


  • Deathscall
    Hey ladies- just wanted to let you all know that I had my first pole class today and I fell so instantly in love!! I can't wait to go back tomorrow :) I feel a new addiction coming on!
  • KellyAlyssa84
    My name is Kelly and right now I'm starting yoga classes at my local pole studio (I know lol). I'm a little intimidated by pole fitness, which seems to be the PC term here in CT, but am excited to take an intro class. My abs need work because they never really came back after my pregnancy...

    Anyone ever see the King of Queens episode where Carrie tries it and she sucks but then Doug shows her how it's done? It's hilarious.
  • Veganbambina
    Veganbambina Posts: 108 Member
    Hello Ladies! I started pole dancing 3 years ago i think? I started to get in shape shortly after I had twins and it was something I could get out of the house for and spend time with my little sister. We are going into level 3, it's been a while because my sister had surgery on her foot but we WILL be back! Both of us are hooked and we both bought poles during our first level. Can't wait to start level 3 as we learn to go upside down AND we get to get BOOTS!
  • margerator
    Yay! Congratulations! I bought my own pole, before I started because there are no classes nearby! It is so much fun. I can go upside down, but that is about it! Nice to meet you!
  • jenlee74
    Hi I am Jenna,

    Im a Victorian in Aussie Land of course :) 21 yrs old, 79kg and 5'1

    I started Pole last year, at first I could not hold myself up or even climb! I was so close to giving up. But i stuck with it. When all the other girls dropped out of my class, I got the teacher to myself - and passed my first level with ½ a lesson to spare, now I am in my second 8 week term and I have now inverted :) best feeling in the world when I got it the mandatory 5x in a row (my instructor Louise says if we can do it 5 x in a row we get out of squats).

    I love this sport, and am counting down the days until a regional competiton, i dont think i'll enter in the beginner section this year maybe next year!
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    Hi, I'm Suzanne,
    It's been over a decade since I've pole danced...was a professional in my younger years.
    I've always loved it and would really like to get back into it, but the only local stdio that I know of offers classes that don't work with my schedule. (I stay home with the kids and hubby works nights.)
    Any recommendations for a home pole would be greatly appreciated.
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    I have a lil mynx pole, it is static/ rotator combo, mounts to the ceiling only, Xpole is also a good reliable brand as well just do your research and be safe!!
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    X-Pole is fine, if you want a lovely grippy finish go for the R-Pole. They don't do rotating poles right now, but they do static 38 mm free-standing poles which are fairly portable.

    I can completely understand why you'd rather go for an X-Pole, but double check the R-Pole in case it satisfies your requirements better.
  • dointhis4me
    dointhis4me Posts: 52 Member
    I own, teach on and am a certified distributor of x-poles so of course I'll recommend you go that route! LOL. I've danced on homemade poles and lil mynx poles but I just didn't feel as secure as when I get my hands around an x-pole. In the four years I've been teaching and dancing on the same pole at home I've never had an accident or had it come down on me... I think that says a lot! You might be able to find a used pole cheaper than retail but be careful, I had a student buy one off ebay only to discover it was a knock off and when she tried to get her money back the 'company' had deleted their account. I get them at a great discount too (poles and accessories like perm mounts) so if you want you can PM me and tell me what you would need and I can get a price quote for you ; )
  • Tiger_Leahy
    I'm Kimmi. Started pole in Oct 2010 & was hooked from the first class!
    I was 110kg when I started (not much diferent now) so it was a big surprise to myself that I could keep up with the class & was inverting & climbing by the end of our beginner course! Made me love it even more cos I finally found a sport I can do!

    Pole has really changed my boosted my confidence and even helped with my anxiety&depression- I didn't need to be on meds after a few months of poling. And this year I've decided to actually stick with getting fit cos it will help me pole better....everything revolves around pole now hehe :D
  • itslaurenmae
    itslaurenmae Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Lauren Mae and just had my first pole fitness class last night... and I think I'm in love. I'm wicked sore today, but haven't felt this good in a long time!

