Gryffindor Common Room



  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Weighed myself three hours later than usual today (overslept big time!) so my starting weight is not accurate, but it's 120 3/8lb

    Christmas / New Year / my family's "Birthday" month wasn't a great time to start maintenance as I eat out a lot, so I decided to allow myself to put on up to 2lb. My goal is to get back to my target weight of 119 as soon as sensibly possible and stay at that weight until the end of February.

    After that, I may decide to revise my target weight downwards and lose a bit more weight.

    CW 120 3/8
    GW 119
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Hey there Griffindors!

    CW: 164 (stayed the same)
    HP: 515
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Had a spiffy NSV I wanted to share. My mom decided I needed new jeans, since mine were falling off me. So we went shopping, I was trying on jeans and grabbed a size 12. I tried them on and they were snug but fit. When I looked at the tag I was shocked, they were mislabeled and were actually a Junior's size 9! I couldn't believe it! I don't think I've ever fit in single digit sized jeans!!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I think our new system of using personal goals to score OWLS will really level the playing field and make it challenging for everyone in a customized kind of way.
    I agree, I already have a fitness regime that is working for me, so I don't feel as if I "need" to do the OWLS but I really do love the idea of it and I want to make more effort with them.

    The OWLs and NEWTs are really here for suggestions or add ons to your workouts. If you already have a workout plan, I only care about those HPs, then! :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Had a spiffy NSV I wanted to share. My mom decided I needed new jeans, since mine were falling off me. So we went shopping, I was trying on jeans and grabbed a size 12. I tried them on and they were snug but fit. When I looked at the tag I was shocked, they were mislabeled and were actually a Junior's size 9! I couldn't believe it! I don't think I've ever fit in single digit sized jeans!!!

    That's AWESOME! I'm SO proud!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Here's my kind of awful check in:

    CW: 265.2 Ouch. I logged it and I'm back down to only 10 lbs lost from 21 over the last few weeks. I'm owning it and moving on.
    I didn't do anything else either. Today is day one of the holidays are over for me! I get to finally go home and get back into a routine. I always love being home, but after a while it's nice to get back to it.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    And here's January Week 1 challenges:

    (Starting after check-in between 12/30-1/2
    and ending with check-in between 1/6-1/9)

    OWL (exercise): Leg Drops! and
    Each day you reach your daily goal you earn 5 OWLs, you earn 3 OWLs for reaching half way to your goal, and 1 OWL for trying but not reaching half way.

    NEWT (food): No junk food holiday detox challenge! For this whole week, try to have NO junk food (or as little as possible) to really jump start our new year. Eat as well as you can as many days as you can.
    5 NEWTS per each day you don't eat any junk, 35 NEWTS total possible for the week.

    SPEW: Earn 1 point every time you post something encouraging or motivating or how your day is going in the Common Room (ANYTHING BUT A CHECK-IN POST COUNTS TOWARD YOUR SPEWs).
    Up to 5 points possible per day, 35 points possible for the week.

    ***Remember to double check the dates for this challenge! Don't start early and lessen your progress for the current week!

    Here's a link to the January blog, too:
  • belleforte
    belleforte Posts: 20 Member
    Hello Lovely Gryffindors and welcome to 2012!

    Check in:

    CW 155- haven't budged
    HP: 75- Yeah, the holidays kill my exercise plan, but I'm getting back to skating three or four days a week starting today
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    And here's January Week 1 challenges:
    Fabulous, love the idea of a junk food free challenge*, and I'm definitely going to have a go at those exercises.

    * Except for the single use of the word "detox", I have a liver and kidneys thanks, don't get me started! :bigsmile:
    Latest Gryffindor challenge is always updated here -->
    *** NOTE - Friends requests ***
    If you're sending me a friend request, please read note on my profile.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Hello Gryffs! Back to school time!

    I stepped on my scale this morning to get my January starting weight and it said . . . "batt." So, I'm going to have to go out later to get a battery. I'll have to weigh in tomorrow. Oh well, one more day of ignorance since I haven't weighed all week. I have a feeling I gained a couple.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I stepped on my scale this morning to get my January starting weight and it said . . . "batt."
    At least it didn't say "Ouch ouch get OFF" which I wondered whether mine would... :bigsmile:
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I hope we're all ready to get back into it, I know I am. I am starting week 2 of c25k today(I did two weeks of week one since I'm going barefoot/minimalist). Unfortunately, I already lost newts today since my roommate and I ate the last bit of vegan fudge we had left in the fridge this morning. But, we've both already decided the indulgence is over - no more sugar junk for a while, and limit the other junk for a while as well (not that we eat a lot of other junk, mostly it's sweets (maple cookies) for both of us and chips for him).

