why are you single?



  • Haven't ever had the courage to openly tell the girl that I liked her for fear of rejection or ruining a friendship. Been a big guy all my life and this has weighed heavily on my mind always, my own worst critic. On the brighter side of this with hard work and determination that excuse will fly out the window.
  • Marriage of 12 years ended in divorce.
    I go out occasionally but rarely with the intent to meet someone.
    I have high expectations about being treated as an equal and my career being respected as equally important to his.
    I think it's reasonable to expect intelligent conversation and mutual interests in a relationship, and I haven't found that yet.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    I'm single for lots of reasons really. Like not really going out that much, not being attractive, insecurities, etc. I haven't had real crush on anyone for ages. And if I do, that person is usually way out of my league, so it's kind of safe to have crush ;) No worries that anything would happen.
    Also one of the reasons is that I am very independent and I need my time and space. I might never settle and definitely am not a housewife type. Or girlfriend type. Haha

    Plus it has been bit too rough few months, so I need to take time to get back on my feet.

    Luckily I have amazing friends who keep me going :)
  • Gargoyle69
    Gargoyle69 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh snap, wrong room.
  • gem_cat
    gem_cat Posts: 62 Member
    I am single because... I'm shy?
  • my daughters dad cheated on me so I filed for divorce. Most guys don't want to date a single mom

    I have dated a single mother of two before and it was nice and the kids started to call me daddy and then she kicked me out of her life all because i started to get called daddy by her two kids...so i just quit looking for women to date and let things happen in time
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Married for 21 years, it's taken me a long time to get to the point where I am completely happy with the life I have made for myself and my kids and with being alone. I believe this is an essential pre-requisite for making healthy relationship choices. I've always done demanding work, so time is a factor too. I find dating as a single parent quite challenging.. It would take someone very special to tempt me back into a long term relationship. I came close once, but the timing was wrong. One day I'll get lucky, but until then I'm happy to bide my time.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    It suits me best.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    my daughters dad cheated on me so I filed for divorce. Most guys don't want to date a single mom

    my daughters mom cheated on me so she filed for divorce. Most girls don't want to date a single dad.
  • Kdingo
    Kdingo Posts: 145 Member
    just what the question asks. if you had to come up with a reason (and i understand it's complex), why are you single?

    Nobody's interested! :cry:
  • SouthernNHgirl
    SouthernNHgirl Posts: 27 Member
    Married 15 yrs, divorced in June 2010. Dated off and on for about a year after the divorce and only found crazies or needy men. I decided to give myself a year to lose weight and find myself. I figure when I'm feeling better both mentally and physically I'll be open to a relationship again. I haven't dated since August 2011 and don't plan on it until at least a year from then. If someone comes along I wouldn't push him away, but I'm definitely not even close to looking.

    Also, the guys I find attractive aren't attracted to me. Hopefully that will change when I'm at my goal weight and in shape. :)

    I'm much happier being alone than with the wrong person.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    my daughters mom cheated on me so she filed for divorce. Most girls don't want to date a single dad.
    I've had the same problem, so I've stopped actively trying to play the game. Plenty of life left once the youngest moves out!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Re those of you who find girls don't want to date a single dad. That's odd. Perhaps you prefer to date childless women? None of the single mums I know will date a guy without kids, as we've found that only guys with kids understand/accept the kids needs coming first.
  • Monti_e_lmt
    Monti_e_lmt Posts: 189 Member
    just what the question asks. if you had to come up with a reason (and i understand it's complex), why are you single?

    Nobody's interested! :cry:

    kdingo- I don't know why. You are absolutely beautiful, you remind me of a lady from the 40s that sang. There is someone for you, he just hasn't seen you yet. Good Luck and Happy hunting :)
  • I am single because I like the no drama simplicity of life without a partner. However, it can be a tad boring :ohwell:
  • I'm single because I am working on myself right now. I am currently waiting on a decision to come from D.C. to see what my next few years will be spent doing. I am focusing on myself right now and not looking for anyone, so that is another reason. If someone were to come along, even though I am not actively searching, it would be great.
  • kerri_thing_1
    kerri_thing_1 Posts: 20 Member
    my fiance/best friend was killed in a bike accident almost 4 years ago. i've tried dating but no luck so far
  • Anu_mee13
    Anu_mee13 Posts: 69 Member
    I needed to take time off from dating and work on myself! Inside and out. I'm ready to start dating again, just not quite sure how to put myself back out there.
  • I was in a relationship for almost three years and we broke up because of being in different points of our life and the fact that I am VERY outspoken in how I feel about everything. That was in the end of November and since then, I feel like I would almost rather be sad from being alone then to go through the heartache again.
  • Anu_mee13
    Anu_mee13 Posts: 69 Member
    The people I want to date don't want to date me and I don't want to date the people who want to date me. I'm also very fat and very picky. If I could change one of those things, dating would probably be a lot easier for me :ohwell: