This chat is closed! Please move to the Spring Page! Thanks!
I take full responsibility for my development.
Action for Happiness:
Get outside and notice how the weather feels on your face
Fitness Quote:
Work out like your life depends on it Because it does
National Day: More available at
Observed annually on March 10th, National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day empowers people everywhere with knowledge and information regarding HIV/AIDS. It also focuses on the often-overlooked impact it has on women and girls.
According to the CDC, HIV diagnoses in women are down 21%. However, in 2017, over 7,000 new cases were reported. When it comes to HIV, abstinence is the only way to prevent HIV. Other important facts to know:
Condom use reduces the risk of infection. Use a new condom every time you have sex.
Testing is the only way to know for sure if you have HIV.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) offers hope for couples in relationships where one partner has HIV and the other doesn't. Speak to your doctor about taking daily PrEP.
Don't put off medical care. Even if you already know your HIV status, putting off needed care may compromise your health in unnecessary ways. If you or someone you know isn't seeking help out of fear of violence or rejection please call the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
Medicine has come a long way baby. If you're pregnant with HIV, the risk of passing it to your baby is less than .1% but it's important that you work with a healthcare professional. Don't wait.
HIV is spread through sharing needles, syringes, or other equipment. Never share needles. It increases your risk of infections.
Do you live with HIV? Take your medication as prescribed daily. It reduces your viral load and lowers the chance of transmitting HIV during sex to an HIV-negative partner.
Change your social media profile to reflect your support for friends and family members with HIV/AIDS.
Clinics will host testing sights, encouraging women to test. Others will be inviting pregnant women to come in for exams.
Visit to learn more about preventing HIV/AIDS.
Encourage more women and girls to get tested.
Provide services to those living with the disease.
Talk to our daughters about the disease and how to protect themselves.
Learn about how the disease has spread and help eliminate the stigma.
Take a friend with HIV out to lunch and show your support.
Use #WomenGirlsHIVAIDSAwarenessDay to post on social media.
The Office on Women's Health (OWH) within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services coordinates National Woman and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day each year to increase awareness about the importance of being tested for HIV/AIDS.
Q. Where can I be tested for HIV?A. Several facilities offer HIV testing. Look for these facilities where you live:
Physician's office
STD or sexual health clinics
Medical centers
Health department
Family planning clinics
Treatment programs
You can also visit for listings.
Q. Is there a cure for HIV/AIDS?A. No. Research continues and several treatment options are available for those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.
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@Tabatha_Cain I am so sorry yesterday something went (Sunday) in a way that was not good for you. Its so hard when that happens!! I'm upset with a "friend" who's quickly sliding more and more into the "was" category after 50 plus years. She's isolating and hoarding stuff. She's been doing this for decades, but the pangdangitall made things so much worse. We've tried to get her help, but she says "You are lying." about her place being disgusting! Which we aren't. She was almost evicted 2 weeks ago, she barely passed (I am sure she cried) LOL men can't handle that, and I know the landlord can not. But, it puts the rest of us under so much stress each year. She doesn't seem to care or even acknowledge it does. This is the first year they took legal action against her. I can't keep going through this. It's NOT my mess, I didn't create it, I am never cleaning it again. To be upset though Tabatha, that is human. It can take a bit for you to work through any action if any that you decide upon. I hope work went well? Working on commission is awesome when the economy is going great, not so much if not. I am so happy my GD is working for a car sales place that does not work on commission. At first I was "HUH"? now I am grateful. Do you belong to any fibro groups? I know FB has many I am sure other platforms do also. For my lower back issues I do the video below. It always helps me, but it depends on the why for yours. Mine was/is tight muscles with the muscles feeling like they are on fire. From the fibro. But, yeah different things for each of us. All of this is sitting (you can sit on the couch if you don't want the floor) etc.
@Patti241 HI Patti!! WOOHOO on getting your AC FIXED!! NO DOUBT you'll need it!! I'll probably have mine put in sometime in April. LOL people in the south do not usually get that "AC put in" its a window unit because most of us in the northeast Do not have central AC/Heating. When we first moved to Colorado, it was the combo AC/Heat. When it got cold we could not figure out how to switch it over the HEAT!! I've never seen a landlord laugh so hard!! He had NO CLUE in other parts of the country AC is not used that much and most do not have a central unit, but rather a furnace most of the year and a window unit!! He was still laughing at us several months later in a very good way. We were rather amused ourselves!!
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Good Morning VIP friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Tuesday and it is going to be a great day. Yesterday flew by at work. It was crazy how fast it went yesterday. I was shocked. Even Joe said the day went by super fast. I am hoping that it happens again today. It would be so nice if that happened.
@Patti241 - Yay on the A/C repair. That will be so helpful.
@Dianedoessmiles1 - Thank you. I will check out the video. My lower back is a pressure point for sure. As soon as the Chiropractor touches it I winch in pain. It has been like that forever. They all kept saying lose weight and your back won't hurt so much. Well it did lessen the pain a bit but it still hurts if I stand too long or sit too long. So it did not stop the pain.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.
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I uplift those around me with my kindness and positivity.
