Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week 17



  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Yay Yay Woop Woop Woop
    I lost this week I can't believe it first loss in about a month it was 1lbs but I am so happy.
    Thats me now out of the 220s CW 219lbs :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Just need to keep on it now, also about to try the pyramid workout :)

    Well that was hard I think I managed level 1 and level 2 lol I will try add a level each day I am knackered now haha.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    CW: 153.2
    That is is a 0.8 loss, which is great. And I really wish I could be happy about that, but I'm still fighting over here. I'm a bit better than I was. I'm starting to slowly come to terms with the prognosis from my test results... and I'm trying to turn this news into motivation to live the best life I can... but it's really really hard. I put up a front all day at home and all day at school or work... and it's exhausting. I have not slept decently in 2 weeks (and decently for me is 3+ hours since I always have sleeping issues). My body aches from exhaustion, so I'm just chugging along. :ohwell:

    I'm hoping to keep on track and then cut myself a *small* break on Thursday (go over my allotment, but definitely restrict myself).

    I hope everyone is well. :flowerforyou:
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    Weight this morning 159. At least the same after traveling a bit:(
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    CW: 156.2

  • I see everyone is starting to worry about thanksgiving , just remember only put a small amount of each thing on your plate. A few bites of everything will have you just as full as a big serving. Another thing I always do is Togo plates. I try everything when we eat, and then I only take home the few things I really liked. This year is going to be a little easier for me since we only have to go
    To my fiancés familys and not both of ours. My grandparents decided to go on a month long hunting trip that started yesturday and won't end till a week or two before Christmas. I'm ready for it to be Here. Christmas is my fav. Holiday. I'm ready to put the tree up and decorate the house and thanks to this amazing group I'm well on my way to being 20lbs lighter for Christmas!! I've bought a few presents, and know what we are getting everyone but here's where in stuck.... I have no idea what to get my fiancé this year! Last year I had his present bought in September ugh !
  • Good morning my lovely CCC'ers. I hope you all are enjoying your Friday!!

    CW: 220 lost .02 I will take it because with the flu last weekend and craving all the wrong foods I was sure it would be a gain.

    I think I want to change my end goal to 209 lbs. It's not in the 100's as I wanted but it is getting much closer.

    Thanks Jenn for all you do and I think I speak for all of us when I say you are such a great motivator and just a great person.

    I won't really be able to try your pyramid just yet because my ankle is still bothering me something fierce. I am going to try the EA sports active low impact work outs and see if that is ok.

    Have a wonderful day!!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Hello All! It's FRIDAY!!!! Already?!? :huh: :noway: :huh:

    I am super insane here at work and I apologize for not being on here more. I do want to say thank you so much for your well wishes for my little one and for your kind words :blushing: You are all so wonderful!

    How are the Pyramid Workouts coming along? Anyone complete a full set 10 to 1? I haven't yet but I'm going to keep trying! lol

    Let the weigh-ins start rolling in! :flowerforyou:
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Finally heading out of work for the day. I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend and I'll check in with you all soon!

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • just curious, I joined mfp back in late february and drastically reduced my calories from eating whatever crap I wanted to only allowing myself consume 1200 calories. By the end of march/April, I noticed I began to miss my period. I had exercise a lot more than normal over the spring/summer period than I ever have in my life, however it was nothing extreme, I was just a lazy cow before hand!! I never had a full period since april, slight spotting once or twice but still no period! My sister joined mfp just before me and she also lost her period! Has anyone every experienced anything like that when beginning a new diet and exercise plan? However today, after 8 months of missing my period, out of the blue it returned (Hopefully it will last the full 5-7days, so I know it has completely returned!). I know i should have went to the doctor, but my sister did and she is getting an ultrasound in december to check her ovaries etc are fine!

