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  • Hi my name is Sarah from upstate NY/Canadian Border.I am 30 years old. I am in the process of getting gastric bypass within the next few months or so. I do not have a surgery date but I have several health issues.. We want children & I want a healthy life.. so here I am. I am currently doing between 1200-1400 calories and exercising 4x per week plus I quit smoking on January 1st. Add me as a friend. I am so glad to have this tool to help me get my life back! :D
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking!
  • aaeactive_gm
    aaeactive_gm Posts: 1 Member

    I'm Angela, I'm still pre op. I'm scheduled for march 21. Friend me, I need the support :)
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hi! My name is Lynn. I had my Lap Band Surgery in June 2009. My highest weight was 205.I lost 12 pounds before surgery. In the next few months, I lost another 12 pounds and then the weight lost stopped. In January of 2010, I joined MFP and over the next six months I lost another 18 pounds. Again, the weight lost stalled. I joined a new gym and got back on track. Slowly the weight came off until I finally reached 134 pounds 2 years after surgery. I stopped logging back in June, to see if I could maintain, and I was able to get to132 just before Christmas for a total loss of 73 pounds. I did gain 2 of those pounds back. but I'm bound and determined that I'm gonna get them off. I just had abdominal surgery last week to remove some of the excess skin. I have pretty much been going to the gym 5-7 days a week and I am now off exercise for 6 weeks. That scares me! I am hoping that I will at least get the ok to do some outdoor walking soon.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I've heard that getting PS can speed up your metabolism and a lot of people lose weight after. So I suspect you'll be fine.
  • Hello, My name is Jay, am 35 and live in Milton Keynes, UK.

    Had had my gastric sleeve done on 29 July 2011. I have lost 48lbs since the surgery.
    All together i have lost 112LB from the first day i walked into my Doctor's office to ask for help. On that day(cant remember date), i weighed in at 179.9KG/395LB..
  • Hi WLS group members! This is my first group post so here it goes! My name is Debbie, I am a 49 (ok, almost 50) year old with a hubby of going on 5 years, a 27 year old son who is married and I have degenerative osteoarthritis and have had both knees replaced, spinal fusion and both ends of my spine, 4 shoulder surgeries and I think you get the point. I am also battling some pretty severe depression as I lost my mom right before Christmas in 2010, then last Aug I lost my oldest son who was the father to my only grandchild - Zachary Lee. Aaron's wife is not speaking to me now and won't let me see my grandson (it's been 5 months now and he is 21 months old, and I raised him the first 16 months). I quit smoking back in October and in the middle of all of this and the 22 pills a day I am on, I find out I am pre-diabetic so now it's time to get going on the weight loss again! My first month with the clinics pre surgery group and I gained 4 1/2 pounds doing 1800 calories a day and 80 mg of meat protein. So now they have cut me back to 1200 calories.
    I am really glad I found this group! I have about 150 or more to get rid of and the timing is just all wrong but with some help, I know I will get through this, get my surgery done and start a new way of living and thinking about food. So that's about enough as I see my huge post! LOL
  • missiejane21
    missiejane21 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone! This is my first post so I will try to not mess it up too much. I’m 27 years old almost 28 and have been married to my hubby for 3 years almost 4 and together for over 7 years. I have pretty much been overweight my entire life and finally decided I needed a change. I always struggled to lose weight and keep it off. So on August 29 2011 I had WLS I had the sleeve. It has been the best decision I have ever made! A little over 5 months have passed and I have lost 97lbs, I would like to lose another 40-50lbs which would put at about 150lbs I'm 5'9 by the way. I feel so much better than I ever have before and look better too! I get compliments all the time which I struggle with because I'm used to being the invisible fat chick but I'm trying to learn to enjoy it. I still feel like I struggle everyday with my food demons and this weight loss battle is more than just eating healthy and exercising the biggest battle is in my head and wanting to eat the way I used to even though I know better. I'm glad I found a group of people who really know what I'm going through.

    Happy weight loss journey to everyone!!
  • wags04
    wags04 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! My name is Julianne. I'm 32, married for 8 yrs, mother of 2 and thinking about a possible 3rd.
    I've been overweight my entire life. I think the smallest was a size 12/14 as a freshman in HS, about 190-200 pounds.
    After college, at 5'11" and 275 pounds (size 22), I joined WW & started exercising. I lost about 70 pounds. Then I met my husband & all my dieting & exercising slowly disappeared. :/

    Now I'm 297, size 22. I'm starting to consider WLS seriously. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking the easy way out in going the surgical route. Like I should be self-disciplined enough to do this on my own. It's just overwhelming to look at the big picture of losing almost 150 pounds! I've been making positive changes in my health over the past 2 years, but yo yo with the same 10 pounds. I even joined a gym in September. I worked out hard on the elliptical for 30 mins. 4-5 times/week and strength trained 2-3 times/week, and didn't lose a single pound.