Action for Happiness:
Stay fully present with drinking your cup of tea or coffee
Fitness Quote:
Be brave, push your limits and work hard until you’re celebrating your victories.
National Day: More available on the National Day Calendar website
On 3/11, National 311 Day offers an annual reminder that 311 is a resource for communities around the country to connect with their city and non-emergency services. The 311 system is the non-emergency number to call in many cities across the country for residents to report issues, find out about city services, and ask questions.
Since the creation of the 911 emergency system, non-emergency calls have slowed operators' response times to true emergencies. In 1996, Baltimore, Maryland adopted the first 311 system as a way to ease pressure on the overburdened 911 system. The new system freed up emergency phone lines and shortened wait times for emergency calls, helping 911 dispatchers get emergency services to folks that need them more quickly, ultimately saving lives. The 311 system also invited the citizens to be the eyes and ears of the city while more closely connecting the public sector to its citizens.
Citizens call the 311 number to report concerns they notice in their own cities. Some examples of the kinds of reports residents make include:
road, park or fence damage
debris on the road
trees needing to be trimmed
illegal parking
Today, the 311 system is available in most major cities and is spreading to smaller towns across the United States. A 311 system saves lives by diverting non-emergency calls from the 911 system so emergency personnel can focus on those who need it most.
Learn whether your city uses the 311 system.
If so, be sure to use it to report non-emergency issues.
If your city doesn't, encourage your city leaders to add 311 to their program.
Get the word out about using 311, too. Make sure your friends and family know how to use it and when.
One way to do that is by using #National311Day on social media.
311 FAQ
Q. Does every state have a 311 system?A. No. About 2/3rds of U.S. states have a 311 system in at least one city. New systems are coming online all the time, too.
Q. Does 311 work with mobile phones?A. Many 311 systems work with mobile phones, but not all of them do. Check for access in your community.
Q. How do I find out if my city uses 311?A. Visit your local or state government's website to learn if 311 is available in your area.
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@Tabatha_Cain WOOHOO hope Tues FLEW by at work also!! I used to LOVE that also. More so when I was mostly on a register for 8 hours (with a 1/2 lunch, not paid and 2 - 15 mins breaks both paid). To me the public is hilarious even when they "moody" I can usually turn that around, or I treat extra special and get them out as fast as I can, either way they knew they were all that mattered during our brief interaction. It used to ANGER Me Tabatha "Lose weight" "Hmmm yeah it'd be a whole easier if the PAIN wasn't stopping me so much!!" I finally sat down with both the back Dr and my regular Dr asking "How can I break this cycle?" Regular Dr decided on pain meds for when I couldn't break the pain cycle (now though I yearly ask for a muscle relaxer, I've found them more useful for me it's Flexeril. I ask for only 10 a YEAR which they grin and always happily do. The back Dr was good enough to really say my nerves were inflamed the more I moved it was like oil to a car engine. He kept working with me, well the girls in PT did, to build my core muscles so they'd handle more of my weight (256 at that time) and encourage me to never overdo, but also not underdo. Go by the way my body was responding. At first the core exercises were to much, unless I only did 2 or 3 reps and stop until I was ready to go again. It DID WORK in time. I was also getting acupuncture. I had thought the needles would HURT, but nah, after the first few and the relief I got, I knew for myself it was a way to go. All of these things helped me as well as talk therapy. When you live with a chronic illness it also takes a toll on our minds. For everyone the trip is different because our bodies are different. Now meds are much different than in 92 through 2010. YO! Its strange I rarely notice the fibro now, or maybe when I feel that pain because I address it right off, with exercise (NOTHING that stresses out my body, I can't do that!). As you find out what works for you, that'd be awesome. I DID NOT think would ever be possible to learn to live with fibro. I am still surprised by this. It could also be so many other physical health issues have come up, it's not what it was. I am not sure.
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Good Morning VIP Friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Wednesday and I know it is going to be a great day. This week has just flown by really fast. It is crazy how fast. I went to the Chiropractor again last night and she again readjusted me. They got my records yesterday but the Chiropractor had not had a chance to look at them nor did she have a chance to view the report on the xrays. Simply because by the time I had gotten there they had only just had the reports put into my chart like an hour before. So I am hoping that next time she will have had a chance to read the report and chart notes.
@Dianedoessmiles1 - Yesterday was pretty good with time. It did go by really quick. I can usually turn around a phone call as well. I agree it is a lot easier to exercise when you are not in pain. My issue is not always the pain. Mine is the overwhelming need to sleep out of the blue. I will be fine and then all of a sudden I am exhausted. I have one muscle relaxer that is not too powerful and I have another one that totally knocks me out.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday
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I am a powerhouse, I am indestructible.
Action for Happiness:
Listen deeply to someone and really hear what they are saying
Fitness Quote:
Today is your chance to work hard and be better than you were yesterday,
National Day: More available at
Spring is just around the corner, and March 12th is the day to participate in National Plant a Flower Day. Each year this day is dedicated to the planting of flowers and looking forward to the spring season. Flower gardening has become a hobby for many, young and old, and National Plant a Flower Day is a start to the new season each year.
Marigolds and Daffodils are the flowers of March.
