x- Ride Reports -x



  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    If you want to enjoy a bicycle ride on the 5 mile (10 mile round trip) Watershed Trail in Edwardsville, Illinois, and you can't get the time off work, click on the link below, select the first photo and then select slideshow. I used my Contour GPS camera, mounted to my handlebars, to record my ride yesterday afternoon with my wife.


    The camera was set to take a photo every 20 seconds for the 53 minute ride. The photo I did not get, but wished I did, was the woman who was walking her dog, and tripped when the dog ran between her legs to chase me while on it's leash.

    My stats for the ride were:

    Finished Cycle: Mar 27, 2012 6:46:31 PM
    Shortened Google Maps URL: http://j.mp/GV2cOK
    Ride Time: 50:53
    Stopped Time: 13:39
    Distance: 10.04 miles
    Average: 11.84 mph
    Fastest Speed: 18.04 mph
    Ascent: 86 feet
    Descent: 70 feet
    Calories: 815
    Average Heart Rate: 128 bpm
    Maximum Heart Rate: 148 bpm
    Average Cadence: 66 rpm
    Maximum Cadence: 113 rpm

    I was riding with my wife, and it was her first 10 mile ride of the year, so I took my time and took it easy.
  • Tracey_Smith
    I had a great ride out tonight, I had planned on doing 30 miles but had to take the BF to the station. Anyways, the weather here is stunning for the time of year and to not ride would be such a shame. Decided to do a shorter loop with a few gradients, nothing like Sunday's ride but rolling all the same. It was awesome, the weather, the scenery, the lot. Only bad point was that every man and his dog decided to have a BBQ this evening, the smell of freshly grilled food was unbelievable and totally delicious. Only stopped once and that was to tweak the right cleat, once done my legs felt so much better. Had a great ride, hope this weather continues. Plus I'm getting used to travelling at speed over railway crossings, not when trains are coming though thankfully lol. Still feels like I'm going to lose my teeth though :laugh:

  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    For those that wanted to see how my Countour GPS is rigged on my bicycle, I've posted 4 photos at the url listed below. The Camera sits on a swivel base to the left of my Wahoo Fitness iPhone Case, and to the right of my Headlight on the handlebars.

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    As Tracey Mentioned, the weather around these parts is just fantastic at the moment - last 3 days have seen "Highest Temp" records attained according to my back-yard weather station. I couldn't resist getting out for a spin either - only the second time this year I've actually decided it was warm enough when I set out to be sporting a s/sleeve shirt - still in 3/4's on the legs though - mainly as my right knee's held together with a big slab of (currently bright pink - eeeww) kinesio tape. Didn't fancy getting the start of the "cyclists suntan" on the legs, with a dirty great white "H" embedded in it. I'm back at the physio's on friday, and we were (okay, he was) considering dropping the taping last time, so I'm hoping for the best - partly as it's a sodding nuisance keeping my leg shaved and applying it once a week (it lasts a t least 6 days, and is shower-proof, so you can imagine what it's like to remove!!) - but obviously mainly as it's another milestone towards getting properly fit again.

    Anyway - I decided to get out for another ride around the flatter parts of my area. It was, what I usually refer to as a "lollypop" ride - out and back on the same road, with a loop at the end of it - when drawn out on a map it kind of looks like one of Kojak's Lollypops. Look here - http://connect.garmin.com/dashboard?cid=15670456 - if you don't believe me :laugh:

    Anyway - it was sunny, relatively calm, and just a complete delight to ride - I didn't set out to monster it, or to ride particularly quickly, but it seems that on the flat I've begun to just naturally bowl along at a decent enough lick. Anyway - I really enjoyed it - apart from the terrible state of some of the roads - really "heavy" tarmac - not exactly potholed, but very degraded and lumpy - it's about time those farmers out there got their rates paid I reckon :laugh: I thought West Yorkshire roads were bad, but "bye 'eck they're rough 'aht there"

    Actually - After looking at Tracey's ride report - i've now got a plan in mind... my ride went within a mile or so of hers at the closest point. If I combine the two of them, I reckon I could be looking at a rather interesting metric century ride... Hmm - now that's an interesting idea :bigsmile:
  • Tracey_Smith
    Glad I could help lol x
  • chezmoss
    chezmoss Posts: 79 Member
    75 miles nonstop and don’t spare the hills!

    I’m not known for my big mileage days (me…I’m more about speed) so I thought I’d share what will probably be the longest for the year!

