Welcome! Say hello....



  • katara74
    katara74 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello! I am 37 years old and have been using MFP since January 9th. I'm down 8 pounds so far!! Yay Me!! I am a single parent with a 8 year old son. I am a snacker, I am fine during the day at work but when I get home, I tend to gravitate towards snacks that are chocolate and salty... I am gradually replacing them with healthier options.
  • bjsquires
    bjsquires Posts: 72 Member
    Hey ya'll! I am 32 years old and have battled with low self-esteem and weight issues my entire life-even as a young child.

    I am happily married (going on 15 years) with no children other than 3 cats (one of whom is tubby himself).

    I am an emotional eater and a snacker/muncher when bored.

    I am looking for support and encouragement. Feel free to add me :)
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    Good Day all-

    I am a 37 mother of 3 girls ( 9 yr, 18 mo & 5 mo)
    so needless to say i was close to my goal weight when # 2 & 3 surprised us LOL

    So I am starting from scratch but now being a sahm I find I need support .

    please feel free to add me as a friend- we can do this !!!

  • Hi all! I'm 35....never married, no kids....2 cats :). I'm pretty new here.....and excited to find such a great support system. I've struggled with my weight my whole life, and only in the last couple of years have really gotten serious about getting myself healthy. Things haven't always gone perfectly however, and I still have 20 pounds I'd like to lose. But it's work in progress, and I'm hoping to meet my goal this year! :) I'm currently working on becoming a Holistic Nutritionist, so I'm really excited about that. I feel like in order to be healthy I need to immerse myself in a healthy life....and perhaps I can help others in the process!

    Please feel free to add me as we can all use as much support as we can get!
  • dyellz
    dyellz Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! Im soon to be 34, and am engaged to a wonderful man. I work as a mail lady in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada! I have a dog, cat and a lovebird. My weight has seemed to increase due to being comfortable, Time for a change, time for some real effort to live a healthy life. I'd like to have kids so im going to get in better shape to help that along:)
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 718 Member
    35 year old married Mom to 4 yr old boy. I work FT and run after my little one and also work FT as a maid for my husband:grumble: So who here is enjoying their thirties as opposed to their twenties?
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    35 year old married Mom to 4 yr old boy. I work FT and run after my little one and also work FT as a maid for my husband:grumble: So who here is enjoying their thirties as opposed to their twenties?

    I am!!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to all of you ladies new to the group! Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Hello! So happy to find an age-related group!

    I'm a 33 year old graduate student working on a PhD in chemistry. Between school hours and everything else I do with my life, I am trying to lose ~60 pounds and get healthy and fit long before becoming a 40 something! I'm from Binghamton, NY. Live with my BF and our baby, the cat.
    Just trying to get back to the basics and find a great support system!
  • Hi everyone - I'm new to MFP and new to the team but not new to weight loss...my whole life has been a struggle and now that I'm getting older the struggle is becoming even harder.

    I have a very demanding job where I work long hours and I often make poor choices when I get home at night because I'm stressed out or tired. I'd love to have a fitness buddy or group to help keep me accountable. The last time I lost a big chunk of weight I was a member of another fitness website and I found the support was what kept me going (and maybe a little friendly competition).

    I will be 31 on the 27th of this month and I am currently 178ish? I'm afraid to get on the scale so I don't even know what I am anymore. I'd love to get back down to 150, I was feeling really good about myself then. Now that I'm seeing thats almost 30 pounds away I can't believe that I let myself slide back so much.

    If anyone can relate please feel free to add me, I'd love to get this weight off and feel better about myself.
  • nicoleandlosing
    nicoleandlosing Posts: 33 Member
    I am 32 from Wisconsin. I am just got married in September. We do not have any kids yet, hopefully within the next couple of years. We do have quite a few cats who are our babies for now. I am a medical coder and a Miche Representative. I am here to lose the pounds I have put on!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello! So happy to find an age-related group!

    I'm a 33 year old graduate student working on a PhD in chemistry. Between school hours and everything else I do with my life, I am trying to lose ~60 pounds and get healthy and fit long before becoming a 40 something! I'm from Binghamton, NY. Live with my BF and our baby, the cat.
    Just trying to get back to the basics and find a great support system!

    Welcome to the group! Take your time and get to know what works for you. I have found that slow and steady works for me. Having a good support system helps too - this site is great!

    Feel free to add me as a friend!

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm new to MFP and new to the team but not new to weight loss...my whole life has been a struggle and now that I'm getting older the struggle is becoming even harder.

