Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,970 Member
    It sounds like you are happy @swenson19d . I'm glad for you.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 786 Member
    Yes @quilteryoyo I am much happier. I find that much of my aches and pains are improved also. Of course, my routine has changed and I am not bending and cleaning up after everyone daily. I sleep better and am eating better (down 3pounds-ish). I tried to cut back on the nightly pain meds (lyrica and flexural) but did get noticably achey and resumed them.

    I doubt running will be in my future, but am able to get a bit more exercise walking.

    Weekly question?
    Favourite fast meal? To snack or eat meals?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,970 Member
    That's great to hear @swenson19d . My favorite fast meal that I make is a bean burrito. It doesn't take long to make and is really feeling. I snack and eat meal. LOL Love chips and dip, but am trying to limit those. Nuts or popcorn is my go to snack when I'm being good. LOL
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 786 Member
    @quilteryoyo sounds good! I love chips. I like to snack rather than meal plan. Like cheese and crackers
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    @CMorning99 - I hope you were able to get the reselling tech issues straightened out! What a mess!
    I really dislike the little barky dogs. I do believe you can work with them when they are young to teach them not to bark or bark so much. Even Hobbes knows 'no bark' as well as 'enough' for when I want him to bark but not go on and on.

    Hi @swenson19d! I am so happy you are doing better. Do you have all the pups with you? Did Alexis get her own place? How much more do you have to go to finish your degree now? Sorry about all the questions - I have been thinking about you and wondering how it is going.

    I also snack and have meals especially now. I am still trying to get my weight up or at least not lose anymore. My favorite 'fast' meal isn't fast necessarily, but it is easy. I make a meat spaghetti sauce in the crockpot and just dump in whatever sounds good and I have on hand. It could be ground beef or turkey, maybe with some Italian sausage and all kinds of veggies. I let it cook all day or overnight and then have lots to freeze to pull out for a quick dinner.
    Snacking - I have been eating dried fruit, apricots, strawberries, etc.. I also like nuts and popcorn or peanut butter pretzels. Of course cheese and crackers are always good especially with a glass of wine which I can't really have much of anymore.

    I had an ok week off. It was great to see our friends but I got really sick while we were there. The oncologist thinks I probably caught a bug and that it wasn't treatment related. Of course once we got home I was fine. I start chemo again tomorrow, 1st week of 3 in a row.
    Have any of you had acupuncture? I started it for the neuropathy in my hands and feet and it has been amazing relief. I just wish it lasted longer than a couple of days. The acupuncturist says it will get better. Finally my hair put up a valiant fight but it lost and was coming out in handfuls so I had it shaved. I have lots of hats, scarves and wraps but I may also consider finding a wig I like. For now I am going with the bald is beautiful look when at home and wear a hat or whatever when I go out.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,970 Member
    @shanaber I'm glad that you had a great visit with friends, but sorry you got sick while there. I hope this round of chemo isn't too hard on you overall. How long do you get off once these 3 weeks are over? I have not had acupuncture. Sounds like it is helping though, so that is great. I do hope the results from it start lasting longer. I'm sorry to hear about your hair, but you have a great attitude about it, sounds like. Still, I know that has to be hard. Hugs to you! Continuing to pray for you and your family. I know it is hard on them too, in a different way.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 786 Member
    @shanaber you have been in my thoughts as well. Always sending healing vibes to surround you. It is good to hear that you are doing well despite the challenges. Nothing wrong with the bald & supershort look. I see it on many young women here and am envious. I have yet to see it overwhelm the natural beauity of countanance. It is the sign of a cancer warrior and awe inspiring.

    I have none of the animals. Eric agreed to take care of them while things get settled then retracted, offering to rehome my dobie girls. I have sent them to Nina's Doggie Daddy and trainer through May. It will help if they need to come stay in the apartment where they need to have a bit more manners. DD is still at the house. Eric brought a young girl (23ish) to stay with him who is the daughter of an ex of his. His claim is that she is his daughter, but paternity tests in duplicate say other wise. She is pregnant, has lost her kids and is a drug addict. DD saw them in bed together, sleeping I assume. I requested a photo for intimidation. He has been extrodinarly uncorporative. Thus, I bide time. Court May 29th. I have adopted a cat named Trevor, still have the foster dog, Tulip, and an emotional support human four years senior.

    I finish the DNP May of 26. Busily chipping away at each insanely busy day. It is exciting to let the trauma and hate fall away, now yeilding the slightest return of happiness.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    @quilteryoyo - it is just a week but comes out to almost 2 weeks from chemo day to chemo day with the week in between.
    Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. It definitely helps! I worry about my DH - I know he worries about me so much and has no real outlet. I keep trying to get him to get out, go for a walk, go to a movie, call up some friends and go out to lunch, something. So far he doesn't seem interested.

    @swenson19d - it is so good to see you in a happier place! I hope you will be able to get your Dobie girls back soon. Sounds like Eric is really not thinking clearly as in 'what is he thinking?'

    Today we went to a memorial service for a close friend we have known since college (50 years!). He introduced me to my DH and was best man at our wedding. We had some crazy adventures and eventually raised our kids together as family. We lost contact for a little while because of politics and covid so when his son called me in tears I knew it wasn't good. He had also been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer but was gone 3 months after diagnosis. Makes me appreciate the early diagnosis and that I am strong enough to have chemo. It was a tough day (I had to get up and talk - yikes!) and I was physically and emotionally drained afterwards. I slept the entire way home. The good news though is that we have been reunited with the family and I won't be letting that connection go again.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,970 Member
    @swenson19d I hope you can get your animals back with you soon. I know that has to be hard on you. I agree that Eric "isn't thinking." SMH

    @shanaber I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I am sure that was extra hard for you! I am glad that you have reconnected with the family and aren't going to let them go again. I'm sure your DD is happy that everyone is back in touch too. I don't know if your husband would do it or not, as I know women and men are wired differently, but when my husband was sick and I didn't feel like I had an outlet, I started journaling my feelings. I've journaled ever since. It gave me a safe place to get my thoughts out of my head and helped me work through some things. I didn't want to talk to my parents or his kids about how I was feeling because I didn't want them to worry about me too and they had their own emotions to deal with. Just a thought.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo - I am not sure he would do it but I started a while ago too. I woke up one day with all these thoughts in my head and needed to get them down. I don't do it every day or even ever4y week but it does give me a safe space to put down my feelings, frustrations and... fears honestly. Mostly things I don't want him to have to deal with too or when I get down and just need to get me head straight again.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,970 Member
    I'm glad you are journaling when you need to get things out @shanaber . It really is helpful. And, of course you have fears and frustrations. Anyone going through all the things you are going through would. Huge HUGS!