Hi Everyone, please introduce yourself!



  • What's your name? Brandi
    Where do you live? Seattle, WA, USA
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Candy, munchy foods, eatig like my boyfriend haha
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Lack of self-confidence and self dicipline
    What's your favorite exercise? Swimming or hiking
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Marathon running or biking
    What is your biggest trouble spot? Muffin top!
    What part of your body do you like the most? My long legs ;)
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? To be strong and fast!
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    What's your name? o

    Where do you live? North of England

    What are your food vices/ cheats? Chocolate :)

    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Being fixated on weight loss and scales going down as the most important goal.

    What's your favorite exercise? Cross-trainer

    What exercise would you like to try this year? Anything involving strength training.

    What is your biggest trouble spot? Stomach and thighs. I lost a lot of weight fast, I have no muscle tone and loose skin.

    What part of your body do you like the most? Shoulders.

    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Get my body in shape and keep on working on recovering from disordered eating patterns.
  • super_star_27
    super_star_27 Posts: 99 Member
    What's your name? Ree
    Where do you live? England!!!!
    What are your food vices/ cheats? everything really...except mushrooms - bleurgh
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? not enough time
    What's your favorite exercise? burpees are amazing
    What exercise would you like to try this year? running/jogging
    What is your biggest trouble spot? lower stomach, upper thighs <yeah that's two but they're both bad as eachother
    What part of your body do you like the most? lower thighs
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? to get toned and have a better body than my (size 0) sister
  • What's your name? DAILE

    Where do you live? BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA

    What are your food vices/ cheats? ANYTHING SAVOURY! NOT A FAN OF SWEET FOOD OR CHOCOLATE. OH, AND ALCOHOL :drinker:

    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? MOTIVATION

    What's your favorite exercise? WALKING

    What exercise would you like to try this year? SKIPPING

    What is your biggest trouble spot? TUMMY

    What part of your body do you like the most? LEGS

    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? GET FIT AND TONED :smile:
  • What's your name? Jackie
    Where do you live? Manila
    What are your food vices/ cheats? sushi, burritos, anything spicy foods, steaks
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Lack of energy
    What's your favorite exercise? push-ups
    What exercise would you like to try this year? I want to perfect my pull-ups
    What is your biggest trouble spot? tummy area, how I hate it
    What part of your body do you like the most? shoulders & biceps
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? to finally see my abs!!!
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    Hello, Everyone!

    My name is Kim and I live in Cape Coral, Florida.

    Chocolate and french fries are my weakness. -- Not together! (Wait, hmm...unless it's french fries dipped in my chocolate Frosty.)

    I've never been all that motivated to get in shape or eat healthy (LAZY!), until my younger sister (who is 40) had a heart attack in early January. That scared me into taking control of my health.

    Since I'm relatively new to exercise, I'd had to say I'm really enjoying Jillian Michaels' workouts. Even if I think she's trying to kill me some days. :)

    I'd really like to start strength training this year. In fact, I've just requested New Rules of Lifting for Women from my library.

    My biggest trouble spot, like so many here, is definitely my belly! And I would say I like my legs the most.

    For 2012, I'd like to continue to eat healthier and get toned. I'd like to finally get rid of that squishy belly and tone up all over. I wanna see some muscle definition when I strike my "bodybuilder" pose. (heehee)

    I'm so glad I stumbled upon this group.
  • adiaz1229
    adiaz1229 Posts: 4 Member
    What's your name? Adriana

    Where do you live? The Windy City!

    What are your food vices/ cheats? alcohol, and salty, fried foods (mmm..fries)

    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? portion control; and not making smarter food choices

    What's your favorite exercise? running! but I also love any group class activity like spinning, or dance aerobics class.

    What exercise would you like to try this year? kettleballs!