    I have a very demanding job where I work long hours and I often make poor choices when I get home at night because I'm stressed out or tired. I'd love to have a fitness buddy or group to help keep me accountable. The last time I lost a big chunk of weight I was a member of another fitness website and I found the support was what kept me going (and maybe a little friendly competition).

    I will be 31 on the 27th of this month and I am currently 178ish? I'm afraid to get on the scale so I don't even know what I am anymore. I'd love to get back down to 150, I was feeling really good about myself then. Now that I'm seeing thats almost 30 pounds away I can't believe that I let myself slide back so much.

    If anyone can relate please feel free to add me, I'd love to get this weight off and feel better about myself.

    Welcome to the group! We are doing a 3 month self challenge if you care to join us. Check out the 3 month self challenge thread.

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I am 32 from Wisconsin. I am just got married in September. We do not have any kids yet, hopefully within the next couple of years. We do have quite a few cats who are our babies for now. I am a medical coder and a Miche Representative. I am here to lose the pounds I have put on!

    Welcome to the group! Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • NicoleinCarolina
    NicoleinCarolina Posts: 19 Member
    Hi. I'm Nicole.Today is my 31st birthday and I am so happy to be on week 1 day 2 of the C25K running program. I am a reporter and wife of 7 years with a 2 and 6 year old. I live in rural NC and look forward to being as active as I was before marriage, kids and crazy work schedule.
  • Hi there!! I am 38 years old and feel like I'm in the prime of life!!! Not at all afraid of the big 4-0. I am a wife of 19 years and we have 4 teenagers together. They keep us busy but I've found that the gym is a place I can unwind and push myself in ways I never imagined before. I'm a pretty good motivator when it comes to fitness but I could use some help when it comes to diet. I love to eat!! Thanks all!!! And add me if you'd like....
  • Hello, I am 32 years old, and a single mother of a handsome 9 year old son. I have always been coaching for him in baseball and basketball and keeping up but in the last year I have lost all 3 of my grandparents and have two more deaths ahead of me of closee family that hasn't been given a year to live. I decided to come back to MFP after being gone for a extended time because I need to make certain I don't put a lot of weight back on and feel good about me.
    I am an emotional eater and have started back to eating just that way. I have goals to reach while I am here and hope to do just that.I am really hoping that by getting back to taking care of me my son will see he needs to do the same and possibly start eating healthier than I have been letting him. I am not worried about the active side of him, but more on what he eats. They say what we do reflects on our children and I truly believe it. I hope to make a positive impact on myself as well as him. Wish me luck!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to those of you joining us this week! We are in the middle of a 3 month self challenge. If you are interested read the 3 Month Self Challenge thread and let us know.

  • joanne806
    joanne806 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm a 35 year old mom to five (that's right FIVE) kids:) They range in age from 17 years to 9 months! Needless to say my weight has fluctuated a lot over the last 17 years! I've been working out hard core since July when my baby was only six weeks old and have had very limited success. I was watching calories and working out up to seven hours per week...and getting REALLY discouraged. Everyone I talked to would say, "You're just gaining lots of muscle" or "You're just at an age where it's harder to lose weight". I even went to my doctor to have my thyroid checked and my doctor gave me the same lines - you're getting older (since when is 35 old??), you're at a healthy weight, you have an unrealistic goal weight.

    I should qualify all this by saying I'm not technically overweight. I'm 5' 7" and I currently weigh 156 pounds...this is within my "healthy" weight range. My goal is 135.

    This is my fifth day using mfp and I've already learned so much. For instance, I've learned that I've been starving myself all these months. Limiting my calories to 1200 per day, regardless of my workouts. Some days I do two or even three hour-long circuit and cardio workouts....burning up to 1500 calories or more....leaving myself such a huge deficit that my body has clung to every single fat cell. In the five days I've been using this and eating all those calories back I've lost two pounds...and have eaten more than I have in months!

    I'm so happy to have found this site. I can now workout less AND eat more and see greater results than ever before.

    Would love to make friends and offer and receive encouragement and support!
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    Hi all, I'm Dawn and 32 years old.

    I have been up and down with my weight, but after a set back with a chronic back condition I got to my heaviest of 250lb (114kg), after a lot of physio and rehabilitation I have started to do much more exercise.

    I aim to get to between 150-160lb (68-73kg) which would put my BMI within normal range, and the aim is to do this by my 33rd Birthday in November, long shot but I always aim high.

    I am single and have no children, Not that I want children anyway lol... A bit of a workaholic clocking up 55-60 hours a week in work and then go to the gym 6x a week, hmmm maybe that's why I'm single?

    Anyway looking forward to hearing everyone's successes and helping people through the hard times too :smile:
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