Grow your Friends List, Grow your Support



  • jacksmom35
    jacksmom35 Posts: 13 Member
    Me too!! My little guy is 18 months old. I am back to work and finding it much tougher to fit in exercise and meal planning!
  • I would like more friends to help with this journey. I am a working mom with 4 yr old twins. Having a hard time fitting in exercise to my hectic life!
  • walea2007
    walea2007 Posts: 10
    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE more friends!! PLease add me
  • mommy needs support!
  • Amygrl559
    Amygrl559 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello! Please add me. I'm a stay at home mom. My son is 2 and I still haven't lost he baby weight..... I need support! I just wanna lose these pounds once and for all.
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    Could def use some friends to keep me accountable!! Taken me 10 months to lose 8 pounds and have almost 20 more to go before I get back to pre-baby weight!! Wanted to be there by baby's first birthday but even thought I know I won't accomplish that I'm not just gonna give up either!!
  • cajunteacher
    cajunteacher Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to have some friends on here. I am 31 year old married mom of 2 and a teacher.
  • Hello, Just joined and would welcome new friends.
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    all moms can add me. the more support the better
  • nroisland
    nroisland Posts: 254 Member
    I am a SAHM of 2 and always looking for support!
  • elisabej
    elisabej Posts: 30 Member
    Add me if you would like! I am a working mom of 2 and my oldest is about to go off to college in the fall (yikes!!!) while my youngest is about to enter Kindergarten in the fall (sob!) and I still have way too much baby weight attached to these hips!! I work full time and have realized it is so very hard to try and find time to exercise, eat right and be there for my family...all the support I have gotten from MFP has gotten me this far, hopefully it can get me through the next 45-50lbs that my BMI says I need to be... :)

    Trying to do this right so it stays off for good, so I'm trying to stay away from the diet pills and gimmick quick fixes...slow and steady is the right way I know, but I would really rather get some pills that would make it all go away overnight. So I take it one day at a time and log every day and check the boards often for support.
  • I just joined a little over a week ago, I just had my second baby about 7 weeks ago, and I am so ready to get my body back before I had both my kids. I am a makeup artist, and want to be able to feel good and represent my work well, I need new friends to help stay motivated, and that can relate to being a mom and all that it requires! Looking forward to having new friends! :)
  • Mom of three boys, 11, 5, and 1. Need some support to lose around 80 lbs. :)
  • Amaywil
    Amaywil Posts: 44
    Hi I am a mom of three , One girl age 10 ( 12/27/01 ) A boy age 8 ( 08/18/03 ) And one more boy 8 months ( 08/19/11 ) .

    I am looking for some support to lose around 80 lbs ( 80 is my goal ) but more would be nice .
  • chinalouyuen
    chinalouyuen Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Im Lou and Im nearing the end of the first week of my new diet and fitness plan to help myself hopefully to get back to something that resembles my pre baby body! I would love some support from any ladies on here who are hoping to achieve the same kind of goal as me :D
  • ChasingChelsey
    ChasingChelsey Posts: 12 Member
    Add me please! I would love the extra support!
  • cgm92
    cgm92 Posts: 2
    Hi! I just joined the group, new to myfitnesspal, so I need to figure out setting up a profile! I am 35, I have a 15 month old, and I have packed on quite a few pounds over the last few months. Looking to give/get some support!
  • mangitangi
    mangitangi Posts: 9
    I'm always open to making new friends and offer positive encouragement and support!!
  • jfaure23
    jfaure23 Posts: 114 Member
    Great idea! Feel free to add me (if I don't add you first!)

    I'm a mom of three boys (youngest is 5mos) and I'm looking to finally get into the best shape of my life. :)
  • Starklover
    Starklover Posts: 57
    Would love extra support, I have a 3 year old and a 9 month old... and for the most part am a SAHM! Looking to lose that baby weight for my wedding!! :)