WaistAways Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 31 Member
    Previous Weight:175.2 lbs
    Current Weight: 174.8 lbs

    Got 5000 steps for the Stridekick challenge I'm participating in and did a power yoga video from Adriene on YouTube (achy hips needed it!).

    Monday-Friday lunch this week (yum)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Yum is right! That lunch looks good @Lyss983 :smiley:

    Phew! I had a lot of outdoor work today, and it was HOT. Not compared to you intrepid souls down in the Southern US, but hot for here! I was out in the garden with the tiller, digging, hauling water (the pump and barrel set up for the garden isn't hooked up yet...), and making good progress. All the rest should be planted and transplanted tomorrow. We also had our 12 cords of wood delivered, so the poor tall guy was out there stacking wood all day. He usually likes that job, but he is just getting over pneumonia and somehow thinks that he should be up for his usual all day doing hard things work ethic. So he was kinda miserable. But there's no stopping him :neutral:

    AND I did the squats! Tomorrow up to 15 so let's go!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    @Lyss983 that lunch looks delicious!

    @jugar sounds like good exercise in your garden! My zucchini's are starting to bloom, so I should hopefully have some soon! I have tomatoes and peppers starting as well, but they take longer. Anyone else growing veggies this summer?

    @ashleycarole86 great job tracking all of your food today! And resisting temptations for both you and Brad 🎉 Check in tomorrow and let us know how you did after pre-tracking today!

    Speaking of tomorrow, weigh in's due through then:

    @AnnaBananza15 - are you able to find us?
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 629 Member
    checking in! I stayed at work later than intended (what else is new) but really happy that I got home, had a snack with some protein, made a grocery list, got my groceries done, and finally got back to some strength workouts while my dinner baked. Felt really good. Icing my feet now and hopping in the shower before bed.

    also getting into my book, which had a bit of a slow start.

    question on meal prep... yes, generally, I spend quite a few hours on Sundays meal prepping. However recently I am struggling with finding the meals I make on Sunday appetizing by Wed/Thurs. So this week I got a few random ingredients, more than 1 protein, and a plan to make a few different meals fresh and freeze some parts/leftovers. I have also been considering a meal kit subscription. My sisters love Marley Spoon, Blue Apron, etc and with how grocery store prices have gotten, it may be cheaper overall for me, too. TBD.
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 228 Member
    Good morning, and happy NOT Monday !
    Yesterday was good, ate what I was supposed to eat, did my squats and a 20 min video.
    Then I finished off the candy from the weekend, BUT I logged it...

    Today is starting off positive, I brought my shoes so a co-worker and I could go for a walk. I normally don't like walking with people, but this will be my 1st walk at this new job (well I've been here for 2 years) and I don't know the area, it's an industrial park that is kind of secluded, so it will probably be fine. Are any of you aware of a candy called Goetzes Caramels ? Well, they are at the end of our street, I hope they keep those smells contained, or walking might be a bad idea... lol

    Have a great day !
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 228 Member
    Meal prep - Yes, I am a consistent meal prepper for lunches at work, rest of the meals I wing... Except breakfast, I have a protein shake, because I am still kind of on the intermittent fasting, I need to tighten up my end time, it's been slipping. So that is another goal.

    This week is taco salads, so I make the meat, measure and sort it into microwaveable containers, then I clean the lettuce, I store that all in a container with damp paper towels ( keeps it crispy) then I make baggies of measured out cheese and chips, and a little container for salsa.

    Sometimes I do get bored with what I make, there are only 2 lunches I can make it through the whole week, and thats taco salad, and tuna salad (the tuna I eat with triscuit crackers). So sometimes I will skip what I made and create a charcuterie type lunch of random things I have, and that usually breaks up the week enough.

    I'm glad you brought this up, because this is making me realize, I am slacking when it comes to food and I really do need to get back to what worked so well.

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    PW: 214
    CW: 209.8

    So I lost the weight I gained last week which is a plus! Now to keep going.

