Men on a Mission thread

tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
Greetings men,
As requested, I have created a thread here in the groups section. I used the name originally given to this thread back when I joined it long ago. I am hoping all of you have found this and will continue to use it. I will monitor both threads for a while. I made this thread private to prevent any new men from joining at this point. If folks begin to drop out and we need some new guys, I'll change the setting to public. We currently have about 25 guys which is about my max to keep track of.

Here is last weeks chart just to get us started off on.



  • piratepiet
    piratepiet Posts: 45 Member
    great group tim. Now it feels more like a club :-)
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Awesomeness! Now we got the group going!
  • CampbellHendry
    CampbellHendry Posts: 84 Member
    Brilliant! Just what we need for some christmas motivation ;)
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Thanks for getting this started Tim.

    Weekly check-in: 199.0

    First Friday under the big 2 oh oh.

  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Thanks Tim, you the man !
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Cool, I've never belonged to a mens club before. :-) Thanks for keep track of us Tim. :smile:
  • I know I'm a day early, but gonna go ahead and submit this week's numbers (they're finally in my favor, and my momma didn't raise no dummy! LOL!)

    LWW - 427.8 lbs
    CW - 424.4 lbs
    Total lost this week: 3.4 lbs
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    WTG Star! nice loss!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Okay, Drum rolll please!!! LWW 315, CW 311 down 4lbs! Whew! Hopefully back in the groove. Feeling better and motivated. Hope everyone has a good week and a great check in today.
  • Weigh in is 274. Lost 1since lbs last week. Better than nothing lol.
  • Nice going this week guys! Yay, us!!! :)
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    Nice new digs Tim, thanks for keeping up with this big group. Good job this week guys. Inspiring posts this AM.

    I'm leaving today on a business trip to MO, so weighing in a day early. Lot's of eating out ahead of me this week. Hope I make the correct choices. Hated being in the RED last week. Don't want to do that again.

    LW - 372.2 11/7/11
    CW - 369.4 11/13/11
    Loss 2.8 lbs

    Have a good week guys!
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    So what happened to the Signatures? Did they do away with them?

    Guess it's for the best. Some folks tended to get a little crazy with the 5 pics and 3 graphs and 2 charts. One post would take 1/2 a page.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    So what happened to the Signatures? Did they do away with them?

    Guess it's for the best. Some folks tended to get a little crazy with the 5 pics and 3 graphs and 2 charts. One post would take 1/2 a page.

    Here is the reason from Mike.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Okay, Drum rolll please!!! LWW 315, CW 311 down 4lbs! Whew! Hopefully back in the groove. Feeling better and motivated. Hope everyone has a good week and a great check in today.
    Dang Steve, isn't seeing that 60 pound loss in your ticker great!!! Not sure if I will ever get there. Very nicely done!!!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Okay, Drum rolll please!!! LWW 315, CW 311 down 4lbs! Whew! Hopefully back in the groove. Feeling better and motivated. Hope everyone has a good week and a great check in today.
    Dang Steve, isn't seeing that 60 pound loss in your ticker great!!! Not sure if I will ever get there. Very nicely done!!!

    Thanks Tim, it was nice, especially because the clothes were fitting better and the scale was going up. I know I can't build muscle that fast, so I'm happy the scale is back in line. :-)
  • CampbellHendry
    CampbellHendry Posts: 84 Member
    This weeks weight :D 172.2lbs.
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    LW - 233.4 (11/6/11)
    CW - 233.0 (11/13/11)
    Lost - 0.4

    I'm actually surprised I went down at all this week, especially since I've only been to the gym like twice in the last two weeks and going over my calories more than I care to admit.... time to get my lazy *kitten* back in gear & hit the gym again!!
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Re-posting my Friday check in, just in case it got lost in the old thread:

    LW: 254.10
    CW: 252.00
    Lost: 2.1 pounds