    Distance 74.56
    Ave speed 16.5
    Cals 1892
    Ave HR 134
    Max 174

    Having raced yesterday, the plan was to do a gentle 2 hours max….
    The sun was shining and the plan changed mid ride, to take advantage of a beautiful day in the saddle.
    Blue sky’s but a heavy morning frost as we head out the door to meet the club run at 9am. Numbers were light as the season has started, so with only 4 of us it was going to be a tough one.

    We headed out for the first hour on flat roads Leicestershire nice and steady.
    Heading towards the Charnwood Forest and this only meant that we would be climbing. At Woodhouse Eaves, a chocolate box village of thatched cottages and spring blossom, we started to climb, The Beacon. Yes, the name suggest, this is a high point on the map. With the temperature rising and not only from the climbing, the views over the county were worth the climb!
    Realising that ours plans had changed, I ate the first of my Naked bars, as reward on the decent to catch the lads.

    We then turned North West toward Coalville and Ashby on undulating heavy roads. By now we were down to 3 as one of the lads turned off to take the short cut home! At Measham we crossed the A42 at 55miles and started the flat 20 miles back home. The tail wind ensured the pace picked up, with no hope of nursing myself into the last hour! With about 10 miles to go I took a gel onboard (I must have been desperate I hate them) and within minutes it had hit the spot. By now I’m dreaming of the food that I’m going to eat when I get home!

    It also amazes me that once home, comfy, with tired legs, how quickly the brain forgets the pain and it pails away. Let a loan the sense of achievement you get while you have that cup of tea and eat that well-earned slice or two of refrigerator cake!

    A great day ....finished with sunbathing in the garden and a reward glass of bubbles.
  • RedSunshine365
    RedSunshine365 Posts: 189 Member
    Race on one day, 75 miles the next? Way to go! I hope I get to your level of fitness someday!
  • RedSunshine365
    RedSunshine365 Posts: 189 Member
    Okay I'll throw myself out there with a ride report. I've only been riding again for 2 weeks after several months off...

    Distance: 20.04 mi
    Time: 1:27:38
    Avg Speed: 13.7 mph
    Max Speed: 31.0 mph
    Elevation Gain: 1,060 ft
    Calories: 1,028 C
    Avg HR: 169 bpm
    Max HR: 190 bpm
    Avg Bike Cadence: 82 rpm
    Max Bike Cadence: 105 rpm

    I sucked so much air on this ride, I've got that smoker's voice right now. I've never hit 190 on my HRM before. My average HR is too high..how long before that starts to come down? Geesh! It was pretty windy out - 20mph with gusts to 25 which brought my avg speed down quite a bit. Okay..it was windy for me...that is.

    What's elevation gain and does it really indicate how hard the ride was?

    On a good note, I am getting the hang of getting out of the saddle for short climbs - something I've never really done before. I've just never felt comfortable doing it. It's truly amazing what a difference it makes when you find a bike that fits you well. I LOVE my bike.
  • chezmoss
    chezmoss Posts: 79 Member
    Looks like a great ride. 20 miles is great, well done.

    Your average heart rate shows how hard you were working- that mean you are burning more calories- thats great! Those are racing type averages- impressive. I can't push myself that hard anywhere other than racing, for that long. You go girl.

    I smiled at your question re Elevation Gain.....
    For me anything over 500ft is a hilly ride!

