Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    still feeling rough...
    please keep my daughter in your prayers
    A pic of a halo around the moon I took in my backyard. It was so beautiful.
    Happy New Year!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Wow! That is so beautiful, Missy. Thanks for sharing with us.
    My heart and prayers go out to all of you. There's never a good or convenient time to be ill....we know God is with us in the valley experiences and I pray for His continued comfort, His love and mercy and His provision for our needs. Praying for healing and strength....and full recovery. Including Kayla and Kim's hubby and 2 Church friends as well....

    Wishing you all a blessed new year ahead....God bless you best where needed most each day. Love you and thank God for you!6h4gf70jesuw.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    HAPPY NEW YEAR, my beautiful lovelies! So happy we are here to see a New Year in! When I was a kid this was like sci-fi, I just couldn't see myself living in this time - but here we are! Praise the Lord.

    Oh, I have been watching a show on YouTube called REPAIR SHOP. Several people who have specialties work out of this "barn" and folks bring in their family heirlooms to be repaired. Oh my, the stories associated with some of this stuff are amazing. I like to watch antique shows more to learn about those antique days than for the items themselves, although sometimes the subject matter of the item causes me to quickly turn the channel! Eek!

    Still have a full head of congestion, but the coughing has eased up quite a bit. Not quite gone, but better. Praise the Lord. I need to be better by the 9th, we have dental cleanings on that day! No way they want to be fiddling in my mouth with me hacking at them! LOL!

    Praying y'all have an awesome, Jesus-filled New Year!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Happy New Year ladies - pray that you had an enjoyable evening bringing in the New Year in the way you are comfortable with. We were in bed and asleep before midnight but prayed about the new year just before sleep.

    Am grateful I am still hear - have been blessed with 15 months since my kidney failure - and still not on diaylsis - and Lord willing 2024 will be another year not needing it but only getting better by changing my daily habits to improve my health. So much better since off all the previous meds - only on ones now that were found very low in blood tests - and feeling so much better because of that. Off all diabetic meds and what a joy that is.

    So my goals for January 2024 are as follows
    -- Eat according to the information plan I have for kidney failure - have a wonderful grocery list along with many receiptes to choose from
    -- Drink 72 oz of water to help keep the kidneys working well
    -- No salt intake at all ( meaning no salt added and avoiding all processed foods )
    -- Walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes each day - which is going to be a challenge to start with but I am going to do it as it is necessary for the body to function normally
    -- Read through the Bible this year (again) with my husband
    -- Put prayer on top of my list - praying consistently for so many important issues that are happening in our world

    Matthew 6:31-33
    Therefore do not be anxious, saying 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things and your heavenly Father know that you need them all. BUT seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    The next verse is one of my favorites: Mat 6:34  "Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

    Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't promised, so live for Jesus today with all you've got!

    I did get to see a fireworks display - on my watch. When it turned over to the New Year I got fireworks! How fun is that? We were in bed reading. We are usually asleep when the New Year rolls in! I tried to watch the Rose Parade but Woke even slipped in there. The floats at least were pretty.

    I too am going to work on walking more, probably house walking until the weather improves. I've been sick since October and fatigue just wouldn't let me expend that energy. I am almost well now. Coughing less, or coughs resolving faster than they had, but the head congestion is still high. Wade is going to pick up some decongestants for me. My teeth hurt which makes me think sinus infection. I'll know when I go to the dentist on the 9th - I'm just hoping it will be over by then. I've never had it where if I press on my cheekbone my teeth ache. I can eat just fine, no pain, just blowing my nose, sniffing, and pressing on that bone make them hurt. Can't wait until this too passes! My motto, when I am sick, is - "It can't last forever!" so I just tolerate it and keep moving forward because this too shall pass! Praise the Lord it is passing!

    Praying for y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    I'm so thankful you're on the mend, Kim. These things knock you sideways and linger longer than really necessary.

    I'm working on the fridge at last...got 4 tubs sorted and the top door shelf. I still need to do the bottom door storage. I have new goods coming from Wal-Mart this afternoon....and didn't overload the cart like I usually do. Trying to keep my orders at $85 and a $15 tip....hoping to pare down to twice a month. I'll see how it goes. I need to do my kitchen inventory and a sensible meal plan.

    I cooked my kale today! Hooya...not the soup I wanted as energy levels were low....I used the pound of kale, the last of my minced garlic, 5 gold potatoes....and the last of my boneless smoked pork hock. It's so delicious....8p4on0iziyx0.jpg

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Yestday ( January 1 ) I made up a large pot of Beef (or chicken) & Vegetable Soup. No salt - got if from a fellow who has a website for people with kidney issues. We loved it - was surprised Norm enjoyed it due to no salt but did give him the option to add a little to his own bowl. Was simple to make and did not take long - made about 8 servings so will last a couple of days. If interested please let me know and I will post it as it is very healthy
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Please do, Marilyn. Sounds great. I have a lot of no salt seasonings but one has to be careful of potassium levels in some...Glad you enjoyed your soup and it was hubby approved!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    We made some 15 bean soup a couple of days ago and added a can of Rotel which really spiced it up. We did have some ham in it, left over from the ham bone we used to cook the soup with. I've also been eating the potato soup we made, adding some ham to that as well to give me some protein and not just carbs. I like the heftier soups, or creamy soups.
    Bren, you should have seen my face as I looked at your pictures! Heeheehee! :#;)

