WaistAways Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • Heathere244
    Heathere244 Posts: 8 Member
    Good evening.

    PW 182
    CW 185

    My goals this week are logging my food
    Getting 10,000 steps daily
    Strength train 3 x’s this week
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    June already! Wow. Hello Waistaways members old and new. I am your co-captain alongside @lauren_989 and I'm happy to be part of this great team. My responsibility here aside from cheering for all you lovely folks is to track and report on steps for those of you who want to join the optional challenge. If you do, give me your daily step target and every Sunday report your steps + minutes of intentional exercise (which I'll convert to steps) and I'll put together a friendly report showing how we did. You'll see teammates who have posted already so jump on in!

    My name is Ashley, I am 37 years old (why do I always have to do the math every time?? LOL), and I am married to fellow teammate and weight loss chaser @bowens1973 . We live in Alberta, Canada, have busy corporate jobs, and my unwell mother in our basement. And pets! Our dog, two cats, and my mom's dog. We both struggle with our weight and after having an epic transformation and hitting our goal weights we let life's stresses break our habits and we've been gaining ever since. The good news is that we haven't stopped coming here and thinking about what we need to do.

    And on that topic, the topic of tracking... @lauren_989 during my weight loss I basically weighed every morsel, tracked calories off restaurant websites, and in the absence of that I did my best to estimate every single morsel. I know that was absolutely my key, that and making exercise a priority.

    Well, we've had every excuse in the book as of late, but that's not working out so well for us... so hoping to find the way to turn things around here soon. I know with the support of all you lovely people, we can do it!

    How are you setting yourself up for success for the week ahead?
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    As week 5 step results are starting to come in, it's time for the week 4 report!

    Overall as a five person team we did 368,678 steps in week 4, which made week 4 our lightest week of activity thus far in the May challenge.

    Top 3 steppers for week 4
    #1 @StayFITTer with 127,135
    #2 @zankash23 with 83,084 steps
    #3 @ashleycarole86 with 60,839 steps

    Consistent steppers
    #1 7 of 7 days meeting goal - @StayFITTer and @zankash23
    #2 6 of 7 days meeting goal - @micki48
    #3 4 of 7 days meeting goal - @YinxFed

    Ladder up steppers
    #1 @micki48 - 2% increase over week 3

    Exercise minute masters
    #1 @StayFITTer 250 minutes of exercise
    #2 @YinxFed 115 minutes of exercise

    Alright, last week of May steps due (May 26-Jun 1), and for those of you joining the June challenge.. happy stepping!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    May 26 - Jun 1 steps:
    May 26: 6961 steps
    May 27: 8625 steps
    May 28: 16541 steps
    May 29: 13735 steps
    May 30: 12569 steps
    May 31: 14675 steps
    Jun 1: 3701 steps
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 629 Member
    I probably say this every month but the year is flying!

    I'm Kay, 29, living in Boston and working in finance. Struggle with bingeing and building habits/routine that I can actually stick to long-term. I no longer track calories on MFP, but focus on protein instead, and mostly use the app/website for just this team! (well worth it!) Been with the team since Aug 2020, with a few breaks scattered around.

    May was basically a wash. Weight went up if anything and I have been range-bound since February now I believe. Trying some larger changes in June - 1. new sleep schedule and 2. new approach to meal planning. Instead of trying to come up with 1 brilliant idea for dinners all week every Sat or Sun, I'm going to try to buy a few different options, freeze protein in parts, and create a week to week framework that adds variety but also takes out some of the brain drain. (Taco Tuesdays, for example- every whatever day will be X kind of dinner). Let me know if any of you do something like that, I will take any and all ideas.

    This past weekend I was in Cape Cod for one of my best friend's bachelorette weekends. We had awesome weather which was such a relief since it can be unpredictable this time of year. Definitely plenty of drinking and eating out, but we also walked more than 6.5 miles on Saturday so hopefully some balancing out there. I'm a little worried about my feet this week as a result of all the walking, as I continue to struggle with this tendonitis issue (also on my list this week - find an ortho who specializes in feet and get. an. appointment. !)

    Very late here although I napped when I got home from the drive so hope I didn't mess up my sleep potential for the night. Happy June and welcome to new members!
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 744 Member
    edited June 3
    You had a great week! Keep up the good works!

