Gryffindor Common Room



  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Just thought I'd pop in and share some great news with you all, weighed myself this morning and discovered that I have already lost the weight I put on over Christmas and New Year so I'm safely back under target. I am now 8 stone 6 7/8, which is a smidgen under my target weight of eight and a half stone (119 pounds)

    Maybe I can even lose a tiny bit more in advance of my trip to Canada in a month's time.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Just thought I'd pop in and share some great news with you all, weighed myself this morning and discovered that I have already lost the weight I put on over Christmas and New Year so I'm safely back under target. I am now 8 stone 6 7/8, which is a smidgen under my target weight of eight and a half stone (119 pounds)

    Maybe I can even lose a tiny bit more in advance of my trip to Canada in a month's time.

    Good for you! I'm so proud! I'm sure in a month you can lose a bit more no problem!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Just thought I'd pop in and share some great news with you all, weighed myself this morning and discovered that I have already lost the weight I put on over Christmas and New Year so I'm safely back under target. I am now 8 stone 6 7/8, which is a smidgen under my target weight of eight and a half stone (119 pounds)

    Maybe I can even lose a tiny bit more in advance of my trip to Canada in a month's time.

    Good for you! I'm so proud! I'm sure in a month you can lose a bit more no problem!
    It's a toss up between how much better I'd look if I was under target, or how much I'm going to enjoy having an extra 250 calories a day now I'm on maintenance. :bigsmile:

    It will be somewhere in between I think. :smile:
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Just thought I'd pop in and share some great news with you all, weighed myself this morning and discovered that I have already lost the weight I put on over Christmas and New Year so I'm safely back under target. I am now 8 stone 6 7/8, which is a smidgen under my target weight of eight and a half stone (119 pounds)

    Maybe I can even lose a tiny bit more in advance of my trip to Canada in a month's time.

    That's awesome! Keep up the fantastic work and you'll be there in no time!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    If you're lucky enough to be a part of Pottermore Beta, and haven't been on for awhile, you should go check it out again! Dueling is up and super fun, and the potion brewing doesn't take as long so it's a bit more fun.

    I'm excited :)

    And this is one of the many, many reasons I adore you.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    If you're lucky enough to be a part of Pottermore Beta, and haven't been on for awhile, you should go check it out again! Dueling is up and super fun, and the potion brewing doesn't take as long so it's a bit more fun.

    I'm excited :)

    And this is one of the many, many reasons I adore you.

    Because I procrastinate on Pottermore? Gee, that was easy! ;)
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Hey Gryffs! I hope everyone is doing well this first week of the new year. I, unfortunately, have been unable to run, or do any other exercise, since Monday. Sciatica. Doctor put me on two days bed rest, but my dog is sick and I have been unable to have true bed rest. I was hoping to be better by this weekend, no such luck. But, Newts are going well. Good day, all!
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Weekly Check in.

    CW: 163 (down 1 pound though I have no idea how)
    OWLS: 15
    NEWTS: 15
    SPEW: 2
    HP: 190

    Been such a slacker butt the past few weeks, eating crappy and drinking a bit more that usual. But, I'm not being too hard on myself since I'm visiting my parents and haven't been in Michigan in over a year. It's great to spend time with my parents and party with old friends. But, I'm leaving to go home in a few days and am resolved to get back on track eating right, logging everything, and getting back into a new and improved work out routine.
  • belleforte
    belleforte Posts: 20 Member
    Hello Gryffs!

    Checking in!

    CW 155
    HP: 75

    Yes, it's poor, but I'm starting off next week with 2 hours of skating on Monday and snowshoeing on Tuesday, so I'll be hopefully back on track soon.

    Happy 2012 to all!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Current weight 118.5 :bigsmile:
    OWLS 0
    NEWT 30
    SPEW 12
    HP 113
  • Honeybee511
    Honeybee511 Posts: 97 Member
    Good morning!
    Cw- 166 no change :(
    newts- 10 still had a alot of sweets hanging around!
    owls- 15
    I start the nursing program this week, so hopefully I will still and try and keep going with my exercise and eating right! Life is going to get a lot busier this week!
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Check in!
    CW: 137.5
    Owls: 0

    Sorry I didn't do any OWLS or NEWTS. I honestly didn't see any posted for the week. I must've missed it. This week will be a good week to get back on track.

    Oops, my bad. I should've looked at the blog.
  • bobs_god
    bobs_god Posts: 85 Member
    I have been a bit awol the last few weeks with one thing or another, but im back on track and feeling motivated!!

    This is me checking in

    PW: 210lb
    CW: 205lb
    Owls: None
    Newts: 30
    Spew: None
    HP: 267

    Gonna aim to build it up more this week
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Checking in!

    CW: 151.6
    NEWTS: 20

    I've a good feeling about January already!! Keep up the good work guys :)
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    checking in

    end of 2011: w 28 h 30.5 b 31
    start of 2012: w 29 h 32 b 34
    goal: (burning calories) between 8000 and 10000
    going big or going home lol

    cals burned: 5943 (slow start)
    1/9: same as last week
    owls: 35
    newts: 35
    spew: 2
    hp: 1380

    aiming for beteen 6500 and 8000 cals burned this week. hopefully i ca at least hit that

    wtg everyone for all your hard work
  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    Good Morning, Gryffindor!
    Last Monday: 148.2 lbs
    Today: 149.2 lbs >:(
    Newts: 5 points
    Owls: 0 Points
    Spew: 0 Points
    House Points: Monday, Jan 2nd to Sunday, Jan 8th totalled 617 Minutes = 617 Points
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    Ugh. I lost a few lbs last week but put most of them back on over the weekend. Must eat better this week!
    Last Monday: 225.25 lbs
    Today: 225 lbs
    No OWLs, NEWTs, or SPEWs
    House Points: 40 minutes (Tae Kwon Do on Saturday)

    Here's to week 2 being better!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    CW: 187
    Newts: 25
    Owls: 0
    HP: 25
    SPEW: 3

    Weight not accurate - my dog is sick so I have been up half the night the past couple days and eating at odd/late hours and lots of sodium. But there it is.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Weight not accurate - my dog is sick so I have been up half the night the past couple days and eating at odd/late hours and lots of sodium. But there it is.
    Sorry to hear about that, on top of your back troubles it's not been a good week. :(

    At least any fluid retention from sodium won't last, I bet the scales are a lot kinder next week. :)
  • Mindy1124
    Mindy1124 Posts: 22 Member
    Checking in!

    CW: 167.6
    HP: 30
    NEWTS: 10

    Hoping next week will be better!