
  • amgilman87
    amgilman87 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm in!!!!!!
  • chanssey
    chanssey Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in. I've lost 20 lbs in 2 months, I want to make it 30 in 3. :wink:
  • butterflyrae2010
    butterflyrae2010 Posts: 44 Member
    count me in. I just started today and want to lose 10 pounds in March. There are five fridays. So we can post the weigh in 5 times.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    Im really excited about this! I know this will keep me on track :)
  • Let's do this!!
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    I am in too. Just the motivation to kick start the Spring and get into my skinny jeans before they go out of style.
  • Nicole4981
    Nicole4981 Posts: 2 Member
    Im in :)
  • I'm in, I need to stay focused and get these lbs off!
  • ZuriMarie
    ZuriMarie Posts: 12 Member
    I think Friday's are great! I'm usually more motivated at the beginning of the week so this will motivate me to keep it up all week so I don't be disappointed on Friday!
  • Friday weigh are good for me.....it allows you to catch up before the weekend begins:bigsmile: :wink:
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 779 Member
    who are ready for our first weigh in this friday??? yay!! so excited! its gonna be our start weight. ^_^
  • Katgayton
    Katgayton Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in! 10lbs before a trip to Ottawa in April would be AWESOME! Can someone please provide details as to where to post our weight on Friday? Thanks! :)
  • ehilgenberg10
    ehilgenberg10 Posts: 79 Member
    To the one who was wondering how to add your ticker, it's in settings Just click the check box and your ticker will be added to your posts.
  • eleslie1989
    eleslie1989 Posts: 57 Member
    IM IN! :)


    feel free to add me as a friend too, i could do with some extra motivation and you can tell me off if i havent exercised! although i started on here about 9 days ago and iv not missed a day yet.

    im doing the 30 day shred, just finished my 5th day and im feeling the benefits already. :)
  • Harry56
    Harry56 Posts: 28 Member
    looking forward to weigh in
  • citygirl4ever
    citygirl4ever Posts: 123 Member
    Friday weigh in sound perfect...
  • WhatAgirl_
    WhatAgirl_ Posts: 151 Member
    Not going to weight in every week!! will weight in at the end of the month ;)
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Count me in! :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • MumOfGirlsOnly
    MumOfGirlsOnly Posts: 99 Member
    Bring On March.
    I'm ready to kick some butt this month.
  • very excited doing the january 10 lbs challenge worked well for me.I need to get back on track because Feb. was a month of only a 3 lbs loss :(