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  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    Hi, all!

    My name is Robyn. I had RNY surgery just under a month ago--Dec 15, 2011.

    Considering I was 300 lbs and only 5'1", I was pretty healthy. No high bp; no diabetes, but would very likely have had both within a couple years. I do have a spinal birth defect that I will need to have surgery on eventually and it would be a waste of time at the weight I was at. Also, the extra weight made me infertile. I was off of birth control for over two years and couldn't get pregnant. Per my doc, that was very likely my weight.

    I lost about 20 lbs during my pre-op process and approx 25 since.
  • Hello everyone,
    I am 25 years old and I am new to this awesome site. I have my GB scheduled for the end of April, and I dont have many people who I know that have done the same. I am looking to find people who are on every step, and looking for some freinds to make. I live in Hartford, WI, for six months now with my boyfriend in our old (very old 1910) home.
  • Hello to the entire group. I had gastric bypass surgery on 2/9/10 and lost 140 pounds in less than a year. Then I started having health issues with included exhaustion, severe anemia, and severe/chronic back pain. Due to everything I went through/still going through I went through a miniture breakdown. During all of this, I can to the realization that I am also a food addict and I have gained back 70 pounds. So, now (or just a few weeks ago) I weighed in at 330 pounds. This is still better than my all-time high of 407, but not where I ever imagined myself again. After struggling with the food addiction for the past year or so, I'm tired of not getting anywhere and am trying to take control. I'm trying to get back on track and surpass the goals I met previously. So I'm open to advice....
  • prbyjennyd
    prbyjennyd Posts: 25 Member
    Hello to everyone, my name is Jennifer and I'm from Michigan!! I had a vertical sleeve done in August 2010. My start weight was 304 and I got as low as 187. Last year was very stressful for me, my daughter was struck by a speeding car on her bike (she is ok now) and I couldn't deal with everything that followed. I started smoking again, and medicating with food. I am now up to 195, and am determined to not go back to what I was!

    As of Sunday the 8th of January, I have quit smoking ( using the Nicoderm CQ patch ) and I am in my second month of using Sensa ( with no results ) and yesterday I found this website through a friend on fb. I used a similar website after my surgery, but stopped using it because they didn't have enough food items on there that I was eating and I got frustrated.

    I posted on the forums yesterday about having a vertical sleeve and a gentleman replied with a less than friendly opinion and I was very upset. Then a gal that friended me also replied and told me that wls is taboo on this sight and recommended that I reach out and find other people here that have had wls.

    So, that's my story, and am looking forward to chatting with you all!!

  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    That is such BS that WLS is taboo on this site - the only thing that is taboo on this site is personal attacks. Welcome and I hope you find what you need here. I am sending you a friend request.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm not sure what you mean by that tncmom, but I have been attacked for having WLS on this site so I know it happens.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I'm not sure what you mean by that tncmom, but I have been attacked for having WLS on this site so I know it happens.

    Yes It most certainly does happen on MFP. That is why this group was created so we can have a safe place to talk. Many on MFP feel that WLS is the easy way out which I am sure you all know is soooo far from the truth. I have learned to ignore it and see it of what it is -- and it is not our problem but theirs. I have learn not to react to ignorance and un-informed people who really don't have a clue what it is to be morbibly obese. Or if like me super morbibly obese.
  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    no, no, no - I know it happens, it has happened to me, too. I am just saying that it is not in the TOS to not talk about weight loss surgery and that it is BS for anyone to tell any other poster that it is taboo. The only thing that is taboo per the TOS is personal attacks, yet they happen all the time.

    I was just fired up when I spouted that off and I didn't explain myself well.
  • Hello! I had Gastric Bypass on 10-25-11 and have lost 50 pounds. My initial weight was 282 and I am down to 232.

    I am still figuring out what I can eat and cant, but I find this site SO effective in tracking my protein.

    My biggest struggle, aside from drinking enough water, is my need for instant gratification mixed with the fact that I'm an RN and think that I know better than my doctors (not really, but it's a mindset). I've been in trouble for advancing my diet too quickly, but otherwise I think I've followed the rules fairly well. I do eat the occasional sweet. I don't seem to have the dumping side effect, which is unfortunate in a way.

    I look forward to getting to know you all!

    I'm married, have a 15-year-old son and we are in the process of adopting a 10-year-old boy as well. I'm in grad school for my Master's degree to be a nurse midwife.

