some with the jalapenos in olive oil that I love as well. They have about doubled in price....it's nutz....but so good! I'll have them with my veggie/Bento plates...I have salad goods and fruit so hope to get on the wagon...again and stop messing around! I've been in the ditch for 3 months....ack!
    I got my second mug warmer and will set it up in my study area this morning. I love them! Of the many gimmicky things I've bought thru the years....these are awesome! I'm a happy camper.

    We are expecting another cold front to move in on Sunday of short duration... but are already having spring temps in the 60's and even a few days at 70....with lovely sunshine.

    I'm always glad to see you Ladies here....and glad for any updates, improvements and other news you share. You all stay in my prayers....and our Connie as well. I know she thinks of and prays for us as well. May God bless, heal, comfort and be your peace in the days ahead. Love you all.

    Kim, since you won't eat the greens...here's another "treat"....LOL...f5hct4l4uymf.jpgqyeybgimeap2.jpg

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Oh joy! Thanks for that, Bren. I think tuna casserole, salmon patties and frozen fish patties are my fish choices. I did get some salmon at one point, but was just too fishy for me! I know, it's pitiful! I'm so glad you liked it, it's good for you! It's so good to see you on here again. Praising the Lord with you for the changes in your sons life!

    Doing alright so far. I had the suggestion of a headache starting this morning but it never appeared fully! I started taking two tablets this morning, so am hoping that the little niggling headaches will stop as well. It's a very low dose of this medication so I am hoping and praying that it's sufficient to keep the headaches away. I will be starting a statin. I've always done well on them, so hoping I will do well again.

    Love y'all bunches!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Ack....I have a bad rash on my back. It's been there for over a year, but like the one on my elbow, back in 2015 or so, that blew up on me...this one is doing the same. It has some infection and heat.
    The spreading/blistering went nuts after using some antibiotic ointment and a big Band aid on it so it's the same type of issue I had with the elbow and other on my shoulder. Aggravated by the diabetes.
    So for now, I'm leaving it uncovered and praying it heals quickly. I may send a note to my Dr.'s nurse....with a picture and ask for antibiotics, like I got for the elbow that helped fairly quickly. I do NOT want to go in....waaah!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Don't think about calling the doctor, if you don't get it taken care of quickly it could turn septic and that means a long hospital stay!!!! I'll be praying for your some more!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Well....you scared me, Sister! I sent a note to my PCP's nurse with pictures and asked for advice. I told her what I was given with the elbow thing, years back and it was worse than this one tho this one is getting stupid. I don't feel well, tho part of that is being up since 2 AM, waiting for my Wal-Mart order so I can go down for a nice nap....
    My laundry will be brought back after lunch but they just bring it in for me, per my request...Glad to have that done again.

    Thanks for the care and prayers!...Love you!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    I'm glad - you scared me! I hope you hear back from them soon. If there is an infection in that, then it's no wonder you aren't feeling well, your body is trying to fight it so you are using up energy on that. Praying!

    Doing alright, just the normal allergies and arthritis stuff going on. Hope y'all are doing well. I need to lower my daily steps to between 1500-2000. My hip and leg are just giving me trouble.

    Love you ladies!