It's good to know the zone you live in to determine which flowers grow as perennials (those that grow back every year) in your area and which are considered annuals (those that require planting every year). To find out more, check out this Plant Triage site for Hardiness Zones.
It's good to know the zone you live in to determine which flowers grow as perennials (those that grow back every year) in your area and which are considered annuals (those that require planting every year). To find out more, check out this Plant Triage site for Hardiness Zones.
Are you in a warmer climate? Then it's time to get out the trowel and the garden gloves and start turning over some new soil. Sow some new seeds, bulbs, or plants and nurture those blossoms into a brilliant blaze for the whole neighborhood to enjoy.
Start a Flower Garden. Start with a potted garden. If you aren't ready to tear up a patch of lawn, this is a good way to go. They do require more watering but less care overall. Select plants that grow well in your spot. Some plants grow well in the shade, and others prefer the sun. Others love both! Did you know gardeners who prefer perennial gardens have to thin their flower beds every couple of years? They also like to share the extra bulbs and seeds with those who are new to gardening, so if you know someone with a green thumb, get to know them better. You might get some free plants, advice, and a budding friendship! Local greenhouses stock plants that grow well in your area. Don't be afraid to ask them questions and shop there frequently.
Let’s all work together by planting a flower and helping make the world a more beautiful place. Use #PlantAFlowerDay to post on social media.
Educators and families, visit the National Day Calendar Classroom for projects and ideas to help you Celebrate Every Day!
National Day Calendar continues researching the origins of this spring-friendly holiday. In the meantime, we encourage you to keep planting flowers.
Flower FAQ
Q. What's the difference between an annual, biennial, and perennial flower?A. An annual flower blooms for one season and then dies. Some annual plants and flowers reseed themselves so there are blooms every year. An example of an annual flower is a zinnia. A biennial flower takes two years to grow from seed to plant before dying back. An example of a biennial plant is a hollyhock. A perennial flower is one that grows back every year when planted in a zone that supports the flower's lifecycle. Irises are examples of perennial flowers.
National Day Calendar continues researching the origins of this spring-friendly holiday. In the meantime, we encourage you to keep planting flowers.
Flower FAQ
Q. What's the difference between an annual, biennial, and perennial flower?A. An annual flower blooms for one season and then dies. Some annual plants and flowers reseed themselves so there are blooms every year. An example of an annual flower is a zinnia. A biennial flower takes two years to grow from seed to plant before dying back. An example of a biennial plant is a hollyhock. A perennial flower is one that grows back every year when planted in a zone that supports the flower's lifecycle. Irises are examples of perennial flowers.
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@Tabatha_Cain WOOHOO ON FLY BY FAST TUESDAY at work!! I hope today did the same. Do you have Thurs off? Hopefully the chiropractor will be able to go through your file. It makes a huge difference when they see the x rays!! I had one who didn't want to do any, in the end I told him "You are hurting me more than helping me." HE FINALLY did an x ray, looked at it when i was there saying "OH YOU ARE RIGHT!! Your spine does this, not that!" That was the last day I saw him!!! He hadn't been listening in over a year!! The Dr in CO though was amazing. That's what I wish for you. Oh, Tabatha when I hit that "I can't function" part, since I'm not working and 97% of the time at home, I Do crash, at once. I even shut my phone down. Usually in 1 or 2 hours I am awake and somewhat functional. Usually. Though I am on a long time one now from Sunday so far to today and apparently I'll need more rest for awhile!! I had way over done it on Saturday. I KNEW TO LISTEN to my body, you are wise if you can do the same. I am so sorry you go through this. Its a hard adjustment.
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I find it easy to maintain a positive attitude.
Action for Happiness:
Pause to just watch the sky or clouds for a few minutes today
Fitness Quote:
They call me crazy I call myself dedicated
National Day: More available at
March 13th recognizes National K9 Veterans Day and the dedicated K9 units who've served since World War II.
A lot of things changed after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. We rationed oil, leather, and rubber. The military draft men into service. Women rolled up their sleeves and built war supplies.
And dogs were called to duty. During the first world war, the United States took notice of the European use of canines as sentries, message carriers, and several other functions.
A private citizen, Mrs. Alene Erlanger initiated a program called Dogs for Defense. Along with the American Kennel Club and a handful of breeders, the group aimed to train the dogs for military use.
By November of 1942, the military prepared the first Dogs for Defense for duty in North Africa. While they were gun shy at first, they proved to be well trained.
As the war progressed, Dogs for Defense was unable to keep up with the demand, and the Remount Branch, Service Installations Divisions took over the training of the dogs.
Over the years, the military, police, and rescue have developed a variety of training methods for K9 units. Their training is tailored to meet the demands of the job, and each animal and handler carries out his or her duties to the fullest.
Recognize a K9 veteran.
Learn more about their service, history, and training.
Attend a ceremony honoring the working dogs in military units and working dogs across the country.
Use #NationalK9VeteransDay to post on social media.
National K9 Veterans Day is celebrated on March 13th on the official birthday of the US Army K9 Corps, which was formed in 1942. Joseph White, a retired military working dog trainer, originated the idea for the day.
