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Daily Chats and Encouragements
So sorry, Marilyn. Praying for you.1
The bosses will all be out of town next week so they cancelled our sale for this month. We will enjoy "their" trip. LOL That means I can do my regular schedule ext week...and be off Tue/Wed.
I had 4 rentals yesterday...yay. Chris will be leaving on Thursday for his vacation trip so I am really hoping I don't have to clean a lot of units while he's gone. He needs to cut locks for my August sale but I may wait until he comes back August 2nd, giving folks another week to pay before that process. The ones in the July sale will have to be reprocessed....for the September sale.
I'll get some sun and air time this morning before it gets really hot, and tool around on the golf cart. I'll be sure to take some healthy things in my lunch bag and ice for my tea....so McDonald's doesn't call me up.1 -
July 17 2021
Better today - woke up to no smoke filled air - but it is coming in already - so am hoping that I can get outside for a short walk before it gets thick.
Tired this morning - supper last night was spaghetti and though I do love spaghetti it does a number on me - back hurts more, and so tired after that type of meal - all to do with the flour I am told.
John 16:12-15
I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.
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Marilyn - Have you tried making spaghetti with zucchini or using spaghetti squash? I love both of them, although the spaghetti squash is more than I can eat and the men in the house don't care for it. I have a small tool that does the zucchini very easily and quickly.
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Spaghetti with spaghetti squash was a regular in our house when I was growing up! THM has a really cool spinach lasagna, no noodles, which my body will appreciate as well!
Woohoo, Bren, a reprieve!
Weight is back up to 240. This is what happens, I start to lose and then, not changing anything, it just comes right back up again! I just gotta quit weighing and be happy with the healthy diet and hope that changes are being made, just not with my weight.
Have a great Lord's Day tomorrow!2 -
I only weigh once a week.
I'm the only one who eats spag. squash. I'll make it up and then I freeze it in 1-cup containers. And then use whenever I want it!!! Hehehe
I do that with a lot of my food. Makes healthy quick meals. Just mix & match!!
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We had a busy day yesterday so I did not sign on. We went into town to visit several stores. I was looking for a center piece for my table but didn’t find anything I liked. My husband bought a work bench with peg board and light to put in the garage so he’d have a space to repair/fix things. So we spent the afternoon putting that together. Wow, that was a chore. Then today, church in the morning and then back to town after lunch because he wanted to get accessories for the peg board.
Restfinder, I stop eating after 7 most of the time and really chug the water.
Marilyn, prayers continue for your area. We start our day with devotions on the patio with coffee. If it’s too hot, we sit in the front parlor. I was having attitude problems and maybe a little depression (which is very rare for me) earlier this year and I prayed to God to help with it.
Bren, I suffer from allergies in the spring and the fall. I can control it with an OTC allergy pill in the morning and before bed time. But yes, totally have Kleenex available.
RondaJo, I like a lot of food too. But my desire to lose weight is (so far) winning over eating anything I want. I’ve done really well to switch foods to healthier choices and this has helped with the weight loss.
~ Gail1 -
July 18 2021
Having a great day. Went to church for the first time in person in 12 months - and it was so emotional. We went to a new church as we have left the church we were attending for the last 16 years. And are we glad we made the move - we had forgotten the joy of the Lord in a service - singing together, praying together, having the Word taught to us and just being with others celebrating the love of Christ - it was really touching. We were greeted by 6 families that in the past 3 years have left the church we had been attending and ended up in the church we have moved to - was a great celebration being with these other brothers and sisters in the Lord - it was amazing - was told today that they believe the count of 'heads' in the church today came to 300 - and no one was overlapping but just so happy to be with each other.
Psalm 95:1
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation
Psalm 100:1
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
Proverbs 17:22
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones
-Marilyn1 -
Marilyn - I am so glad that you found a church with like-minded believers. The fellowship is such a huge part of the church, and it sounds like you have found a good one.1
Praise the Lord, Marilyn. I'm happy that this worked out for you, and to have other believers you already knew and worshipped with, double blessing.
It was hard for me not to get on the scale this morning, but I refrained and hope that by next Saturday it will be good news, if not, we will accept that and just know that we are healthier for eating healthier!
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July 19 2021
Ready for a good day and great week. Have food planned out for today and will only eat what I planned.