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Here is the soup I made. It calls for beef but I substituded chicken and it was so delicous

    Beef (or chicken) and Vegetable Soup

    1 pound beef stew OR 1 pound chicken thighs with no bone
    1 cup raw sliced onions
    1 teaspoon black pepper
    1/2 teaspoon basil
    1/2 teaspoon thyme
    3 1/2 cups water
    1/2 cup frozen green peas
    1/2 cup cabbage
    1/2 cup greenpeppers
    1/2 cup frozen carrots, diced
    1/2cup frozen corn
    NOTE I added garlic, cayennne pepper 1/2 teaspoon each to help give it some pep

    In a large pot place beef stew (or chicken), onions, black pepper, basil, thyme , garlic, cayenne pepper and water
    Cook about 45 minutes
    Add all vegetables
    Simmer on low heat until tender
    Serve hot

    NOTE Soup may reuire more water. Add 1/2 cup water slowly until it is as thin as you would it.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Oh I can imagine, Kim! LOL...Missy and I will eat the kale for you and my friend Sharon...and collards, cabbage etc.. Love my green things!

    Thanks for the recipe Marilyn! I printed it out for my files. I have some ground pork in the fridge with some soup in mind. I get the ground chicken and the Italian sausage as well. I also got hamburger patties this round and had 2 for lunch.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Marilyn, strangely enough, all but the peppers are veggies that I will eat! It sounds delicious, especially with the chicken! I make a chicken chili that I think you would like: Two cans of chicken (undrained); 1 can black beans (drained); 1 can corn (undrained); 1 can Rotel tomatoes and chilis; 1 8 oz pkg creamed cheese; chili powder, cummin, onion powder (or finely diced onion), and garlic powder (or minced garlic) to taste. A wee bit of cayenne would be good too. All the liquid in it is from the juice in the cans, but you can add more water too.

    Still have some coughing and congestion. I went yesterday and today without cough medicine and am doing well without it. I am taking decongestants to get rid of the fluid filling my ears, I get dizzy sometimes when I stand up and walk. It's helped with my runny nose too.

    Love you ladies!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    The soup my mention sounds good too - not sure about the creamed cheese due to the salt in it but will see about giving it a try is the salt level is below 5%

    Weighed myself again today - down 1.2 pounds since Monday which is telling me that this plan is working. It will be nice to see what my blood work for January will look like - as long as all numbers are at a normal level (except the iron which I am having trouble with) and the kidney function number is the one that I am concerned with as it has been at 9 for 2 months and needs to get up into the teens to avoid diaylsis. So praying that with the Lord's help this number will increase

  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Yes, Bren!!! I will definitely help you eat your greens!! YUMMY!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Y'all enjoy! You can have mine too - heehee.

    Marilyn, sometimes I don't add the cream cheese, but just add some milk to make it creamy. You can use any kind of milk (almond, coconut, oat). Oh, and I use the canned chicken as a time saver, but the recipe does say you can use baked or roasted chicken, but it does need to be cooked before you add it to the chili. You will have to add some water if you do that, to the consistency of the chili that you like. You can also add different kinds of beans as well.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    That verse is one of my favorites. He says "all" things...not 2 out of 7....I lean on Him heavily as my strength for each day.

    Kim, I like your chicken chili recipe too. Easy and fast...and sounds good. I ended up making chili/goulash with my ground pork. Had no room in my little crock for any beans so it only had the pork, frozen fajita blend veggies, Mexican seasonings, a can of Rotel and the rest of my jar of pasta sauce in lieu of tomato sauce. I had one bowl like that....then put 2 handfuls of pasta shells in the pot and cooked another 45 minutes. So with that addition, I had a bowl for dinner and have one container left in the fridge. I need to do up some salads and veggie trays today. Tomorrow...I will aim for a pot of soup....again using pork...the boneless CS ribs I have in the fridge. I pack them 2 to a bag when I get them on sale.

    Yes Missy! Greens are such a delicious and hearty thing! I have collards on my next shopping list. My friend Sharon had the same opinion of them as our Kim does. That's OK....someone has to love them and we are two who do!

    I need to get trash out today...we had rain for 3-4 days but it looks to be dry today...I'm still not driving much and OK with that but I do have to drive my trash around to the dumpster, like my Mama did...

    Today's stats are: 232.8...132/82 65...and 187....I dropped to 95 last night at bedtime so I think the 187 included a liver dump. I'll get recalibrated again....soon.

    Have a blessed weekend, Ladies. Hope you all feel better daily and are strengthened and comforted in Jesus...Love you all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Boy, I remember when we rejoiced in a 187, Bren! Praise the Lord, that's a high now! You are doing awesome!

    Hope you gals continue to do well. Have you recovered from your cold, Missy, or do you have this long-lasting ick that is going around? I am still coughing some and my head isn't quite as congested as it was, so am praising the Lord for that.

    Love you ladies!