Q. Does a K9 live with its human partner?A. Yes. In most cases, the K9 officer is responsible for the dog they are assigned to.
Q. Do K9 officers receive special training?A. Yes, K9 officers receive specialized training for this unique unit of a police department.
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Good Morning VIP Friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Friday and I have today and tomorrow of work and then I have another day off. Yesterday was a day off and I spent the day at the dentist, doctor, and chiropractor. I am exhausted and I did not sleep well last night. I feel like I laid down and then woke up. I am not exhausted feeling yet, but just that I know I did not sleep well and I am feeling it feeling. Not sure how to describe it other than that.
@Dianedoessmiles1- My issue is I feel fine until the next day. Then I can barely move and I am in pain. So I don't know when enough is enough, because I don't start feeling the effects until the next day.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Friday.
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I cultivate gratitude for the happiness and love I feel each day.
Action for Happiness:
Find ways to enjoy any chores or tasks that you do
Fitness Quote:
Add some iron to your diet
National Day: More available at
National Pi Day on March 14th recognizes the mathematical constant π. Also known as pi, the first three and most recognized digits are 3.14. The day is celebrated by pi enthusiasts and pie lovers alike!
Pi is the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. While the idea of pi has been known for nearly 4000 years, accurately calculating it has been something of slightly more recent mathematical development. By 2000 BC, the Egyptians and Babylonians accurately used the constant to build. Mathematicians such as Archimedes, Fibonacci, François Viète, Adriaan van Roomen, and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz all calculated pi by various methods. However, in 1706, Welsh mathematician William Jones introduced the Greek letter π to represent the ratio of a circle's circumference; pi.
Celebrate the day with a slice of a pie cut using the mathematical constant of pi.
Host a pie-eating contest.
Discuss the significance of the number π.
Watch the Life of Pi.
Look for 3.14 in unexpected places. For example, prices, street numbers, or license plates.
Finding 3.14 deals in as many versions of π as possible. For example Think pizza Pi as much as dessert kind of deals on this day! Get punny Geeky Greek Pi-inspired t-shirts deals. Visit the National Day Calendar Classroom for a National Pi Day lesson.
Use #NationalPiDay to post on social media.
Check out these Pi Day deals and share them too!
In 1988, Larry Shaw organized the earliest known official or large-scale celebration of Pi Day at the San Francisco Exploratorium. The Exploratorium continues to hold Pi Day celebrations.
On March 12, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a non-binding resolution (HRES 224) recognizing March 14, 2009, as National Pi Day.
Q. Who holds the record for memorizing the most digits of pi?A. In 2015, Rajveer Meena memorized 70,0000 decimal places of Pi as certified by Guinness World Records.
Q. Why do people eat pie on Pi Day?A. People eat pie on Pi Day because the two words are homophones and hearing that it's Pi Day makes people think of pie. Also, since pies are usually round, they're an ideal way to celebrate Pi Day.
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Good afternoon, hope you all have had and are having a great day.
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@Tabatha_Cain How was work today? Today I was able to meet with a friend I used to see daily (neither of us is well, but shoot we live NEXT to each other (on purpose, but 2 different high rises, though next to each other). That was NICE to see her again!! I am hoping tomorrow another friend and I can go OUT AND PLAY!! LOL okay SHOP!! T and I did shop today for groceries. I want to make a lasagna, so I got the stuff for that and some other stuff. YO food sure has GONE UP!! Thankfully it didn't involve buying eggs!! LOL those crazy things are up to 9.99!! HUH? Those are NAME BRAND EGGS I was buying not to long ago at 2.93!! I do not buy them now. I can get protein from yogurt, cottage cheese, and weirdly I've been drinking BOOST to get that and calcium in also.
Its so easy to overdo when we feel well. Hopefully today I kept my body in a comfortable zone, though we were gone about an HOUR and on my feet during that, but hopefully, that wasn't to much,,, when I came home I laid down and OOPS SLEPT for 4 HOURS!! i am doing well to get that at night.
@Kurtize WOOHOO Joyce, how is it going at your NEW HOUSE and in the old area again? Are you settled in?
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Good Morning VIP friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Saturday. I was supposed to work today, but I called in. My boss knows why I called in as well. I asked her for the last two weeks for this Saturday off due to my bonus daughter having her gender reveal today for her pregnancy. Well I am not missing that. She is my daughter. My boss had 2 weeks to find someone to cover my shift as we are not allowed to do that ourselves. The supervisor has to send out the request. She did nothing for 2 weeks so I called in. I don't care if I take a point. I am not missing my daughter's gender reveal for my grandchild. To me that is important. Oh and next week I have a job interview. This job will require me to go into the office however I will be a legal assistant and working for the prosecutors office. That makes me happy. I have had my paralegal degree since 2012 and have not been able to get into the legal industry. I have a bachelor's degree for sakes. I mean come on. So I am hoping that someone will give me a chance.
@Dianedoessmiles1 - That is awesome that you were able to get out and visit a friend and get groceries. Yes eggs are expensive. Can't even get egg whites right now. Everyone is buying those instead. Will probably have to start separating the egg myself.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.
