Introduction for New Members



  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Hello, my name is Adele. I will be 36 y/o in 2 weeks. I'm 5'11", and I weight 240 pounds. I started in July at 267. Since October I have lost 5 pounds. I am fine with losing slowly. I'm concentrating on becoming healthy and most importantly losing the weight for good. Not to drop it fast and gain it back in a year (been there and done that). My husband and I are also trying to conceive so I cannot do anything drastic anyways. MFP gives me 1800 calories. I have a Fitbit and it has me at 2663 calories. I have been wondering which one is correct. Here is my breakdown:

    BMR: 1861
    TDEE: 2872
    CUT: 2444

    That's moderate activity. I currently work out about 3 to 4 times a week mixture of cardio and strength.

    I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous about eating 2444 calories, but I'm going to try it. I am very frustrated that I've lost 5 pounds in six months. I keep my sanity by telling myself its gone forever and if it takes me 6 years to get to goal (180 pounds) so be it. It's better than being 60 pounds heavier in 6 years :).

    I have read NROLFW and when I lift I do try to lift heavy. I am also listening to "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and I am currently trying to reduce my sugar and refined carbs intake. I really do believe that sugar is the devil!

    I do have one question, for moderate activity my cut is 2444, but I work at a desk I am very sedentary on the days I don't exercise. Should I figure my cut as sedentary (1890) on no exercise days and eat that?
  • agranados87
    agranados87 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! My name is Angela. I am 25 yrs old, and I had my first baby last September. I'm sure a lot of you can relate when I say that pregnancy is what landed me here on MFP :) I won't go in to my entire life history, but before I got pregnant I was very healthy and in pretty good shape. I worked out just about every day, was a cardio junkie and I weighed about 132 lbs (I'm 5'5). Then my husband returned from a deployment, and a month later I was pregnant (I don't know what the desert did to him, but he came back with super swimmers haha). I viewed pregnancy as a "break" from my rigid eating habits, and man do I regret that choice. Right before I delivered I weighed 189 lbs, and although I was hoping to magically drop 20-30 lbs immediately after labor, that wasn't the case. I dropped maybe 10 :( here it is April 1st and I currently weigh 142 with a goal of 135. Although I'm losing the weight, I still have my baby pooch which needs to go- now. I really want to tone up and regain my abs I had before I had my beautiful baby.

    It has been a little difficult for me. Before I could pretty much eat whatever I wanted (in moderation of course) and I never had to worry about it. I had a nice flat stomach and I looked great in my clothing. Now I constantly have to stay on top of myself, and I have to admit- it sucks :( this whole dieting thing can be difficult at times, but I want so badly to be back in my size 4 jeans that I'm desperately trying everything..which is how I found this group! Finding time to work out is tough between my baby and my shift work, but I do the best I can- even if it means workout videos in the garage with baby bouncing along in her jumper (she loves to watch me work out lol) I have calculated my BMR= 1460, and my TDEE=2000, factored in my exercise and calculated a cut value of 1700 cal/day. This is more than I have been eating, but I'm willing to go out on a limb and try it out.

    Good luck to all of you, and I'm really happy to be in this group :D
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    Hi my name is Katie. I'm a single mom of a 9 year old daughter Rylee. I have battled undereating since the age of 9 years old but would cover it with excessive exersizing. Mrs Mofsa told me about this group its a huge answer to prayer for me. I am 5" 4 inches tall and I weighed 250 pounds in 1996. I am now at 205 pounds but have been undereating and starving my body eating under calories for a very long time. at first I was to prideful and scared of people to admit I need help. I have tried to do this on my own without God and without any help I just can't do it anymore or make false apperances that I am strong in something I am weak in.

