Starting out..

leoS8190 Posts: 36 Member
I am doing this and will try to figure out how to so all this along the way..I have no idea how to use these group things but Im really excited about this group! Its DEFINITELY going to help motivate me to get my 33 minutes in for the day everyday!! Do any of you have any plans on how you are going to accomplish this? I will most likely be doing it by Bicycling, Kinect, and Walking! My ultimate goal is to be able to jog!! Maybe by May? I'm hoping!! Good luck everyone and Happy New Year!!!


  • HealthyAcademic
    HealthyAcademic Posts: 85 Member
    This is an awesome goal! I was trying to think of an exercise based goal for the year and this is perfect. Thanks for starting this group :o)
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    I will update my minutes daily, will be nice to see how much minutes I can get done by the end of the year.
  • missimperfect
    missimperfect Posts: 66 Member
    Easily doable with my resolutions. Count me in! :)
  • kaz123sing
    kaz123sing Posts: 20 Member
    im in and will log my mins daily.
  • 5har0n1
    5har0n1 Posts: 2 Member
    count me in, looking forward to doing this challange. hope it help :)
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hi everyone, been needing an exercise goal to aim for this year. This seems perfectly doable and will keep me motivated.
    Is perfectly happy to create a spreadsheet to show peoples progress if someone wants me to!
  • Alicja_W
    Alicja_W Posts: 169
    I have a question is it possible that you can exercise every two days but for longer ?
  • This is a great challenge!!! I can't wait to participate. I do take Sundays off, so I will need to add minutes on other days if that is okay???
  • lovehavingkids
    lovehavingkids Posts: 19 Member
    This is exactly what I need! A group to be accountable to, and a group who can keep me accountable! How do I track minutes???Do I just track them on myfitnesspal account?
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    If you update your minutes everyday on the board and I'll track it on a spreadsheet

    Here is the link
  • tattooedtealady
    tattooedtealady Posts: 81 Member
    Just joined this group :)

    Well, 33 minutes is very precise! Atm my exercise plan involves Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, sometimes Saturdays, at the gym for at least one hour. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have University in London to which I commute from Nottingham. On those days I walk a lot around London getting to and from Uni, etc, so that will class as some exercise. So that is at least 33 minutes walking on Uni days, and more so when I am at the gym and do an hour :) On Sundays I could go for a walk like I did today, which took me 45 minutes :)

    If anyone wants to add me, feel free!
  • CTredsoxfan
    CTredsoxfan Posts: 7 Member
    ok just did my first one... will try to go over a little each day just in case.. i miss a day.
  • tattooedtealady
    tattooedtealady Posts: 81 Member
    ok just did my first one... will try to go over a little each day just in case.. i miss a day.

    That sounds like a good idea :)
  • Alicja_W
    Alicja_W Posts: 169
    i did 30 minutes of exercise today :D im sick so its mostly just some sit-ups and weight training :)
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    January 2nd-60 minutes
  • leoS8190
    leoS8190 Posts: 36 Member
    I have a question is it possible that you can exercise every two days but for longer ?

    Yes!! Just make sure if you want to make the goal for the year that you log 230 minutes a week!!:)
  • leoS8190
    leoS8190 Posts: 36 Member
    It doesnt matter if all your minutes accumulate! Just make sure you get in about 230 minutes a week!!:) keep me posted! I will be updating too!! I am keeping a spreadsheet as well!
  • leoS8190
    leoS8190 Posts: 36 Member
    January 2nd-60 minutes

    good job!!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    January 2nd-60 minutes (walk/jog)
    January 2nd-20 minutes (30 Day Shred)
    January 2nd-33 minutes (walk/jog)
    January 3rd- Rest Day
    January 4th-
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    Im in!:D