    When you say daily logging are you referring to food? I like the UAC on MFP. Were you ever apart of that group?

    Sorry I’m slow going with the challenges this month. I’ll get a 2 week water challenge going. And I like the active minutes challenge cause you just set it and forget it/let your tracker do all the work.

    @lauren_989 When I get Stridekick set up I’ll drop the links and give you the scoop. It works best if you have a fitness tracker
    May 26 - Jun 1 steps:
    May 26: 6961 steps
    May 27: 8625 steps
    May 28: 16541 steps
    May 29: 13735 steps
    May 30: 12569 steps
    May 31: 14675 steps
    Jun 1: 3701 steps

  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 744 Member
    edited June 3
    Weigh In Day: MONDAY
    PW (Previous Weight):164.2
    CW (Current Weight): 164.0 (go green!)

    Sunday 5/26 7,366 (30min strength)
    Monday 5/27 6,23, (20 min kickbox, 10 CORE)
    Tuesday 5/28 9,596, (20 Strength, 10 HIIT )
    Wednesday 5/29 14,291, (60 min PiYo)
    Thursday 5/30 14,235
    Friday 5/31 20,118 (10 min CORE, 20 kickbox)
    Saturday 6/1 8,044 (20 Dance, 20 strength, 20 HIIT)

    @ashleycarole86 The plan this week is to workout 1 hour a day or at least average it for the week. To track my meals. Not eat within 2 hours of bedtime. Workout first thing in the morning before 6:30am. Tighten up my evening routine and sleep hygiene.

    But focus on mindful eating. Been curious about metabolism and keep it fired up yet give the body what it needs based on hunger cues. What a dance it is. I hope I get a grasp on this.

    I have a goal of avoiding/limiting added sugar and processed foods and going for 5 fruits/veggie servings a day and drink 1/2 body weight in water. Trying to refine my strategy for this besides consuming smoothies, salads, meal prep and halving my portions before eating. Drinking water when first wake up/before and after workouts.

    Considered writing my weight goal on the crevice of my right hand and on the left hand write the phrase “Reach Goal?”. Which is short hand for the question “Will this action help me move in the direction of my goal?”

    Last week, I’ve been reading about the brain and how it can impact overeating and addiction. One of the books is called Change Your Brain, Change Your Body. I got both the hard copy and the ebook on kindle through my local library. I love turning my kindle books into audiobooks.

    I’m in another weight loss challenge and I’m 2 lbs away from goal (for that challenge). I got two weeks to tighten up what my TOM PLUS the holiday weekend threatened to undo. Wish me luck!
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 744 Member
    edited June 3
    Fitbit took away the ability to set up Challenges and play games (I miss Fitness Bingo!!), people began to migrate to the Stridekick app.

    The beauty of Stridekick is that you can use ANY compatible fitness tracker with the app. Android and Apple unite!

    If you have a tracker and want a challenge to hold you accountable of getting at least 25 active minutes in a day, feel free to join this challenge.

    8 slots remaining.


    This is the Water Challenge it’s only for 14 days then I’ll reset again


    All are welcome to join if you are willing to commit and give it a good go.
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 744 Member
    edited June 3

    Saw this last week in another group and it was a great reminder and kinda my mood this week.
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 228 Member
    I have not done well at all this weekend ! I mean terrible, horrible, bad, bad, bad weekend, but I am dusting it off and today is a new day ! I could blame it on not feeling well, or being back from vacation, but in all honesty, I got lazy, and I got stuck in a " it's one weekend, I deserve it" mindset.

    I did do my squats both days, so there is a positive. I did not get up and exercise this morning, so I will do it this evening. I think I shall do my squats and a 20 minute video.

    I of course sat on the couch and saved a bunch of videos of exercises I would like to do., and again I've overwhelmed myself.. So I am sticking with simple, for this week and next, just squats, and videos.

    Bridgerton has a new season out, I could start that on the treadmill, but I think I will wait until the whole season is released.

    Hubby went to the dr on Friday, and was put on antibiotics, so the dr gave me some also since whatever he has, he got from me, I am taking them, but in protest. Although I do finally feel some relief, the congestion is starting to loosen.