    RedSunshine do you ride in a group or did you ride this on your own?
  • Tracey_Smith
    Yesterday started off ruddy freezing, by the time I got to the end of the drive I'd put my jacket on, by the time I got a mile down the road I turned round, came home and got my winter gloves and hat. Felt better straight away. I decided to do the same route as the Cyclothon that's scheduled for 28 May. It's approx 60 miles. The BF went and did 95 lol.
    The sun shone and the roads were fairly clear. 8am on a Sunday morning you don't tend to see many people around and it was lovely. The first miles were brilliant, I had the speed up at 17/18mph, really felt good, started drinking within 15 mins of riding which really helped, only sips but keeping drinking from the get go is new to me, I normally wait too long. it was only when I hit the Ricall cycle path that I felt tired, it was as if someone put the brakes on. I think the paths about 9 miles long, glad I got to the end, had 2 nutrigrain bars and finished off my drink and set off through the lovely villages on the way to Tadcaster. The sun was warming things up a bit but not too much. Got to the crossroads at Tadcaster, a chap and his mate pulled up alongside, had a brief chat and set off when the lights changed. A second or two later I heard a crash of metal and turned round to see that a car had taken out his cycling buddy, and then drove off!!!! She must have hurt herself; she was half on the road and half on the path still clipped to her bike. Everyone rushed to see how she was and help. No serious damage, a bit of pride and loads of anger at the moron in the car. I just hope that someone got his care plate.
    Tadcaster was soon done and gone and cycling off towards Towton. I have never passed as many motor bikes a s I did yesterday, there must have been a rally somewhere, there were hundreds of them, I got to the top of the climb out of Tadcaster before they stopped passing me. From Towton to home are mainly small villages, Saxton, Fairburn, Brotherton, Beal etc. The weather was beautiful and a lot warmer than when I started and it was so nice to be out on the bike. The final push home through Birkin etc was brilliant, it’s easy to put your foot down and get the speed up.
    The entire ride was 4hrs 19 minutes. The difference with this and the sportives is the lack of hills. You really have to pedal all the way which sounds a bit odd really but on sportives there is a fair bit of freewheeling when on descents. This was gentle rolling but nice none the less. I need to work on the speed but that will come. The brief hills were no challenge which is always a good sign.
    I had a great day; it’s really nice being able to cycle alone. The worries just get blown out of your head and you can give yourself a right good talking to without any odd looks from anyone. Currently cycling well over 100 miles a week now which is all good.
  • RedSunshine365
    RedSunshine365 Posts: 189 Member

    RedSunshine do you ride in a group or did you ride this on your own?

    This was all by my lonesome. Nobody to draft behind and much of this was open land with minimal trees. Wooooosh!!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    @Tracey - the bikers will have been hanging out at Squires Coffee Bar ;-)
  • Tracey_Smith
    Squires was full, I went passed it. The number that passsed me was immence!! Some were even dressedchead to toe as rabbits lol, complete with ears x
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    Squires Easter Egg Run - http://www.yorkshirebikeforum.com/t14774-squires-easter-egg-run-2012

    I've a couple of mates who still ride motorbikes who'd mentioned it - that's why I put 2 and 2 together straight away!
  • RedSunshine365
    RedSunshine365 Posts: 189 Member
    Logged a 50 mile ride from Eau Claire to Durand and back (Wisconsin, USA) on a state trail. It was about 50F out, so a bit chilly.

    I was fighting numb toes most of the day, so I know I have to do something about that. 32 miles of this was on quite rough blacktop - potholes, seams, rough surface and it kicked my butt on the way back. But, to date this is my longest ride (alone) I've ever done. I sure miss riding with a group to take turns facing the wind.

    Distance: 50.10 mi
    Time: 3:19:00
    Avg Speed: 14.7 mph
    Max Speed: 19.8 mph
    Elevation Gain: 1,552 ft
    Calories: 2,704 C
    Avg HR: 167 bpm
    Max HR: 186 bpm
    Cadence: lost my magnet....
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    Yesterday | completed the Exmoor Beauty Cyclo Sportive.

    It was an amazingly tough event, constantly up and down and I thought it was never going to end. It was brilliantly organised, with nearly 700 participants taking on the course. The weather was shocking and we were fighting a headwind most of the way round. The worst bit was crossing the top of the moor with screaming headwinds and torrential rain.

    Here are my ride details...


    Check out that elevation profile, 7000ft of climbing! :-/

    The average is pretty rubbish but considering the weather conditions, I was just happy to get round and pick up my free t-shirt! :-D
  • Tracey_Smith
    I think, taking everything into consideration, you did extremely well yesterday. Brilliant ride x :drinker:
  • beachgrad05
    beachgrad05 Posts: 85 Member
    I had my longest ride yet yesterday with my best avg speed (13.9 mph). I rode from my home to the LBS that I bought my Trek 3.1 Madone Apex from. They were having a sale this weekend and my bike was on sale...since I got it less than 30 days ago (two weeks)...they refunded me the difference in price. :bigsmile:

    I had a slight hiccup as I got close to the shop and my Garmin was stopped. I didn't realize it until after leaving the shop to head back home so my mileage is off by about .4 miles.

  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    I think, taking everything into consideration, you did extremely well yesterday. Brilliant ride x :drinker:

    Thanks Tracey! :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    So - are you going to ride the Exmoor Beast as well, at the end of the season ??