Introduction for New Members



  • Jennacita
    Jennacita Posts: 116 Member
    Hi my name is Jennifer and I am 41.I currently weigh 170 but would like to lose 50 pounds and get my BMI in a healthy range. My goal is to be a size 6. My TDEE is 2300 and my BMR is 1480.My MFP goal is set a 1625 for .5 loss of lightly active person. I exercise 4-6x a week but other than my 30-90 minutes of exercise most days I don't have much added extra in. I stand all day at work so I'm not completely sedentary. I have been doing Cathe and other DVD's for years. Mainly cardio with sporadic weights.

    I joined MFP in October when I couldn't button pants that were already to tight and refused to go up higher then the size 12 as permanent thing. I also was diagnosed with boderline high sugar and cholestorel. This sparked my desire to want to do something because I do not want to be a diabetic.

    I just started my first round of STS in February after reading so many great results from the ladies I am friends with here on MFP. I started STS at 168 and have recently in a month time gained 2 lbs..

    I guess it's really all a numbers game and finding what numbers work for me but I do like knowing that people can actually eat and lose. I don't enjoy being a hungry girl.
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    Hi, I am Renee.

    I will be 60 years old this month ( I just can't believe it!). I tried for 10 years to lose weight with a low carb method but I could never stick with it. For 5 years I added going to the gym 4 or 5 days a week and still no results. When I joined MFP I couldn't believe how much more I was eating, even at my first goal of 1340 calories per day. I calculated that I was probably only netting about 500 to 700 calories before MFP!

    After 5 months I had lost about 18 lbs! I was thrilled! But now I have hit a 10 week plateau. I'll have to admit this is a little scary. I increased from 1200 to 1540 calories three weeks ago and I'm up a couple of pounds. As of today I'm increasing to 1700 calories. I'm trusting that this is the answer. It does make sense to me since I lost when I first joined and starting eating more than I was eating before.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Hi, I am Corinthia!

    I have been on MFP for almost 1 year now. My stats are 284.4 as of this morning. I am 5' 5.5 inches tall and 40 years young.

    My calculated TDEE using site is 3108
    My calculated BMR is 2446.99
    I exercise 4-5 times a week: my burn is normally 400-500 calories

    How many calories should I be eating?

    My numbers are off.

    TDEE is 3108
    TDEE -15% is 2641.8
    BMR is 2012
    BMR *1.55 = 3118.6

    I am confused. I do exercise 4 days a week on average. M-W I do a combination of cardio and strength training for an hour. T-Th is strictly cardio for an hour. I typically burn 400-500 calories on my exercise days. Please help me to figure out how many calories I should eat a day. Also, am I to eat back my exercise calories. I am not sure if I calculated right or not. So here is the specifcs. I am 40, 284.4lbs, 5 feet 5.5 inches and exercise 4 days a week. Any help is appreciated.


    Subtract 15% from your tdee and that is your nonworkout calories.
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    Hi! My name is Amber. I'm a SAHM to 1 year old boy/girl twins who are tons of fun! I've been married for 4 years to my wonderful and very supportive hubby.

    I started MFP on June 1st last year and have lost about 65 lbs to date. I have followed anywhere from 1200-1500 calories since starting MFP. A very good, very supportive MFP friend has been trying to convert me to "eat more" for quite some time, so I finally took her advice and have been eating more for about a week and a half now. She ran all of my numbers for me (thank God, because I am so easily overwhelmed) and my calorie goal is now at 1740 and my carbs/fat/protein are set to 40/30/30. My weight hasn't budged much yet, but I'm giving it time :)

    I am doing 30 Day Shred through the month of March and I go to the gym twice a week. I burn at least 200 calories a day and as much as 1000 on the days I go to the gym (depends on what I do).