    Okay so my introduction _

    Hi Team, I'm Vikki, 52, married, Baltimore, MD working full time. I have been with the team on and off since 2019. My highest starting weight was 192, I recently hit my 1st goal of 145, I wanted to get there before my big trip to Ireland, which this was my 3rd try to get over there, well I just got back last week, and it was the best trip ever,so now I am focusing on losing approx. 10 more lbs., and working on strength, flexibility, and toning.

    I will be honest, I am kind of scared I could fall off the wagon because I don't have a trip to be fit for, does that make sense?

    My plan for this week is to do the squats every day, and at least a 20-minute video 3 days.
    Next week, will be the same, except 4 days of video.

    I tend to go overboard, and stress myself out, and overwhelm myself when it comes to exercise, so it is important for me to keep it simple. It would probably help to start logging again also, so I will do that.

    Have a great day !

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Sounds like a perfect reason to book another trip... tee hee. I totally know what you mean, it was very cool to see how motivating preparing for the trip was for you. Even without another one on the horizon yet, you'll feel so good when you do book the next one and you're already starting from such a fit place.

    You bet, I was part of UAC for years, but I haven't tracked my food in ages and while I used to be way more engaged in the community in general, I struggle to even make it here these days so I pared way back. I do better when I'm most engaged with the community though.. gotta keep this top of mind. Love your goals for this week.

    Ok folks, I'm serious. Intention today is to track EVERY morsel that goes into my mouth and to close my diary. Wish me luck!
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 744 Member

    Routing for you my friend! See you in Stridekick and flirting with some new challenges!

    Virtual Themed Virtual Foot Race — Starts Saturday, June 8th


    I didn’t reach my goal of doing the workout before 6:30am this Monday…but I came up on this new thought
    “There’s always time to do a 10 minute workout”

    And I read, never miss a Monday when it comes to working out.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    I will be honest, I am kind of scared I could fall off the wagon because I don't have a trip to be fit for, does that make sense?

    It does. But you have YOU to be fit for. Every day feels great when you are on track, on the wagon, in the groove, and on the plan. You're right to keep the plan simple! Eat food, not junk, not too much. Move. Wear the tiara.
  • ElfBodGoals
    ElfBodGoals Posts: 43 Member
    Hello! My name is Sara. I found this group while wandering the forums. I'm 30 years old from the KCMO area, and I've got two kitties, a snake, and a cool boyfriend. I like a lot of random things because I can't pick a hobby or career path to save my life.

    I plan to weigh-in on Friday mornings, and my weight was 220 last Friday. It's the highest weight I've ever been at :neutral: My non-scale victory is that this number is not as world ending as teenage me would have thought. Though I do feel the difference in how my body feels while moving around and existing, and that's got to change!! I'm also finally becoming friends with my kitchen. I pre-cooked scrambled eggs for myself last night and it was so nice to pop that in the microwave with a leftover biscuit this morning before work. Evening me took care of morning me!!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 693 Member
    Wow! I am loving this energy today!

    I will say that I went for a walk on my lunch break since I signed up for that Stridekick challenge. Thanks @StayFITTer! Is the 25 mile virtual race an individual one, or a group challenge to get that many miles? I also love what you said that weight loss happens in the kitchen. So true! I can easily eat 200 or 300 calories, how many I usually burn off while eating.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I consider doing those squats a non zero day! So that's awesome! Now trying to find a new routine when you don't have a trip to plan for is key.

    @ElfBodGoals meal prep is awesome! Our futire selves deserve any presents our currents selves can give to help make this process and changes easier!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,294 Member
    @lauren_989 Thanks so much! I missed that. Hurray! I think that’s the first time I’ve ever made the scoreboard! Yippee!
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 744 Member
    @lauren_989 Tropical Race is individual where your goal is to reach 25 miles first—but it still tracks your miles even after you cross the finish line until the race officially ends.

    The challenge I plan to create for July 15th WILL be a Team/Group Challenge

    I’m thinking 350,000 steps in one week—if we pack out the challenge with 10 people it’s only 35,000 steps a week, 5,000 steps a day.

    Let me know if my math ain’t mathing 😂
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Quick hello from me before bed.

    @lauren_989 I'm sorry that I didn't respond to your query about meal prepping yesterday 😔

    I don't meal prep, buy I do plan our meals. Having said that, I only plan our dinners - not breakfasts nor lunches. I'm considering including these meals too - it just saves so much time.

    Oh, but I did remember to do my Squats this evening.

    Good night, Friends.
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