Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    still having a slight cough...my issue is the extreme fatigue..
    Feeling tired all the time is horrible!
    I believe the "cold" that everyone is getting and is not going away is linked to the covid vaccines and shedding...I NEVER got the vaccine but sadly those who did can shed on those who didn't!
    I still have the ability to heal...but I have to throw EVERYTHING at it! My immune system is already low due to diabetes!
    Thanks for your prayers!
    hugs and prayers
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Oh, I can attest to that as well...about the fatigue, Missy....it's debilitating! Mine has nothing to do with being ill, other than the diabetes and heart related issues. The back pain and numbness are huge factors. I feel I miss picking up a lot of things because I live in isolation...

    Kim, I do remember that! LOL....I am so thankful the days of high 200's and over 300 at times are behind me unless I get into Little Debbie's things or fruitcake...

    I've slept better the past 3 nights and that's a blessing. I need to get some home chores done today so will get at them after coffee....

    Be blessed today...best where needed most....Love and prayers for us all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Missy, I relate! I am on day 22 of this "cold" thing that's going around. I did get the vaccines when they first came out, but haven't gotten any of the updated ones. I did do a home COVID test and it was negative, so this isn't COVID, but something else. Welcome to the pestilence of the last days! Praying for you!

    Bren, wow, three nights of sleep, yeah for you! I'm not sleeping as well the last couple of nights. I need to get back on my cranberry juice so I won't be waking up every two or three hours to use the restroom!

    Enjoying no snow here, just watching it on TV, yippee! Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Please STOP TESTING !!!
    Those swabs have Etheline oxide poison that causes cancer…. And probably have nanobots also.
    But the PCR tests are not accurate anyways and not even specific for Covid. The gentleman who created the PCR test came forward and said that they are not for Covid testing. Shortly after he disclosed this he was suicided!! Hmmmm!!!

    FDA document admits “Covid” PCR test was developed without isolated samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else.

    Vaccines are crimes against humanity! So many people killed!

    Vaccine injury is absolutely horrible! I have seen it in family members!

    The Vaccine destroys the immune system!
    I pray Kim, that you got the saline and not the real poison!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Wow! I know that I have friends who had bad reactions from the vaccine. Not planning on having any more of those!

    I did go to the dentist today and no problems. The teeth hurt because of inflammation or infection in my sinuses. I'm pretty sure it was inflammation because I didn't have other signs of infection. Praise the Lord!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Oh my, last night my sinuses dumped on me - especially the left side. I think there is some infection in there. I sent a note to my NP this morning to let her know about my cough and head congestion and my sinus issues. Still have a runny nose and congestion today but the coughing is much better. Mostly it's from drainage from my head. Slept through the night last night, although it was 1 before I fell asleep.

    Hope y'all are doing well and weathered the storms last night! Wow!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    That's it, Marilyn, one step at a time, over and over! How are you doing with your diet?

    I have a sinus infection and am on an antibiotic to knock it out. Lord willing this will be the end of my being sick. I am feeling better and was able to actually get some things done around the house! When the sinus infection is gone I will work on getting the house dusted, but I don't want to breathe that in right now.

    I hope that y'all are prepared for this artic blast that is coming! We will get into the 20's, but I know most of the country will be near or below 0! I think you are already in the midst of it, Marilyn! Please be safe!
    Prayers for all of us.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    I'm glad you got the antibiotics to deal with that Kim, and hope it's gone soon and you feel much better. You've had a rough 3.5 month ride!

    We have 72 here today and the cold front due in Saturday night with a drop to 16, with possible snow and a high of 25 Sunday. We know I will be locked in when it's icy and very cold...and I am so very thankful I can be!
    I will get my trash out again tomorrow while it's still 50-ish. Today was rather "busy"...with home chores, Laura came by for her dishes from the Holidays, the bug man came, I got my "pre-storm" Wal-Mart order delivered and got my mug warmer for my desk. The cord is not as long as I expected but I have an extension cord somewhere if I need it. I've had in mind to do some tea and my broth while here at the desk....where I spend a lot of time.
    We had a forecast 2 nights ago of "howling winds"...got up to 55 MPH and over 1400 people in the area lost power.

    I had 4 nights in a row of good rest/sleep and now 2 of the rough and rowdy...which leaves me feeling beat up and in a lot of pain.