Hope to get my walk in before the smoke gets really bad - it is thick now so need to see about getting in the walk really soon
Matthew 2:7-12
Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem saying, 'Go and search diligently for the child, and when you had found him, bring me word that I too may come and worship him.' After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. AND GOING INTO THE HOUSE, THE SAW THE CHILD WITH MARY HIS MOTHER AND THEY FELL DOWN AND WORSHIPED HIM. Then opening their treasures they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.
NOTE The highlighted part of the above scripture shows that when the wise men arrived, Mary and Joseph were situated in a house not in a stable as we tend to depict when we have children do the Christmas story.
-Marilyn1 -
Marilyn I'm happy for you.
Everything pretty much the same here.
Wishing everyone a great day!0 -
Marilyn, so glad you found a new church and with people you already know.
Restfinder, my weigh day is Friday morning but I step on on Wednesday morning to get an idea of where I'm at, then I have two days to make adjustments.1 -
July 19 2021
Ready to have a great week - feels so good to have a Church that we now have - feeling so blessed.
Am on track with food - committed my food for today to the Lord - I find that when I write down my food for the day and then take it to the Lord first thing in the morning that all goes well - He is my coach and directs my path in all that I do - I now better to commit and then not follow through as Scripture talks about that. So for today I will eat only what I have written down.
Wanted to go outside for a walk but the smoke is to heavy - again - so will have to walk inside.
Joshua 3:17
Now the priests bearing the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firmly on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, and all Israel was passing over on dry ground until all the nation finished passing over the Jordan
I tend to forget this verse but only remember the waters opening for the people to cross the Red Sea but it did so here on the Jordan river also - so many little things that we can read many times and not see clearly or remember till it stands out and slaps on the cheek - amazing right! ! !
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Marilyn, another thing that people often miss in the Nativity story is that Herod killed children from two and under; and he is called a child in that passage, not an infant or babe. Jesus could have been as much as two years old when the Magi came to their house. When I am color-coding my Bible, I find so much more than just reading it. I also do word studies and find that some words mean so much more than I realized. Fret is a recent one that I found means so much more than worry, or be upset over; it can also mean to be incensed over, rage over something. Wow!
Feeling very tired again today, that hardly can keep my eyes open feeling. But when I lie down I can't fall asleep. Hmmm. Maybe another food is bothering me, who knows!!!
Sticking to the plan as much as I am able (will all my food allergies it's hard to do any one plan).
Love y'all.
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Whew - Wound care clinic with Bill today and it was brutal. Over 2 hours! All that to say that he needs to use compression socks without toes so that the the toe with the sore doesn't rub against the toe next to it. The bone from the other toe joint is partially the cause for the sore that hasn't healed. Makes sense...but 2 hours?1
All that for two hours! Lymphedema Products makes some very good compression socks. I like the toeless kind myself!
Learning a lot being a care giver. It isn't as easy as I thought it would be, especially with someone who can't articulate why they are doing what they are doing, but I know that she has a good reason behind her activity, she just doesn't know how to tell me why - so we have these question and answer sessions until I can understand and can help her. Phew!
I hope that y'all have an awesome day! Trust Jesus in everything!1 -
We picked a bunch of figs this morning. I think we are going to make refrigerator or freezer jam with them. Too hot to do all the stove stuff for preserves. We found a fairly easy recipe, but I wondered if y'all have done that before and what recipe did you use?
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I investigated Sharon's goody bag. She left me some celery, rotisserie chicken and half a turkey bacon wrap from Market Street. That was yummy! I had that for lunch and have tagged some cucumber salad and mackerel for a snack if needed...and the chicken for dinner with some potato salad....unless I decide on soup and cornbread?
The bosses are supposed to be back sometime today. Sharon told me we had another break in here while I was off and the trouble makers are still at it on the other property. She'd gone to take a lock off and two police cars were there at Mindy's unit and they were fighting again, she said he had a knife....She's been told to vacate that unit too and they want her totally gone. Once the issue is dealt with...then the bosses will deal with me.
It's supposed to be in the high 90's here the next few days but I am tucked inside, comfy and safe so am quite alright. I made me some tea...wish I had more ice....and will do some work related stuff in a few minutes. I got post cards and labels printed and ready to roll.
Figs! I remember our house in the country that had some fig trees. I never cared for them. Nor the persimmons at the house here in Abilene that we moved from to go there. I remember mowing the yard with the old timey mower too. I didn't realize you could still buy those and why would you? LOL1 -
Am doing well - ate a bit off plan yesterday so it was as good as it could have been - and am paying for it today. But today is a new day and I will correct the eating today making sure I don't have that 'slip' again because if I have it again today it will lead into being a new habit and that is not what I want.
