WaistAways Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 228 Member
    Yesterday was good, I went for a walk, did my squats, but not much more than that. I did not make the tuna salad, so I have a turkey wrap today and it is so not appealing, I think I might order chick fil A - and thats okay it will fit, I will get nuggies and a side salad. No fries...

    I think I shall do a video this evening, my goal was to do them 4 days this week, But I think I am just going to shoot for 3, I can already tell I am feeling like I am not doing enough, which will put me in a spiral, I have to stay light and easy... A daily walk 5 days, Squats 6 days, and 3 (20 min) low impact aerobics videos IS ENOUGH...

    Have a great day !

    @strong_fit_ells OMG Maxi is sooo big ! Thats adorable, my pups like to snoop also.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Got your steps down! Welcome to the team.
    Is there a daily step goal you set for yourself? If so, I'll make note of that as well! Thanks
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    I came home from dinner with friends last night feeling so bloated. What a terrible feeling.
    We order a bunch of share plates and taste everything. I think yesterday was the first time we took food home. Normally I'm a "clean plate club" girl but I felt so blah that I just left some things... it's a good reminder that we should stop eating when we feel full.. and well before we feel stuffed.

    Soccer tonight, a healthier post work activity :) Was good catching up with friends though.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Happy Tuesday!
    I echo the idea that enough is great @Gidgitgoescrzy - especially when you are working and doing all the things. You've got this!

    I hope I have it today. I'm off to the osteopath to tweak a few things. Hopefully I can get some stuck places loosened up a bit. Neck? Left hip? I'm talking to you. She's coming after you at 11. Then I'll go riding and take a nice swingy long walk with Jasper if it isn't raining. If it is, we'll play with poles - his fave!

    Snack @Kali225 - include some protein, even if just a few nuts or pumpkin seeds. Avoid sugar or caffeine - they make you want to eat more, I find. Fruit maybe, but not a stimulant boost if you can avoid it. Caffeine can be great for increasing focus and forward motion, but it can also make you buzzy and touchy enough to snap at people. I used to use it on purpose if I had been too patient with someone :astonished:

    Sun? you can come back any time.
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 228 Member
    @Kali225 I use an electrolyte drink for my afternoon "treat", although I don't use the whole thing, I use the liquid IV or Hydrant hydrate, I split 1 tube/package into 3 days. 1. it's expensive 2. It is strong, and 1/3 is just right.

  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    edited June 11
    @Kali225 - lately my go-to snack has been Greek yogurt, sugar free pudding mix, and fruit. It’s a way to get in that sense of sweetness without going crazy with sugar. Plus the pudding mix makes the Greek yogurt so light and fluffy. This week I’m using Jell-o’s chocolate fudge mix and it tastes like chocolate mousse, yum!

    Completed an upper body workout this morning and my arms are very tired from it. I am proud of doing almost 3 complete supersets of hammer curls and supinated curls at 12.5 lb dumbbells in each hand.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    I hope everyone is having a good day!

    I am in bed already and hoping to be asleep soon. As I mentioned, I did not sleep well at all last night. Hopefully I can catch up some tonight. I ate well, got my steps in, but did not get up for a walk this morning before work. I had 2 doctor's appointments today which one went better than the other.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy ready for tomorrow?
  • ineego
    ineego Posts: 17 Member
    Pw: 158.? Cw 159.
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 744 Member
    Sunday 6/2 17,657 (12 min interval training)
    Monday 6/3 10,885, (15 min interval training )
    Tuesday 6/4 13,189, (20 Strength, 10 HIIT )
    Wednesday 6/5 18,832 40 min kick, 20 core)
    Thursday 6/6 15,745 (20 min HIIT, 20 min strength)
    Friday 6/7 12,427 (10 min interval, dance 14 min)
    Saturday 6/8 19,320 (20 Dance, 10 strength,)

    I did run on 6/5 & 6/8 but I treat that like walking
  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 31 Member
    Today was one of those days where I'm glued to my computer for the duration. Stayed on track and have tomorrow's workout already figured out. But haven't picked a dinner option for tomorrow yet, so will have to do that before I hit the hay in... 20 minutes :smiley:
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 260 Member
    PW: 179.0 ... I think
    CW: 176.6

    I am posting today because I head out of town for a few days starting tomorrow.

    Thank you everyone for the kind words regarding my doctor stuff. Here is an update: I have not heard from the doctor to schedule the biopsy yet. I will call again today during my lunch break. I did talk to my sister about it ... important note, my sister is 16 years older than me ... she said that when she was my age she was exercising a lot and drinking a lot of coffee. They found the exact same abnormal looking fibrous tissue in her and that the exercise and coffee had something to do with it. Also, genetics. She is fine, but she has to have regular screenings to make sure it doesn't grow or change. Likely, my outcome will be the same.

    I have not hit many of my goals this week, especially with exercise. I was sick on Friday and only about 75% better on Saturday. Sunday, I did manage to hit my step goal while doing all the outside chores I had been putting off. Monday, I was stung on my pointer finger by a wasp while sitting in my office eating lunch. This wouldn't be terrible, except I'm allergic to stings of almost any kind. Luckily, I have the type of allergy where I swell really bad, but don't go into anaphylaxis. So, my pointer finger is completely swollen, my middle finger is partially swollen, and about half of my palm is swollen. I know intense exercise can possibly make the swelling worse, but also, my grip is almost non existent. So, I am going to try CrossFit tonight, but modifying anything that requires grip strength.

    The last two weeks have been bananas. The next week is promising to be similar since the owners of our company will be in town from Germany. The positives are that I still meal prepped, and I haven't turned to alcohol to "help" with any extreme emotions. Also, I get to go out of town tomorrow. My sister, niece, mom, and I are driving to Northern Utah to meet up with my aunt and cousin and watch my niece compete in a riding competition. After the competition, my mom (and her dog) will go back to Oregon with my aunt and cousin while my sister, niece, and I will go back to Colorado.
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