    Age: 25
    Height: 5' 7"
    HW: 286
    MFP SW: 257
    CW: 192
    GW: 140-150

    I'm not new to MFP, but I am very new to this whole eating more thing, so I'm glad to be here to understand it better and have support :)
  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    Hello everyone! Thank you Lucia for opening this group! My name is Mary and I live in Southern Louisiana near Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. i'm 42 years old and have 2 children. My daughter is 14 and my son is 7. I've been married for 21 yrs to my best friend I met in college. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and work for the State Civil Service at the Office of Behavioral Health. I've been trying to get rid of my baby weight since my first child was born she's in high school now! I was 130 lbs when i became pregnant the first time. I am 5'6" tall. I gained 50-60 lbs with both of my pregnancies. I was at 200 lbs each time. I've been battling this weight ever since! I started MFP last Jan at 174 lbs. Today I weigh 153 lbs and am ecstatic! I went from a tight size 12 to a lose size 8. It won't be long before I'm in a size 6! My next goal weight is 150 then 145 and then will see how I look and feel. I may keep losing 5 lbs at a time until 130 will see if it's not too thin looking on me. I was skinny fat before but more muscle now. I enjoy doing Supreme 90 Day and Joyce Vedral Workouts. I balance cardio with weights. I tried the 1200 cals a day thing for a long time and it just quit working after a while. I took Lucia's advice and upped my calories. I realized that before I'd eat 1200 workout then have to eat more to net at 1200. I wasn't losing this way! But by doing the exact opposite i'm losing! I now eat about 1800 calories a day then burn off the calories and then LOSE! I've also discovered that calorie cycling works for me. Eat higher spike days followed by lower calorie days. I lost 3.5 lbs just this week doing this! It really shook up my metabolism! Good luck everyone!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am 34 years old
    SW: 220
    CW: 213
    GW: 150

    I was doing 1600 calories a day and was losing just under 1 lb a week. I kept reading posts about eating more. So I checked out a recommended website and it recommended I eat about 2200 calories a day. Well I am definitely NOT hungry. I also started NROL4W and have modified my protein to 30%. I workout 6-7 days a week as I am weight training 3 days a week and doing a C210k training program 5 days week.

    On the website recommended on this thread, my BMR is 1672 and my TDEE is 4819. I will be trying this 2200 calories a day for a couple of weeks or a month.
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Hi- I'm Kim.
    I'm turning 30 this year and a mother of 3 wonderful boys. I'm married and work full time nights as a RN In a level II nursery in a labor/ delivery unit.

    When I started trying to lose weight after the birth of my second child I had no clue what I was doing or what to eat. I just counted calories and wrote them down in a notebook. I lost the baby weight but still wasn't happy with the appearance of my body. (no muscle tone at all).

    Then we had our 3rd child and I ballooned up again. After he was born I once again set out to lose the weight. The same way I had been. Then for Christmas in 2010 I got an iPad and stumbled across the MFP app and have been here ever since. Bad thing is I was eating at 1200 calories sometimes less for a long time. So I lost the weight again and all too often I would go crazy from lack of food and binge and then beat myself up over it.

    I never got to my goal weight. Almost, but I've been stalled out and playing with the same 5-10 lbs for a long time now.

    Well, I'm sick of being hungry all the time and going way off track with eating. I upped my calories to maintenance and have decided that I don't care what that number on the scale says anymore. I'm not weighing weekly anymore. I'm taking pics and measurements and working out 30 min 6 days a week instead of an hour. I've tried this before and after about 2 weeks, couldn't stand the "gain" and dropped cals back down.

    Not this time. I'm leaving the cals where they're at and going to trust the process. Part of the reason why I'm not getting on the scale is so I don't get discouraged. I'm to the point where I really don't care about the number and I want to replace fat with muscle. It's just hard to let go of the scale because for so long, I've used it to gauge my success!

    I love that there's a group of peoplle doing the same thing!!!
  • Fritzi85
    Fritzi85 Posts: 1
    Hi everybody!

