Online Dating



  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I do online dating. I don't think it's the best way to meet people, but I just don't know how else to do it :indifferent: .

    Best experience: Met someone who I had unbelievable chemistry with. I was crazy about him and he was crazy about me. Pure magic. We dated for 3 months, but broke up because he moved out of state.

    Worst experience: closed out a guy because I wasn't attracted to him. He didn't realize that I had removed him. He took my picture off the site and posted it on Craigslist that he was trying to find me because I was "the perfect girl for him." I never would have found that post had a friend not stumbled across it. This was a few years ago, so I didn't even know what Craigslist was. I reported it and it was removed. A couple of days later, he posted another one. I reported it again, it was removed and he was blocked from the dating site and his posts were blocked from Craigslist. Still, pretty creepy.

    Wow! That is super creepy! I'm glad it gotten taken care of!
  • zozilla09
    zozilla09 Posts: 45 Member
    Tried it...not bad but not 'good' either. Sometimes I'm tempted to try again but then I talk myself out of it. I have a friend who has met a few guys....they've all turned out to be turds. But then again there have to be a few decent people left out there somewhere. Folks on here seem to be pretty cool!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Tried it, not had the best of experiences with it. I kept meeting guys only interested in one thing and thought that because of my size and weight should be grateful for their attention!!

    Several friends have had sucesses with online dating, with at least 2 couples getting married in recent years. After my lack of success with it...I'm don't think I'll be going back to it anytime soon
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    It can work. You just have to be careful and patient. I don't want to spell out my experiences with it because that's private, but it can definitely work. Great suggestion from the poster that said set up a free email like gmail or yahoo. I have my full name on my "regular" Outook mail so I don't use it.

    Good luck. OK Cupid is free-why not give it a try?
  • jj1lawyer
    jj1lawyer Posts: 6 Member
    You have to weed through a LOT of creeps online, but you can find some gems. I had a few bad dates (like everyone does), but I also had several dates with guys that were nice and we just ended up having a good time, talking, laughing. Eventually, I ended up in a two years relationship with a great guy. It didn't work out "forever", but it was a wonderful experience. Also, my best friend and my nephew both met their spouses online.

    With online dating you get out of it what you put into it. It takes some work to dig through and if you set up a profile then just wait for someone to contact are going to get the creeps who email everyone. You have to sift through and be willing to initiate conversation for someone who meets your criteria. Good Luck!
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member

    I feel bad, but you're comment made me laugh. That is scary. I cancelled my plentyoffish within a couple weeks of opening it last spring and was kind of creeped out and didn't go out with one guy. Your comment makes me feel better about cancelling.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I started using eharmony and there was a guy I thought was great so went out on a date. There was nothing wrong just no chemistery. I haven't had some of the horror stories that are coming out here but you could get those kind of stories from meeting a guy in a bar and going on a first date with them.

    I do know some people that have meet their husbands/wifes on match and eharmony. I tend to stick with the pay sites as it takes more commitment to be on them them putting up a random one on like POF.
  • kimletton11
    kimletton11 Posts: 72 Member
    I have tried online dating and the experiences were not too good. I met this one guy that lived about an hour and a half away from me. We started talking and he happened to be coming to my city for work that next week. We met at a restaurant and had a great time. He was everything I was looking for and was attractive too! He told me he was going through a divorce and that was believable because he was 5 years older than me and everything seemed to be lining up. We talked for over a month, and he was supposed to come down and visit again. I really liked him and thought we might would work out. Well, he texted me a few hours before he was supposed to be in town and told me that he thought I was really sweet and a great girl but he was actually still married! WTF!?!?! Who does that and why do they do it? I cussed him out and haven't communicated with him since. Needless to say, I haven't met anyone else off line since then.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I met a couple of my exes online. The first one was a perfectly sweet guy, just wasn't mature enough or really ready for commitment.

    The second kept his profile on the dating site even after we become exclusive and I found him talking to several different women on there about what he would like to do with them in the bedroom....

    Met a really great guy on there shortly after breaking up with the last ex but his job requires him to travel and he's currently in Mississippi...we continue to talk almost everyday and i'm actually trying to get a job down there but i just don't think it's going to happen.

    Online dating isn't all bad, it's really no different than going to a bar and trying to meet a person. You have to weed through the losers to find the good just takes time.
  • JThomas61
    This is my online dating add:

    I am 3'6, 400 pounds, no teef, prematurely balding. I am a conservationist so I shower once a week, I have no job, no car, no place to live, so I hang out in my parents basement. I prefer 70s disco fashion to modern trends, oh and chicks dig me!

  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    This is my online dating add:

    I am 3'6, 400 pounds, no teef, prematurely balding. I am a conservationist so I shower once a week, I have no job, no car, no place to live, so I hang out in my parents basement. I prefer 70s disco fashion to modern trends, oh and chicks dig me!


    Just what I was looking for!!!!
  • JThomas61
    This is my online dating add:

    I am 3'6, 400 pounds, no teef, prematurely balding. I am a conservationist so I shower once a week, I have no job, no car, no place to live, so I hang out in my parents basement. I prefer 70s disco fashion to modern trends, oh and chicks dig me!


    Just what I was looking for!!!!

    I knew it, that add will attract every woman for miles around, hehehehe
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    This is my online dating add:

    I am 3'6, 400 pounds, no teef, prematurely balding. I am a conservationist so I shower once a week, I have no job, no car, no place to live, so I hang out in my parents basement. I prefer 70s disco fashion to modern trends, oh and chicks dig me!


    Just what I was looking for!!!!

    I knew it, that add will attract every woman for miles around, hehehehe

    like flies
  • Julieothree
    Julieothree Posts: 63 Member
    I tried this twice. Both times, the guy ended up just wanting a hook up. That's not to say that all guys are doing that, but it definitely seems to be a trend.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    One thing I will say is I use to have a profile on POF before i started getting in shape and guys would barely talk to I have a profile again after losing some weight and the same guys that wouldn't give me the time of day are suddenly blowing up my's pretty amusing.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    But I did get a bottle of wine for my birthday from a Nigerian Scam Artist. True story!!!!!

    Are you a 419 Eater?

    I couldn't quite ever bring myself to start screwing with one of these guys, but I find the forum richly entertaining.
  • jlchow
    jlchow Posts: 40
    I tried twice, didn't get anything out of it.

    First time was with eHarmony doing their "view your matches free," zero matches.

    I tried it again with okCupid. Everything sort of went like this, "hey I see you like [cool thing], I like [cool thing] too! want to do [cool thing] together?" zero replies.

    I did get one girl who contacted me, we went on a few dates, didn't hear from her for months. Finally hear from her something like three months later. I just think to myself, "forget it."
    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    I've been on POF a few times. Just let me say it goes both ways. I mean there are creepy guys and creepy girls. Just as there are good guys and good girls too. And it's not always the guy's looking for hookups either. Just saying.
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    I agree Phil! I was on there for a few months and sheesh, no thanks! Those guys that post pics of themselves shirtless in the bathroom mirror, or on their Harley-not for me. I suppose some women like that. I'm sure there are quite a few risque pictures of women on there too. Just seems like it is more men than women on the sites I think?
  • jlchow
    jlchow Posts: 40
    Just curious, has anyone ever gotten any mean or rude replies?

    I had one person tell me I didn't look good enough. I was more surprised than anything else, certainly not hurt; it was just so weird to hear that from essentially a total stranger.