    I hope to make many new friends here also women who understand me.
  • scotrunner
    scotrunner Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone, I've been reading lots of posts in this group so figured it was time to introduce myself! I've upped my cals just last week according to the fat2fitradio website. I'm now eating 1800 a day regardless of whether I exercise or not. I am really active looking after my 2 pre school children and I do lots of exercise, typically body pump, yoga, running, swimming or spinning recently. I'm nearly at goal (somewhere between 126 & 133), I'm 5' 6" & 135 just now. I gained a bit in March because of health issues but also I feel, because I was trying to fuel my body on too little food & I rebelled. Hence the new attitude about eating more. I'd love some like minded friends in a similar position to me. I'm really fed up seeing people logging less than 1200 net calories! Nice to 'meet' you all.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    Hi My name is Melissa, I'm a 22 year old college student. I have just come to terms that maybe I just dont know a darn thing about losing weight.. This is obvious to me since I have plateaued at my 5 pounds lost, every time. So now I am thinking there may be something to this *eating more* gimmick ;)

    My current net is 1440 (MFP)
    My calculated BMR is 1569
    My calculated TDEE is 1883

    Today will be my first day to start my net at 1569. I hope to be successful in my weight loss as everyone else here has been!!

    My question is: If I do Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred (which is start tomorrow) Those calories are average of 200 for the workout, which will bring my calories to 1769, should I be JUST eating those workout calories back, or go all the way up to 1883??? Thanks!!!

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi My name is Melissa, I'm a 22 year old college student. I have just come to terms that maybe I just dont know a darn thing about losing weight.. This is obvious to me since I have plateaued at my 5 pounds lost, every time. So now I am thinking there may be something to this *eating more* gimmick ;)

    My current net is 1440 (MFP)
    My calculated BMR is 1569
    My calculated TDEE is 1883

    Today will be my first day to start my net at 1569. I hope to be successful in my weight loss as everyone else here has been!!

    My question is: If I do Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred (which is start tomorrow) Those calories are average of 200 for the workout, which will bring my calories to 1769, should I be JUST eating those workout calories back, or go all the way up to 1883??? Thanks!!!


    Did you choose sedentary for your TDEE calculation? Most people should really choose moderate whenever you workout a few times a week. So you would do TDEE - 15% everyday. You ONLY need to eat back calories if you have a high burn and your NET is less than your BMR. Then you would eat to at least get to BMR.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    Hi My name is Melissa, I'm a 22 year old college student. I have just come to terms that maybe I just dont know a darn thing about losing weight.. This is obvious to me since I have plateaued at my 5 pounds lost, every time. So now I am thinking there may be something to this *eating more* gimmick ;)

    My current net is 1440 (MFP)
    My calculated BMR is 1569
    My calculated TDEE is 1883

    Today will be my first day to start my net at 1569. I hope to be successful in my weight loss as everyone else here has been!!

    My question is: If I do Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred (which is start tomorrow) Those calories are average of 200 for the workout, which will bring my calories to 1769, should I be JUST eating those workout calories back, or go all the way up to 1883??? Thanks!!!


    Did you choose sedentary for your TDEE calculation? Most people should really choose moderate whenever you workout a few times a week. So you would do TDEE - 15% everyday. You ONLY need to eat back calories if you have a high burn and your NET is less than your BMR. Then you would eat to at least get to BMR.

    I did choose sedentary. I redid my calculations on the calculator that someone else sent the links to and my BMR: 1592 and my TDEE (choosing moderate this time) is: 2459. Now I am suppose to eat 15% less than that which is 2090?? this is daily correct?

    Just a few more things and I hope to fully understand this:

    I should eat my TDEE -15% DAILY as my net, which equals 2090. I ONLY eat back my workout calories if my workout burn- my food intake = Net LESS than my needed BMR which is 1592. BUT I should not be eating 1592 daily, only 2090. Correct??

    Lord I hope this is correct.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi My name is Melissa, I'm a 22 year old college student. I have just come to terms that maybe I just dont know a darn thing about losing weight.. This is obvious to me since I have plateaued at my 5 pounds lost, every time. So now I am thinking there may be something to this *eating more* gimmick ;)

    My current net is 1440 (MFP)
    My calculated BMR is 1569
    My calculated TDEE is 1883

    Today will be my first day to start my net at 1569. I hope to be successful in my weight loss as everyone else here has been!!

    My question is: If I do Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred (which is start tomorrow) Those calories are average of 200 for the workout, which will bring my calories to 1769, should I be JUST eating those workout calories back, or go all the way up to 1883??? Thanks!!!


    Did you choose sedentary for your TDEE calculation? Most people should really choose moderate whenever you workout a few times a week. So you would do TDEE - 15% everyday. You ONLY need to eat back calories if you have a high burn and your NET is less than your BMR. Then you would eat to at least get to BMR.

    I did choose sedentary. I redid my calculations on the calculator that someone else sent the links to and my BMR: 1592 and my TDEE (choosing moderate this time) is: 2459. Now I am suppose to eat 15% less than that which is 2090?? this is daily correct?

    Just a few more things and I hope to fully understand this:

    I should eat my TDEE -15% DAILY as my net, which equals 2090. I ONLY eat back my workout calories if my workout burn- my food intake = Net LESS than my needed BMR which is 1592. BUT I should not be eating 1592 daily, only 2090. Correct??

    Lord I hope this is correct.

    You got it, so only if you go over a burn of 500 do you have to start eating back:-)
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Hi everybody! I've been following this group and the Ladies Who Eat 2000+ Calories for a while. I upped my cals from about 1600-1700 to about 2000 last fall and I felt great. I was doing a no scale challenge so I have no idea if or how much I may have gained but my measurements didn'g go up, I had better energy for my workouts and in general and my hunger was in check so I was happy. In December and January, I wasn't tracking food through MFP, I was just estimating in my head. In January, I switched from bootcamp 3 days a week to NROL4W at home. By the end of stage 1, I was starving all the time and all my measurements had gone up 1/2" to 1". I was devastated.

    I started tracking my food again through MFP with the thought of getting a BMF if I couldn't figure this out just tracking my food. It turned out I was overestimating my calories, I was back eating closer to 1700-1800, not 2000. So I made sure to eat 2000 again. I'm 5'9" and 39, NROL4W put me at about 1850 on rest days, 2100 on workout days so 2000 sounded like it should work.

    By the end of stage 2, my measurements hadn't changed, I was sleeping terribly, my heartrate went really high and stayed elevated and I couldn't even finish the last workout. About that time, someone alerted me to the Groupon deal for the BMF so I took a rest week to focus on getting my sleep back in order, focus on eating 2000 or a little more and wait for the BMF to arrive. Fortunately, by the end of the week my sleep and heartrate were getting back on track.

    I've had the BMF for just over 1 week now, the NROL calculations were still too low for me. My maintenance is 2300-2400 and I've been trying to eat that this week. I need to get better about getting more calories in earlier so I don't have to overeat at the end of the day. My weight went up about 4 pounds during that last week of Stage 2 and stayed there during the rest week. Since eating to my BMF maintenance, I dropped 2 pounds and I've been bouncing up and down the last 2 since then. My measurements haven't really changed. I'm feeling much better so I take that as an encouraging sign.

    I'm going to eat at maintenance for at least 4-6 weeks and see what happens. I may continue at that point or try to drop down a slight amount. I'm proud to say at this point in my life I really don't care about the scale number. But I do care about what I see in the mirror and I'm ready to see the changes.
  • hhorncastle
    hhorncastle Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! Today is my 200th day on MFP. I started at 1200 calories, changed my goal from 2 lbs a week to 1 lb a week and moved up to 1310 calories. I recently got a Fitbit and I'm really enjoying it. It gives me a daily calorie adjustment based on my activity and that's pushed me up to around 1700 calories a day or more and I'm struggling a bit.

    I'm certainly not having any trouble eating the extra calories! :drinker: But wrapping my head around the fact that I can still lose weight at this level, and trying to make healthier choices with those extra calories is a challenge.

    I weighed in this morning and I'm up 3.2 pounds .. I'm hoping/assuming that this is fluid retention (date night last night included KFC and movie popcorn - a rare treat!) but wanted to surround myself with some people that are successfully eating more and weighing less because the thought that the gain might be because I've been going way over my 1310 is freaking me out.

    My stats:

    SW: 196
    CW: 165
    GW: 145

    Height: 5' 6"
    Age: 38

    According to Fat 2 Fit Radio, my BRM is 1460.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I'm going to eat at maintenance for at least 4-6 weeks and see what happens. I may continue at that point or try to drop down a slight amount. I'm proud to say at this point in my life I really don't care about the scale number. But I do care about what I see in the mirror and I'm ready to see the changes.

    The amazing part, is that when we really do get to this point.....THAT is when the magic happens, so congrats! :wink:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi! Today is my 200th day on MFP. I started at 1200 calories, changed my goal from 2 lbs a week to 1 lb a week and moved up to 1310 calories. I recently got a Fitbit and I'm really enjoying it. It gives me a daily calorie adjustment based on my activity and that's pushed me up to around 1700 calories a day or more and I'm struggling a bit.

    I'm certainly not having any trouble eating the extra calories! :drinker: But wrapping my head around the fact that I can still lose weight at this level, and trying to make healthier choices with those extra calories is a challenge.

    I weighed in this morning and I'm up 3.2 pounds .. I'm hoping/assuming that this is fluid retention (date night last night included KFC and movie popcorn - a rare treat!) but wanted to surround myself with some people that are successfully eating more and weighing less because the thought that the gain might be because I've been going way over my 1310 is freaking me out.

    My stats:

    SW: 196
    CW: 165
    GW: 145

    Height: 5' 6"
    Age: 38

    According to Fat 2 Fit Radio, my BRM is 1460.

    Remember a true POUND is gained if you eat and extra 3500 that would me you ate over 11000 and we both know you didn't:-) I always think about that when I look at the scale. I tell you right now, that popcorn and KFC = tons of sodium...sodium = tons of water weight:-)
  • Jolie1971
    Jolie1971 Posts: 51
    Hi! I decided to follow the advice of so many people who have eaten more to weigh less and hope to have much success!

    I joined MFP in July 2011 and lost 32 pounds up until mid January and now have been stuck at my current weight since then. I was always feeling a bit hungry but thought that since I had already had lost quite a bit that maybe I was doing something else wrong.

    I exercise typically 5 days a week with fast walking and doing one of my Jillian tapes. I usually did lower the minutes of my exercise as I have read that MFP's amount of calories burned seems to be high. I never really knew how many calories I was burning. I do not have a HRM. I was always afraid to eat too much. I was going around in circles and getting very frustrated.

    I am hoping this is what my body needed!

    By the way I am 41 yrs. old
    SW 179 but probably was higher than that since I didn't have a scale when I started
    CW 147
    GW 135
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member

    I've been consuming all the information via this group (thank you!) and thought it was time to introduce myself.

    I'm very close to my goal and recently increased my calories, after further reading I decided to eat at maintenance for awhile and give my body a break. (just started this week)

    I had surgery a little over 3 months ago, so I cannot lift anything besides tiny weights with my physical therapist. :(

    I also had my RMR professionally tested along with body fat & fitness index last summer when I was about 5+ lbs heavier, it was;

    1514 RMR
    19.7% Body Fat
    Lower body strength was good-excellent
    Core was very poor
    Upper body was fair
    Flexibility was good
    Cardio-respiratory was good

    I'm 5'5"
    34 years old
    Current weight 136-139
    Goal 135
    Current calories 1969

    I started at 1300 cal, and gradually increased from there. I'm happy to have more food and fuel......of course I have the same fears others have of gaining weight. Trying to be patient and stay away from the scale.

