Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Hello Ladies...
    I'm still here....just really in trouble with the back pain being so severe....as I've said before, I am so thankful it eases up when I sit or lay down and that's a blessing. There are so many who don't get that relief. I hate the back brace, Kim...and it does nothing at all for the pain. I can stand for about 5 minutes and it's screaming and has me hunched over...and then my legs go numb.

    Oh that's awesome! Sweet Jake in the story! I know he wasn't always a sweet boy and you did have some issues with him until you two synced! That is so neat....

    The bug man is coming this morning so I am working on the kitchen clutter...to spiff up some in my 5 minute increments. I need that elf on a shelf dude...that moves around cleaning at night.kbadcsge6wly.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    That is sooo funny! I remember we had a black phone attached to the wall in the kitchen! I can remember our first cell phone too, we had to pay for each minute - eek!

    Doing better. Having less and less times of having to work to catch a breath and I'm able to get around the house better without my cane! I'm very blessed.

    I hope we hear from Bren and Missy soon! Missing y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Marilyn, that sounds a lot like something that I like to tell newbies: Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't promised, so live today with all you've got! We can only do that with Jesus before everything!

    Miss Bren, I'm concerned - if you are able, please pop in, or give me a text that you are alright! I'll text you tomorrow if I don't hear from you today! You are in my prayers, precious sister!

    I miss you too, Missy and would love to see a post from you as well. I need to know my ladies are doing alright! Love you lots.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Kim, I posted yesterday! Scroll up to the Elf's feet....I'm still here! Love you!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Oh, I'm so glad. When I got on yesterday I saw that there were two new posts, but mine was just above Marilyn's, so I wasn't sure what had happened. I never looked above mine! Too cute! I'm so happy you are alright!

    The pulmonologist's office called yesterday to set an appointment but I asked if they could hold the referral since I have been feeling better. They said that they could. I'm hoping this will resolve itself. Okay, I'm going to bore you with my thinking and you can tell me what y'all think:
    I've had this problem in the past and did the asthma testing for it, which was negative. Off and on I've had times where I've had trouble catching my breath, especially on high-humidity days. It's been about 10-12 years since it first showed up. Yes, it was more severe this time, but I also had pneumonia and swollen lymph nodes. When I saw the NP this time, my lungs sounded clear, and an x-ray showed no sign of pneumonia, it took the CAT scan before pneumonia was found - and I don't know if that would have even been done except that there was a possibility of a blood clot because of the blood work. Nothing else was seen on the x-ray or the CAT scan. I'm not sure what other testing the pulmonologist would do, but spending money right now for him to say, "Yep, you have allergy-induced asthma," just isn't something I want to do. If it's still going on in January, I'll call them anyway, because that would be different from in the past. This is just some of my thinking as I try to figure out what I should do.

    I hope y'all have an awesome day. Love you very much!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Oh, I hear you Kim! I remember the days my Dr. wanted lab work every 3 months and I was paying almost $700 out of pocket each time as I had no insurance and got no assistance. I'd be thinking the same and am just so thankful you are feeling better...got to go to Church and since you've dealt with this type thing before...you are dealing with it. You remain in my prayers, sweet Sister.

    I noticed on my cell, I had 2 calls from my cardiologist office on the 7th. I can't access my voice mail since my phone crashed 2 years ago and I don't hear it ring 99% of the time as it's usually on my desk and I'm out of the area...I sent an e-mail thru the portal...(LOVE that option!) and rescheduled my 12/26 appt. until spring....hooya....so I can bypass winter outings altogether. I'll need to do an update with my PCP as well and will wait for that...and ask to see the nurse as proposed the last time. Other than meds refills, I don't see a need to see my PCP when I'm in a holding pattern, don't want tests etc. When she asked....what can I DO for you? and I suggested cleaning and cooking with no results....

    Other than the screaming back pain and sleeping issues, I am doing quite well. My BS has finally taken a U-turn after 3-4 weeks of insanity. I'd been way off track since just before Thanksgiving! Ack....

    My baby kitties have flown the coop....Mary said they both has been spoken for and she insisted they be fixed for the new "owners"...so I am hoping they got those homes. One was already named Sage, she said. I miss seeing them but if they have homes....my heart is happy.

    I need to scrounge around and find some dinner fixings in there. I'd set out my chicken livers to thaw but don't want to have them for dinner....(overload)...so will see what I can get into that won't cause me troubles.

    Be blessed dear ones...and rest in Jesus. Prayers for us all as we move towards the end of another year. Love you all....
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Medical tests - glad I live were we are as I get monthly blood tests and every 3 months see the kidney doctors - and sooner if things get bad. All at no cost - I am 75 will be 76 and have never paid for any medical cost and don't have 'insurance' -we are blessed that the government pays for it all - including staying in the hospital which I did last year for 7 days at no cost. But honestly I would much rather be healthy but now that I can get great care should I need it.