    @Kali225 let me know if you do decide to do the meal prep kits!

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I have not heard of that candy but am not about to try something new lol. That would be tough having that smell down the street from work. I would have to give that a wide berth on my walk.

    @adrimango enjoy the time at the beach, relax, and decompress. You need to focus on you!
  • ElfBodGoals
    ElfBodGoals Posts: 43 Member
    Today I looked at the vending machine and was like, "Nothing in here is going to taste as good as the mochi donut I'll get tomorrow." Walked away and didn't risk it eating my money for nothing.

    Tonight I get to see my boyfriend, we'll cook and play DDR. Gonna see what Aldi has for a little treat after dinner. We're both prone to inhaling sweets so the smaller package, the better :sweat_smile: They do have good chocolates that feel fancy.
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 744 Member
    edited June 4
    Just wanted to re-introduce myself for June 2024

    Bridget here a 40 something married mom of 2 school aged boys living in the States. (A Michigander in the house!)

    I joined the Waist Aways Team in Jan 2024. I really enjoy the accountability and support and have found likeminded people to journey with.

    Though I may be a little quiet trying to plug away at my goals, I try to lift my head up for air to check-in, share and/or encourage.

    I do these challenges (with limited slots) to help hold myself accountable and invite anyone to give it a go as long as you are willing to give it a good, honest go!

    25 Active Minutes Challenge

    Water Challenge: It’s only for 14 days then I’ll reset again, you can retroactive log past days

    Virtual Themed Virtual Foot Race — Starts Saturday, June 8th


    I’m shooting to reach 15,000 steps a day at least 20x in June and aiming for 4 weeks of GREEN!

    And a Big WARM Welcome to those who are newer to our community.

    Rooting for us ALL!
  • ineego
    ineego Posts: 17 Member
    Current weight is 158.0. I hope I have posted this to the right spot. No clue what I am doing wrong.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    edited June 4
    ineego wrote: »
    Current weight is 158.0. I hope I have posted this to the right spot. No clue what I am doing wrong.

    @ineego You certainly have posted to the right spot. And you are asking the right question! Figuring out what is not working is so important - and rather than just letting it get you down, start experimenting on (with?) yourself. It could be lots of things, but is likely all about food. I know that if I eat grains, I gain. For some people it's all about adding fibre. Or eating within a certain number of hours every day (intermittent fasting), or cutting back on sugar, alcohol, white flour - general simple carbs. Pick a thing to try, and if it does not help, try again. You're in the right place for that experimentation too! Keep the team posted on what you're trying, and maybe someone will join you. Maybe it is just logging food and cutting back a bit on the calories, so dive right in and see what you discover.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy that's great news about the squats! Maybe I should plan to do them at my 3pm slump in the afternoon at work!

    @ElfBodGoals great job staying away from the vending machine! And I love DDR! Some great exercise that's fun!

    I had a decent day here. Got my steps in and went to the gym. I am tired and will head to bed shortly. Another mini goal I am trying to work on is getting enough sleep. I got back into the bad habit of being on my phone in bed at night, but I don't want to restart too many habits at once. So for now, it's just getting into bed earlier, even if I still go on my phone.

    Weigh in due for tomorrow is our solo @Gidgitgoescrzy!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    ineego wrote: »
    Current weight is 158.0. I hope I have posted this to the right spot. No clue what I am doing wrong.

    You are down 0.8 this week! That is a win in my book! But I agree with @jugar. She gave some great advice.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 629 Member
    @Lyss983 love the headbands! unfrosted strawberry is my favorite poptart flavor :)

    Pretty good day here for me - pleasantly sore from my workout yesterday, and more sore now from a sweaty dance cardio session. eating was good for breakfast and lunch but poor for dinner. Will improve tomorrow. onto hump day!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    About to venture out for Week 2 Run 3 of None2Run. Wish me luck!

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