x- Ride Reports -x



  • Les_Lamb57
    Les_Lamb57 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey BigYin...I can suffer cold hands but cold feet are worse for me.
    I cant get on with overshoes over my Shimano MT42 SPD shoes so I prefer SealSkinz socks. Expensive but they keep my feet warm and bone dry. I got the mid calf ones with marino wool inside. Great for hiking in also.
    I dont think Gore-Tex sell them any more but I also have 2 pairs of these. But there not a good as the SealSkinz.

    Wiggle have some deals on at the moment.

    Cheers, Les.
  • kelleher42
    kelleher42 Posts: 107 Member
    Went for a ride today for the first time in weeks (on the road bike, not the commuter). It's been long enough that it felt funny to be going so fast. We just did laps at Hains Point - a 3.something mile loop here in DC. I did some intervals - hard pushes from one stop sign to the other, probably 7-8 minutes on followed by 5 off. Total of 16 miles in just over an hour. And then I was a very good girl and went to a very energetic yoga class and discovered just how tight my hips are from riding!
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    I completed my 500 Mile/month goal today(in 28 Days) and Completed 504 Miles.

    My stats are as under:

    No of Occasions: 31
    Total Distance 811.27 Km (504 Miles)
    Ride Time: 38:03:51
    Calories: 26384
    Average Distance: 26.17 KM /Trip (16.26 Miles)
    Average Speed: 21.31 KMPH
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Yeah, someone plotted Saturday's ride:


    Sadly doesn't include my 22 miles to the start or 11 miles home afterwards
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Congratulations and welcome to the 500 mile club.
    I completed my 500 Mile/month goal today(in 28 Days) and Completed 504 Miles.

    My stats are as under:

    No of Occasions: 31
    Total Distance 811.27 Km (504 Miles)
    Ride Time: 38:03:51
    Calories: 26384
    Average Distance: 26.17 KM /Trip (16.26 Miles)
    Average Speed: 21.31 KMPH
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Can I be in it's metric brother - I just cracked 500km for the month last ride :laugh:
  • shaneNSW
    shaneNSW Posts: 42 Member
    Some big km's there guys well done.

    My current PB's:
    One hour: 28.25 km
    10 miles: 32m:46s
    20 km: 41m:24s
    50 km: 1h:56m:42s

    I would like a few more cycling friends on here, please add me if you like.
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    2011 is all in for me. December was kind of a wet, muddy wash out. But I am ready for new beginnings!

    Here is my ride wrap up for 2011: http://tinyurl.com/someguyonabikesridelog

    Happy New Year Yall!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    Happy New Year!
    Got 30.65 miles in today (was good for another 20 but I left too late and without my headlight) ......... Sunny and 81 here today.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Well todays ride was a bit of a strange one...http://connect.garmin.com/activity/138618069

    A ride report for an Indoor Cycling Session ? Well - it's different I guess :wink:

    Had a good hour, partly a recovery ride, and partly tweaking my riding position - mainly saddle height and cleat positioning - I've had a little niggle in my right knee, that was partly due to loosing a bolt in the cleat, and the cleat twisting slightly. Turned out i'd pulled the thread out of the shoe-plate, so I'd to replace the threaded insert with one i'd "fashioned" from a old SPD plate trimmed down to fit the Specialized shoe's aperture. After metalwork lessons ended, I got on with actually riding the bike for a while...

    As I sorted the alignment, my leg straightened up, it felt like my saddle was a touch low, so had a fiddle with that too... Ride a bit, tweak a bit, repeat until satisfied. Needed to raise the saddle almost 7mm in the end - i'm sure that part of that was down to getting my knee "in track" again rather than throwing out to the side, but I'm also guessing that as I've lost a good 70lb since my last "fitting session", some of that fat must have gone from the area I sit on. If there's less padding there, then the seat needs to go a little higher to keep your sit-bones in the right place - I freely admit to being a little "obsessive" about getting my setup right, and as soon as my ride duration has started to go up I've noticed the problem...

    Next on the agenda was a good 10 miles ridden at "tempo" - a bit higher cadence and pegged at around 20mph just to see if things felt right. I'm happy to report it felt great :smile:

    And just to round things off, I did a couple of standard tests, 1 mile 2% ramp @ 100w and measure average HR (105bpm) followed by 1 mile 2% ramp @ 200w (HrAvg 133) - do this once a month and check for improvements on HR :-)

    Well - it wasn't entirely inspiring, and certainly wasn't as much fun as getting out in the fresh air, but it WAS satisfying in it's own way, and hopefully will have helped me improve my riding comfort going forward.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Finally plucked up thhe courage to go and do a decent duration ride - something other than variations on my "local loop". Decided I fancied a ride somewhere a little flatter than my typical stuff, so headed out in a Easterly direction, towards the flatter areas around Snaith and Selby. Once you get the first 7-8 miles out of the way, it's actually a really nice flattish ride, where you can concentrate on just spinning a nice gear and getting the base mileage in - just the thing for this time of year - and indeed, when I was younger / keener / racier / thinner / all of the previous, this "lollypop" shaped ride was one of my favoured base mileage runs - though I'll admit, I would probably have put in 3 or four laps of the loop before heading back home in those days.