Acts 17:24-26
The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.
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Ohhh - I enjoy fig newtons. Those who know me, know that I have never met a cookie that I didn't like. I have said that an oatmeal raisin cookie is my idea of a serving of fruit...fig newtons would work, too!1
I too, love cookies. They aren't so fond of me tho. Oh well....for all I shouldn't eat, there are so many things I can enjoy freely.
Fruit: I bought 4 Nectarines in my HEB order, and those things must have been picked green somewhere. I could barely cut a plug from one and it was hard and tasteless. Boo! I'll google how to ripen them and hope they will become edible soon.
I had errands to run at lunch...bank and post office so I zipped thru McDonald's for lunch. Not the best choice but it's tracked....I can do better.1 -
Hey ladies! Spending the day at hospitals! Mom fell on her face again. Hospital 1 said two fractures and sent her to a trauma center. Trauma center says old fracture, go home with a follow up appointment! Praise the Lord. We’d gone home and packed to stay a couple days (2 hour drive to hospital 2). Such good news! God is very good!2
Not the best of days - the smoke is really getting me - can't even see across the street right now.
And for some reason my top lip on the left side decided at 3 pm to start to twich like every minute - so bad that my husband could see it happening. Eventually put some peppermint essential oil on it and that seems to have settle it down - praying that it was just a small cliche and all will be well. Also my hiatal hernia is really bad - lots of pain their today - food does it all the time - so am back on bland food for a bit
Till next time
-Marilyn1 -
Oh, Marilyn, prayers coming your way! Also praying for a good hard rain in the area to dissipate some of the smoke, and to help with fighting the fires. When my nerves are set on edge, I have a eye that will begin to twitch. I had a time that it went on for 3 months.
KIm - Prayers for you and your mom! I know that this is very difficult for all of you. Glad that they determined that it is a past issue, but the fall is really scary.1 -
We have another criminal element here, coming in at wee hours of the morning. Two full pages of such activity since he got out of prison. His own mother ratted him out but how do we "prove it's him?"....Ack. Zach had me change his gate code yesterday and sure enough, he tried to get in again at 4:45 this morning...tried both gates, no access. We found 5 units in the past 2 weeks broken into.
Chris is on vacation this week so us girls will need to make rounds, open the trash gate this next week and stay on top of things. We still don't have much to rent...5 units and 3 of them are on hold for this morning. Hooya
I have a desk full of work to tend to so I'll get at it. Kim, I am so very glad for the report on Mom and pray for her stability as I do mine, daily! My Mom fell a lot and it hurt my heart for her....and all in those circumstances. I thank God for those in the medical field who come to our aid when needed.1 -
Keeping an eye on Mom today. She's having some pain in her head and her neck, so we are keeping a close eye on that. She'll see a neurologist in two weeks to make sure she is coming along as she should. The pain seems normal for her fall, and we are praising the Lord it is simple pain and not that of a broken neck (again). God was very good to us!
Woke with a bad headache around 4AM, the kind that makes me nauseous - but praise the Lord I didn't get sick. I was able to crawl back into bed around 5. Thanking Jesus for a quick resolution to that one! I think the tension and stress of yesterday was the cause of that one!
Didn't eat good yesterday but back on track today.
Love y'all.
Marilyn, so sorry the hernia is acting up. I have a moderately sized one but don't seem to have a problem with it. I do have some occasional pain in that area, but it usually passes pretty quickly. I hope you are able to find relief from a bland diet. I had a hernia at my navel once and lying down helped to keep the stuff from inside my body from going outside my body -until I could get it fixed. I don't know if that helps with a hiatal hernia or not! Praise the Lord the peppermint oil helped. That is some awesome stuff. I use it around the house to keep the bugs at bay! LOL!
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Has not been a good weekend re health.
Friday night was up to the emergency as my face was doing funny things - ended up that I needed to have an iv of magnesium as I was to low on it - so now need to check with the doctor to make sure on all of that - possibly will need to take magnesium meds.
This morning at church at an an anxiety attack - was a bad one - but now that it has calmed down I know what has caused it - book to things back to back and it back fired on me - so won't be doing that again.
Otherwise all is well
till next time
-Marilyn0 -
Marilyn- Praying that all.is resolved.0