Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,505 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member

    Hope y'all are having a good day. We are going to be chilly again for a couple of days and then warm back up. I'm glad I haven't changed things out for summer yet! I have some summer and all my winter stuff still on my shelves. I don't like to use a dresser but rather use shelves, that way I can see all my stuff and don't end up wearing the same things over and over again! I need Wade to figure out how to raise up my shelves so that I don't have to bend down to get stuff off of the bottom shelf - but not so high I can't reach the top shelf - eek!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    Good morning Ladies...
    Here we are at another weekend and tho all my retirement days feel like weekends....I do still enjoy them "differently"...
    I had two rather restless nights and yesterday I slept in until 11:30...Ack! I was up at 5:00 this morning....more normal.

    My sugar is wonky this morning. I had a drop last night, to 80, had 4 OZ orange juice, took my 84 units of Tresiba and this morning am 188...the highest it's been all week! Oh well...that's still better than the 280 somethings of days past. God is good and I am blessed!

    I remember your shelving system, Kim. Many years back, before I was given my chest of drawers, I kept things in a tub, in the closet. I'd roll up a top and bottoms and pull out a "tube" when needed. After I retired I gave away so many tubs and bags of clothes. I kept just the essentials and still have too many! I wear shorts or my pajama bottoms and a tank top or gown...unless I need long pants for appointments and the like. That's comfy and efficient for me. Now if I could just stop overbuying produce, I'd be on a roll! Hooya!

    My knee is back to normal, praise God...I can bend it as needed to settle in my recliner again. One often doesn't know just how much a thing is used until it's out of commission. Like with my back/hips and the walking that I miss! My body is certainly showing it's age. God's word STILL says I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me so I claim that daily for all that I need to do....and will be content with those things.

    I saw this on a post and thought..."Hey, I can do that"...fast, simple, easy and tasty....so it goes on rotation for my meal plan. Be blessed best where most needed this weekend, precious ones...

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    Wow, looks yummy; well, not the tomato part and as long as the pickle is a sweet one and not a dill... teehee! I rarely do a hamburger with a bun! And cheddar cheese on that - oh my! Love me some sharp cheddar. My favorite is Havarti cheese though, just goes with everything and is mild. I don't buy it often because it is more pricey than the cheddar or mozzarella or American. We keep that and the Mexican cheese blend on hand. Oh, and I do keep cheddar Jack on hand too.

    Hope y'all have an awesome weekend. Yours should be better, Bren, since you knee is doing better - woohoo! Praise the Lord. Love you. Blessed Lord's Day!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,505 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,505 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    edited April 29
    You can have a sweet pickle with yours! I had dills with mine. My picture isn't so pretty...I was angled off, trying to charge my phone with a short cord...LOL...I used the lettuce leaves as the "bun" for the first time. Forgot the cheese but my legs gave out and I had to get to my recliner! I like gouda...but have Swiss and Pepper Jack slices in there, shredded fiesta blend and more pepper jack...love it in my omelets or my tortilla thing-ees.

    Oh Marilyn...I would love so much of that stuff but need a "handler" to come in and make things for me or at least do a lot of prep work....I love my veggies and fruit! Time to clear off my table again for a work space I suppose?

    I got sad news today, that the leader of one of the two diabetes groups I'm in has passed away. She was type 1 since childhood, such an encourager and knowledgeable lady, only around 50. She lived alone with her long time Kitty/best friend and had a caretaker that came in to help her. Tho I don't know my "Cyber Friends" personally...I believe God has allowed our paths in life to cross, for a reason or a season and I am so very grateful for each of you!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    edited April 29
    I tried to make the picture much smaller...Oh well....


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,505 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    edited April 30
    So sorry for the loss of your cyber friend! I know that y'all are very special to me and hope that we all will be going together in the rapture rather than having to lose each other! Either way, there will be joy in knowing that heaven waits on the other side. Keep strong in the Lord!

    Please keep Connie in your prayers. She's trying to work out how to take care of her mom and Bill. She asked for wisdom and strength.

    Y'all remain in my prayers. I was thinking about how much God loves me, today. I am less than a speck on the timeline of life, and yet He knows the number of hairs on my head! He knows my heart better than I do. He suffered unspeakable torture and death for me, then rose again so I could be free from sin and have eternal life! He is God, He created everything, from the smallest living organism to the universe - and yet He knows me! And even more than that, He loves Me! I give Him all of me, and still that doesn't seem like enough! Every moment of every day we must live fully for Him! I love y'all. Never forget, He loves you so much more!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    Will keep Connie in my prayers, Kim. Glad you are in touch with her. I know she has had a heavy load to bear for quite some time.

    My back/hip/knee pain still has me hobbled. I did push myself a bit yesterday, and the piper demands his dues when I do! I am so very thankful for each day I get, regardless.

    We had another storm last night. It didn't last long but it's one of several of late. I love them...when it's not really wild and I don't have to drive in them.

