WaistAways Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • smcewen99
    smcewen99 Posts: 20 Member
    edited June 26
    Lyss983 wrote: »
    I'm glad I planned this week's workout/rest days in advance! Only clocked in about 2000 steps, but used my standing desk for about four hours of meetings.

    Yes! Way to go
    I too have a standing desk
    I am going to add 30 min a day to start
    Thx for the inspiration
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    I have been thinking about getting a standing desk at work. For those who have one, do you like it?

    @ashleycarole86 congrats on winning your last soccer game! Do you have any more team sports activities coming up?

    I hope @bowens1973 dental work goes well tomorrow.

    Weigh in reminder for tomorrow!

  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 260 Member
    PW: 175.something
    CW: 177.2

    This last week has been something else. I'm feeling some bloat from my TOM, but I've also been stress eating and not tracking my calories as well. I did start getting back to the gym though. I made one spin class and one CrossFit class. I am scheduled for another CrossFit class tonight and a spin class tomorrow. AND! I figured out where my pickleball stuff is, so I am planning to play on Saturday... assuming I don't hurt much from the biopsy.

    @lauren_989 - I have a standing desk and I love it when I remember to use it. I end up cluttering it with paperwork so that I don't have room for my keyboard and mouse. Also, beautiful pictures! I am glad you got to take a break after your dad's surgery to enjoy time at the gorgeous beach with your nieces.

    @ashleycarole86 - congrats on the win for your last game! And, I hope the dental work for @bowens1973 goes well. Dental work can be the worst! A long weekend after that sounds well deserved.

    @gidgitgoescrzy - way to go with the squats! You are killing it!
  • Ruth_2024
    Ruth_2024 Posts: 13 Member
    @lauren_989 I have a husky adjustable height work table that I use as a computer desk. It has a hand crank instead of a motor to adjust the height, so that's a little mini-workout. Not difficult though. I don't raise it nearly as often as I should, but it's solid and comfortable to use while standing. I should make myself a reminder to raise it for a while every day.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    Thank you @Ruth_2024 and @MaddawgMadsen for your input on the standing desk. I think I am going to look into one. I will also see if my work will pay for it :)

    I had a rough day food wise today. It is the last day in RI and I definitely splurged. @wishfuljune I don't know if you ever had a RI Guys donut, but I recommend you don't if you like donuts (they are amazing). I went to a friend's house since my dad seems to be doing ok, and we grilled out and I had a hamburger which was ok, but also had a bunch of chips (not portioned) and an ice cream cone. I am ready to get back to NC and in my normal routine.

    @Lyss983 are you going anywhere on your vacation?
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 31 Member
    Vacation reached! Did a short quick workout between finishing up tasks.

    @lauren_989 Not really going anywhere! I play Final Fantasy 14 and there's new content coming out tomorrow, so that will be where I'm spending most of my time.
  • Ruth_2024
    Ruth_2024 Posts: 13 Member
    PW 221.4
    CW 221.2

    I'm so unmotivated at the moment. Haven't been tracking food. I have a giant to-do list I've been completely ignoring. I think part of it is the weather - I don't do well in heat. Some is just unexpected problems... for example, we have a pet tortoise. I moved him to a new larger habitat recently. He's been laser focused on finding all the problems with the new habitat. Things I didn't expect that he could climb or pull apart. It's both hilarious and frustrating to be losing a battle of wits with a reptile.

    This week is probably not going to be great for staying on track. July 4 plus husband's birthday and our anniversary.

    @Lyss983 I have a toon on FFXIV but I haven't played in a long time. Enjoy Dawntrail! I'm mostly playing BG3 and Diablo 4 atm.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Hey guys! Reminder I'll be posting my weigh in tomorrow - late this week on purpose. I am puffy and retaining water and it's visible in my face.. anyway.. I am imagining a big drop is coming because it doesn't make sense how much I've gained in one week.

    Brad did so well at the dentist - thanks for all the nice comments. He was loopy after his anesthesia but I drove him home, he had a light meal and rested, and he's good now. Minor soreness in his mouth but nothing he can't manage. He'll have more appointments coming up but the fact he did so well on this one makes that possible.

    He and I are at the lake and there was a wicked storm last night. His friend and him got down to our boat last night only to find it had ripped two of the cleats off the dock and there's some minor damage to one of our pontoons.. he's pretty annoyed with our park manager for even using the flimsy cleats they did.. he's asked them to replace them with proper metal ones. Anyway, they're out fishing now and hopefully he can just enjoy the day.

    That leaves me back at the trailer with the dog to relax. Think I'll go stretch my legs in a bit! Those steps ain't happening on their own.

    @MaddawgMadsen Hope the biopsy went ok and that it wasn't too painful. We brought our new pickleball racquets out to the lake this weekend and I'm hoping to try for the first time ever.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    What a fun read! Lots of great news and ideas. I am finally back home from Alberta - have not slept at all last night except for short dozing on the airplane, got to Montreal early this morning, home around 1 pm, and have been decontaminating the heck out of my every possession that went to horse and cat land. One more load of wash and one more shower and I'm hopefully done. Even my shoes, bags, and suitcases are outside drying! Hopefully not one single hair came into the house. I don't really want the tall guy to have to rush to the hospital tonight!

    It was a great visit, but I am not too thrilled about the idea of weighing in! I'll do it tomorrow morning, but it might not be too wonderful... I have been enjoying eating away from home a bit too much! At least I was walking, horseback riding, and keeping up with the squats, but I doubt that was enough to balance things out.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    edited June 28
    The team chat for JULY is open! Continue to weigh in and post stats HERE through the end of Saturday, but go to the new month for introductions, and to set goals and commitments:


    The July Habit Tracker is also up and running:
  • tlcjen12
    tlcjen12 Posts: 18 Member
    And thank you it’s been a long time to get we’re I’m at and still have more to go. But I am proud of myself and Ty all for the support.
  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 183 Member
    Username bowens1973
    CW: 237.6
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    @Ruth_2024 happy early anniversary! Things can definitely get overwhelming at times. When that happens, I usually try to focus on 1 or 2 small goals for the day. Drinking enough water? Just add one more glass. Not tracking? Just track one meal. Sometimes just starting small can get us back on track.

    @jugar I am glad you had a great trip! Try to catch up on some sleep! I am sure Jasper must have missed you too!

    @tlcjen12 you are doing amazing!! 52 pounds down from your original start weight 🎉 What is one tip you have for the team?

    @MaddawgMadsen I hope the biopsy went well today.

    I made it back home this evening myself. My first flight was delayed an hour, but luckily I had enough time with my layover and didn't miss my connecting flight. It feels so good to be in my own bed! I have 2 more days before I go back to work and it will be a 4 day week with the 4th of July! 😊
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