    Oh, and I despise exercising. I haven't been able to get myself to do it even somewhat regularly. I'm considering the couch-to-5K though.
  • hello everyone! im jil---10 months ago was my VSG--down from 320lbs-146bs!!! my journey has been incredible!! i am excited to gain support and offer any advice i can to my fellow sleevers. and wls people :)
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Tasha, I am 25 years old. I have been married for 4 years and have an 18 month old son. I have struggled with my weight all my life, and have dieted since I was 13 with very little to no success. When I hit my highest weight ever in May 2011 (286.8 lbs) I decided enough was enough and I joined MFP and ventured on yet another diet! Since I was 17 my Dad has worked very closely with surgeons that preform WLS, so I have had a detailed knowledge of the process and success of people that underwent the surgery. When November rolled around I was feeling so discouraged, I asked myself one day, "If I was given a large sum of money today, what would I do with it?" I realized that WLS was among the top three things that I would do for myself and that is when I realized that WLS was something that couldn't wait until later, it was something that I needed to find a way to do now. Through a series of very fortunate events I was able to complete all of the pre-surgery requirements and was submitted to insurance for approval this month. I am currently scheduled to be "Sleeved" on February 7, 2012. I could not be more excited that everything has worked out for me and that I will have this wonderful tool to aid me in my weight loss journey.
  • Hi everyone! My name is Sherry and I am 47 years old. . I had gastric RNY in October, 2006. My highest weight was 370. I lost about 170 pounds. I am no longer on blood medication or on the C-pap for sleep apnea and I was border line diabetic. I have also saved myself from having to have back surgery because of the weight loss. I went from a size 32-34 to 16-18 so far. I never got below 200 which that now is my first goal for getting back on track. My ultimate goal is to reach 145. I did gain back up to 232 and started this site at 228. I look forward to making some really good friendships and getting some much needed support and encouragement. The surgery helped me to lose the majority of my excess weight, but I have a lot of emtional issues to overcome to learn to eat like I should. I remember quotes from a Weight Watchers leader, "Eat to live not live to eat" and "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". I want to be able to experience both of these.
  • MissMeshia81
    MissMeshia81 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all, My name is RaMeshia and I am 30 yrs old. I had my RNY 10/26/10 and I am at a halt in losing weight. Of course those bad habit crept back in, but I am trying my hardest to get it back off. Back in September, 2009 I had hit my heaviest 297 lbs and I had been telling myself, that I would not get to 300 lbs and before I knew it I was almost there. I am a diabetic, had high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. I was the highest and strongest insulin ever put out U500 which is an insulin that is 5x's normal insulin. Going into my surgery, I did Weight Watchers for 8 months and lost somewhere between 15 and 20 lbs getting down to 277-279 lbs 3 weeks before surgery. Then during my liquid diet I lost another 10 lbs dropping me to 267 the morning of my surgery. Before my weight halted, I got down to 187 lbs and not drifting back and forth between 190 and 195. I have 58 lbs to go to get to where I want to be. I want to get to 135 lbs, but before my wedding in Oct, 2012 I am trying to get to 145 lbs. I am having difficulties because I am a diabetic and will never come off insulin. My problem is going good, then bottoming out, the only thing to level me off is eating something I do not need, cause eating the basic holds me for about 30 min to an hour then, have to eat something to hold me longer, so I have been experimenting with the time I eat and what I eat based off my work schedule, which so far has worked. With the increase in exercise that I have been doing its another hurdle I have to climb, tweaking things and trying to stay leveled. I know I can do it, it just takes work....

    So I am trying hard to get back on track and lose these hard 58 lbs standing in my way...
  • it is so difficult i know. i often try to remind myself of the days when i use to say i would do ANYTHING to weigh 187lbs! lol its crazy but at one point that was perfect in my eyes :) and still is!!!

    i was 320, and now weigh 146. i can honestly say that 20lbs heavier, i felt stronger, healthier, just not as "saggy" as i feel now. i am currently trying to maintain my weight or gain 5-10lbs. (of muscle)

    i am constantly learning new things about wls and weight gain and wight loss...any kind of support i can offer to you, im here :)

    good luck
  • Hello Everyone! I'm Jenni, and I had VSG on 12/08/11. The first month out was pretty tough, but now I'm starting to feel more like my old self every day! I am down 47 pounds from my highest weight.
  • :flowerforyou: Hi everyone! I'm Kim i had gastric sleeve Dec. 2010. Weight prior to surgery was 411.8 lbs. Now 299.0. I have gained 4 #'s over the past 3 months. I stopped journalling, tracking,etc at about the same time. I am ready to get back to basics and back on track. I live several hours from my surgery center and support groups there so I am hoping to find that here and locally. I have severe arthritis in both knees and hips and use a walker most of the time. Any suggestions for activity/ exercise would be appreciated.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!
  • Hi,my name is Taciana,I'm 31 years old.I'm having a Lap Band done on Feb 2nd,
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hi guys and gals,
    My name is Trudy i will hopefully getting a rny(bypass) done in may ish(2012),i have already lost over 100lb on my own but there are reasons for getting the bypass done long story and i don't wanna bore you to death!!! lol :blushing:
    I am 40(OMG) this year,just wanna say hi! :drinker:
  • I'm Kristine from New Hampshire. I had RNY April 2nd, 2007 and lost 135lbs. I am joining because I have had a wee bit of re-gain and I want to stop it before it gets too far. I just shocked myself after entering what I ate for breakfast. I need to get back on track!