Level 1



  • tinkabells84
    Hi im on L1D3 feeling the burn today feel like im walking like ozzy osbourne, will be doing day 3 tonight once my girl is in bed, seen a few people say should start feeling better after day 4 i hopeso, but i am so determined to get this weight off!!

    Will def be looking at this group for motivation! Well done to everyone!!! X
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    Bricking it reading these now! My 30 Day Shred is on its way from Amazon so I'll be starting on Monday, I have a 2 year old so hoping I'm not in too much acheyness since I need to be functioning for him!! LOL Since January 3rd I've been working out 5 days a week, I alternate between aerobics (including core and conditioning) and a kettlebell work out with a 5kgs bell, so hoping I wont be too sore!!
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    I started yesterday. When I was done I was exhausted! I haven't been in the gym since November because of my foot and surgery. Not sure what I was expecting but I know I didn't expect to have a problem with steps! Up or down is a bad thing after this workout. Today I'm feeling it everywhere! Arms, shoulders, back, obliques, butt and the back of my legs! Pretty proud of myself, I was able to keep up without many modifications except once or twice. Still recovering from my foot surgery so the butt kicks were done from standing and on at a time. Instead of at a jog and the jump rope was more of a bounce. Can't have any impact on my heel. :) can't wait for day 2 tonight.
  • emberin
    emberin Posts: 56 Member
    Hopefully my dvd arrives tomorrow and I can join in all the fun. Late to the game, but better than never right?
  • nesstle
    Day 10 done!!!!!!! means that im on to level 2 tomorrow.
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Well done in finishing Level 1!

    I did Day 9 today. Really didin't want to get out of my bed, but once I got started I was fine!!
  • Marlena627
    Just finished day 5. I"m still having trouble doing all of the pushups and getting through the first round of cardio, but after that I have no problem powering through the rest of the work out. Any suggestions on what would help me get through the first round? I have problems with the cardio because my calves start tensing up during the first jump rope section.
  • katriona15
    Omg I have fonr day 2 this morning and my legs kill!!!! Have read things saying it will improve in a few days so hoping that this is true!!!!!
  • smte
    smte Posts: 95 Member
    Day 9, Level 1 done! One more day...not sure if I am relieved or dreading that I am moving on to Level 2. I've done that level before and I don't like it!

    Also, feeling little discouraged lately, just cant seem to get in any additional cardio during the day. I feel like I need to in order to really make the 30 Day Shred work for me. I'd be so upset if at the end of 30 days, I dont see any changed in weight and/or inches! Ugh, I need more energy and more hours in the day! :)

    Happy Shredding!
  • nesstle
    In official measurements here!!!!
    Lost 1 cm of my bust
    Lost 1.5 off my waist
    Lost 1.5 off my pooch belly
    Lost 1.5 off but
    Lost .5 off my left thigh
    Lost .5 off my right thigh

    All in cms

    If you think you can't do it , you can! Look results after 10 days, imagine what 20 more will bring at a higher intensity, this is with NO additional workouts.

    You can do it! You will do it!!!!!!! Make that your mantra.
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Well done Nesstle on your results!

    I'm sooo annoyed with myself! Set my alarm early so that I could get up and do Level 1 Day 10 this morning before work. I’ve got asthma, and was wheezing really bad when I woke up! I knew that I wouldn’t be able to put in 100% effort, so just had to leave it. I will do it as soon as I get in from work tho. Will take measurements and post after I've done it!
  • Zumba_Zoe
    Hello all, I just completed L1D1, its great to see the progress everyone is making!
  • kendrafox
    kendrafox Posts: 111 Member
    I took yesterday off, going to do lvl 1 day 5 today. Feeling better each day that I do it!
  • DawnClarkx
    DawnClarkx Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on Day 4 of Level 1 of this, so far I haven't been finding it that hard but today I really hurt my foot doing the jumping jacks and lunges. Anyone got an exercise I could fit in instead of those two?
  • norzip
    norzip Posts: 173 Member
    Just started again. Tried in January and then stopped. STarted level 1 day tonight day 2.
  • Whutto1
    Whutto1 Posts: 66 Member
    L1D5 done. I have started the shred so many times but never finished all 30 days.....I am determined this time!!!
  • GloriaPenguin
    L1D5 done!
    Also, lost 2 lbs so far! Freaking ecstatic. Although I have been swimming and doing aerobics, so it's not all due to 30DS!
    I can do all the push-ups in the first round and about half in the second. Same goes for the side lunge things in Circuit 3. Progress! :D
    Looking forward to measuring myself in 5 days... I'm already seeing and feeling a difference!!!
  • Rivka007
    Rivka007 Posts: 26 Member
    Day 4 on Level one!! Day 3 was the hardest for me so far. I'm glad I pushed through - today was easier. Took waist measurement and weight before starting, but forgot about my arms (where I REALLY need to see results), so did those today. I feel GOOD!
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    Level 1 day 1 complete ... however ... I use a heart rate monitor and I've only burned 189 calories. I suppose because it's only 20 minutes plus warm up and cool down this isn't bad. Who else uses a HRM and how many calories do you burn?

    I started working out seriously on the 3rd of January this year - I work out 5 days a week and have 2 rest days. I have stuck to this pretty religiously, maybe taking 5 extra days rest up to today. I alternated between 45 minutes Kettlenetics (kettlebell workout with a 5kgs / 11lbs weight) and a 1 hour aerobics workout that included core, abs and conditioning in addition to cardio. So, I'm not unfit. I did 2 days of JM's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism last week and burnt 489 calories and 518 calories.

    My plan was to alternate workouts with 1 day 30DS and 1 day BFBM plus my rest days but I'm wondering if I should just do the 30DS 5 days a week with my 2 rest days. I need my rest days to catch up on house chores, give my muscles time to repair and be alive to chase after my 2 year old son in the day! LOL

    What do you think? HELP!
  • Zumba_Zoe
    Day 4 of level one completed, it is getting slightly easier but still a great work out.