    What is your biggest trouble spot? arms

    What part of your body do you like the most? legs

    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Reach my P.R. in the Chicago marathon.
  • What's your name? Rocio
    Where do you live? Chesapeake, Virginia
    What are your food vices/ cheats? SWEETS!!!
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? lack of motivation
    What's your favorite exercise? i like getting on elliptical but get bored pretty easy
    What exercise would you like to try this year? maybe start off running a full 5k
    What is your biggest trouble spot? inner thighs and of course belly
    What part of your body do you like the most? i love it all equally, just need to improve some parts
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? tone up, today I am 5'6 147 i want to get down to 140 and stay there!
  • What's your name? Elise
    Where do you live? Montana
    What are your food vices/ cheats? carbs, beer
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? I am in a comfortable relationship and just didn't feel any pressure.
    What's your favorite exercise? pilates
    What exercise would you like to try this year? fun a 10k
    What is your biggest trouble spot? butt and thighs
    What part of your body do you like the most? my curves
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? to be able to do a 5 mile trail run
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    What's your name? Kate
    Where do you live? Baltimore
    What are your food vices/ cheats? wine, beer, margaritas :)
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? i have 2 kids, a full-time job, and i am tired! plus, i don't enjoy strength exercises
    What's your favorite exercise? walking
    What exercise would you like to try this year? strength training
    What is your biggest trouble spot? butt and thighs
    What part of your body do you like the most? my curves
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? proudly wear my bathing suit
  • cherlea33
    cherlea33 Posts: 25 Member
    What's your name? Hi, I'm Cheryl
    Where do you live? Durango, CO
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Breads, sweets, carbs in general.
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Lack of motivation, but that's changing.
    What's your favorite exercise? Running
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Yoga and pilates
    What is your biggest trouble spot? My belly.
    What part of your body do you like the most? My legs.
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? I want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight which is about 10 lbs away, and to become more of an avid runner like I used to be. I'm running a half marathon next month and I'm happy that my training is going pretty well.
  • kaitie23
    kaitie23 Posts: 119 Member
    What's your name? Kaitie
    Where do you live? Keller,TX
    What are your food vices/ cheats? french fries and baked goods :(
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? fast food and carb cravings
    What's your favorite exercise? zumba
    What exercise would you like to try this year? kickboxing
    What is your biggest trouble spot? thighs and belly
    What part of your body do you like the most? arms, because they are getting toned
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? get to my goal weight of 125 or less!
  • Hi all!

    What's your name? Aurora

    Where do you live? Chicago IL, moving to Austin TX

    What are your food vices/ cheats? Carbs carbs carbs, usually french bread or pita chips

    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? An all-or-nothing mentality, so that when I mess up I go downhill very fast, rather than using moderation in diet and exercise consistently.

    What's your favorite exercise? CrossFit or swimming

    What exercise would you like to try this year? Running

    What is your biggest trouble spot? Stomach/nutrition

    What part of your body do you like the most? Legs and hair

    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Be able to run 5 miles with my dog easily, to be comfortable and happy in my own skin.
  • What's your name? Jean

    Where do you live? SW MI

    What are your food vices/ cheats? Fried or fast foods

    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Laziness

    What's your favorite exercise? Ballet

    What exercise would you like to try this year? Apparently, Pilates w/ the bar w/ bands

    What is your biggest trouble spot? I think it is called the baby paunch

    What part of your body do you like the most? My in-shape booty

    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? To be cut when I post my biggest fish pic this summer.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    What's your name? Amy
    Where do you live? Iowa
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Ice Cream
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Time
    What's your favorite exercise? Running
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Zumba
    What is your biggest trouble spot? Hips/thighs
    What part of your body do you like the most? Legs
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Run a half marathon
  • samanzi
    samanzi Posts: 18 Member
    What's your name? Sarah
    Where do you live? South Carolina
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Tonnnnsss of spaghetti
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Not doing a variety of exercises, especially strength training
    What's your favorite exercise? Running
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Anything involving weights-- maybe circuit training or a boot camp class
    What is your biggest trouble spot? Stomach/lower back and arms
    What part of your body do you like the most? Legs
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Do something other than run! I want to include more variety in my exercises to target all areas of my body.. And have fun :)
  • ennovi_r
    ennovi_r Posts: 10 Member
    What's your name? Ivonne
    Where do you live? TX
    What are your food vices/ cheats? chocolate, cookies, chips
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? I need to stop eating junk!
    What's your favorite exercise? elliptical
    What exercise would you like to try this year? I would like to learn some toning exercises
    What is your biggest trouble spot? arms, stomach
    What part of your body do you like the most? legs
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? to get back to my goal weight (105) and be as fit as I can be.
  • bargb
    bargb Posts: 4
    What's your name? Brooke
    Where do you live? Wisconsin Green BAY
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Pizza
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP Shape? I haven't pushed myself as much as I should.
    What's your favorite exercise? Kickboxing
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Crossfit
    What is your biggest trouble spot? belly
    What part of your body do you like the most? wrist lol They look thin!
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? To be able to see abs.
  • ddkiniry
    ddkiniry Posts: 26 Member
    What's your name? DORE
    Where do you live? LOS ANGELES
    What are your food vices/ cheats? I LOVE TREATS. ^_____^
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? TIME
    What's your favorite exercise? CROSSFIT & TURBO FIRE.... AND A GAME OF BASKETBALL.
    What exercise would you like to try this year? I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DO A PULLUP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!
    What is your biggest trouble spot? ARMS!
    What part of your body do you like the most? CALVES (i guess....)
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? TO COMPLETE MY FIRST PULLUP - COMPLETE A SECOND TOUGH MUDDER!
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Wilmington, NC
    Vino??? Just kidding! :wink:
    Any kind of power lifting and interval training
    Probably a 30 day program just to see results
    Lower belly, but kind of think of it as my war wound (post baby bump) so don't mind it!
    Continue to try new exercises/programs to stay motivated and continue getting results!