


  • PoisonIvy914
    *Stands up nervously*
    "Ahem", "My name is Brigitte, I'm 20 and I'm a Yarn-a-holic":tongue:
  • kimminy
    Hi. :)

    I'm a 41 year old, married, mom of three. I taught myself to crochet when I was 17. I couldn't teach myself knitting until I stumbled upon the Continental method in July of 2010. Currently, I'm working on crocheted flowers and crocheted Gir scarves for my daughters. Nice to meet you! :)
  • dayylight
    My name is Michelle. I've been crocheting for fourteen years, knitting for nine. I can knit both Continental and English style. I also started the knitting group at my local library. We've been meeting once a week for over three years.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hi I'm Charlotte, I'm 32 and have been knitting since I was 10 and crocheting for 3 years. At the moment I'm crocheting like a demon to get christmas presents made up.

    I live in the UK, knit English style, and can't get my head around continental for love nor money.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    New people! Yay! And welcome. Lol
    and crocheted Gir scarves for my daughters. Nice to meet you! :)

    Do you have a pattern for these? Id love to see pics when your done. A friend of mine loves gir.
  • greengenes
    greengenes Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm AJ, I'm 23 and recently graduated from college. I've been crocheting for about 12 years now. I crochet constantly and am making over half my Christmas presents this year which has turned into a big undertaking. I can't knit for the life of me, but I appreciate those who can. I've also been told I hold my crochet hook funny.
  • HeatherF234
    HeatherF234 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm Heather. I'm 44, married, with two kids, 17 and 11. I have been knitting off and on as long as I can remember and can crochet, but it hurts my wrist so crochet projects tend to be small and far apart. I also cross stitch and sew and generally rotate my crafts, but lately all I've been doing is knitting. I'm currently still working on Christmas presents, including a double knit piano scarf, which I sort of regret starting.

    I saw photos of myself on vacation and decided I had to do something about my weight and found out about MFP on Ravelry when I was browsing groups there.
  • kydogwalker
    kydogwalker Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm Katherine, 47 and 3 children. Been an on again off again knitter since I was a kid. Mostly off. Really got back into it in 2005 and made tons of presents but then my son died in August 06 and it's been up and down since then. I'm on Ravelry as darcysgrandchild. I love making up my own patterns (simple ones) and I think it helps me learn how to think again to follow my own or other people's. I also love vintage yarns and combining colors/textures. I have one giant project that is way overdue that i hav stalled and stalled on (it's a variation of "Moderne Baby Blanket" for my brother's first child) and now that I am finally back in the swing of it, I am not allowing myself to work on other projects until I get it done.
  • PinkPyrate
    i'm paisley and i'm 21+19 (i don't like the number 40)
    i knit and crochet however i STINK at reading patterns. soo i makes lots of squares and rectangles lol!
    just finished a shawl to wear at a civil war reenactment.

    i hope to get better at losing weight and at fiber arts this year!
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    Okay everyone, what's a GIR scarf???
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Gir is a character from the Invader Zim cartoon.
  • taraduff
    taraduff Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I'm a crocheter for sure - although I use knitting machines and occasionally do some hand knitting. It's become a full time (more like over time all of the time) job for me these days. I have a shop on etsy ( ) as well as another website ( where I sell my items.

    I love using mfp! It's been super for me. The winter months get crazy for me - so I'm not as faithful at logging everything when it gets super busy. - But it's been a fantastic tool for me!

    I always love meeting people who love yarn and making stuff as much as I do ;-)
  • catwhisperer5
    Hi! This is the group for me!!! My name is Janice and have been knitting a lot for the last 8 years. Learned when I was 10 but got sidetracked with life. I'm 57, married with 3 daughters of which none of them knit - but they sure want me to knit them things! Was so happy when I saw this group. I knit every day and if I don't I get "crabby" which is when my husband "nicely" suggest that I take a break and do some knitting. Such a thoughtful hubby! (Ha Ha! Only looking out for himself!)
  • spiralstitch
    spiralstitch Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I heard about MFP in Remrants on Ravelry - from MooseMommy, I think?