    My name is Friederike and i have been on MFP several times ^^

    I started my weight loss journey in autumn of 2010. It was back then when i met my boyfriend. First person in a very long time who wasnt completely negative abouth my weight. He just accepted me the way i was. He did not ask me to lose weight or anything and it was exactly what i needed. Not criticism all the time but acceptance. I started to realize that i am a good person and that i deserve better. So i started to treat myself better.
    I had no concept or was following any diet program. Just basic stuff. Regular excercising, less crappy food, more healthy food :-)
    It worked for me. By Spring of 2011 i had lost about 25 Kg. And guess what happened... i hit a plateau. I guess we all have been there...
    At that point i started about thinking concepts, diets and stuff and also came here for the first time. I ended up spending last summer with switching between starving and overeating all the time. Of course this resulted in gaining weight. Luckily i have not been alone and after a kind of melt down i decided to take a break. I banned my scale, stopped counting calories and started living again. Yes i did gain some weight but not like dramatically. In the beginning of this year i decided that i am strong enough to continue my weight loss. I lost a couple of pounds so far weighing 80 Kg now (started with 102 Kg in 2010).
    To be honest i am too unpatient sometimes... i do want to fall back into old behaviour patterns like starving and excercise like a maniac. So I am happy that i found this group here. I know treating your body good is the most important thing. I want to to lose weight but in a good and healthy way :-)
    I really hope I will have the strength!
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    Hi Everyone! I found this group this morning and decided to join. Just last week I decided to up my calories because I've been actively doing MFP since end of December and honestly have not seen any weight loss at all. I lost about 3 lbs but then due to sickness for me and then my daughter I went about 3 weeks with out exercising and even though I stayed within the 1200 range that MFP set for me, I gained the 3 lbs back so I'm back where I started. I've been getting really frustrated and decided I need to figure this out. As of this morning, here are mys stats:

    Weight 150.6 lbs
    Age 40
    Height 5'4"

    I upped my calories to 1352 per day which is my BMR and set my exercise goal to 4 times/week. Because of my kids/work schedule I can't get to gym every day but make a big effort on days I'm there. For example I do spin class with burns 600 cals so that counts as 2 days of gym in my opinion. Since my goal is 60 minutes day / 250 calories a day. So I do meet my weekly goal. My plan is to eat 1352 cals on days I don't work out and around 1500-1800 on days I do. Not sure if this plan will work but we'll see...
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member

    Not qordy at is great to learn about each other.

    I had a car accident 2007 and suffered herniated disks in my lower neck and lower baxk. I strength train and keep my core strong to avoid the back pain that is exacerbated when my tummy muscles are weak. Glad you are finding ways to strngth train bec the strong core makes such a difference.

    Oh and I eased up first unknowingly...1200, 1350, 1500 little loss then nothing...I then read some forum and blogs then excerpt from NROLWFW and it was like a bulb went off....upped to 1800 and gosh I lift so much heavier, feel so much stronger and lost 7.2lbs in the 13wks....may not seem like a lot but I have leaned out a lot and lost the fatty look that I had. I have a few pounds to go but I am soooo much happier now.

    I started taking glucosamine a few months ago, and that helped tremendously. I was having back and hip pain. Since working out, I do feel so much stronger, especially in my core. It's great!

    Jessica, try and find a MSM and glucosamine supplement. MSM is helps reduces swelling in the body AND it helped when nothing else did with my allergies. OH MY GOODNESS...I live in FL and something is blooming all the time. I HAD HORRIBLE allergies...tried everything including things that ended up pulled off the market. I started taking 5k mg a day and 30 days later it was like yesterday I had allergies and the 30th day BAM NOTHING....Oh man, what a life changing experience for runny red eyes, nose, no dripping in the back of my throat anymore...even when the cars are laced with allergies..if it is really bad out and I have a sign of allergies I just take 7k for a couple days and gone...ok didn't mean to go off on a tangent...
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    Hi I am Kristi

    39 year old mom to five kids. I spent the last 16 years (since the birth of my oldest) being overweight and going all the way to obese and when I hit morbidly obese and was exhausted, knees hurt, etc knew it was time to do something.

    Lost the first 35 lbs doing traditional Atkins, then yo-yo'd for the next 8 months being on plan/off plan. Then got serious again last september and joined MFP and was doing a more modified low carb. Then decided I didn't want to do low carb anymore but was afraid of eating carbs so I did an alternate day diet where you eat high calories one day, then super low calories the next with the combination of both days equaling about 1200-1300 calories.

    I lost an additional 30 lbs off of it, but once I decided to start exercising and getting serious about my fitness I couldn't keep up the super low days. My hair was falling out pretty bad and I was very cold (looking back that was my body shutting down my metabolism). So then I decided to just do a standard 1200-1500 and eat most of my exercise calories back. I lost a few more pounds doing that but then stalled. Been stuck for the last month at the same weight and started reading about eating more calories and have been listening to the podcasts from Fat 2 Fit.

