Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Missy, praying for you sweetie! Praying for hubby too, and your daughter!

    Bren, oh my, that would not make for a nice wake-up call! Praise the Lord, so far we haven't had any leaks in our house!

    Had a good time at morning worship and then lunch afterwards. I did Zoom in the evening because of the pain in my leg and back. I'm going to do my leg brace and then wrap up in my compression wraps. If that doesn't help my back I'll put that brace on too!

    Have a great day y'all. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 785 Member
    I got the dentist thing out of the way and pray I never have to do that again. Those two went screaming and kicking....oh wait...that might have been me?
    They were tough tho, the top one reminiscent of the drunk dentist with that twisting side to side and all....ACK! I had some breakage on the bottom...I was numb all the way to my eye...That was at 9 AM and here at 4 PM...am finally able to drink some tea.
    I was out of gauze quickly, so did an "emergency" order from Wal-Mart...Got some soft things for the next 2 days. I am very thankful it's done.

    I got a nap for about 2 hours and that helped since I'd been up from 2 AM...I haven't eaten yet today. Will have something soon.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 785 Member

    Maintenance did a surprise check yesterday...for leaks, after an upstairs repair, so he took care of my light fixture in the kitchen and I got a new, uptown one! I's great and so bright in there now!

    I rested well last night, even with 4 wakings...got up at my regular time of 4 AM...will put coffee on in a bit. I missed it yesterday.

    Dinner was an odd bit but so delicious! I had a pouch of sweet and spicy Thai tuna with some Miracle Whip, a small avocado with garlic powder and hot sauce, a cup of reduced sodium chicken broth (Knorr) and 2 SF pudding cups. It was SO good. I took no insulin yesterday and my FBS is 98 this morning! I am a blessed girl. BP is 145/78 59...and weight is 233.4. Down from last week at this time.vhf04epcb69h.jpg

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Woohoo, you go girl. My weight is fluctuating between those two pounds, at least it isn't going up right now. I am trying to eat smaller meals, and stop the treats! No more ice cream this week! I will try my 1lb weights and see how my hands do with that. I had to walk with my rollator yesterday because of the pain in my leg! It's better today, but I keep the rollator handy. Getting in and out of chairs and bed are painful though, but once I get going it feels better (sometimes). My SI and leg aren't hurting as much as they had been the last week! Praise be to God!

    So glad maintenance came and got you a new light, how exciting! I can't say your meal caused any drooling on my part, but I know that they are things that you really like! LOL! I'm going to do a salad for my lunch. I have some potato soup in there, but I just read that white potatos can contribute to arthritis pain! I'm glad Wade likes it. I'm wondering if that is what caused this flair up!

    Have a super day. As Grandma MeMe likes to say: "Shine for Jesus!"
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 785 Member
    edited June 25
    I've wished many times that I had kept Mom's rollator. She very rarely used it and I'm at the point now that I would. I'm glad you have yours when the need arises. So very sorry the back and leg are causing pain and grief at the moment. That's sweet..."Shine for Jesus"....I like it!

    I've enjoyed the tuna/avocado bowl so much I had it for breakfast and lunch today. I did take insulin this morning and I had a drop to 74 so I had one of the remaining two sweet teas and skipped the insulin at lunch.

    I got up from my nap a few minutes ago to find the left side of my tongue swollen! Yikes...It's a sublingual hematoma. I'm now rinsing with the warm salt water, will suck on some ice cubes, drink my iced water and tea and keep an eye on things. Currently, my hands serve as cold packs. Brrr....
    I'll call the dentist tomorrow but pray I will recover quickly and won't need to. God has me in His care!

    No...I'm not allergic to tuna...LOL... I still have some swelling on the right side where I lost the teeth but it's minimal and there's no pain, but my pain reliever may help with swelling so I will take it anyway...for the things that DO hurt.

    I need a couple more days of soft, easy things and am hankering for an omelet with egg beaters, mushrooms, onions and spinach...but am not up to cooking just yet. I am enjoying my SF pudding cups and will get those again! I need to spiffy up the kitchen so I can get my burner eye replaced on the stove and be able to cook properly. I hope too, that he can fix the dishwasher switch thing so it will dry again as it leaves all my plastics splotchy. There was a time when I'd do them by hand but not anymore! I'll slip my note to the office for tomorrow for maintenance...it covers the leak under the bathroom sink as well....he will think I've been saving up work...and he'd be right.

    Have a good evening at your spot....hoping you are much improved tomorrow...prayers for us all here.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 785 Member
    I am so happy to report that the tongue has returned to normal. I have a wee bit of swelling on the right side still but am confident it will resolve itself shortly. I am feeling much better, other than the back pain and numbness but I can work around that in my 5 minute increments.

    God is awesome. that tongue thing was a hair scary! I am up early, to restore order, have coffee and thank God for new mercies and the gift of this day.