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Happy Happy Saturday VIP friends, we have 97 days until Summer what is one or more goals you want to achieve by Summer. Either write or blog your goal or goals and share if you wish here or with someone IRL/online to keep you accountable. My goals are to see changes in my body composition and talk on my Instagram Stories 4-5 days a week.
I enter each experience with a grateful, open heart.
Action for Happiness:
Stop. Breathe. Notice. Respect regularly
Fitness Quote:
Exercise not only changes your body. It changes your attitude and your mood.
National Day: More available on national day calendar website.
Snuggle up every National Quilting Day on the third Saturday in March. Around the country, special quilting shows, classes, open museums and much more celebrate the day. It also appreciates and recognizes quilt makers, along with all of their long labor, love, and skill that goes into the making of each quilt.
A quilt is a layer of batting or stuffing between two layers of pieced-together fabric. Early American quilts were the result of patched together pieces of worn-out blankets and clothing. Since they had to weave their own fabrics, there was little time for creative piecing together colorful, artful patterns. These items were purely functional.
By the mid 18th century Americans were making elaborate quilts designed to be handed down from mother to daughter, often pieced together from salvaged pieces of clothing and other bedding.
Celebrate the warmth and the stories behind the quilts you collect. Whether you make them or they've been given to you, mark the day.
Attend a quilt fair. You might learn techniques or discover new quilting styles.
Take a quilting class. The next family heirloom might be in the making!
Share the story of a family quilt. Don't let it become lost to the ages. Take a picture of it and the person who made it.
Discover the significance of7 Historical Quilt Patterns.
Use #NationalQuiltingDay to post on social media.
At the 22nd annual show of the National Quilting Association in Lincoln, Nebraska in June of 1991, a resolution was passed and National Quilting Day was started.
Quilt FAQ
Q. What are the basic tools of quilting?A. Quilters use a variety of tools. Most use a sewing machine for most of the stitching, which speeds up the process. A special sewing machine isn't required, but a special presser foot is. You'll also need a rotary cutting tool and mat, rulers, scissors, pins, and needles. Of course, a good supply of cotton thread and cotton quilting fabrics cannot be overlooked.
Q. Do people still hand-sew quilts?A. Yes, though they might not resemble the quilting bees of time gone by. Quilting bees were a cooperative effort bringing quilters together to create hand-sewn quilts. These gatherings became regular social events where women collectively stitched and quilted large beautiful creations. While some quilting bees follow this tradition, the modern quilting bee is less cooperative in the effort to complete a single quilt but still maintains the spirit that started with the original quilting bees. Today, quilters come together to swap ideas, techniques, and patterns and also to spend time with other quilters. Some are held as workshops or even hosted online.
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@Tabatha_Cain Oh I totally AGREE!! I'd NOT Miss that either!! Is it a boy or girl? How was the party? LOL They are so cute to be a part of. I had a great time at GD things. Plus all of the SHOPPING I got to do!! WOOHOO!!! ENJOY every moment of it. I'd take the point also. LOL SORRY BOSS but with 2 weeks to find someone and not even try, come on!! BUT, maybe the boss wanted that if they have to many workers on for today. It seems cruel to do that to a hard worker, but on paper it sort of makes sense.
I've gone for jobs with having of gone to college for accounting, but as you know I was BURNED OUT! LOL Working for the city can easily do that to one. SURE It LOOKS good, sounds good, but YO!! When I'd go for a job I often heard "you are over qualified. There are 2 things you can do. Do not put down you have a bachelor's degree unless it's a requirement to have one. Or 2 say something along the lines of "I'd like to start at this level, so I can do a great job for you. Its where my interest lies." type of thing. YOU ARE GREAT At words, we do not need to disclose everything though to put something we've not done (LOLOL I can't people do this, but they SURE DO!) to bloat up a resume, well, in the end it's not hard to be caught. Or maybe it is,,,,
I just made lasagna. I can say it LOOKS GOOD, but it's not driving me MAD with the smell, but I worked so hard to do it. Its taken me 3 HOURS!! YO!! But, Tabatha, you know how quickly when we overdo our bodies SCREAM AT US and mine has been all along doing this. But, I've been craving one and can't find one I really like. LOL We'll see if I like MINE!! If someone else had made it I'd be going CRAZY, but when I make stuff sometimes it grosses me out!! WERIDO I AM but LOL i am okay with that!!0 -
I am inspired by the infinite potential to love and be loved.
Action for Happiness:
Get really absorbed with an interesting or creative activity
Fitness Quote:
Endure the pain
National Day: More available on the national day calendar website
On March 16, National Panda Day draws attention to one of the world's unique bears. Pandas are also one of the world's most endangered and adored animals. Conservationists and animal lovers alike spread the word about the increasing efforts of the international community dedicated to protecting and restoring habitats.
Native to China, giant pandas are members of the Bear (Ursidae) family. Their rapidly shrinking habitat is a major cause for concern. As an endangered species, successful panda breeding programs are rare. In the wild, there are approximately only 1,864 (according to the World Wide Fund for Nature) and 100 living in zoos around the world.
