Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Funny but my weight is higher this morning than usual (238) and last time I was weighed in at TOPS 9 (Nov 7) I was 234. So need to work on it to get it back down - I believe the walking will do a good thing for me as it did when I first started.

    Had my stitches out on Wednesday = and today after my shower took off the bandage and will leave it off - but is it ever itchy so need to pay attention not to scratch at it - it is looking good though and I can feel the fisquala but am praying that it will continue to mature as it is some way from being mature enough to use. As long as I can keep frm need diaylsis for some time it will help - God is good he has kept me off that machine now for 14 months so if it is his will he will continue to keep me off it for some time.

    It is rather chilly out (27 F) and we have a special weather statement advising us that all day tonight and possibly through the night we will have freezing rain and ice pellets = not nice praying they are wrong, don't mind some rain but not freezing rain as it causes so much damage.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Are you in an area that is used to snow and ice, Marilyn. I know that Washington State doesn't have that much snow. BC is a huge area, are you in the north or the south? We do get snow in our area, but it's often gone in a day or two - I like that. I lived in Ohio for the first 20 years of my life and we would get the Lake effect snows off of Lake Erie. Sometimes we had snow from late October to March! Not sure that they get that much snow anymore though.

    Lovely day today.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    edited November 2023
    Howdy do all...
    I've been down again for 3 days...but am OK. The back pain was so bad early AM I couldn't move and sorta went wee wee on me and that was not a good thing. I did squeak around some this morning and got the dishwasher unloaded/reloaded and run and got that heavy pack of pork steaks sorted, cut in half and bagged for the freezer. I'll aim to cook one for dinner and cobble a salad together. I did pick up my Tylenol 4 (only get a weeks worth at a time) and my Lisinopril Thursday.

    I made a semi soup in my little crock pot yesterday and that was really nice. I had the second serving for lunch today. Yesterday I had a Honey Crisp apple and peanut butter. That was yummy too! My store had the apples on sale for .63 cents each so I got 3 of those and a bag of Pink Lady....
    Continued prayers for us all here....love you lots!e06av8ruz9fq.jpgb5jv7v1vp6ju.jpg

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Bren, that soup actually looks good! Even with that "green stuff"! LOL! Lunch for me today will be a peanutbutter wrap (on my sweetpotato wrap), and a bag of veggie chips. Yum!

    Called my NP this morning to see how long my breathing issues should continue or should I be concerned that I'm still having trouble. I probably won't hear back until this afternoon. It was quite bad yesterday and Saturday night. I had started to have an easier time catching my breath, but it feels like it's getting worse now rather than better.

    God bless, love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    edited November 2023
    Whenever I am going through rain or storm, I ask God to show me what He is trying to teach me, or can I reach someone through my struggle. God is good, so when something not good is allowed in our lives, it's because God has some purpose for it, either our growth or putting us in a position to share His love and glorify Him. Job struggled to glorify God and to prove his faithfulness. The blind man was blind so that on the day he was healed God's goodness and glory would be revealed. He is there in the midst of the struggle too! Thanks, Marilyn
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    edited November 2023
    So true, Kim...God is aware of us in every circumstance...every storm...He knows each need and is with us always. Continued prayers for all of us here each day.

    I made a big boo boo and brought cookies home. They were so delicious but not worth the high FBS and weight gain.9sv0vxrex93t.jpg
    I needed an intervention. They are all gone and until I have my fruitcake for Christmas....I need to stay out of the sugar bag.

    I'm feeling better this morning and am very thankful. I had more bathroom flooding Sunday evening and we had the plumbers out yesterday so I am dry and ready to roll again. I need to get those wet towels and my rugs outside to dry this morning....and the trash out again. I'm never the only one with the issue and the misery loves company thing comes to mind....knowing I don't suffer alone.

    Hey, I got to pet yellow kitten yesterday! I have 4 strokes in now so I consider that "petting" the cat. He's adorable.
    I need to get coffee on, feed the cats, collect the trash and get it out...check the mail...and want to sort the fridge/freezer today before I do up an order, to see what I have to play with in there.