    I need to get lab work done next Friday for my appt. on the 13th with my endo guy....I am not wanting to do either of course. I don't want to be kicked off the patient roll...but all I need is meds, please....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    You also need to know where you stand! So be a good girl and go! Maybe they will give you a sugar-free sucker for being so brave! LOL! I go for my cholesterol blood work on the 8th. I really would love to see those numbers down. I sent a note to my NP this morning letting her know that even when I take the meds at night I am waking up with mild headaches. It took Tylenol for this one to go away. Still an improvement, but I would rather not wake up with a headache if that is possible. Maybe she will refer me to a neurologist after I am on Medicare! There are so many things I can't take because of stomach issues and heart issues, so finding something that works is difficult - well, cost matters too. This med has been the best so far and I don't want to go off of it, because it's one that changes the brain and that could mean brain zaps for a while afterwards!

    Well, time to get the dishes done. Love you and am keeping you in my prayers. I know Connie appreciates your prayers as well. She is on my other team, Christian Bookworms, so I talk to her several times a week.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,505 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    I was reading in 1 Samuel the other day, color coding, and came upon a verse I didn't understand.
    1Sa 25:29  Yet a man has risen to pursue you and seek your life, but the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living with the LORD your God; and the lives of your enemies He shall sling out, as from the pocket of a sling.
    What did "bundle of the living" mean? Well, I looked it up in some commentaries and it is an ancient saying used to speak of one's treasure. They used to put the things that they cherished in a bag. Abigail is, in a way, asking the Lord to place David among His treasures, and cast his enemies out! I am in God's treasure bag! That is just an amazing thought to me. Even though I don't "feel" like a treasure, I am His! Wow!

    I hope y'all have a very blessed day!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,505 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    HAPPY SATURDAY, my beautiful lovelies! I hope you are having a good day today. Wade and I went out for a drive, looking at all the pretty water spots - which, is pretty much every bit of land out to Cedar Island. We stopped there and checked out the beach. I could walk on it pretty easily compared to the beach on the Outer Banks - that sand was deep and super soft. With my bad hip, SI joint and leg, I just can't go through sand like that. I fell once while we were at the Outer Banks (OBX), I was trying to keep up with Wade and just went down when my legs wouldn't move any more! No problem, it was soft sand and he was there to help me get up. My only problem was a steep step, it was hard to get back up, my legs and knees are weak and it's hard to haul my weight up! Again, Wade was there to help! :)

    We are going to a Homecoming at a Church in Morehead City tomorrow. It's our Pastor's Home Church from when he was a little boy. We thought we would go and join them for worship and fellowship. Looking forward to an awesome time.

    Have a blessed day today and a great Lord's Day tomorrow.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,505 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 778 Member
    I bought this shelf liner back in mid-March. I finally got one of 3 countertops cleaned and relined today. Got my cute little new coffee pot set up and heated some water for my broth. Yummy!
    I still have more cleaning to do on the toaster oven and my tea caddy....working in phases and stages as my legs go numb and I have to sit quickly or take a tumble and I surely don't want to do that!
    On the other two counters, I have my microwave...small but very heavy, and the other holds my air fryer, small GF grill and one of my little slow cookers.
    It feels really good to be productive after 3-4 days down and out!

    Sunday: I was in bad pain last night after being up and down and about for so long. My knee was acting badly. Like you, Kim...the back, hip and legs are troublesome. I do wear my emergency call button thing daily...in case i do fall. Getting up is a real struggle as you know.

    I'm up real early....but will tackle my chores list some before I have to go down for a nap....have a blessed day and awesome Homecoming. I remember those with great joy from my time in Alabama....and Decoration Day, when we'd clean up the cemetery and put new flowers out....and have an outside dinner at the Church. Be blessed all...Love and prayers....j3skco15i4og.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,505 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,322 Member
    Bren, can you sit on your stool and do some of that work? I'm so sorry you hurt so much yesterday.
    I had a lovely twinge of pain in my hip and leg this morning. I just stand there until I feel secure to move forward! I do that getting up out of my chair. I also have to think about how I take a corner or turn around - no sharp edges to those turns!

    Oh, the Homecoming service and dinner afterward was wonderful. The message came from Acts, but it also included a number of passages on a topic that our pastor has been preaching for several services - getting out and witnessing. The Pastor is the shepherd and he isn't the one who makes new sheep, that is the job of the sheep! We bring them in and he teaches them - the Father brings them to salvation. In the sermon yesterday he touched on the Sower and the Seeds. We are the seeds that were scattered. As we mature we must go out and scatter seeds, sow the Gospel to others. Hopefully, the seed we scatter will fall on good soil, but these days most soil is hard and dry! We have to be so excited about our relationship with Jesus and wanting others to have it too that it just naturally comes out in our conversations with others!

    Oh my, my thermostat is off. I am sweating more than I ever have in the past. Well, mostly just around the edges of my face and alongside my nose. Ick! I was the only one fanning myself off during the service yesterday. It just dawned on me, my thyroid numbers may be down. They were at one time at the bottom of normal, so maybe they snuck back down there again. I think that that is one of the tests they will do when I have my WELCOME TO MEDICARE appointment in September!

    Take it easy today, Bren. Let yourself recover! Marilyn, I hope all is going well with you. Any new losses? Missy, how are you doing, sister!?

    Love y'all.