  • Hello all! My name is Emily and i've justed started to slowly up my calories. My body is use to eating under 1400 calories so it's been pretty difficult, right now i'm at 1700 and hope to keep going up until about 1900. I've started eating clean atleast 90% of the time, and im amazed and just how much i can eat! I do love it but it is hard to reach that goal sometimes. Having a baby has made it hard to prepare healthy meals but i'm trying. I would like to get some friends on here who i can message because i still have some questions
    like, I can only workout after 8 when my daughter goes to bed, will i still get a good workout? My husband says i don't need as much protein as i think (128g) that it is a waste of food and ill end up just poopin it out (sorry tmi :blushing: ). I would like to just see someone elses diary and see what their eating, and i'm sure some more questions will come up so if your willing to give me some advice please friend me!!! :happy:
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    Hi everyone.

    My name is Naomi, I'm 33 from Derbyshire UK. I first joined this site and I was 275lbs, I am now 249lbs, it's slowly coming off, it's taken me a while to figure out what's right and not. I first joined the site as I had high cholesterol and needed to work on my diet as a whole, now i have that under control I am continuing with my weight loss journey.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • kimberly_grubbs
    kimberly_grubbs Posts: 70 Member
    Hi there! My name is Kimberly and I'm currently residing in Ohio. I've been looking into eating more to weigh less for a while and have been reading through the different posts on here. It's kind of scary to start doing this. I actually started looking into this because I totally view it as a lifestyle change and was not okay with barely eating for the rest of my life. I actually wouldn't even recalculate my calories after losing 30lbs because I figured I was still losing so I didn't need MFP to give me even less cals! I also want to get into lifting too, so I'm positive I'm on the right track making this change.

    Looks like I only really need to eat 300ish more cals per day than i was before on my work out days. Last week I also made sure to hit my net BMR calories and lost 1.6 pounds! Here's my info so far:

    CW: 163
    GW: 140-145 (we'll see what I feel best at)
    BMR: 1565
    TDEE: 2669
    New Cal Intake: 2269

    The hardest thing for me to wrap my head around is that I can actually eat a decent number of calories on my non work out days instead of starving like I have been! Feel free to friend me if you'd like - I don't have any other friends doing this at the moment!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hello all! My name is Emily and i've justed started to slowly up my calories. My body is use to eating under 1400 calories so it's been pretty difficult, right now i'm at 1700 and hope to keep going up until about 1900. I've started eating clean atleast 90% of the time, and im amazed and just how much i can eat! I do love it but it is hard to reach that goal sometimes. Having a baby has made it hard to prepare healthy meals but i'm trying. I would like to get some friends on here who i can message because i still have some questions
    like, I can only workout after 8 when my daughter goes to bed, will i still get a good workout? My husband says i don't need as much protein as i think (128g) that it is a waste of food and ill end up just poopin it out (sorry tmi :blushing: ). I would like to just see someone elses diary and see what their eating, and i'm sure some more questions will come up so if your willing to give me some advice please friend me!!! :happy:

    You need approx 1gr per lb and when you lift weights more like 1.3gr per lb. I get in about 166gr per day...
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    So glad to find this group. I am so sick of seeing people starving themselves and not understanding that this is the reason they will continue to fail. I'm tired of failing, and I am determined to be healthy for the rest of my life. I have kept my calories at over 1500 net for a while. Have recently figured my BMR and TDEE and have now upped it to 1750 net a day. Hoping to continue to see good results. :)
  • macnurseapril
    macnurseapril Posts: 53 Member
    My name is April and I am new to the Eat More Movement.

    I am a busy mom of two kids and we are always on the go, and I am an RN on a busy unit. With a conservative estimate (and the nifty calc from page one of the post) my BMR is 1889, but my TDEE is 5139.

    I am so confused by how much I should eat! Before I started reading about eating more I was eating 1200-1500 cals per day. But for the last 2 weeks I eat about 1700-1800 calories, Is this enough? I work out on the elliptical for 30 minutes a day, quite hard and am active with the kids 4-6 hours a day on my days off, and I am on feet about 10 hours when I am at work.

    I am adding more protein, and am thinking about throwing in shakes.

    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!

    SW 294
    CW 268 (2nd week in a row)
    GW under 199