    Have a blessed day all...love you!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    What a gift, a new kitty!

    The noodle shed is waiting, Bren 2540rv8dbuip.jpg See you there!

    Still feeling puny. Called my doctor to make sure this is normal or do I need more antibiotics. She wanted to see me, but isn't free until next Wednesday! Say What??? The lady I talked to said that if it were her she'd go to Emergency Care, BUT, my NP couldn't hear the pneumonia in my lungs, x-rays didn't see it, it took a CAT scan, and I don't have the means to pay for another one right now. If this is normal, then they should know that and tell me it could take up to so many weeks or months for me to feel better (one site I looked at said 6 months, another one said three months) - another BUT, if you are old (65+; I'm 64.5) then you may not have gotten it all out of your system and need more help since our bodies can't fight illnesses as easily the older we get. I took the appointment but am praying I feel so much better I won't need it. The Lord knows.

    We will be having our Thanksgiving with our Church family. Am looking forward to that. A time of thanks and fellowship! I hope that y'all are able to have a wonderful day too. You will be on my heart and in my mind and as always, in my prayers. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    At this point I should provide the Noodles, Kim! LOL That's cute that you still have that in your files. I lost a lot of stuff when my old computer crashed, then the hard drive went out on this one about 4.5 years back and I never back anything up since most of my stuff is for play and my charts.

    I'm so sorry you are still feeling puny and yes...we would like input, encouragement and direction!...as well as full recovery.

    Yes, that was sweet...to pet that baby! About 95% of all my cats have descended from Calico Granny who is about 12 years old and should be retired. She's still beautiful but I'd think really tired by now! Poor Granny....She's been coming by since March 2013 and was fully grown then.

    I didn't get anything done yesterday except the semi-sorting of the fridge and disposal of 10 pounds of produce or close to it. Nobody here ate a salad when there were cookies in the house! Yesterday, I had one of my loaded microwave omelets and an avocado for breakfast, a roast beef/provolone LC wrap for lunch and dinner was a Healthy Choice meal with extra green beans, then an apple with peanut butter...so got plenty of veggies/fruit for the day.

    I need to work on my chore list today....

    I wondered if you'd be up to the dinner with your Church and am so glad you can go. Enjoy the fellowship and great food. I look forward to my friend Laura's gift of dinner. I'll take a picture before I gobble. I have many memories of my Mama's spreads....even when it was just us two and taking to-go plates to my brother. I'm so thankful for the time I had with her.

    I'm up early...3 AM...but will snag a nap later after some work gets done. Be blessed, lovely ladies...best where most needed. Love and prayers for us all.zsuhqqm3wkgf.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving ladies. Here in Canada we celebrate it in October. When you are all planning and having your Thanksgiving I am starting a list of what we will eat for Christmas - making a list of Christmas day food then it is easy to get the groceries. Turkeys here are very very expensive so not sure what we will do - we like to have ham for New Years but due to the salt in the ham we aren't doning that anymore. So we are on the prowl for a smaller turkey and am seeing that it will probably cost $40 to get a small on for 3 people. But we celebrate with having a good meal, not much into gift giving as we are people that when one of us sees something we like and we have the extra money we purchase it. Seen to many friends buy things all year to give at Christmas - and then someone passes and never got the gifts - so we do it different. At any rate for us Christmas is the time to take where we reflect on the birth of Christ and just what that means - it is not about presents but His precious life becoming fully human while still completely divine.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Bren. HAPPY PLANNING, Marilyn! LOL! Y'all are like us, we buy whatever we want or need (more need now that Wade is retired) so he and I haven't given each other a gift for a while. If I want something after my birthday I just call it my Christmas present! Lately, if I want something I take something off of my monthly Subscribe and Save order and use that money to buy what I need or want. This month it was a robe and part of a game, getting coins to buy pictures to work on coloring in. They usually offer me a $.99 deal, but this time $5.99 was the cheapest! Eek! I took off two things from my order and saved about $50.00 so all is good! Of the books I've seen on the Black Friday sale, all of them could be had in Kindle Unlimited, so I decided to go that route, making that service pay for itself as well! I need to make sure that I'm not paying month to month but am still on my deal! OOO, I'm good until Dec 2024! They've upped the month to month price from $9.99 to $11.99 - yikes! That would be hard to find enough books in KU to pay for itself. Connie could do it, but I don't read that many books! LOL!