    Hoping you all are safe, secure and well in the days ahead....Love and prayers for us all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Oh, Miss Brennie! I'm so sorry your sleep hasn't gone well. Praying you will not have any more of those! I've seen some weather forecasts that have Texas going below 0! I sure hope that those were way off! We will get into the 20's through this cold snap, but not as bad as other places in the US. Kind of like the stuff that God told us would happen in the last days! "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!"

    Love you gals!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Love you too, Sister Kim!
    Our cold front moves in tonight with a low of 16...and possible snow by Monday with lows between 11 and 16 until Wed. when we are expecting full sun and 51....I check the forecast before I place a delivery order or venture out and my next time out, I need to get my car inspection done. They will most likely want to do another oil change tho I've not driven 200 miles this past year. Since my fall in June, I'm only going to doctor's appointments (against my will) and driving trash to the dumpster....about half a block, once a week. I mentioned filling up with gas two times a year...I definitely don't have a travel bug.

    Thank you my friend...I have had 4 good night's rest and 3 rough nights this past week. Other than the pain when I have to get up, I'm OK and do get enough rest tho much is "nappy" time.

    I got my new mug warmer and used it yesterday and love it! I've ordered some sipping broth to play with and have beef and chicken bullion in there and some chicken tomato that I really like....and my teas. I spend a lot of time in here so that's my new "get up"....pa27nodnbc8g.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    What a great space, Bren. Lots of reminders in following Jesus - how lovely. I don't mind drinking my hot drinks cold, so a warmer would be lost on me. Mom loved her stuff scalding hot and would reheat it if it started cooling down. Dad didn't mind drinking cold coffee either! Yeah Dad (Wade's Dad, not mine, I have no idea how my Dad liked his, I only ever saw him drink his coffee hot and drink it down before it could get cold! LOL! I have been estranged from my family now longer than I was a part of the family :( , their choice, not mine!

    Hoping to feel better tomorrow and be able to go to church. I've had a downturn today and if I feel the same tomorrow as I feel today I won't be able to go - :'( .

    Praying for you all. Much love.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Love hearing how you ladies are doing - in my prayer time I do include you.

    We are under the Artic Chill. Right now (10:30 am) it is -15F outside but feels like -33F. Will warm up a little by this afternoon. It is supposed to get as high as 3F by just after lunch but still to cold. By the end of next week it should be warmer as they predict it should then get to 35 F still to cold for me but better then minus 33

    Am doing well with my goals for January. Have not gotten on the treadmill yet but I am challenging myself to get on it today for sure. Also the goal for 3 pounds to be lost for this month - so far 1.5 of that is gone so should be able to make that goal. My yearly goal is to lose 40 pounds to get me under 200 pounds. This means every month a loss of 3 pounds with a couple of 5 pounds and I will make that goal. It is important that I do this for my kidney's sake.

    Was looking at my urea levels - to far out of range meaning to high. So I did some research and found a few things I didn't realise and that I will change that will help lowering this number. One of then is exercising. The article said 30 minutes walking will help a lot as when we do a consistent walk, we sweat out extra protein that causes kidney problems. Also the article said to lower the consumption of animal protein as the kidney's have a hard time filtering it. So am cutting way back on eating chicken and eating more veggs and fruit. I love fruit but veggs well that is different as so many affect my IBS but am learning to like some that I never ate before and that don't bother me. As for ones like broccoli or cauliflower which can cause an IBS attack I have learned if they are cut up very very small and put into a stirfry I can eat them with no problem but for some reason when they are large pieces I have tummy problems But there are so many veggs out there - have learned that I like asparagus if I roast it. Also I have a good soup recipe that calls for a fair amount of veggs and each time I make it I omit one regular veggy and put in a new one to see how it goes in the soup - and it has been good every time. I also have a very good American Vegetable Stew -we all liked it and I do the same with it as I do with the soup, also trying a new veggy in it by deleting one of the regulars. Most have tasted good but I am learning my preferences.

    Hubby and I have started again this year with reading the Bible through in one year - we have done this many times before and we are really enjoying it this year - always find something new when we do this - after 75 years you would think we wouldn't find new things but every year something we haven't noticed before catches our attention and we end up having some good discussions

  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Marilyn, you are right about exercise! The best thing we can do for the body!
    I love to walk at my favorite trails, that is my favorite kind of exercise!
    I have been so sick...my respiratory issues are getting better...but now I am having other health issues that are hitting me hard!
    hugs and prayers