    Height: 5'7"
    CW:182 lbs (current pant size is 12/14)
    GW: 145-150 (or whatever a size 6 is, having been heavy for so long I honestly don't know what it is)

    I look forward to this new way of doing things and fueling my body and becoming stronger.
  • lnicole1625
    lnicole1625 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Lisa and I am 33, 5ft tall. This is my 65th day here on MFP. I started at 139lbs and I am now down to 132. 7lbs loss. I really wish it could have been more. I know it does not seem like I have a lot to lose, but I am short so the weight really shows on me. I started out at the 1200 calorie limit like most people. I did not like the way I felt. I don't want to DIET, I want to change the way I eat and look at food forever. I was a coke-aholic. I drank coke from morning to sunset. Now I have not had a coke in the 65 days. Ok, back to the calorie battle. I did some research like many others on this site. I found someone to help me with my numbers and I upped my calories to about 1600. I think I need to re-adjust them though. I hope I can get some tips here and meet others that are having the same struggles.
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hello all. My name is Olaide. I just joined this group to learn more about this process. I have about 40 more pounds to lose. I have been eating between 1250-1450 cals in the past, but seems to do better weightloss wise when I stay close to 1250 cal. I haven't been working out so I have been losing avg of 2 lb a week. I fell off the wagon several months ago due to stress and am just now getting back on track and on MFP. Am always open to new ideas, especially regarding weight loss.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member

    Not qordy at is great to learn about each other.

    I had a car accident 2007 and suffered herniated disks in my lower neck and lower baxk. I strength train and keep my core strong to avoid the back pain that is exacerbated when my tummy muscles are weak. Glad you are finding ways to strngth train bec the strong core makes such a difference.

    Oh and I eased up first unknowingly...1200, 1350, 1500 little loss then nothing...I then read some forum and blogs then excerpt from NROLWFW and it was like a bulb went off....upped to 1800 and gosh I lift so much heavier, feel so much stronger and lost 7.2lbs in the 13wks....may not seem like a lot but I have leaned out a lot and lost the fatty look that I had. I have a few pounds to go but I am soooo much happier now.

    I started taking glucosamine a few months ago, and that helped tremendously. I was having back and hip pain. Since working out, I do feel so much stronger, especially in my core. It's great!

    Jessica, try and find a MSM and glucosamine supplement. MSM is helps reduces swelling in the body AND it helped when nothing else did with my allergies. OH MY GOODNESS...I live in FL and something is blooming all the time. I HAD HORRIBLE allergies...tried everything including things that ended up pulled off the market. I started taking 5k mg a day and 30 days later it was like yesterday I had allergies and the 30th day BAM NOTHING....Oh man, what a life changing experience for runny red eyes, nose, no dripping in the back of my throat anymore...even when the cars are laced with allergies..if it is really bad out and I have a sign of allergies I just take 7k for a couple days and gone...ok didn't mean to go off on a tangent...

    I'm going to have to do some googling. I don't believe I know what MSM is.
  • mah1120
    mah1120 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the hair love! I need to update my picture though, because I chopped it all off :D
  • chattinchick
    chattinchick Posts: 48 Member
    Hello everyone! I found this group while I was researching the topic "eating back exercise calories" and I am sooooo thankful! My trainer has been telling me for MONTHS to be eating 1800+ calories a day and I just could NOT wrap my brain around that. I have been a big girl all of my life and my "brain sense" always told me you gotta eat less Lori.

    But..I am hoping I can LEARN and do so with this group - how to Eat More to Weigh Less! I have lost 48 lbs. so far in approx 3 years and I have about 30-ish more to go.

    I am so excited to have found you guys!!! Whoop!
  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi everyone! So glad that I found this group!!

    My name is Kendra, and I'm a 39 year old mother of two and am married to a wonderful man.

    As of today, I've been with MFP for 380 official days, although I actually started my journey a few months prior. I started at 185, and am currently around 126...within goal range. I initially thought my goal was to be 120, but have realized that 125-130 is a more reasonable resting place for me.

    Like everyone else, I have spent the last year or so being dilligent about the 1200 calorie max per day...and for the most part did not eat back my exercise least not regularly. For the past year, I aimed to get in a couple of Tae Bo workouts a week, with maybe one additional cardio session a week. In December, I pretty much plateaued, and have spent the past 3 months gaining and losing the same 3-6 pounds.