With their white face and black eyes and body, panda bears are easily identifiable. However, their black and white coloring was designed for their natural habitat. They disappear into the snowy mountains and temperate forests of southwest China. And despite their sweet disposition, they tend to isolate themselves in the wild. They eat mostly plants and do not hibernate in the winter like many other bears.
Share your love for pandas! You can do that by learning more about them and supporting panda sanctuaries.
Promote ways to protect their shrinking habitat.
Support breeding and research programs.
Watch a documentary about pandas. Director Lu Chuan filmed Born in China. It follows not only a panda family but also golden savvy monkeys and the snow leopard. Drew Fellman and David Douglas direct Pandas. Researchers from the Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding seek to take the program to a whole new level. Actress Kristen Bell narrates.
Use #NationalPandaDay on social media.
National Day Calendar continues to research the origins of this wildlife holiday.
Panda FAQ
Q. Do pandas only eat bamboo?A. No. Panda bears also forage for certain kinds of vegetables and grains. They will also eat eggs and small animals like carnivores do. Perhaps the most surprising thing they eat is carrion.
Q. Do pandas have thumbs?A. No but they do have an enlarged wrist bone that functions much like a thumb.
Q. Do pandas climb trees?A. Yes. They also swim.
Q. Do pandas hibernate?A. Unlike other bears, pandas do not hibernate.
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Good Morning VIP friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Sunday and well we are in a wet and rainy day today. My husband has been the best. Both Saturday and Sunday he just let me sleep in until about 8 am both days. I am normally during the week up at 5 am. So this was a treat for an extra 6 hours of sleep. Yesterday we had the gender reveal for our second grandchild. Well it is a boy. So both our daughters are having boys this year. My daughter is due May 5, 2025 and Joe's daughter is due September 12, 2025. I cannot wait to meet both the babies. They are both going to be so adorable.
@Dianedoessmiles1 - We are having another grandson. So both boys for our first grandchildren on either side of us. I have already bought one item each for the babies. Although I have done way more for my daughter's pregnancy. Joe's daughter grew up without a Mom since her died when she was little. So she does not come to me for anything. She relies on friends and her husband's parents more than me. Which we have only known each other 3 years so I get it. I will have to hang back on this one. I certainly did not pad my resume. A degree was required for the position so I did put I have the degree, but they can clearly see I have not used my knowledge since I got the degree since all of my employers have been insurance companies. I just hope they are thinking this is an opportunity to teach someone who is green the system. That would be nice.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday
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@Tabatha_Cain , awww hopefully the 2 boys will be around each other from time to time, or more. SWEET!!! Your step D may be thinking you'll favor your BS over hers. LOL remember those prego hormones? They are CRAZY with things true and not true, and perceptions are not always 100%. I had so much fun with getting stuff for both boys though with the 2nd boy my GD already had so many things. She would ask for specific items which is AWESOME!!! No buying something that would not be used. Her mother still would buy things my GD did not ever want. Her mother would not listen, LOL I did listen. I love it when a new Mom (or new again) Mom knows exactly what they want. Awwww you'll LOVE being a grandmother. Have you decided what it is you wish to be called? When I was asked that question I knew immediately I wanted to be "Grandma"!!! LOLOL My GD mother who used to copy me a lot said she ALSO wanted to be "Grandma" I quickly reminded her "Its taken! You can not figure out something else." She decided Nana and Nana fits her so well. We both love the boys so much and of course you'll be the same. ENJOY ENJOY!! May will be here fast!!
I hope you had a great day!! That you were able to relax some. WOOHOO On the extra sleep. I had a great day also. I went to meeting this AM after we went out to eat at Applebee's, yummy the honey hot chicken. LOL when the woman set it down in front of me, it was so hot it was still BUBBLING!! Oh, my it was so good. We had a great time the 6 of us. I came home and I CRASHED OUT at once, and slept for 3 hours!! A friend called and we laughed and laughed, with a very enjoyable conversation. AND now here I am!! AN AWESOME DAY!!
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Good Morning VIP Friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Monday and our fence is getting installed today. I am really excited about that. Hopefully they get it in and finished today. It would be nice. I am really excited for the job interview I have on Thursday. I would like to see if I have a chance of getting it. I do believe it pays more than what I am currently making, but at what cost. Is it more hours, is it overtime required. That sort of thing. I know I will be going back into the office. I have a ton of questions to ask since the job did not say hours during the day that I would work, or how many I would have to have in the week other than full time.
@Dianedoessmiles1 - I am going to do my best so that my bonus daughter knows I am not playing favorites. I did ask her if she would like me to also plan her baby shower and she told me no. Her friends were doing it. So I feel like she is separating herself from me. For my daughter's baby I will be grandma as Nana was already taken by my mother, and for my bonus daughter's baby I will be Nana.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Monday.
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I find endless reasons to behappy each and every day.
Action for Happiness:
Look around and spot three thingsyou find unusual or pleasant
Fitness Quote:
Whatever you do, don’t quit.Because as hard as it is to stick with it, starting over is even harder. Keepshowing up
National Day: More available atnational day calendar website.