    (But sorry, Tour, have to disagree with you. I think we probably all do need to detox from sugar. Technically, detox is breaking the hold of an addictive substance, and sugar is chemically addictive so I think it's an appropriate description. Not saying anything about organ detox, though!) :smile:
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    first check in of 2012! gained some inches due to being sick and not working out at all for 2 weeksish but i am not using that as an excuse! just going to look past it and start the new year off with a lose next week (well a girl can dream right lol)

    end of 2011: w 28 h 30.5 b 31
    start of 2012: w 29 h 32 b 34
    goal: (burning calories) between 8000 and 10000
    going big or going home lol

    hp: 180 (did get a small workout in yesterday)
    owls/newts/spew: 0
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I stepped on my scale this morning to get my January starting weight and it said . . . "batt."
    At least it didn't say "Ouch ouch get OFF" which I wondered whether mine would... :bigsmile:

    Indeed! I'm a little disappointed in myself because I really let the last month get the best of me with finals and my paper and stuff. But I'm determined to be as close to my goal weight as possible by summer, if not there, so I have to be focused because I have a feeling I'm going to have to play with my calorie goal. I was at a plateau for so long from unintentional undereating and I'm hoping that maybe this last month will actually have broken me out of it, since I've seen a lot of people say that eating at maintenance or above for even just a week can help when you've been undereating and at a plateau. Plus I think my class time schedule will work well for my exercise schedule (though the classes are going to kick my butt). This semester was kind of difficult mentally, also for some friends - it was kind of weird. I think partly because none of us really had a vacation over the summer. We went from our intense first year of law school to summer classes or job then back to school. We needed a rest!

    But, I hope your real weight is still at goal and if not I'm sure you'll get back there quickly!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    * Except for the single use of the word "detox", I have a liver and kidneys thanks, don't get me started! :bigsmile:

    HAHA! I just used it as an illustrator, not a literal detox. I know I've had enough junk food in the last 2 weeks to go without for the next week just out of principle!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Had a spiffy NSV I wanted to share. My mom decided I needed new jeans, since mine were falling off me. So we went shopping, I was trying on jeans and grabbed a size 12. I tried them on and they were snug but fit. When I looked at the tag I was shocked, they were mislabeled and were actually a Junior's size 9! I couldn't believe it! I don't think I've ever fit in single digit sized jeans!!!

    Things like that are so motivational. Congratulations!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    But sorry, Tour, have to disagree with you. I think we probably all do need to detox from sugar. Technically, detox is breaking the hold of an addictive substance
    In that meaning of the word detox, I agree with you. :smile:

    It's the ridiculous "lets eat nothing but grapefruit and cabbage for a week so our bodies can detox" connotations that make me hate the word, and obviously it wasn't used here in that context.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I stepped on my scale this morning to get my January starting weight and it said . . . "batt."
    At least it didn't say "Ouch ouch get OFF" which I wondered whether mine would... :bigsmile:

    Indeed! I'm a little disappointed in myself because I really let the last month get the best of me with finals and my paper and stuff.
    Thing is, that's a set of exams that you don't have to deal with again, so you're right to firmly put it behind you and move on.
    But, I hope your real weight is still at goal and if not I'm sure you'll get back there quickly!
    Thanks, I put on over 2lb above my goal weight (Christmas was such a sucky time to start maintenance, it wasn't ever going to go well) but I've already started losing it. No rush, as long as I'm maintaining or losing I'm happy. :smile:
    Had a spiffy NSV I wanted to share. My mom decided I needed new jeans, since mine were falling off me. So we went shopping, I was trying on jeans and grabbed a size 12. I tried them on and they were snug but fit. When I looked at the tag I was shocked, they were mislabeled and were actually a Junior's size 9! I couldn't believe it! I don't think I've ever fit in single digit sized jeans!!!
    Things like that are so motivational. Congratulations!
    Yes, I love to hear stories like that, so that's TWO NSVs for you.

    Well done on getting into size nines AND on motivating the entire GRYFFINDOR house! :bigsmile:
    * Except for the single use of the word "detox", I have a liver and kidneys thanks, don't get me started! :bigsmile:
    HAHA! I just used it as an illustrator, not a literal detox. I know I've had enough junk food in the last 2 weeks to go without for the next week just out of principle!
    Okay, I'll take my "pedant of the month" hat off now. :bigsmile:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Our shiny new badges and cups are updated here in the Rules blog (links near the bottom):

    There are two versions. One set is called Avatar Badges and it's exactly the size of your profile picture thumbnail. The other set is called Ticker Badges and they are exactly the size of your ticker picture. When you earn awards, you can put the same one in one place or the other, both places, or you can mix and match if you have more than one award at a time. Your choice :)

    You click the link, then right click and save however you prefer to use them.

    Here's an example of each:

    Avatar: 374871_599585016453_179201885_32422128_799530869_n.jpg

    Ticker: 408311_599584961563_179201885_32422125_1656516517_n.jpg

    I hope you like them!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    MindyBlack is our Quidditch Captain for December! She lost the highest percentage of weight.

    Prefect decisions will resume this week :)