    I'm considering the sleeve surgery. My worries are about the extra skin, perforation/leakage, and not being disciplined enough AFTER surgery to maintain the weight loss. At night, I tend to eat emotionally, and binge until I'm uncomfortable. We just moved to NC in March 2011, and I haven't made any friends yet. This is my 1st time being a stay-at-home mom, and money is (always)an issue.

    I think that's about it! LOL
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hi! My name is Julianne. I'm 32, married for 8 yrs, mother of 2 and thinking about a possible 3rd.
    I've been overweight my entire life. I think the smallest was a size 12/14 as a freshman in HS, about 190-200 pounds.
    After college, at 5'11" and 275 pounds (size 22), I joined WW & started exercising. I lost about 70 pounds. Then I met my husband & all my dieting & exercising slowly disappeared. :/

    Now I'm 297, size 22. I'm starting to consider WLS seriously. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking the easy way out in going the surgical route. Like I should be self-disciplined enough to do this on my own. It's just overwhelming to look at the big picture of losing almost 150 pounds! I've been making positive changes in my health over the past 2 years, but yo yo with the same 10 pounds. I even joined a gym in September. I worked out hard on the elliptical for 30 mins. 4-5 times/week and strength trained 2-3 times/week, and didn't lose a single pound.

    Hi Julianne,

    Please understand that WLS is NOT the easy way out. There are just as many failures as success stories. It is your determination and will power that will get you to your goal. You certainly will lose weight in the beginning with WLS, but getting to your goal will take hard work. WLS is a tool to be used that may help it be just a bit easier to achieve your goal. I had the lab band well over 2 years ago. It took me 2 years-- 11/2 of those using MFP- to get within 2 pounds of my goal. I have now managed to maintain, and have just recently had abdominoplasty to remove the excess skin. During this time, I have watched my calorie intake AND gone to the gym 5-7 days a week.

    With that being said, I know that without having my band as a tool to help me reduce the amount of food that I was eating, and help with those night time cravings and binges, I would not have been successful. I had gone to WW before and lost 50 pounds, and then gained it all back. Why did I gain it back? Who knows. I just needed some other type of support.

    Just know that whatever avenue you choose, it won't be easy,but it can be done!

    I'm considering the sleeve surgery. My worries are about the extra skin, perforation/leakage, and not being disciplined enough AFTER surgery to maintain the weight loss. At night, I tend to eat emotionally, and binge until I'm uncomfortable. We just moved to NC in March 2011, and I haven't made any friends yet. This is my 1st time being a stay-at-home mom, and money is (always)an issue.

    I think that's about it! LOL
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Oops! I put that in the wrong place.

    Hi Julianne,

    Please understand that WLS is NOT the easy way out. There are just as many failures as success stories. It is your determination and will power that will get you to your goal. You certainly will lose weight in the beginning with WLS, but getting to your goal will take hard work. WLS is a tool to be used that may help it be just a bit easier to achieve your goal. I had the lab band well over 2 years ago. It took me 2 years-- 11/2 of those using MFP- to get within 2 pounds of my goal. I have now managed to maintain, and have just recently had abdominoplasty to remove the excess skin. During this time, I have watched my calorie intake AND gone to the gym 5-7 days a week.

    With that being said, I know that without having my band as a tool to help me reduce the amount of food that I was eating, and help with those night time cravings and binges, I would not have been successful. I had gone to WW before and lost 50 pounds, and then gained it all back. Why did I gain it back? Who knows. I just needed some other type of support.

    Just know that whatever avenue you choose, it won't be easy,but it can be done!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    And even if it is easy, what's wrong with that? If you had cancer would you pick a treatment that worked 70% of the time and was easy over one that worked 1%of the time and was hard? I know what I'd pick! I want the one that works!

    And WLS does work, if you let it. Even if you don't get to goal, you will lose a lot of weight and be able to keep most of it off. You can't say that about diets because we've all been on them and we've all lost some weight and we've all gained it all back. Some of us have done this multiple times!
  • New to the group and MFP....looking for others who are having the same challenges as I am.