    This program has been the only thing that works for me.

    I've done Ultrametabolism, eliminated foods that I was sensitive to, exercised regularly, and worked with a nutritionist.

    My DH is on here, too, and we tell everyone we know about it. It's so easy to track food and exercise online and with the phone app.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Welcome new people!
    I knit every day and if I don't I get "crabby" which is when my husband "nicely" suggest that I take a break and do some knitting. Such a thoughtful hubby! (Ha Ha! Only looking out for himself!)

    My husband likes me to be near him when he's watching tv or playing video games, but those are not things I'm interested in, so he'll suggest that I come sit near him and knit while he's watching/playing. lol
  • crazysquaw51
    Hi just joined mfp and found you guys, I've been crocheting since I was about 12 years old, long long time ago it seems. Just picked it back up a couple months ago and its truly a stress releaser. Now I get to stay home and play housewife instead of a working gal, I have more time to pick it ups again. I live in Southern Maryland but was born and raised Baltimore then Pasadena Md. then down here. Hope to get lots of info. on crocheting and dieting from all of you guys, add me as a friend if you like, also always looking for re cipe's, catching up on cooking also. Saw quite a few Navy Wives on hear, tell those men of yours that my husband and I both say THANK YOU, husband ex navy, his Dad retired Navy and step son is career Marine, God keep all safe.
  • meggiewes
    Hi! I joined a few days ago and decided to see if there were any knitters/crocheters on this website. I'm glad there are. I always love meeting crafty people. I've been knitting since my junior year of high school. I also spin my own yarn, crochet, embroider, and do a little tatting on the side. My favorite thing to knit is socks and I hope to make a sweater one day. I'm thinking of starting now and making it my "weight loss sweater" since it will be bigger on me as I get thinner. Like the sweater my mom made when she was actively trying to lose weight.

    I am also recently engaged and hope to make a wedding ring shawl. I also want to spin the yarn for it myself and maybe put some beads in it that match the stone on my wedding ring. Good thing we are going to have a long engagement to get settled down financially first. It will take me a little while to spin, design, and knit.

    You can also find me on Ravelry as meggiewes also.
  • Haley_Diane
    Haley_Diane Posts: 42 Member
    Hello. I am a SAHM of three kiddos. DD is 13, DS1 is 9 and DS2 is 4. Mom tried to teach me to crochet when I was a kid. I made a scarf for the 4H fair, then dropped the craft.

    My kiddos were all allergic to disposable diapers, so cloth diapers were the way to go. With our last little guy, I decided to teach myself to crochet again to make woolies for him, and haven't stopped yet. Crocheting is totally relaxing for me.

    Knitting is something that is tough for me. For some reason I get very stressed out with it, but I'm working on it this winter.

    I'm working hard to lose this weight so I can be as active as our kids. The Hubs and I are both working hard to see who can lose the most weight by November, when we go to DisneyWorld. :bigsmile:
  • aquietreader
    Hello all. My name is Jenn and I'm new here to the site. When 2011 came to a close I made the decision that I was going to lose weight and get healthier. I'm only 29 but I want to live a long time and if I keep on my current path that isn't going to happen. I found MFP by chance when I started looking for a food tracker for my Kindle. I've set everything up and am ready to jump into this. As I mentioned above my name is Jenn and I am 29 years old. I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and am currently single. My overall goal is to lose about 100 pounds. I currently work in an office setting as a supervisor and in my spare time I enjoy reading, movies, music, video games, crocheting, knitting, pen pals, genealogy, computer games, tv shows, and surfing the net. For Christmas I got the kinect for the xbox 360 and so I'm looking forward to using that to help my weight loss. I don't have a huge network of people to support me in my weight loss goals but I know that a lot has to come from me to do this. I look forward to meeting some people here.

  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Hi and welcome!