    Anyone had this experience before!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I've totally been slacking on exercise. I haven't done any for DAYS! Not even walking. :frown:

    I decided to call my Aunt (who's making Thanksgiving dinner), and asked if it would be ok if I brought food, she said that would be fine. So I'm going to bring some mashed cauliflower and a green bean casserole. At least this way I know I can eat something, because I know for a fact her mash potatoes usually has about 18 sticks of butter in it, so I wouldn't be able to have any of those...and the rest of the sides have the same issues.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    just curious, I joined mfp back in late february and drastically reduced my calories from eating whatever crap I wanted to only allowing myself consume 1200 calories. By the end of march/April, I noticed I began to miss my period. I had exercise a lot more than normal over the spring/summer period than I ever have in my life, however it was nothing extreme, I was just a lazy cow before hand!! I never had a full period since april, slight spotting once or twice but still no period! My sister joined mfp just before me and she also lost her period! Has anyone every experienced anything like that when beginning a new diet and exercise plan? However today, after 8 months of missing my period, out of the blue it returned (Hopefully it will last the full 5-7days, so I know it has completely returned!). I know i should have went to the doctor, but my sister did and she is getting an ultrasound in december to check her ovaries etc are fine!

    Anyone had this experience before!
    Hi Shelley!

    I have gone through times when I didn't have my period for over 6 months in the past. I have also never had a regular period. I also went through times when I had my period constantly. A very big yo-yo. I in the last 5 years have finally been diagnosed with a condition called Polycystic Ovaries, which accounts for that. It is common for people with my condition to not have their period on a regular basis. The doctor would have to do an ultrasound to verify if there are cysts on the ovaries amongst other things to diagnose the condition. Sounds like something he's trying to rule out for your sister.

    However, I have heard that people who exercise excessively can miss their periods. Definitely, check with your doctor. But, I know of the 2 extremes that could possibly happen. Someone underweight, could miss her period and someone overweight could also miss her period. Of course, there are conditions like mine to consider and others I imagine.

    I don't know if this helps any, but I hope so.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member

    I haven't tried the pyramid yet, but plan on giving it a shot tomorrow. I will try to force myself to get through it. We'll see what happens.

    Thanks for the great challenge!
  • Thank you azeria!
    Yes the doctor is trying to rule out PCOS! She said it could also be the weightloss as our bodies were not use to doing that much exercise. Its not that I exercise excessively, I was a lazy cow before hand and when I exercised, I would do 30-60 minutes cycling at 12-14 kmp! It was a big change, but I thought it wasnt too bad compared to what I heard other people doing on here!

    The thing that is strange is both myself and my sister lost them just after we began a healthier lifestyle. So hopefully, its just that. We will just wait and see what this ultrasound shows in December!!

    Thanks once again!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    Well good luck Shelley! It is pretty weird that both you and your sister's body had the same reaction to the healthier lifestyle. I hope it turns out ok and gets back to normal. Good luck with the ultrasound in December. Keep me posted.
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    CW:182.6. Yeah...4.2 lbs off. Week 2 of WW's went well. Just back from my WI...going to lunch with my neighbor who joined with me. Going to Hu Hot Mongolian grill. Learned that they not only have all their nutritionals can build a meal and get all your nutritionals...easy to eat healthy there. I have a meal built and am waiting for her to pick me up.
    Hope you all are having great weekends. Good luck with everyone's Thanksgiving preps!!!!
  • Last week :187
    Cw: 184.2
    2.8 lb lost this week!!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    CW: 187.2

    Up 0.4lbs. Started my period a couple days ago, and also had a higher-than-expected sodium-filled dinner last night. Also started a more intense strength training workout. Hopefully will see a loss next week.

    We're measuring next weekend too, right?
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey there CCC ~ Wow I see some really good loses!!! Good job girls! Jenn I hope your daughter is doing better!!!

    CW - 182.1....So happy to have gotten rid of my gain from last week!

    Enjoy the weekend Friends :heart: Judy
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Hello everyone! CW 149 gained a pound but I'm not worried got my focus on and I get it down! Have a great weekend!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi There me again:happy: Hopefully you remember my rambling about my son in the Every 15 minutes program. Well is was finally put on You tube!!!! The film students did the video as their final project. You all know what my son looks like from my last profile pic. He is in the car crash in the front seat of the will see his hand then the bloddy stuff. I feel like the kids did a nice job featuring and explaining the program. Matt is also interviewed a couple of times. You will also see my wonderful real emotional non acting:huh: It is about 18 mins long and a great message for both adults and young drivers!!!!!!!

    If for some reason I didn't cut and paste right you can go to you tube and type in Every 15 minutes Saugus will come up:wink:

    :heart: :heart: Judy