St. Patrick's Day kicks off a worldwide celebration also knownas the Feast of St. Patrick. On March 17th, many will wear green in honor ofthe Irish and decorate with shamrocks. According to lore, the wearingof the green tradition dates back to a story written about St. Patrickin 1726. St. Patrick (c. AD 385–461) used the shamrock to illustrate the HolyTrinity and worn green clothing. And while the story is unlikely to be true,many will revel in the Irish heritage and eat traditional Irish fare,too.
In the United States, St. Patrick's Day has been celebratedsince before the country was formed. At times, the holiday has been a bit moreof a rowdy one, with green beer, parades, and talk of leprechauns. However, inIreland, St. Patrick's Day takes on a more solemn mood. It wasn't until eventsin the United States broadcast in Ireland that some of the Yankee ways spreadacross the pond. One Irish-American tradition not common to Ireland is corned beef and cabbage.
Wear green.
Read up aboutSt. Patrick's Day.
Cook up an Irishfeast!
Use#StPatricksDay to post on social media.
Check out this delicious Reuben Casserole from #holidayfoodies.You won't regret it!
The Feast of St. Patrick started in the early 17th-century. Theday marks the death of St. Patrick and was chosen as an official Christianfeast day and is observed by the Catholic Church. The day is also a publicholiday in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, the Canadian province ofNewfoundland and Labrador, and the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat. Itis also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora around the world, especially inGreat Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, and NewZealand.
Saint Patrick's FAQ
Q. How many people in the United States are of Irish descent?
A. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 31.5 million Americans claim Irishdescent. That's a lot of Irish-Americans! And that includes those who may be100% Irish or less than 15% Irish. A little bit of the Emerald Isle goes a longway.Q. Can I pinch someone who isn't wearing green on St. Patrick'sDay?
A. The tradition of pinching those who don't wear green on St. Patrick's Daycomes from the belief that wearing green made one invisible to the fairies andleprechauns spreading mischief on that day. These legendary creatures wereknown for their pinching. Those celebrating the day would pinch those whodidn't wear green as a reminder of what could happen (or to impersonate theleprechauns and fairies). That said if you're going to pinch on St. Patrick'sDay, be gentle, or better yet, bring along some green stickers to place onother revelers as a way of offering protection from those menacing leprechaunsand fairies.0 -
Happy St Patrick's day
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I am beautiful inside and out.
Action for Happiness:
Have a ‘no plans’ day and notice how that feels
Fitness Quote:
Push yourself because, no one else is going to do it for you,
National Day: More available at national day calendar website
On March 18th, National Supreme Sacrifice Day honors those who have made tremendous sacrifices for the sake and the good of others as well as those who sacrifice their lives every day for us.
We may most readily call to mind the men and women in uniform who have laid down their lives protecting their country and communities. This day also honors those who may have stepped forward during times of crisis to rescue a stranger or a neighbor and gave the supreme sacrifice that day.
These sacrifices come in many forms. We don't always recognize them when we see them, nor do we always expect them. Like in the case of one young Miner who saved the lives of 11-year-old Emmet and 8-year-old Myrdith when the sleigh they were in overturned during a blizzard so fierce they couldn't see their house, though they were only 200 yards away. Wind howling so loudly, they couldn't hear their father's voice calling to them. On March 15, 1920, they'd set home from school in rural North Dakota and been caught up in the blizzard. Their 16-year-old sister, Hazel Miner protected her siblings with her body, keeping the blankets in place over her siblings through the night. Hazel Miner died that night, but her actions saved her siblings' lives.
These sacrifices don't always come in uniform and are often unsung. Often, these heroes step up when we least expect it and when we need it most.
Honor someone who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Visit with their families, support them and the people in uniform who place their lives on the line, daily.
Visit a local memorial and learn the names of local heroes.
Participate in events around your state that support the military and first responders.
Use #SupremeSacrificeDay to post on social media.
National Day Calendar continues to research the origins of this day. However, the day has been observed since at least 2004.
Supreme Sacrifice
Q. What kinds of services are available to the families of those who gave the supreme sacrifice?A. Many organizations offer support and resources to family members. For example, National Fallen Firefighters Foundation offers support to fallen firefighters' families. Fallen Patriots supports Gold Star families. Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) supports the families of fallen law enforcement.
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@Tabatha_Cain How does the fence look? Is it done? Is Chloe happier? WOOHOO on the job interview!! I hope you do well if you like the sounds of it. Awww love the Nana for you!! I hope your bonus D realizes you'd like to be closer. Is her Mom alive? If so, are they alive?
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Good Morning VIP friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Wednesday and I am so glad that I have tomorrow off work. Tomorrow is my interview for the possible new job. I am really hoping that it comes through and I get the job offer. I have a lot of questions about the position. I am going to keep applying for other jobs as they come up. I am so tired of working in customer service. Chloe is loving the new fence. Here are some photos.
@Dianedoessmiles1 - Chloe loves the new fence. It was finished yesterday. I am so happy with it. My bonus daughter's mom passed away when she was 4. She did not grow up with a Mom. Joe moved back in with his parents and she had a grandmother whom she does not really like as she is a narcissist. So my bonus daughter at this time is closer to her husband's step mother. I am trying to show her I want to be closer with her, but at the same time want her to know that I am not going to butt my head in where I am not wanted.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday
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I step into my light and transform my entire self.