    I have the dishwasher dealt with, will spiff up in the kitchen, gather trash again, vacuum and put laundry away at least today. Anything more will be a bonus task.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Wow, that's a good list, Bren! I wouldn't be able to do half of that! I can't vacuum at all, so Wade does that when he can fit it in. He also does the dishes unless I can get to them before he does! I can't always finish when I start because my back starts to hurt too much and I have to go back to it later. He cooks because I can't stand at the stove that long. I help prepare stuff, but he does the stove stuff!

    Oh, I found another YouTube Channel I like - A Chick Called Albert? I can't remember the chicks name, but this guy is a bird rehabber. He will find eggs left behind by their mama and get them in an incubator and hatched, fed, cared for and then released! It's just really interesting. I watch one this morning where he raided a black swan nest, taking out three eggs. It was in the middle of winter and he feared none of them would hatch, so he saved the three. When they were grown he let them go! Just a nice show.

    Have a great Wednesday (4th day), y'all. Love you
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 66 Member
    Thought I would share some of my backyard pics
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 785 Member
    Those are so beautiful, Missy! You have a gift. My brother did as well....me...not so much tho I appreciate so much, the efforts of others.

    Kim, I wimped out...I did get the laundry put away (big chore) and the dishwasher dealt with, cleaned the stove, cooked an egg beater scramble with mushrooms, onion and spinach before I ran out of steam.
    For dinner, I did up an egg and artificial crab "salad" and cooked sweet potatoes in the air fryer. I will cook tilapia filets on my little George Foreman grill today and roast a pan of veggies. I am using my stool as needed when cooking or resting between chores...and am glad to have it.

    I remember my Mama having to do dishes in stages due to back pain. Now, that's me as well...tho I am so very thankful to have a dishwasher! The numbness is every bit as debilitating as the pain it seems as it can cause a fall if I don't set down quickly. It's a blessing to have help in the house....and Jesus is mine!

    I got a gander of my face yesterday and I look like I was slugged! I have bruising on the side, from my ear down to my chin, which has the worst of it. Those extractions were hard on me!

    Today's stats....
    144/79 63 (the best so far this week)

    Love and prayers for all in this new day. May God comfort, heal, strengthen and bless us best where we most need His touch today.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Oh my! I don't think I've ever had bruising after an extraction, and I've had several! I had all four of my wisdom teeth out at one time and didn't have any bruising! I'm so sorry it was so difficult. I'm glad you wimped out and quit when you saw it was going to be too much! Good girl!

    Missy, gorgeous! The lilies, my favorites, are so pretty!

    Doing alright, my leg hasn't acted up since Monday! Just weird, it was fine when I got up on Tuesday morning. Praise the Lord! It aches all the time, but that was strong pain on Monday especially, slightly milder on Sunday. There are some foods that cause arthritis flare-ups - mostly it's fatty foods (bad fat), nightshade veggies, and fatty dairy, oh and sugar or things with sucralose, aspertame, and (ach, the older sweetner that starts with an 's'!) I'm glad Stevia wasn't on that list! I already don't eat the other stuff. I don't eat fatty dairy, but if I can't find something with aspertame, then I will take the sugar, but that isn't very often. Oh, white potatoes were on that list too. I made that potato soup but Wade said they were yellow potatoes, not white potatoes so that was that! No idea what caused that severe of a flare.
    Praise the Lord I am doing well now!
    Love y'all bunches.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 785 Member
    That's a good report on the leg malfunction! Improvement or reprieves are all good.

    Yep...wimping out comes easy these days. I am back in my disturbed rest cycles so am up and down a lot, waking at 1 AM, napping twice a day...got up at 9:20 this morning and still was ready for a nap at 2 PM....
    With the swelling on the right side, it's not so comfy laying on that side to read...and laying on my left side makes my eyes go wonky....so...I am up, playing for awhile at 11:30...

    I didn't do my tilapia for dinner so it's on the plan for tomorrow. It's a quick fix. I'll steam or microwave some veggies to go with it. I have one bottle of tea left....and then I'll need to make my own. It's been a nice treat. I'm still waiting on this guy....veikyqj9jl9e.jpg

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Heeheehee! I have one of those guys full time! It is really nice.

    We went into town yesterday for an appointment and ate out at No Name Pizza, probably just a local Italian and other stuff restaurant. I got a pastrami sandwich with saurkraut and some Thousand Island Dressing on toasted bread. It was very good. I ate half of it and about 1/3 of my fries, the rest came home with us. Wade had the lasagna. Yummers. Then I forgot to pick up my meds at CVS! Oh brother. Well, Wade likes to go into town two or three times a week, so it shouldn't be a problem. I have enough for another couple of weeks. We have a pork loin in the crockpot for tonight.

    Oh boy, I was just doing a massage on my arms, trying to move some fluid, and my elbows are really soft - hmmm? I don't remember feeling that before. It's nice. The tops of my legs are soft because I put Hemp pain cream on them every night. I probably just need to put it all over! LOL!

    Well, y'all have a great day. Try to stay cool. Love you