    A little bit more about me: I'm 24, a little nerdy, a little indie, a working wifey, and a lindy-hop lover. I help teach lindy hop once a week and think pole fitness will be a great option for my strength conditioning and overall tone. :)

    I'm so happy this group exists.
  • margerator
    Nice to meet you Lauren Mae! My name is Margie, and I found pole fitness on You Tube about 3-4 years ago. It looked like so much fun that I bought my own X-Pole! Great investment! I'm no expert at it, but it is certainly the most fun! You should add me!
  • oceanity
    oceanity Posts: 182 Member
    I have owned a pole for long enough, but finally am getting serious about learning more. We (my hubby and I) bought a fixed poled that he has installed in the basement nice and securely.....and I have lost 50+ lbs since I first flirted with learning some moves! It will be so much easier as well with the strength training I have discovered through the NROLFW (New Rules of Lifting for Women), so I am ready to learn!! I have different discs by Pole Katz, Kelly - the S factor, and Fawnia Monday........I realize that they are more dated, but I am determined to learn, develop and perform for my man!!!

    If you can help me in the direction of what you tube videos are great....I would so appreciate that.

    I am in the range of 155-159 lbs currently, was as low as 151.8 lbs last summer and would like to lose weight further and sport some sexy outfits and such for the hubby, Let's do this!!!!!!!!
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    Hello everyone! :3

    My name is Lizz and I have been pole dancing for about 7 months.
    I am currently on a break as I have to concentrate on school and money is a little tight, but as soon as thing become balanced again, I'm going straight back to the pole!
    I also do burlesque and say that the two of these classes have helped me with so much more than with my physical strength.
    I love it, other girls love, other boys love it! ;D ahah

    I just have a great time doing it.
    One of the reasons why I'm on MFP is to build strength to continue dancing.

    Let's do it :):)
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Kayla I am 23 and I have not quite started on the pole just yet. (I will be in June/July when ever the classes start) Right now I am training for my second Half marathon which is on May 27 and my goal for that is to finish in less than 3 hours and be down at 160ish (right not I am at 170). I want to also start adding in some core and upper body strength so I can get ready for my first class!! Any tips or advice would be great!
  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    Hello ladies,
    My name is Carrie and I am almost a month into pole dancing classes. I was looking for something FUN to do to loose weight and tone up. I was bored of the gym and stuck at 140 that is 25 pounds less than before but not good enough for my tiny frame. Still stuck weight wise but down over two inches in my waist.

    I have found that I am much more likely to skip gym days than pole days because I am having a lot of fun and the ladies in the class are very nice and helpful. They never make me feel stupid even when it takes me what feels like 100 tries before I get it. I have already noticed a significant change in my core and upper-body strength. I even got a pole for home to perfect the moves I learn in class because really who wants to walk on the treadmill when you can be doing something that you can actually loose track of time doing.

    Here's to hoping that soon enough I will be back to normal size for my five foot tall body even if it is mostly inches lost while the scale takes its sweet little old time showing change.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Hey I'm Katie and I'm in my 7th week of pole. I LOVE it. I hate the gym and wouldn't dream of skipping pole cos it's just so much fun. My studio is amazing - small but lighthearted.

    I don't think I have the space in my home for a pole but going to seriously look into it, as would love to be able to work on it at home.

    I think my thighs are a little less flabby (or maybe I'm dreaming ;)) but I would love to lose some size. Don't care so much about the scales, but dropping a dress size or 2 would be ace.
  • MeatyVegan
    I'm glad to see a few other pole dancers here! I just joined MFP, so I'd love to connect with some of y'all. Go pole! :)
  • uniquemoves
    uniquemoves Posts: 102 Member
    hi ladies!

    not sure y i am just finding this thread.. lol anyway, my name is marquita and it is so nice to meet all of you fellow polers.. I have been doing pole fitness for several years now.. i started out doing home parties thru a pole lot of fun and just concentrated on the fun side of poling.. just the basics.. over the course of a year, I just really started getting serious about learning more tricks etc.. so far i am enjoying this journey..bruises and all! :smile: It would be so nice to get skype sessions going.. so if anyone is in, let's do it! :):)
  • michellorocks
    Hey everybody! Michelle here :)
    I just recently finished up an 8-week workshop and loved it from the second I started! I ended up buying my own pole so I can practice at home! The only downside is that I live in a tiny studio and I actually banged my knee on my bed frame last night haha. At the very least, I'll be able to get my strength up, which was my main draw to this art. So excited to find other people as passionate about this as I am :)