    Today is Day 6 of being a vegeratian. Didn't think I could do it this long but honestly it has been the best 6 days - no trouble at all with the food - last night I marveled at how a small boiled potato and green, yellow, and red peppers along with onions completely filled me up. I am having salads at lunch along with 1 slice of toast OR 3 oz cheese and a fruit. I have just been given 2 receipes for lentil soup and squash soup that look interesting so am hoping to make them this week. I have tracked my food a couple of times this week watching for protein and sodium levels. Protein should be at 60g and I am getting in 50g without meat. Mentioned this to my doctor on Thursday (he is a vegan now for 7 years where his wife and 2 children are big meat eaters) He said am doing good and just makes sure I continue to get a variety of veggys, lentils, beans, and nuts or seeds. I am feeling so much better and am reading more on eating this way learning how much healthier it is. Am taking that Daniel at this way for 10 days and proved to the eunch that he was in better shape then the men that ate like the king with all his rich food. Anyway I am pleased with it and would recommend giving it a try to anyone who wants to see the difference - even just trying it for 12 days

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Marilyn, I am so happy that you are doing well with your new vegetarian life-style! I would starve to death! I don't like most veggies and can't eat quite a few of them. I could eat the potato but not the peppers, and the onions would have to be cooked well. I eat broccoli, but it has to be in butter or cheese or in a broccoli salad with a dressing for me to tolerate it! I do like broccoli/cheddar soup though. I make a really good potato soup (meatless if we want it that way) but it does have cheese in it. Basically it's mashed potatoes in broth with some cheese! LOL!

    Well, I've been coughing quite a bit today, but praise the Lord, my breathing has been okay. I read up on it a little bit and found it could take up to a month for the gunk in my lungs to clear out! Lovely! Praise the Lord it's normal!

    If you could keep a couple of ladies from my church in your prayers I would appreciate it. They are Lydia and Catherine. They are going through some tough physical issues, trying to find answers. Thanks so much!

    Love you ladies.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    I was looking back through posts...and noticed that several of my posts were not posted...so very strange...
    I am doing ok. I've been having some upper right stomach pain..gonna put a castor oil pack on it and go from there...
    praying for you all
    love and hugs
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Oh my, I hope that it resolves itself soon, Missy. I'm glad that overall you are doing alright.

    I am coughing quite a bit, especially when I get up in the morning, but praise the Lord my breathing continues to improve. I am praying this is just the pneumonia after-gunk clearing out rather than something new trying to take hold!

    Going to town to finish up some Christmas shopping this afternoon! Oh boy! Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    @Restfinder = I know what you mean when you say you would starve if you went vegetarian. I thought so to especially as I am not someone who likes vegetables and so many of them react on me. But am doing this because of my health. And am starting to like vegetables a little more and trying ones I never ate before. Lots of salads, homemade soups with vegetables I wouldn't normally eat along with lentils and beans. It has now been 7 days of making this change and must say I do feel so much better - seems digestion is liking it better though I thought I would have a lot of problem in that area but not. I know I have to be somewhat careful not to have an IBS attack and so far haven't had one. Have started qetting a lot of recipes for different combinations re salads and combinations to eat. As all has been well for 7 days I am going to continue as I see I am getting in the proper amount of protein doing this way of eating.

    For Christmas dinner one thing I will be trying is a brussel sprout salad - not sure how that is going to go but my daughter has it each year and will include more veggys then normal so that I will have a choice of what to eat.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 875 Member
    Hello Ladies...
    Praying our assorted concerns are soon cared for and we feel better as we enter the new year ahead. I had 2 down days where I slept a lot....then Monday, had 12 hours up and alert before I needed a nap. I get plenty of rest...it's just odd bits and chunks as needed.

    That is weird, Missy...that your posts are missing. Perhaps they are on other pages? I lost one once and never found the page it was on....it had a phone number on it I was trying to "recover" because I forgot what it was! My home phone number I think it was. I never use it unless I'm giving it out and tried 3 different ones before I hit the right combo....I admit, my cognitive faculties are muddled at times. LOL....

    Marilyn, that is totally awesome! I love my veggies but meat is on my list as well. I don't eat a lot of it but do keep it on hand. I have a protein chart of veggies that I printed and laminated, in my kitchen....so know they can be of great benefit. My spinach, kale, potatoes, peas and avocados make the list. Yum!

    Kim, I hope too, that it's the chest stuff breaking up, causing the cough. More activity will crank it up too it seems. Praying it clears up soon and takes a hike.

    I need to sort my fridge, do up a simple meal plan, do my bathroom, kitchen, vacuum/dusting and general house chores. I need an infusion of strength to get things done and dealt with....

    Wishing you all a blessed new day, healing, rest and recovery....Love and prayers~5zwe1yr72fr3.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Marilyn, I can remember hating Brussels sprouts as a kid - my mom would just boil them - ick! But I had some from my SIL a few Christmas' ago - you'll love this - cooked in bacon grease with bacon bits in them. Yeah, that's a no-go for you! If you can eat honey, I had some at a Longhorn Steakhouse that had cut them in half and roasted them with some oil (this could be with a healthy oil) and honey. They are soooo good! I have yet to try this at home because Wade isn't a Brussels sprouts fan. A slaw made with the sprouts sounds good! I am so happy that you are doing well on this new diet and pray that your numbers start to get better and better!

    Breathing is good, just coughing really hard and deep right now. Hoping and praying that it's the gunk clearing out and not something new. Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    edited December 2023
    Oh, that hug felt so good, especially since it was given by a purple bear!