Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    His surgery went well and he is doing well today. Not as in pain as he thought he would be - woohoo! Just taking it easy and doing everything he is supposed to! God is good.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Praise God! So glad this is behind him and he can rest and recuperate now....blessings to you both...
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Went for my 3 month checkup..my wbc was double what it should be.
    she called me back in yesterday...did more blood work. My wbc is still high and so is my ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES...she said where I add the flu, and was so sick it could be the after effects of my body still fighting...ugh...she said I do have a bulging ear drum...and sinusitis...I hope to feel better soon...i stay so tired!
    hugs and prayers
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    I ended up with a sinus infection after my flu/cough and congestion thing I had for almost a month! My ears were so clogged that whenever I chewed something, my right ear would "slosh" or feel like it was moving around - very uncomfortable. My ears are always clogged to some extent, but this was even worse than normal. When my teeth started hurting and my nasal expulsion from deep inside my head wasn't clear, I knew it was a sinus infection - my NP agreed. People who had that flu thingy that was going around are still struggling with fatigue even a month after it's been gone. I see her again at the end of the month for my physical. They did bloodwork when I got the pneumonia and everything but my d-dimer (an extra test) was in the normal range - woohoo. I think they will just check my cholesterol this time since it wasn't that long ago we did the other stuff.

    Having headaches again. Praise the Lord they backed off while I was sick! With meds they go away within an hour or two.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Praying for all of you - stay warm and healthy.
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    I'm gonna be a grandma ya'll. My daughter is expecting in July! I'm so excited and very thankful! Pray that everything goes well for her.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Congrats to you all, Missy. I know you're excited for this new phase. Will keep her and you....in prayer for the time ahead.

    I'm feeling better this morning, tho I had my 3rd night in a row with very little sleep....my daytime sleep takes up all my "work" hours so I've done nothing of a constructive nature in almost a week. I'll play catch up a bit today.

    I did get the fluid gain back off. That was awful and I felt really bad for several days. I saw 245.4 for the first time ever! I need it to be the last time too! Today I'm at 238,...so got off 7.4 pounds of fluid. FBS is 170 and BP is 144/80 65.....that was high during those "sick days" as well. I need to rein me in and settle myself into a routine of sorts.

    Love and prayers for all...I am so glad you're here! Be blessed best where needed most, my friends...wwcda6x952h1.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    So glad you are finding relief, Bren. Praise the Lord that sugar number is still below 200!

    Congrats, Missy! What a blessing. Will keep her and the baby in my prayers!

    This is the fourth day I woke with a headache, this one not as bad as the others. I have no idea why I am getting headaches at this time of the day! We keep an air purifier in the bedroom so it isn't likely something in there. Wade is doing well and hasn't had much pain. He's careful how he moves and that helps a lot. He's able to keep any pain he has under control with OTC meds.

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Got blood work done. Kidney level is holding at 9% sure would like it to go up some but don't know if it will. My fisquala in my left arm is starting to show signs of not working which would mean another operation. Got to see the surgeon on Feb 7 to discuss my options - don't know why I was blessed to have this disease but I have learned a lot about the body because of it. Now to make sure my water intake and food are right on track to see if I can get that number up a little in February. The doctors thought I would be on dialysis 13 months ago but here I am still plugging along without it - but I am not taking it for granted or being careless as I need to stay off it as long as possible.

    Been checking my blood pressure daily -2 days ago it was 133 / 69 and pulse was 69. Good but needs to be down in the 120's for my kidneys - when it gets over 133 it starts to stress out the kidneys.

    So I am needing to get serious about walking 30 minutes a day on the treadmill - it will help with the weight loss and the blood pressure - don't know why I am fighting it but need to get over that and just do it as a habit.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Marilyn, would posting your treadmill time here each day help you? I know that when I am being held accountable, I am less likely to shirk something off. I am going to start doing house-walking on Monday and will post my steps each day!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    edited January 28
    Waah! I lost my post and I know why.... I hit the review button (had pictures) then forgot to post reply! Oops....Do I need Prevagen up in here? Anyway....I had a good day...here's my two Homers....finally caught them both at the feed bowl with Sister....who is toting babies again already. Poor kitties....

    Lunch/dinner was some rotisserie chicken and potato salad I got in my order today....I got no sugar in today's goods but yes, I wanted some.

    I love you ladies and you remain in my prayers.....4f6iqpdj85a9.jpg

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Posting my walk on the treadmill would help I am sure. So tomorrow Monday January 29 will be day 1 and I am aiming for 10 - 30 minutes on it. Please hold me accountable.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    What a comfort to know that the Lord hears and cares!

