WaistAways Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 228 Member
    Yesterday was another good day, we walked in the morning, and I did my squats, and food was good.

    Today is going to be good, we aren't walking, so I think I will do a 40 minute video instead - today is off day from squats :smiley:

    I think tomorrow our goal is to go kayaking for a little bit in the morning, just to see how the muscle memory is, it's been a while since we kayaked. Then to the pool for some relaxation. Sunday we will do all the house stuff.

    Have a fabulous weekend !
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 228 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen Good luck with the biopsy. Thats scary and stressful, I think the strong drink and ice cream were necessary!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    I sort of ate my feelings yesterday, overwhelmed with all the changes I need to make and lamenting that I'm but 5'3 and there's not a calorie calculator in the world that suggests I can eat 2000 calories without being super active compared to my potato ways. I want desserts every day but I also acknowledge they taste better when you don't do that. I have fruit that I love and needs eating, so I'll try having that post-dinner tonight.
    I hear you, fellow small person! I'm 5'1" first thing in the morning and have been searching for that calorie calculator for years... But desserts aren't out of the question - just desserts that have lots of fat and flour! I make sorbet regularly - tons of fresh fruit, not too much sugar (but not none!), herbs and lime zest and other add-ons. Great sweet treat - really cold, so it is almost impossible to eat it too fast. I also make fruit compotes and mix them in non-fat plain yogurt, or if I need something crunchy go for sliced apple with a bit of almond butter (or peanut or any other kind). You're doing great! But yeah, we have to keep to that 1200 max kind of forever. Sigh.
  • tlcjen12
    tlcjen12 Posts: 18 Member
    CW- 171
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @Kali225: If you have dumbbells at home, I highly recommend Sydney’s workouts! She’s very intentional about her monthly plans that she puts together, and the longest workouts are usually 45 minutes including a warm up and cooldown. 😊

    Today I am off to spin class and the farmers’ market, my favorite Saturday routines. It’s a gorgeous day here so I imagine the market will be a little busy.

    Pre-planning our meals for this upcoming week we’ve got:
    Lunch: Crockpot sesame honey chicken with rice and broccoli, Grilled chicken with coleslaw and potato salad bowls
    Dinner: Sante Fe stuffed peppers, skirt steak elote tacos, and grilled shrimp with red potato salad.

    This afternoon we have a birthday party at a vineyard, and then tomorrow I have a vinyasa yoga class and house chores. Happy weekend all!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning WaistAways!

    CW: 181.7 ! 🎉🎉🎉
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 845 Member

    124.3! Thanks for staying on top of the reminders 😊 We appreciate you.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    Hi Ellie @strong_fit_ells I sent you a message!

    Love hearing the talk of meal planning and tracking food!

    I will say that since I joined @StayFITTer active challenges, I have been walking more! It's a beautiful weekend here so far, I walked this morning and am now relaxing this afternoon. I donated blood today and am feeling weaker than I normally do. So I'm going to work on my crochet project for my niece's birthday and drink a lot of water.

    Also, not to turn this conversation morbid, but my hubby and I were looking at life insurance policies and wow...if I lose 40 pounds, the policy would be $13 a month less expensive over the 20 years. And right now, my husband who is older than me, would cost less than me because he weigh's 20 pounds less. There's some motivation to lose weight in the next few months to a year before we finally buy a policy (if we ever end up doing it...we've been talking about it for a few years lol).
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