    I am Marilyn; a 40+ year old at home parent to two teens who had RNY gastric bypass surgery over TEN years ago. For the most part, I maintain my 110 pound loss pretty well....but then, I start to FORGET I had WLS and do silly things like abandon my exercise program, eat chocolate in front of the TV at the rate of 1/2 bag of kisses a day and well, you know where that leads! I've recently gained 20 pounds and want to get it OFF before it becomes 40/60/80 or more.

    To those just starting I want to say IT CAN BE DONE; but it isn't magic! You still have to follow a healthy eating plan and exercise in order to maintain. Don't let ONE SINGLE DAY go by without thinking of the sacrifice you made to get the WLS and get healthy. That is my BEST advice.....DON'T FORGET!
  • Toothfairyy
    Toothfairyy Posts: 47 Member
    Hello WLS Group,
    Last year I was scheduled for Lap Band and I dropped 40 Lbs. using MFP so I decided to put it on hold well I gained back 15 lbs. I have decided to do Gastric Bypass to help me kick start it . My surgery is scheduled March 7 at Magee UPMC in Pittsburgh. Of course I'm excited and nervous. I'm looking for suport and maybe some ideals to help with the liquid diet and what to do . Best Protien drink? What kind of multivitamin? I see the nutritionalist on Feb 15. Any suggestions welcome thanks.I am 352 I was as high as 377 I would love to be 180. Thanks again Toothfairyy
  • Toothfairyy
    Toothfairyy Posts: 47 Member
    sheen161, so hows the loss going ?
  • Hi I'm Angie, I had my surgery in 2004, had a regain over the last 6 years or so. Going to get back on track!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello WLS Group,
    Last year I was scheduled for Lap Band and I dropped 40 Lbs. using MFP so I decided to put it on hold well I gained back 15 lbs. I have decided to do Gastric Bypass to help me kick start it . My surgery is scheduled March 7 at Magee UPMC in Pittsburgh. Of course I'm excited and nervous. I'm looking for suport and maybe some ideals to help with the liquid diet and what to do . Best Protien drink? What kind of multivitamin? I see the nutritionalist on Feb 15. Any suggestions welcome thanks.I am 352 I was as high as 377 I would love to be 180. Thanks again Toothfairyy

    Congrats Toothfairyy on making a decision to be all you can be for you and your family!! I will be praying for an unevental surgery next month!! I am so happy for you and cheers to a new beginning for you!:drinker:
  • Hi I'm Angie, I had my surgery in 2004, had a regain over the last 6 years or so. Going to get back on track!
    2003 rather.
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    Hello WLS Group,
    Last year I was scheduled for Lap Band and I dropped 40 Lbs. using MFP so I decided to put it on hold well I gained back 15 lbs. I have decided to do Gastric Bypass to help me kick start it . My surgery is scheduled March 7 at Magee UPMC in Pittsburgh. Of course I'm excited and nervous. I'm looking for suport and maybe some ideals to help with the liquid diet and what to do . Best Protien drink? What kind of multivitamin? I see the nutritionalist on Feb 15. Any suggestions welcome thanks.I am 352 I was as high as 377 I would love to be 180. Thanks again Toothfairyy

    Congrats on the surgery date!

    I can't imagine waiting a month for the surgery I had about a week and a half notice. They usually schedule two weeks out at my hospital, but they squeezed me in before the end of the year. This timeframe will give you time to prepare. I felt like a crazy person, trying to get my work and homelife in order before the surgery. I'm a worrier, so the longer wait would have been more crazy-making than the rush.

    Which surgery are you having? Roux-en-Y? Sleeve?

    I don't have a "real" protein shake. I use Carnation Instant Breakfast Essentials (no sugar added), because the real protein shakes are too...well, too something. I don't know what it is about them, but I still vomit when I drink one. Does make it more work to get in enough protein, since I get about 13 grams per shake (with the milk) and can get 30 grams with a true protein shake.

    Congrats on the weight you have lost/kept off. That in itself is a victory! Don't let your doctor/surgeon forget about that. Mine likes to say "oooh, you've lost 37 pounds!". He means, post-op. I point out that, INCLUDING pre-op, I've lost 57. Pre-op and post-op are struggles in their own way. One doesn't outrank the other. Everything counts.
  • Hey everyone!
    My name is Michelle. I'm 33, a wife and mother of two who works full time in retail sales. I am in the pre-op steps of having RNY surgery. I hope to have the surgery before fall of 2012. I joined mfp today to track my required 3 month diet. I am hoping that entering in the food I eat and the exercise I complete on a daily basis will allow me to focus on my goal which is to have surgery and be able to lose weight and no longer be an insulin pump dependent diabetic.