    A quick tracklog of the ride is here - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/139317043 - and what the log doesn't tell you was that it was a very pleasant day - totally unlike the rest of this month so far, finally the wind dropped to maybe 8-10 mph (as a headwind on the last 1/3 or so of the ride) instead of the 40+ it's been since 2011. Was just warm enough to not be unpleasant - needed the full winter kit, and arrived home with a cold nose, but warm everything else, which is great in my book...

    Even managed a quick snap of the bike when I stopped to retrieve a energy bar from my base layer shirt pocket (it was a SIS Go Bar - and unless you get 'em warm somehow, they're barely chewable.)


    All things considered it was a great afternoon out riding, and has certainly made me feel a little more confident in getting out and riding a little longer distances.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    about 50 miles so far this month, 4 of them unpaved, rocky, muddy, and totally unsuitable for my poor little hybrid. Fun, though!

    One of these days I'll get a decent MTB and take my camera+sling bag some fun places...
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    A good start to the year, and not a week in yet:

    Day 1: Club ride, 60.5 miles, 270 mins, 2279 cals burnt (HRM)
    Day 2: Off walking
    Day 3: Daily Commute, 34.89 miles, 160 mins, 1717 cals burnt (HRM)
    Day 4: Daily commute, 41.10 miles, 177 mins, 1721 cals burnt (HRM)
    Day 5: Daily commute, 35.96 miles, 160 mins, 1634 cals burnt (HRM)
    Day 6: Daily commute, 41.36 miles, 177 mins, 1598 cals burnt (HRM)

    YTD: 213.82 miles
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Yay! My first ride of 2012! About time, huh?


    Ride safe yall!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    My Favorite Weekend Pre-Breakfast Ride - 31 miles

  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    OK - no idea why it has shifted half the map off the image!
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    OK - no idea why it has shifted half the map off the image!

    Hiya dcmat! The image you are sharing on photobucket is 1,023 pixels wide × 595 pixels high. I have found that for posting on MFP, the image width should be no more than about 600 pixels wide, or funny things start to happen. So if I know I will be posting an image to a thread here, I will pull it into photoshop or some other image program and change the image dimensions. I am not sure about photobucket, but smugmug provides multiple sizes of images you upload, so picking a different sized image to link to (small, medium, large, etc.) might sometimes provide the right pixel width for posting on MFP, without the hassle of resizing the image yourself in a photo or graphics software program. Maybe photobucket does too?

    A quick example is the width of the image below. Hopefully, it is displaying wide enough and not getting cropped for you while looking at it on your monitor. It works fine on mine. Warning! Non-cycling related content! Just using a shot I took on top of Auxier Ridge as an example of how you can use a website's resized images to link to. It was smugmug's "medium" sizing of my original photo. Their mediium size is 600 pixels wide.


    Happy ridin, and happy posting!
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    42.65 miles in the Worst Day of the Year Ride in and around Ann Arbor, Michigan.

    Bikejournal link: http://www.bikejournal.com/ride_view.asp?rideID={03DEA618-D43D-4A79-86A5-DF617B18DA2D}

    Ride link: http://wheelsinmotion.us/articles/worst-day-main-page-pg208.htm

    What a great time despite the near-hypothermia and frostbitten fingers. Sponsored by a bike shop in town with free chili and raffle at the end. Lots of people rocking their mountain bikes and I rode my hybrid of course.
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    Rode 21 miles this morning, temp gauge said MINUS 6!! Brrr!!

    I have just moved so this was my first ride from the new base.

    21.38 miles
    1 hour 35 minutes
    13.4 Average (:-( but I suppose it was MINUS 6 and quite hilly)
    37.4 max speed
    1469 calories burned (calculated with help of HRM)


    Snowing quite hard now so I don't think I will be going out tomorrow somehow! :-(
    MTBRTW Posts: 56
    Goal of 3,000 miles for 2012 - 2011 4th Q = 712 miles

    257 miles in January, goal 280-short but finished first Marathon so running took extra time
    000 miles in February, goal 200, 23 days to go