Action for Happiness:
Cultivate a feeling of loving-kindness towards others today
Fitness Quote:
Try and fail, but don’t fail to try
National Day: More available at
Each year, National Let's Laugh Day on March 19th reminds us to add a little humor to our day. It's never good to be serious all the time and letting the laughter bubble up from time to time is good for all of us!
We have all heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” This is the day to take your medicine.
Some studies have shown that laughter may boost your immune system, relieve tension and help you relax. Who does not need any of those things in our busy and hectic world?
Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can. ~ Elsa Maxwell
We don’t laugh because we’re happy — we’re happy because we laugh. ~ William James
As we all know, laughter can also be contagious. Even faking it seems to have some benefits. Classes called "laughter yoga" engage the abdominal muscles, lungs, arms, and facial muscles while using humor to get us laughing to cure what ails us.
When you and a friend have those long bouts of uncontrolled laughter that end in tears and aching stomach muscles that last a good 10 minutes or longer, you burn between 10-40 calories per 10 minutes. So, keep giving each other those don't-look-at-me-or-I'll-start-laughing-again looks and you'll keep right on burning more laugh-healthy calories and you'll enjoy a good memory, too!
Add a laughing baby ringtone to your phone.
Use humor to make someone's day.
Educators, visit theNational Day Calendar Classroomfor more fun ways to celebrate the day, too!
Take some time to laugh and use #LetsLaughDay to post on social media.
Try laughter yoga to get you started.
The origins of this funny holiday have slipped by us. However, we continue to find humor in everyday events and continue to #CelebrateEveryDay, too!
Laughter FAQ
Q. What kinds of laughs are there?A. Different people have different laughs and different situations make us laugh differently. We describe our laughs with a wide array of colorful terms and phrases. Some of them include:
Giggle - This laugh is often caused by nervousness.
Guffaw - When something is especially funny but perhaps catches us off guard. It's a loud, almost explosive laugh.
Cackle - This laugh is similar to the clucking of chicken, but it is often associated with how a wicked witch might laugh.
Belly laugh - Laughter that reached into our belly and shakes our whole body is a belly laugh.
Chuckle - This laugh takes place in the throat and doesn't go much further.
Q. Is laughter contagious?A. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience by researchers at University College London suggests that laughter is truly contagious. Dr. Sophie Scott said, "We've known for some time now that when we are talking to someone, we often mirror their behavior, copying the words they use and mimicking their gestures. Now we've shown that the same appears to apply to laughter too —at least at the brain level."
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Today's affirmation
Like a Butterfly, I have been Reborn
with Bold Colors and Strong Wings.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie0 -
@Tabatha_Cain OH I LOVE the new fence!! That looks AMAZING and a great size as Chloe gets bigger!! Awwww she looks so HAPPY in there!! That'll help her out so much. SWEET!!! I hope the job interview goes very well!! HAVE FUN with it, those are the ones who are most likely to hire us, if we are relaxed and ask questions as you are. SELL YOURSELF Kiddo!! YOU CAN DO THIS!! Yeah after years of customer service that can be a bit much. Love how you are willing to try other things. KEEP THOSE DREAMS Going Tabatha!! WTG!! We look forward to hearing how it went. If you do not like it, or want to see what else is out there, we will be cheering you on!!
@macrat12 Sarah have you tried laughter yoga? I have some friends who are going to go to a class soon. I've asked them to PLEASE LET ME KNOW When I want to join them.
@Kurtize OH GIRL you are clearly strong!!! So good to see you!!!0 -
Good Morning VIP friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Thursday and my day is packed full of adventure. Today I have a job interview at 9, then I have to go pick up our tax paperwork and make payment on that, then meet Joe for lunch. After that I have a doctor appointment for my thyroid issue, and then I have to come back to the house and grab Chloe for her groomers appointment, then once I drop her off then I head back to Battle Creek where I moved out of to go to my therapy appointment. After my therapy appointment I have to go to my sisters to drop off some Power wheels that need to be worked on for my great niece, and then I go to my son's and grab my mail that he grabbed from the old house from me. From there I head to my mothers to drop things off. Also I have to meet up with Joe for his virtual doctor appointment. Then back home for the evening. It is going to be a rough day. I am going to be so exhausted but extremely excited about it all.
@Dianedoessmiles1 - Chloe loves the new fence. She literally refuses to come in sometimes. I will go check on her and she will be laying in the dirt, so I call to see if she wants in. All of a sudden she will get up grab a toy and get the zoomies. So at that point I know she is not coming inside. It is so adorable. With the new job I would only be working 8 to 5 with occasional weekends which I would assume if we have a big case we are prepping for that would be when we work on the weekends.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday.
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@Tabatha_Cain LOLOLOL I can easily picture Chloe with the HAPPINESS ZOOMIES!!! LOVING her fence! How did the interview go? Did you like it? Did you get all of your errands done? My day was low keyed. I did go grocery shopping and did get a cooked turkey breast. YUMMY!!!