    In January, I decided to join a Kung Fu school...with the original intent of only working out an extra day a week. However, since then, I've realized that I really enjoy I'm now in 4 classes a week, typically about an hour or so of intense workout. My joints and muscles feel every minute of it, but with some Glucosamine and a multivitamin I'm almost as good as new :)

    Since joining Kung Fu, I've found that I'm hungry all the time, and quite honestly was frustrated at the scale and found myself dangerously close to letting the scale determine who I was and how I felt. However, after reading so many of the posts and articles, am attempting to eat more "fuel".

    I ran my numbers, and think I'm on the right track...but if there is anyone out there who wants to correct me, I won't be offended at all!

    BMR: 1352 (Katch-McArdle)
    TDEE: 2042
    Calorie Goal on rest days: 1740
    Calorie Goal on Workout days: 2042
    Average Net Calorie: 1800

    I'll be the first to admit that I'm really struggling with the concept of eating more to lose/maintain...psychologically, it's messing with me! LOL! But, logically, it makes total sense, and after doing it for 2 weeks, I'm starting to see results. First week had a slight gain, but the following week, lost the gain plus another half pound. I'm going to keep on keeping on, and hoping for the best. Am looking forward to hearing everyone's success, and honestly to eating more and not feeling guilty!!
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    oops double post
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Leanne, I started just over a year ago and feel like I have been successfull to this point. The past year I lost 71 lbs, I feel that is just about right for a healthy weight loss. I have come to love running, and have incorporated lifting into my workouts. I am stronger, fitter and the smallest I have been since high school (like so many others).....

    .....Buuuuut, I still have so far to go, I am still over the 200 lbs mark, but oh so close to Onderland (only 4 little lbs). Getting into Onderland isn't really a top priority for me though!!! Who doesn't want to see that number drop bleow the 200 mark???? Well I do, but I wan't to be there strong and lean, and if it takes me an entire month to do it, so be it!!!! I am not overly fond of the scale as a measure of success anyway.

    I guess my biggest fear of upping my calories, is filling them with cookies and crap. I do a good job at home keeping the crap out, but I were I work I have access to crap at no charge, a lot of down time!! The idea of eating more doesn't get to me too much, but I just need to fill my diary with healthy choices...

    I do a lot more lurking for info than asking, but would love to get a little more involved...

    Thanks for reading, and I will try to make an effort to post more in the group!!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Leanne, I started just over a year ago and feel like I have been successfull to this point. The past year I lost 71 lbs, I feel that is just about right for a healthy weight loss. I have come to love running, and have incorporated lifting into my workouts. I am stronger, fitter and the smallest I have been since high school (like so many others).....

    .....Buuuuut, I still have so far to go, I am still over the 200 lbs mark, but oh so close to Onderland (only 4 little lbs). Getting into Onderland isn't really a top priority for me though!!! Who doesn't want to see that number drop bleow the 200 mark???? Well I do, but I wan't to be there strong and lean, and if it takes me an entire month to do it, so be it!!!! I am not overly fond of the scale as a measure of success anyway.

    I guess my biggest fear of upping my calories, is filling them with cookies and crap. I do a good job at home keeping the crap out, but I were I work I have access to crap at no charge, a lot of down time!! The idea of eating more doesn't get to me too much, but I just need to fill my diary with healthy choices...

    I do a lot more lurking for info than asking, but would love to get a little more involved...

    Thanks for reading, and I will try to make an effort to post more in the group!!!

    Lol...I will tell you from personal experience, when upping the calories if you change your ratios to 40 carb, 30 prot, 30 fat, it is hard to carb binge. As a matter of fact, I stopped binging period. I plan my meals and eat on time, I am never hungry, and literally to get in a snack I have to put it in the diary and like last night I may not eat it...I just don't crave all the junk anymore. I guess because I am always satisfied, I just don't ever sit in front of the tv binging. It was such a difference that my husband commented on it. He has called to say he is bringing home some treat or other that I love and I tell him please don't because I am not hungry. Some days I don't hit my goal number because I just can't eat anymore much less to even think of binging. So, said all that to say, I don't know if others are experiencing the same here, but I know for me I have access to everything because I have 4 kids that I buy goodies for...but I sure don't touch it. I even bought Artic Zero ice cream and as low in everything as it is, it doesn't affect my numbers really and it took me four weeks to eat a pint...I mean the old Lucia on 1500 cals would have scarfed it in a night! lol