Level 2



  • Im supposed to do this tape today its i road my bike so far, aint feeling it! Grrr..... I love love love the results and the feeling i have after i do it, im always so proud of myself but i never have the energy to want to do it! I will make myself do it but today just not sure! I wish i had more is it stanima?!? Umph! ......

    I know how you feel...I really have to talk myself into it everyday, but once I do it I feel so good! Just think of those calories you're burning and how good you are going to feel afterwards! You got this!!! :-)
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I know right, but its sooo comfy on my couch...lol. My mind is almost ready to do it! Will keep u posted!
  • qnbeezzz
    qnbeezzz Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah! I finally get to start L2 today! I've been looking forward to some new moves. Hopefully, there will be less jumping jacks. My ankles don't like those. I'm really not feeling that great today, so I'm just going to push and do the best I can. I'm afraid that if I skip 1 day it will turn into 2 days and then... well, u know the story! :happy:
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  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I couldnt do it. I started the tape and did the work up and no energy! Maybe tomorrow! Im allowed a dayoff! Lol.
  • Hey at least you tried! lol There's nothing wrong with a day off...just get back at it tomorrow! :-)
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Right i did try and i did happen to get in a 45 min bike ride! Woohoo
  • Babybirdganz
    Babybirdganz Posts: 107 Member
    Yeah! I finally get to start L2 today! I've been looking forward to some new moves. Hopefully, there will be less jumping jacks. My ankles don't like those. I'm really not feeling that great today, so I'm just going to push and do the best I can. I'm afraid that if I skip 1 day it will turn into 2 days and then... well, u know the story! :happy:
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    Not nearly as many jumping jacks! I felt like lvl1 got me ready for lvl2. There certainly are tough parts but you can do it!
  • qnbeezzz
    qnbeezzz Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah! I finally get to start L2 today! I've been looking forward to some new moves. Hopefully, there will be less jumping jacks. My ankles don't like those. I'm really not feeling that great today, so I'm just going to push and do the best I can. I'm afraid that if I skip 1 day it will turn into 2 days and then... well, u know the story! :happy:
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Not nearly as many jumping jacks! I felt like lvl1 got me ready for lvl2. There certainly are tough parts but you can do it!

    Thx for the encouragement! :smile: It certainly kicked me in the back-side. Now I'll look forward to when it will get a little easier. 9 more days until L3... !
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • good work everyone!

    i just did day 1 of level 2! man that was great, only had to do modifyed versions on the plank stuff. the intensity is way better than level 1
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Well done everyone! :) I hopped back to level 1 last night due to it being really late and my being VERY tired due to only 3 hours sleep night before. I managed it and it was great seeing my progress on push ups (from the knees admittedly) and generally in everything. Still hate the arm raises and skipping though! lol

    Day 17 for me today.. level 3 is looming and worrying me now! lol
  • maryrr88
    maryrr88 Posts: 76 Member
    Yesterday was day 2, level 2 for me... I had to quit a few seconds early at the ab twists at the very end because I was exhausted, but I'm glad I made it through! I was able to jog 1 mile on the treadmill this morning without stopping & I attribute that to my work with 30DS... because I just got back into regularly working out about 3 weeks ago & I know without 30DS there's no way I could have made it through a whole mile (12 min) of jogging nonstop! So happy to be seeing progress, even if the scale isn't moving! Tonight after work is day 3, level 2! Happy working out ladies!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Yesterday was day 2, level 2 for me... I had to quit a few seconds early at the ab twists at the very end because I was exhausted, but I'm glad I made it through! I was able to jog 1 mile on the treadmill this morning without stopping & I attribute that to my work with 30DS... because I just got back into regularly working out about 3 weeks ago & I know without 30DS there's no way I could have made it through a whole mile (12 min) of jogging nonstop! So happy to be seeing progress, even if the scale isn't moving! Tonight after work is day 3, level 2! Happy working out ladies!

    Congrats on the mile run...i know isnt it crazy how just a few days at this dvd has helped to stregthen u in other areas. It used to be a chore to ride my bike 3 miles on the easiest gear. Now ive gone up one to more resistant gear, and i can ride 7.5....woohoo. Love the tape. Just getting the mind set to get up and do it is the problem!
  • day 2 all done, 18 days left
  • Wow just reading all your ladies on Level 2, making me nervous even more now!! I will be joining you on wednesday!!!
    Is there alot of weights to be done in level 2 as im on holiday on tuesday and taking the dvd with me, just wondering if i used like some tins of beans would be okay if there is weights to be done?

    And what are planks????? x
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    I was going to start on Level 2 Day 1 this morning, but I've woken up with a sore shoulder. I'm not sure what I've done to it. I attempted to do a press up, but no! Hopefully it'll be ok either tomorrow or Monday!
  • Stephie_J
    Stephie_J Posts: 260 Member
    Level 2 is hard on the shoulders so best not to do Level 2 until your shoulder feels better!

    I struggled with planks, but like Level 1 I am sure it will get easier :)

    Has anyone else taken measurements at the start of each level? I just started Level 2 today and took photos and measurements and can actually see a difference! All that hard work is paying off :D
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Wow just reading all your ladies on Level 2, making me nervous even more now!! I will be joining you on wednesday!!!
    Is there alot of weights to be done in level 2 as im on holiday on tuesday and taking the dvd with me, just wondering if i used like some tins of beans would be okay if there is weights to be done?

    And what are planks????? x

    Ya about the same amount of weights in level one, cans would be great! Planks are like pushups, but u dont go up and down, and hands are directly under shoulders!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Level 2 is hard on the shoulders so best not to do Level 2 until your shoulder feels better!

    I struggled with planks, but like Level 1 I am sure it will get easier :)

    Has anyone else taken measurements at the start of each level? I just started Level 2 today and took photos and measurements and can actually see a difference! All that hard work is paying off :D

    Hey! Thats awesome, just started measurements, cause the scale didnt move, yet my 12's no longer fit and i went down to a 10! woohoo!
  • maryrr88
    maryrr88 Posts: 76 Member
    I did level 2, day 3 yesterday... day 4 this afternoon... I felt like I was able to do it better yesterday, so it is getting easier, but I'm definitely sore! Although I'm not as sore as I was during the first week of level 1, I still am feeling it! Instead of doing 30 days straight like originally planned, I'm taking a day off from 30DS in between levels... 3 days down, 7 to go!
  • nycalison
    nycalison Posts: 51 Member
    I'm so glad everyone says it gets easier! I did day 2 of level 2 today and was begging for Jillian to please stop lol I'm much sweatier and hotter than level one, but that is a good thing, just hate it while I'm doing it thank God its only 20 minutes!