    Well, I didn't get to go to dinner yesterday. Feeling like I do I didn't want to infect anyone else. Catching my breath is easier today, but I'm coughing and feeling very tired. On that note, I am going to go and rest! Love y'all. Praying for you!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Can you believe my mom is still stirring drama...she has me upset...right at ThanksGiving! How can someone be dying from cancer and be so ugly!...but she has been emotionally and mentally abusive my whole live just about...I always hoped and prayed she would change...but she probably never will....and my sister treats me the same way!!! They invited my daughter to stay with them at the beach...and yet before my daughter decided to go..I had asked to stay with them and pay my share of course...and was told a huge NO...and was told I was full of it ...for asking to stay!
    It is what it is....sorry to drop all of this...but my hubby does not want to hear it...I just needed to talk to someone...
    Certain people will say to me you will regret one day not spending time with your mother and sister...I have not seen my sister in over 4 years! She never calls me either. Why do people put guilt trips on someone who has been mentally abused by both my sister and my mother. Sometimes you just have to let go....LITERALLY!....My mother has been sending me nasty texts all day today...and I'm sorry gals...I just needed to vent! Thank you for listening!

    I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I pray for all of us here with mental and physical pain!
    love and prayers
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    It is almost 10 p.m. ...and my mother is still sending me hurtful texts...please pray for me...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    It might be time to block your Mom, Missy! I'm not one to say you will regret it because you aren't the one causing the trouble. I haven't had a relationship with my family for over 30 years now, and I have no regrets because they made the choice. I told them that if they wanted a relationship with me they had to agree to not say ugly things to or about me and my Church to others and apologize for the hateful things they'd already said. They said they had nothing to apologize for and wouldn't agree - thus, no relationship. You need to ask Jesus what He wants you to do, and then be willing to do it. Not what friends and other family say, but what does Jesus say. You respect and honor those who aren't encouraging you to go against God, or who are hindering your relationship with God. You have to obey God, not men! You have to decide if you want this to continue and then make the hard choices that need to be made. Give her an option to either quit with the ugliness if she wants to have a relationship with you, or there can be no relationship. Yeah, it's hard, it still hurts that my family wanted their attitudes and opinions more than they wanted me, but I have had peace in my heart for 30 years! Let it be her choice, but you have to follow Jesus no matter what! Love you, sister and am praying for you! HUGS

    My breathing is a bit better today but still coughing with any kind of activity, and very tired. Thank you so much for your prayers.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Missy, I'm so very sorry to hear of the ongoing trauma with your Mom and sister who care nothing for your feelings or hurt. Prayers for God's mercy, comfort and healing of hearts, minds and spirits.

    Kim, I'm glad you're feeling better, with the breathing issues. This has been another battle for sure.

    Marilyn, I hope you can find a lovely, small turkey for yourselves at a reasonable rate. Some of my favorites were the little butterballs I'd get for myself, Mom and to share with my brother. That was 11 years ago tho...before she passed and the price has probably doubled? They are out of stock currently but one at my HEB was $24.80 (10 pounds) For several years, I'd get just parts...my favorites are thighs and wings. I'd buy the smoked legs for my Mom and brother, tho I've had a few as well. It's hard to shop as you have to, for the really low sodium, fresh stuff too.

    I've been resting a lot today and am glad I can. Treading lighter, now that my dinner things are gone. I got 2 dinners and one lunch from the offerings.. now what do I do with all those olives?
    I need to finish sorting the fridge before I get a new order. Lunch was meatballs with pasta sauce and cheese toast. Dinner...I aim for more veggies...let's see if I get them. Tomorrow, I will see if I can cobble together some soup in my little crock pot. I have snack bags of chicken breast tenders thawed. One for tonight and one for tomorrow.