    Okay, Marilyn, will be watching for those numbers. I am going to be posting mine as well. Today I will start doing my house laps and want to get at least 500 extra steps today. We are going out so I will get more than I normally get, but I need to do those extra ones anyway. I'd like to get between 2500-3000 steps a day, my back can't handle much more than that!

    Bren, big kitties! Hopefully, she will bring her babies around when they are big enough and someone will snatch them up and love them! Yummy supper. We are backing some sweet potatoes for lunch.

    My weight is up to 243, so I am going to lower my calories and up my walking and hopefully it won't be too difficult to lower that quickly.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Had a bad night - it is now 9:45 am and haven't been asleep yet - up for just over 24 hours. And around 5am got a pain that made me think kidney stones. It is not so bad now so it might have passed but need to weait for the tyenol to wear off to make sure. Really don't want to make a trip to the hospital. Need to see if I can pee as a kidney stone can block that - so please pray - praying that in the next 2 hours I will feel better, pee an appropriate amount and not pain.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Prayers for you Marilyn....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Marilyn, were you able to urinate yesterday? You are in my prayers!

    Went to the doctor. We are going to try a med for my headaches that has been used for depression. I don't like it, I've gone this route before, but my NP is going to keep an eye on it. If it works for the headaches then I won't have to go off of it and have those side effects like I did with the previous situation (brain zaps). I pray that it will work at stopping at least 50% of my headaches, which means two or three headaches a week rather than the four to six I am having now.

    My steps up to this point today are 3,267. I am in quite a bit of pain in my right leg and SI joint, so I will be sitting much of this evening! I'm walking with the cane and wearing my brace as well. I did get 2.2 thousand steps yesterday!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Well I have tried to post 3x and each time I pressed the wrong key and lost everything - so here goes one more time.

    Yes I was able to urnitate - so glad that I was as not being able to really causes lots of health problems.

    Went to my TOPS meeting this morning - gain a pound.
    So here is what I have accomplished re weight for January 2024
    Weight Jan 1 was 239.9
    Weight Jan 31 was 238.8
    Down 1 pound - lots of effort there right!!!
    Had a list of goals for January and was pretty close to meeting them all for January. Ones I didnt meet completey got 3/4 % done so am please with that progress.

    Have made an outline for February goals
    1) Work on losing 3 - 5 pouns which mean end the month at 233.8 to 235.8
    2) 72 oz of water daily ( am up to 60 oz now so should be able to do it
    3) Eat more along the vegetarian plan (meaning getting rid of the animal protein) would like to hit 14 days vegetarian and go from there.
    4) Walk daily on the treadmill for 10 - 30 minutes which would mean at the end of February I would have walked for 290 - 870 minutes total. This will start doing tomorrow and will report on all of these daily to so please hold me accountable.

    Got some blood work done yesterday - GRF (kidney function) has gone fro 9% to 10% which I am happy with. It will be interesting to see if I can bring it up even to 11% at the end of February with the changes I am making.


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Oh, Marilyn, praise the Lord that number is up! Keep up the good work. God is blessing and keeping you!

    I had almost 4,000 steps yesterday and my back and right leg, and even my right shoulder, aren't happy about it. I couldn't do much about it since I went to the doctor and then we went shopping. I'm on a new med for my headaches, so we will see if it helps. I don't have a lot of choices, and one of the meds I'm taking for migraines I am taking too much of, so I need to try and let Tylenol and caffeine do the work most of the time!

    God is so very good. Praying for y'all.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Hello, my beautiful lovelies! I hope y'all are doing well today. I'm much better than I was, the pain is very mild now. I seem to be doing well on my new med too, praise the Lord. I was afraid that if I took it in the morning I would be too drowsy to function, but that's not the case - praise the Lord. I didn't have any kind of reaction from taking the Tramadol last night either, so all seems like it is going to work well. I did sleep through the night and about an hour later than I normally do. Wade came in to change clothes and I looked at the clock - almost 9 AM - eek! That's the time I get on the computer to do my Bible Study! I had some breakfast and got on about 10 minutes later than normal. It's not set in stone, but I do better if I keep to my schedule. I've been working on Doctrines - what I know about what the Bible says about God, about Jesus, about the Holy Spirit, about the Church, about missions, etc... I find verses that go with what I know - God is love, God is Spirit, God is invisible, etc... I was also working on finding all the verses that tell us that God came to save all men. There are a lot of pastors out there preaching that Jesus came only for the "elect" - from the foundation of the world he's saved some and he's damned others and you have no choice in the matter! That is not anywhere in the Bible and they have to add to it to make it say what they want it to. So sick! So heretical! Being elect is a biblical truth, but not the way they use it. The elect are those who are walking in obedience to God, living a life pleasing to Him, living in the sanctification without which no man shall see the Lord (Bible verse). Trust the Word of God. God said what He meant!

    Well, that was fun! I love y'all.